Boydaia spatulata Fain, 1956

Skoracki, Maciej, Schmidt, Karl-Heinz, Marciniak, Natalia & Marciniak, Martyna, 2018, A review of mites of the subfamily Speleognathinae (Acariformes: Ereynetidae) parasitizing respiratory tracts of birds in the Afrotropical region, Zootaxa 4403 (3), pp. 401-440 : 426

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Plazi (2018-04-05 08:07:48, last updated 2023-10-28 21:00:16)

scientific name

Boydaia spatulata Fain, 1956


Boydaia spatulata Fain, 1956

Boydaia sturni var. spatulata Fain, 1955b: 695 . Holotype in RMCA, examined.

Boydaia spatulata Fain, 1956a: 47 , 49, 50, fig. 28; 1956b: 650, 651, figs. 4–6, 1956c: 33, 1958a: 10, fig. 18; Domrow 1969: 381, figs. 223–226; Pence 1973b: 879, 1973c: 887; Zabludovskaya 2002: 93.

Boydaia (Boydaia) spatulata, Fain 1960a: 114, 1963d: 56 , 67, fig. 15, 1971: 100, 108, figs. 1, 18.

Type host: Cercotrichas hartlaubi (Reichenow) ( Passeriformes : Muscicapidae ) from Rwanda.

Diagnosis. Hypostome with 2 pairs of setae. Setae ve present. Setae vi situated posterior to level of setae si. Sensillae SEa-type. Agenital and pseudanal series with 2 pairs of setae, each. Number of leg setae: coxae 2–1–1–0, trochanters 1–1–0–0, femora 7–4–3–3, genua 4–4–3–3, tibiae 5–3–3–3. All setae on genu and tibia of leg I similar in shape. Claws without basal angles. In larvae, antaxial and paraxial claw pair of leg I unequal, antaxial sharpended, paraxial blunt-ended.

Hosts and distribution. Passeriformes (Acrocephalidae) : Iduna similis Richmond from Rwanda [Akanyaru/ Butare region] ( Fain 1956a).

Cisticolidae : SchistOlais leucOpOgOn reichenOwi (Hartlaub) from Rwanda [Akanyaru/Butare region] ( Fain 1956a).

Motacillidae : MacrOnyx crOceus (Vieillot) from Rwanda [Akanyaru/Butare region] ( Fain 1956a).

Muscicapidae View in CoL : CercOtrichas hartlaubi (Reichenow) View in CoL , POgOnOcichla stellata View in CoL ruwenzOrii (Ogilvie-Grant), Sheppardia View in CoL pOliOptera Reichenow, all from Rwanda [Akanyaru/Butare region] ( Fain 1956a, b), and CercOmela tractrac (Wilkes) View in CoL from Botswana [Southern Prov., Kokong] ( Fain 1960a).

Paridae View in CoL : Melaniparus leucOmelas insignis Cabanis (org. Parus niger insignis ) from Rwanda [Akanyaru/Butare region] ( Fain 1956a).

Pycnonotidae : PycnOnOtus barbatus (Desfontaines) from Guinea (Zabludovskaya 2002).

Non-African hosts and distribution. Passeriformes (Meliphagidae) : CissOmela pectOralis (Gould), PhilemOn citreOgularis (Gould), and P. cOrniculatus (Latham) all from Australia ( Domrow 1969).

Thraupidae : Tiaris canOrus (Gmelin) (= PhOnipara canOra) and Tangara sp. from captivity in Belgium ( Fain 1958a).

Turdidae : Sialia sialis (Linnaeus) from USA (Pence 1973).

Remarks. Fain (1971) reported this species from COssypha natalensis Smith , although labels on the original slides and data from the previous paper (Fain 1963) indicates that the host was Shepardia (= COssypha ) pOliOptera.

In the paper of Fain (1956a: 49–50, 1956b: 653) BOydaia spatulata was also reported by misidentification from the following avian species: AgricOla pallidus griseus (Reichenow) (Muscicapidae) (currently a host of BOydaia bradOrnis Fain, 1956 ), MOnticOla angOlensis (de Sousa) and SaxicOla tOrquatus axillaris (Shelley) (Muscicapidae) (currently the hosts of BOydaia saxicOlae Fain, 1969 ); SchOenicOla brevirOstris alexinae (Heuglin) ( Locustellidae ) (currently a host of BOydaia zumpti Fain, 1956 ), ChalcOmitra senegalensis lamperti (Reichenow) and CyanOmitra verticalis viridisplendens (Reichenow) (Nectariniidae) (currently the hosts of BOydaia nectarinia Fain, 1958 ).











