Omaliopsis feldmanni Shavrin, 2020

Shavrin, Alexey V., 2020, A new species of the genus Omaliopsis Jeannel, 1940 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae Omaliinae: Omaliini) from northern Sichuan, China, Zootaxa 4731 (2), pp. 292-294 : 292-294

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scientific name

Omaliopsis feldmanni Shavrin

sp. nov.

Omaliopsis feldmanni Shavrin View in CoL sp.n. ( Figs. 1–5 View FIGURES 1–5 )

Type material examined: Holotype ♂ [specimen dissected; a plastic plate with aedeagus, abdominal tergite VIII, sternite VIII and apical segment in Canada balsam was pinned under the card with the beetle]: ‘ CHINA, N-Sichuan, | Huanglong Shan , 2611 m | Sanluogou vill. | 32°46’50’’N, 103°55’25’’E | 15–17.VI.2018,leg. Reuter’ <rectangular label, printed GoogleMaps >, ‘ HOLOTYPE | Omaliopsis | feldmanni sp.n. | Shavrin A. V. des. 2019’ (CF) .

Description. Measurements of the holotype (in mm): maximum width of head including eyes: 0.55; length of head (from base of labrum to neck constriction along head midline): 0.35; length of antenna: 0.65; ocular length (longitudinal): 0.17; length of pronotum: 0.47; maximum width of pronotum: 0.65; sutural length of elytra (length of elytra from the apex of scutellum to the posterior margin of sutural angle): 0.87; maximum width of elytra: 0.85; maximum width of abdomen: 0.80; length of metatibia: 0.45; length of metatarsus: 0.27 (metatarsomeres 1–4: 0.10; metatarsomere 5: 0.17); length of aedeagus (from base of the median lobe to apex of parameres): 0.65; total length (from anterior margin of clypeus to apex of abdomen): 3.40.

Head, antennomeres 6–11 and pronotum brown (basal part of pronotum reddish-brown); elytra yellow-brown, with reddish-brown scutellar and apical portions; abdomen reddish-brown, with yellow intersegmental membranes and apical portions of tergites VII–VIII; mouthparts, antennomeres 1–5 and legs yellow. Punctation of head irregular, dense, large and deep, sparser between grooves, finer and sparser on infraorbital ridges; neck with regular, dense and deep punctation; punctation of pronotum markedly denser, larger and deeper than that on head, sparser on anterior and mediobasal portions, with interstices between punctures in middle as broad as diameter of nearest puncture; scutellum without visible punctures; elytra with similar punctation as that on pronotum, but markedly sparser, finer and coarser in prescutellar area; abdominal tergites with regular and fine punctures, indistinct on tergites III–IV. Body glossy; head with idistinct dense microsculpture, transverse in middle and isodiametric on infraorbital ridges, with narrow portion between grooves without meshes; neck, pronotum and scutellum with fine transverse microreticulation; elytra without microsculpture; abdominal tergites with distinct, dense and fine sculpture. Habitus as in Fig. 1 View FIGURES 1–5 .

Head 1.5 times as broad as long, with slightly elevated middle portion, grooves in front of ocelli distinct, moderately short, stretching to level of midlength of eyes. Eyes large and convex; postocular ridges distinct, acute, with surface between postocular ridge and posterior margin of eye as long as three nearest facets. Ocelli large, distance between ocelli about as long as distance between ocellus and posterior margin of eye. Maxillary palpi narrow, apical palpomere about four times as long as slightly transverse penultimate segment. Antennae reaching posterior margin of pronotum when reclined, with apical six antennomeres with strong pubescence; basal antennomere markedly longer than broad, 2 twice as long as broad, 3 slightly longer and narrower than preceeding segment, 4 indistinctly longer than broad, 5 twice as long as broad; antennomeres 6–10 distinctly transverse; apical antennomere markedly longer than wide.

Pronotum convex, 1.3 times as broad as long, slightly broader than head, widest in anterior third, gradually rounded anteriad and slightly narrowing toward obtuse posterior angles; laterobasal portions with deep depressions, and surface of disc with two indistinct wide longitudinal impressions, more distinct in mediobasal portion.

Elytra slightly longer than wide, 1.8 times as long as pronotum, parallel-sided in middle, indistinctly widened apicad; lateral margins strongly marginated; hind margin somewhat straight. Wings fully developed.

Posterior tarsi 1.6 times as long as metatibia; apical metatarsomere significantly longer than four preseding tarsomeres.

Abdomen convex, slightly narrower than elytra, with wide intersegmental membranes between tergites III–VI, with two distinct round wing-folding patches in middle of tergite IV and narrow palisade fringe on apical margin of tergite VII.

Male. Apical margins of abdominal tergite VIII ( Fig. 4 View FIGURES 1–5 ) and sternite VIII ( Fig. 5 View FIGURES 1–5 ) slightly sinuate. Aedeagus ( Fig. 2 View FIGURES 1–5 ) with wide basal portion, gradually narrowing toward small rounded apex; parameres narrow, significantly exceeding apex of median lobe, with slightly widened apex bearing one apical, and several additional small to long setae along almost entire legth of inner edge; internal sac long, with paired fields of mediolateral and medial thorns. Aedeagus laterally as in Fig. 3 View FIGURES 1–5 .

Female unknown.

Comparative notes. Based on the general coloration of the body, shape of the forebody, O. feldmanni sp.n. is similar to O. amplimaculata Shavrin, 2019 , from which it differs by the denser punctation of pronotum and elytra, shapes of more transverse antennomeres 6–10, the presence of acute postocular ridges of head, shorter elytra, the narrower and longer apical part of the median lobe, significantly longer parameres, and details of the interal structure of the internal sac.

Distribution. The new species is at present known only from the type locality in the Huanglong Shan range in northern Sichuan, China.

Bionomics. Specimens were collected at elevation 2611 m a.s.l. The detailed ecological data are unknown.

Etymology. Patronymic, the species is named to honour Benedikt Feldmann of Münster, Germany.


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