Chrysocoris Hahn, 1834

Parveen S., Ramamurthy V. V. & Khokhar S., 2013, Revision of the genus Chrysocoris Hahn (Hemiptera: Scutelleridae) from India, The Bioscan 8 (1), pp. 219-232 : 219-220

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.13153330


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Chrysocoris Hahn


Chrysocoris Hahn

Chrysocoris Hahn, 1834: 38

Type species by monotypy: Chrysocoris stollii (non Wolff, 1801)

Galostha Amyot and Serville, 1843: 33 ; Stal, 1873:18

Diagnosis: Body metallic or brassy green (except C. fascialis ) with black spots on dorsal and ventral sides, body dorso-ventrally convexed ( Fig. 1a View Figure 1 ), size varies from 10 to 20mm; head short and declivent, lateral margins sinuate; eyes generally protruded laterally; basal antennal segment never extended beyond apex of head, II segment shortest among all ( Fig. 1b View Figure 1 ); labium always extended beyond posterior coxae and never beyond IV abdominal segment ( Fig. 1a View Figure 1 ); scutellum slightly convexed at base and it covers almost whole of the abdomen except the anterior margin of exocorium ( Fig. 1c View Figure 1 ); external efferent system of metathoracic scent gland well developed; spermathecal bulb elongated, generally with apical end round; spermathecal duct dilation present, of variable shapes and size, pygophore always with strigil, conjunctiva with 3 pairs of appendages and paramere with its apical end C-shaped.

Key to the studied species

Abdomen with venro-lateral margins with purplish pink band……………………….........................................................…...2

Abdomen with venro-lateral margins without purplish pink band..……….…….........................................................………...3

Body yellow to brown coloured; scutellum with a black transverse spot, extended between lateral margins; pump region of spermatheca indistinct but flanges not in proper sclerotized plate form…….…..............................…..…… fascialis

Body metallic colour to blue, sometime with golden tinge; scutellum possessed seven spots but no one transverse between lateral margins; well developed proximal and distal flanges enclosed the spermathecal pump region………... stollii

Body generally smaller than 12 mm in length…………. patricius Body generally bigger than 12 mm in length………………….4

Pronotum with lateral margins laminate, 2 nd pair of conjunctival appendages swollen with sclerotized apical tip…………………..……...…………………………...……... dilaticollis

Pronotum with lateral margins not laminate, 2 nd pair of conjunctival appendages neither swollen nor with sclerotized apical tip…………………………………………....……...........…..5

First pair of conjunctival appendages apically curved while second pair of conjunctival appendages with a subapical sclerotized spine………...…….........…………………...…....…..6

First pair of conjunctival appendages apically not curved and second pair of conjunctival appendages without any subapical sclerotized spine…………………..................…………….…......7

Stem of paramere robust and straight, phallotheca cupshaped……………................................................… marginellus

Stem of paramere normal, phallotheca not in cup shaped………......................................…..………….... pulchellus

Subquadrate stigmatal spots present on III-VI ventral abdominal segment, 2 nd conjunctival appendages blunt…………..………...………...………………………….….…… stockerus

Subquadrate stigmatal spots absent, 2 nd conjunctival appendages spinose…………..........................................…..….8

Pronotum with 5 spots……......................………..…. purpureus

Pronotum always with more than 5 spots……………………………...................……… andamanensis












Chrysocoris Hahn

Parveen S., Ramamurthy V. V. & Khokhar S. 2013


Hahn 1834: 38
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