Chrysocoris stollii (Wolff)

Parveen S., Ramamurthy V. V. & Khokhar S., 2013, Revision of the genus Chrysocoris Hahn (Hemiptera: Scutelleridae) from India, The Bioscan 8 (1), pp. 219-232 : 230-231

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.13153330


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scientific name

Chrysocoris stollii (Wolff)


Chrysocoris stollii (Wolff)

( Fig. 2i View Figure 2 , 3i View Figure 3 , 4i View Figure 4 , 5i View Figure 5 , 6h View Figure 6 , 7h View Figure 7 , 8h View Figure 8 , 9h View Figure 9 ; Plate II-H and III-H). Cimex stollii Wolff, 1801: 48 . Scutellera stockerus Guerin-Meneville, 1838: 159 . Misidentification ( Stal, 1873:21). Callidea porphyricola Walker, 1867: 29 ; Distant, 1899:39

Diagnosis: Body metallic green or blue, ventro-lateral margins of abdomen purplish-pink, spermathecal duct dilation cylindrical.

Colour: Dorsally metallic green or dark purplish blue, bear black spots over pronotum and scutellum, ventral surface purplish blue or black with green spots on sternum while abdomen brown to ochraceous, lateral margin pink or purple and black stigmata spots; antenna, III and IV labial segments brown; coxae, trochanters, femora (except apices) I and II labial segment ochraceous, apices of femora, tibia and tarsal segments black, ventrally; minute punctures on body except head, dense towards lateral sides of different body parts.

Head: ( Fig. 2i View Figure 2 ) declivent, with breadth (3.6±0.2) 1.4x to length (2.65±0.25), lateral margins near eyes deeply sinuated, tylus extended beyond jugal lobes; preocular distance (1.15±0.1) 1.5x to postocular (0.75±0.8); interocular distance (2.21±0.16) almost 2x to inerocellar (1.13±0.1); and ocelli placed closer to eyes than to each other; two fascias from anterior to middle, another from base to middle of the head and one oval spots located near to each eye, lateral surface wrinkled.

Antennae: five segmented, ventrally located on head, near to eyes; I antennal segment (0.88±0.05) never extended beyond apex of head; II (0.37±0.05) smallest amongst all and only 0.4x to I; III (1.77±0.1) 4.8x to II; IV (2.31±0.11) 1.4x to III; V (2.49±0.1) slightly longer than IV; total antennal length 7.84±0.41; small hairs present (except I and II segment).

Labium: Four segmented; I segment smallest (0.89±0.1); II longest (1.89±0.2) and 2.1 xs to I; III (1.45±0.08) and IV (1.31±0.09) subequal and almost 0.7x to II labial segment; total labial length 7.83±0.32 and extended upto II abdominal segment.

Pronotum: ( Fig. 3i View Figure 3 ) with base convexed, distance within anterior pronotal angles (3.56±0.41) subequal to breadth of head (3.6±0.2) and 0.47x to lateral angles (7.57±0.74), latter obtuse, possessed eight black spots on the surface, 3 small spots near anterior pronotal margin while 3 large, subquadrate or irregular sized spots at disc, extended to posterior pronotal margin and one round shaped at each lateral pronotal angle.

Scutellum: ( Fig. 4i View Figure 4 ) slightly convexed at base; covered almost whole of the abdomen, length (8.25±0.78) 1.22x to breadth (6.76±0.33), seven spots present on the surface, 6 in pairs, round to oval shaped, placed more towards lateral margin, one oblong V-shaped at middle, dense punctuation toward lateral sides.

Legs: With fore, middle and hind femora 3.08±0.21, 3.27±0.11 and 4.22±0.24, respectively while fore, middle and hind tibiae measured 3.27±0.19, 3.15±0.15 and 4.48±0.26, respectively.

External efferent system of metathoracic scent gland: ( Fig. 5i View Figure 5 ) with ostiole large oval, peritreme transverse with distal end curved and extended upto lateral margin of evaporatoria, grooved medially throughout the length; evaporatoria extended upto half of the mesothoracic segment, surface rugulose with minute and dense punctations.

Abdomen: with almost equal in its length (6.71±0.41) and breadth 6.58±0.53, ventrally convexed; round to subquadrate stigmatal plate from II to VI segment at each lateral side; a pair of spiracles present from III to VII segments at each lateral side and just posterior to it a pair of trichobothria present. In case of female abdomen III to VII segment toothed or spined posteriorly on lateral side.

Male genitalia having pygophore ( Fig. 6h View Figure 6 ) with dorsal border semicircular; bearing patch of strigil, laterally on each side and another such patch extended along lower side of dorsal border; ventral margin flattened, bearing scattered setae; proctiger ovate with scattered setae.

Aedeagus: ( Fig. 7h View Figure 7 ) with phallotheca not heavily sclerotized, 3pairs of conjunctival appendages present, first pair flattened and apically spinose, second pair membranous but apices sclerotized, third pair long, proximal half not sclerotized but, distal half strongly sclerotized; vesica curved apically, basally attached to ejaculatory reservoir.

Paramere: ( Fig. 8h View Figure 8 ) highly sclerotized, dorsally hook shaped and bear a tuft of setae at the base of hook and stem stout.

Female genitalia having ovipositor with VIII paratergites triangular, posterior margin almost straight; IX paratergites comparatively small and in lobe shaped; medial end round; first pair of gonocoxae sub quadrate, posterior margin slightly sinuated.

Spermatheca: ( Fig. 9h View Figure 9 ) with bulb apically round, distal and proximal pump flanges disc shaped, distal comparatively bigger than proximal; pump not sclerotized; distal spermathecal duct smaller than proximal duct; spermathecal dilation oblong and membranous; sclerotized rod distinct.

Body size: Female 15.6±0.32 and male 13.6±0.32 long.

Habitat: It has been recorded on Calotropis procera ( Verma et al., 1978) , Emblica officinalis ( Meshram and Garg, 1999) , Costus speciosus ( Swamy et al., 1993) Adhatoda vasica (Swamy and Rajagopal, 1995) Jatropha curcas ( Shankar and Dhyani 2006; Ambika et al., 2007), Pennisetum typhoides ( Dhiman and Kumar 2008) , litchi ( Hill 1983; Ghosh 2008) etc. This species has been found polyphagous and reported from different parts of the country like Bihar, Delhi, Kerala, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, West Bengal, etc. (Personal observation).

Material examined (NPC): 35 and 48; India: Andhra Pradesh: Hyderabad , 1,, coll. A.S.R., cotton; Bihar: Pusa , 1, 2.viii.1915, (1, 20.viii.1915), coll. T. Ram; Pusa, 1, 28. viii.1915, coll. U. Bahadur, weeds; Pusa , 1, 10.i.1916, coll. Boy, (1, 27.ix.1915), host unknown; Pusa , 1, 12.iii.1915, coll. Md. S., Justicia hedge; (1,, coll. D. Nandan, host unknown; Pusa , 1, 8.iv.1918 (1, 11.iv.1918), coll. Fletcher, host unknown; Delhi, 1, 1, 29.iii.1938, coll. A. Singh, hollyhock; 1, 20.viii.1940, coll. M.G.R. Menon; host unknown; 1, viii.1945, coll. Jag Ram, grass; IARI , 1, 15.x.1953, coll. G.C. Sharma, host unknown, IARI , 1, 20.x.1960, coll. M. Ram, kitchen garden; IARI , 19, 35, coll. S. Parveen, jatropha; Maharashtra: Nagpur , 1, 15.i.1919, coll. A.G.R., cotton; West Bengal: Maldah , 9, 3, 5.xi.2008, coll. S. Akhtar, weeds .

Comments: Species described in 1801 from India and diagnostically different to others having purple margin on lateral sides of venter, spiracles II-VII each surrounded by black round spot. Among all available species, C. stollii has been studied in detail by many authors regarding its morphological ( Distant 1902; Tsai et al., 2011), embryological ( Singh and Singh 1966; Singh 1968a; Deb et al., 1983; Roychoudhury et al., 1987), physiological ( Singh 1968b; Chakravorty and Samui 1980) characters etc.














Chrysocoris stollii (Wolff)

Parveen S., Ramamurthy V. V. & Khokhar S. 2013

Callidea porphyricola

Walker 1867: 29

Scutellera stockerus

Guerin-Meneville 1838: 159

Cimex stollii

Wolff 1801: 48
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