Aphanogmus radialis Kieffer, 1907

Trietsch, Carolyn, Mikó, István & Deans, Andrew R., 2019, A photographic catalog of Ceraphronoidea types at the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris (MNHN), with comments on unpublished notes from Paul Dessart, European Journal of Taxonomy 502, pp. 1-60 : 17-19

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Plazi (2019-03-02 13:33:13, last updated 2019-03-03 07:40:53)

scientific name

Aphanogmus radialis Kieffer, 1907


Aphanogmus radialis Kieffer, 1907

Fig. 8 View Fig

Aphanogmus Fasciipennis var. radialis Kieffer, 1907b: 199 , ♀. MNHN.

Aphanogmus radialis Kieffer, 1914c: 116 , 118. Description, change to species status, keyed. — Szelényi 1940: 125. Keyed.

Aphanogmus fasciipennis var. radialis – Kelner-Pillault 1958: 149. Type information.

Material examined


FRANCE • ♀; “Bitche, en octobre” ( Kieffer, 1907b: 199); MNHN EY25347 About MNHN , EY22466 , EY22467 .




Thomson (1858: 305) described the species Aphanogmus fasciipennis from male and female specimens from Lund, and described a female variation from the same locality that differed in the following regard: “antennarum basi pedibusque testaceis, abdomine. piceo.”. Kieffer (1907b: 199) keyed out the species

and also described a female variation of his own with different coloration and antennal characters, collected from “Bitche, en octobre”, which he named radialis .

It is unclear whether the female variations described by Thomson and Kieffer are the same; though Kieffer’s variation was collected from a different locality than Thomson’s, it is described in a similar way, with a lighter coloration on the antenna, legs and abdomen. Kieffer (1914c) later changed his variation to species status. Kelner-Pillault (1958) reported a female found in Kieffer’s collection in Bitche, which was considered a holotype and donated to the MNHN.

Dessart (1963a) redescribed Aphanogmus fasciipennis and briefly discussed the variation Thomson had described. However, the only specimen of the variation Dessart had viewed for this publication was missing from the mount except for a few tarsi, so he was unable to determine if it was actually a different species or not. Dessart did not view the holotype female specimen at the MNHN until 1966, according to the label he placed on the specimen. Dessart dissected the female specimen and made two slide mounts (prép. no. 6605/252), leaving the rest of the specimen on its point mount (MNHN EY25347). One slide contains the anterior left wing and posterior right wing (MNHN EY22466), while the other has the complete left antenna and fragments of the right antenna (MNHN EY22467).

Though Dessart (1966a) discusses several of the MNHN specimens, this specimen is not one of them. It appears that Dessart dissected the specimen in 1966 but then left it out of the final publication. According to Johnson & Musetti (2004), Dessart never published any further papers discussing Aphanogmus fasciipennis or A. radialis . He did add a label to the holotype female at the MNHN commenting “=A. fasc. f. typique!”, but he never officially synonymized it with Aphanogmus fasciipennis Thomson, 1858 ( Johnson & Musetti 2004). While the original specimen bears a holotype label, Dessart did not add any holotype labels to his slide preparations: instead, he marked them with Kieffer’s original determination, Aphanogmus fasciipennis var. radialis .

Genus Ceraphron Jurine, 1807

Dessart P. 1963 a. Contribution a l'etude des Hymenopteres Proctotrupoidea. (II). Revision des Aphanogmus decrits par C. G. Thomson. Bulletin et Annales de la Societe Royale d'Entomologie de Belgique 99: 387 - 416.

Dessart P. 1966 a. Contribution a l'etude des Hymenopteres Proctotrupoidea. (XI). Revision des Ceraphronidae d'Afrique orientale decrits par l'Abbe Jaen-Jacques Kieffer. Bulletin de l'Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique 42: 1 - 30.

Johnson N. F. & Musetti L. 2004. Catalog of the systematic literature of the superfamily Ceraphronoidea (Hymenoptera). Contributions of the American Entomological Institute 33: 1 - 149.

Kelner-Pillault S. 1958. Catalogue de quelques types d'Hymenopteres provenant de la collection de l'Abbe Kieffer. Bulletin du Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, 2 eme Serie 30 (3): 146 - 152.

Kieffer J. J. 1907 b. Proctotrypidae (suite). Species des Hymenopteres d'Europe et d'Algerie 10 (2): 145 - 288. https: // doi. org / 10.5281 / zenodo. 24300

Kieffer J. J. 1914 c. Serphidae (= Proctotrupidae) et Calliceratidae (= Ceraphronidae). Das Tierreich 42. R. Friedlander und Sohn, Berlin. https: // doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. title. 1219

Szelenyi G. 1940. Die palaarktische Arten der Gattung Aphanogmus Thoms. (Hym. Proct.). Annales Musei Nationalis Hungarici 33: 122 - 136.

Thomson C. G. 1858. Sveriges Proctotruper. Tredje Gruppen Ceraphronini. Ofversigt af Kongliga Vetenskapsakademiens Forhandlingar 15: 287 - 305.

Gallery Image

Fig. 8. Aphanogmus radialis Kieffer, 1907, holotype, ♀. A. Lateral view (MNHN EY25347). B. Left antenna (MNHN EY22467). C. Dorsal view (MNHN EY25347).


Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle











