Dendrocerus remaudierei Dessart, 1974

Trietsch, Carolyn, Mikó, István & Deans, Andrew R., 2019, A photographic catalog of Ceraphronoidea types at the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris (MNHN), with comments on unpublished notes from Paul Dessart, European Journal of Taxonomy 502, pp. 1-60 : 43-46

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Plazi (2019-03-02 13:33:13, last updated by Carolina 2023-12-22 14:16:49)

scientific name

Dendrocerus remaudierei Dessart, 1974


Dendrocerus remaudierei Dessart, 1974 View in CoL

Figs 24–25 View Fig View Fig

Dendrocerus (Macrostigma) remaudierei Dessart, 1974: 76 View in CoL , ♀, ♂. IPCP, MNHN, MHNG, ISNB.

Dendrocerus (Macrostigma) remaudierei View in CoL – Alekseev 1978: 672, 674. Description. –– Kiriyak 1978: 41. Keyed. –– Alekseev & Radchenko 2001: 10, 11. Keyed.

Dendrocerus remaudierei View in CoL – Fergusson 1980: 301. Diagnosis. –– Dessart & Gärdenfors 1985: 209. Keyed.

Material examined


FRANCE • ♂; “« Sur Salix / 9 km E. Varaville /(Calvados) 16-IX-72 / Ecl. 21-X-1972: Réc. G. Remaudière» et « P. Dessart det. 1973/ Dendrocerus /remaudierei/sp. n.»” ( Dessart 1974: 83); MNHN EY25335 About MNHN , EY22468 About MNHN , EY22469 About MNHN , EY22472 About MNHN .


FRANCE • ♀; same data as for holotype; MNHN EY25336 About MNHN , EY22470 About MNHN , EY22471 About MNHN .


FRANCE • 2 ♂♂; same data as for holotype; MNHN EY25337 About MNHN , EY25338 About MNHN .




Dessart (1974) described this species from male and female specimens. The species was named after Dr. G. Remaudière, who reared the specimens from aphids. Dessart reported that the holotype, the allotype, one female paratype, and seven male paratypes were given to Dr. Remaudière at the IPCP: in addition, Dessart (1974) reports a male paratype and a female paratype deposited at the MHNG, and four additional female paratypes and four male paratypes at the ISNB.

It appears that the specimens deposited at the IPCP were moved to the MNHN, likely following Dr. Remaudière’s retirement. CT found four specimens, including the holotype, the allotype and two male paratypes at the MNHN. CT contacted the IPCP but was told that the specimens are not there; it is uncertain what happened to the remaining six paratype specimens.

The male holotype specimen has three associated microscope preparations (prép. no. 7301/191). One slide (MNHN EY22469) contains the male genitalia, which are in poor condition; the second (MNHN EY22468) contains the metasoma and fragments. The last slide (MNHN EY22472) with the right antenna is broken, with the pieces gathered together in an envelope. The remainder of the specimen is point mounted (MNHN EY25335).

The female allotype is also point mounted (MNHN EY25336) and has two slide preparations (prép. no. 7301/194), with one slide containing the right fore and hind wings (MNHN EY22470) and the other slide containing the right antenna (MNHN EY22471). There are also two male paratypes that are point mounted (MNHN EY25337 and MNHN EY25338) and were not imaged.

Alekseev V. N. 1978. Superfamily Ceraphronoidea. In: Medvedev G. S. (ed.) Determination of Insects of the European Portion of the USSR 3 (2): 1213 - 1257.

Alekseev V. N. & Radchenko T. D. 2001. Ceraphronoid wasps (Hymenoptera, Ceraphronoidea) of the fauna of the Ukraine. Communication 1. Vestnik Zoologii 35 (3): 3 - 16. http: // dspace. nbuv. gov. ua / handle / 123456789 / 9541

Dessart P. 1974. Complements a l'etude des Dendrocerus europeens (Hym. Ceraphronoidea Megaspilidae). Annales de la Societe Entomologique de France 110: 69 - 84.

Dessart P. & Gardenfors U. 1985. Dendrocerus paradoxus n. sp. et D. ulmicola n. sp. (Hym. Ceraphronoidea Megaspilidae), deux nouveaux hyperparasites palearctiques de pucerons. Bulletin et Annales de la Societe Royale Belge d'Entomologie 121: 197 - 211.

Fergusson N. D. M. 1980. A revision of the British species of Dendrocerus Ratzeburg (Hymenoptera: Ceraphronoidea) with a review of their biology as aphid hyperparasites. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History), Entomology Series 41 (4): 255 - 314. https: // doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. part. 28549

Kiriyak I. G. 1978. [Species of the genus Dendrocerus (Hymenoptera: Ceraphronoidea, Megaspilidae) - hyperparasites of flies in the USSR.] Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Moldavskoi SSR. Seriya Biologicheskikh i Khimicheskikh Nauk 1978 (6): 39 - 48. [in Russian.]

Gallery Image

Fig. 24. Dendrocerus remaudierei Dessart, 1974, holotype, ♂. A. Lateral habitus (MNHN EY25335). B. Dorsal habitus (MNHN EY25335). C. Dorsal view of male S9 (MNHN EY22468). D. Ventral view of male genitalia (MNHN EY22469). E. Ventral view of metasoma (MNHN EY22468).

Gallery Image

Fig. 25. Dendrocerus remaudierei Dessart, 1974, allotype, ♀. A. Lateral habitus (MNHN EY25336). B. Dorsal habitus (MNHN EY25336). C. Lateral view of the right antenna (MNHN EY22471).


Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle











