Noeetomima, Enderlein, 1937

Li, Wenliang, Chen, Xulong & Yang, Ding, 2020, Five new species of the genus Noeetomima Enderlein (Diptera: Lauxaniidae) from China, with a key to world species, Zootaxa 4768 (4), pp. 499-516 : 500-501

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4768.4.3

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Key to world species of the genus Noeetomima View in CoL View at ENA

(modified from Shi, Gaimari and Yang, 2013)

1. Arista white or pale yellow (arista in Noeetomima liui View in CoL sp. nov. broken); wing with strongly undulating posterior margin... 2

- Arista dark brown or black; wing with only weakly undulating posterior margin.....................................8

2. Hind femur with 1 strong anterior ventral seta.............................................. N. thaiensis Sasakawa View in CoL

- Hind femur with 2–3 strong anterior ventral setae............................................................ 3

3. Face without V-shaped spot............................................................................. 4

- Face with V-shaped spot................................................................................ 6

4. Fore femur with 5 posterior dorsal setae ( Fig. 23 View FIGURES 21–25 ); mesoscutum with pair of black triangular posterior marginal spots extending to scutellum ( Fig. 24 View FIGURES 21–25 )...................................................................... .. N. liui View in CoL sp. nov.

- Fore femur with 6 posterior dorsal setae; mesoscutum without pair of black triangular posterior marginal spots extending to scutellum............................................................................................ 5

5. Abdominal tergites 1–5 black without spots, tergite 6 yellow ( Fig. 45 View FIGURES 41–45 )............................ N. zhangae View in CoL sp. nov.

- Abdominal tergites 1–6 pale brown with grayish white spots ( Fig. 35 View FIGURES 31–35 )............................ N. trisurstyla View in CoL sp. nov.

6. Wing with 3 white spoon-shaped spots present along costal margin; surstylus consisting of long claviform anterior process with setulae and bifid digitiform posterior apical process in lateral view.................. N. yunnanica Shi, Gaimari and Yang

- Wing with row of 3–4 white triangular spots present along costal margin; surstylus not as above in lateral view............7

7. Eye with straight posterior ventral margin; junction of anepisternum and katepisternum without brown spot; scutellum without grayish brown pruinose spots; surstylus consisting of long furcated anterior process with setulae and short truncate posterior apical process in lateral view................................................. N. chinensis Shi, Gaimari and Yang View in CoL

- Eye with concavity on posterior ventral margin; junction of anepisternum and katepisternum with brown trapezoidal spot; scutellum with 3 grayish brown pruinose spots; surstylus consisting of long claviform anterior process with setulae and short digitiform posterior apical process in lateral view........................................ N. nepalensis Stuckenberg View in CoL

8. Wing with small brown central area, occupying 1/3 length of wing and several white radiating stripes longer than 1/2–2/3 length of ultimate sections of M 1 ............................................................................... 9

- Wing with large brown central area, occupying 2/3 length of wing and several white radiating stripes shorter than 1/2 length of ultimate section of M 1 ................................................................................. 11

9. Mesoscutum with presutural dorsocentral seta and acrostichal setulae at same horizontal level; scutellum shiny, without spot; wing second radial cell with linear spot above r-m crossvein and oval spot just basal to radiating stripes...................................................................................................... N. radiata Enderlein View in CoL

- Mesoscutum with presutural dorsocentral seta before horizontal level of presutural acrostichal setulae; scutellum with small grayish white tapering median spot, pair of black lateral spots on basal 1/3–2/3, and pair of grayish white round spots at base of basal scutellar setae; wing second radial cell with ovoid spot above r-m crossvein and linear spot just basal to radiating stripes .................................................................................................. 10

10. Fore femur with 3–4 strong posterior ventral setae and hind femur with 1 strong anterior ventral seta; surstylus consisting of blunt triangular anterior process with setulae and broad posterior digitiform process in lateral view.......................................................................................... N. jinpingensis Shi, Gaimari and Yang View in CoL

- Fore femur with 5 strong posterior ventral setae and hind femur with row of 4–5 anterior ventral setae (strongest anterior ventral seta on apical 1/3); surstylus consisting of long grayish black anterior ventral process with setulae and short yellow rectangular process with small brown horn-shaped process on anterior corner in lateral view.... N. tengchongica Shi, Gaimari and Yang

11. Abdominal tergites 2–6 unicolorous, only dark brown....................................................... 12

- Abdominal tergites 2–6 bicolored....................................................................... 13

12. Mesoscutum with presutural dorsocentral seta and acrostichal setulae at same horizontal level; scutellum with pair of large brown spots; mid and hind femora predominantly brownish black; mid and hind tibiae yellow; wing with radiating stripes irregular.............................................................................. N. aberrans Shatalkin View in CoL

- Mesoscutum with presutural dorsocentral seta before horizontal level of presutural acrostichal setulae; scutellum with wide brown margins but no large brown spots; mid and hind femora yellow; mid and hind tibiae predominantly brownish black; wing with distinct and regular radiating stripes from costal margin around to posterior margin.............. N. fulgens Shatalkin View in CoL

13. Wing with series of longitudinal white lines through second radial cell and third radial cell........... N. parva Stuckenberg View in CoL

- Wing with a few spots and pale brown patches in second radial cell and third radial cell............................ 14

14. Hind femur with 2–3 strong anterior ventral setae and 1 preapical anterior dorsal seta.............................. 15

- Hind femur without strong anterior ventral seta................................................... N. decora Kim View in CoL

15. Wing with 9 hyaline radial stripes irregularly on outer margin ( Fig. 2 View FIGURES 1–5 ); proboscis pale brownish yellow; palpus yellow, pale brown at apex ( Fig. 3 View FIGURES 1–5 )............................................................. N. hongshanensis View in CoL sp. nov.

- Wing with 10 hyaline radial stripe regularly on outer margin ( Fig. 12 View FIGURES 11–15 ); proboscis pale yellow; palpus brown, blackish brown at apex ( Fig. 13 View FIGURES 11–15 )....................................................................... N. lijiangensis View in CoL sp. nov.











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