Eremopeza festiva (I. Bolívar, 1884), I. Bolivar, 1884

Ünal, Mustafa, 2016, Pamphagidae (Orthoptera: Acridoidea) from the Palaearctic Region: taxonomy, classification, keys to genera and a review of the tribe Nocarodeini I. Bolívar, Zootaxa 4206 (1), pp. 1-223 : 26

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Plazi (2016-12-19 01:11:56, last updated 2024-11-29 09:16:23)

scientific name

Eremopeza festiva (I. Bolívar, 1884)


Eremopeza festiva (I. Bolívar, 1884) View in CoL

( Figs. 8 View FIGURES 6 – 16 , 153 View FIGURES 147 – 155 )

Eremobia festiva, Boliv. : in Saussure 1884: 227, 231.

Tmethis festivus Saussure, 1884 View in CoL : Jacobson 1905: 282, sensu Bey-Bienko & Mistshenko 1951; Kirby 1910: 286; Tarbinsky 1940: 33.

Eremopeza festiva ( Saussure, 1884) View in CoL : Uvarov 1943: 41, 44; Bey-Bienko & Mistshenko 1951: 296; Demirsoy 1977: 34; Salman 1978: 63; Demirsoy 1979: 268; Otte 1994: 144; Stolyarov 1997: 69.

Type locality. Nakhichevan, Arax Valley , Ordubad. Lectotype. ♂ ( NMW).

Material examined. TURKEY: Iğdır, Tuzluca, Çalpala Köyü , 980 m, 27.7.2001, 1♂ (leg. M. Ünal) ; Iğdır, Tuzluca , 950 m, 27.7.2001, 1♀ (leg. M. Ünal) ; Kars, Kağızman , Iğdır yolu, Aras Vadisi , 27.7.2001, 1♀ (leg. M. Ünal); ARMENIA : Armenien, Ssardarabad–Kialiak arch, 30– 31.7.1927, 1♀ (leg. W. Ramme) (AİBÜEM) ; Armenia, Azat , 9.6.2013, 1♂, 1♀ (leg. A. G. Bugrov & I. E. Jetybayev); Karchevan, Megrinskogo, Armyanskov , 26.6.1953, 1♂, 1♀ (leg. V. Tryapsin) (ZIN); Armenia, Erivan, 3♂, 2♀ (leg. A. Schelkovnikov) (det. V.M. Dirsh) ; Armenia, Ecmiadzin pr., steppe, 5.7.1925, 1♂, 1♀; Zangezur , 12.6.1925, 1♂ (leg. M. Atasyanjan) (NHMUK); NAKHICHEVAN: Aserbeidschan (russ.), Ordubat ( Araxes ), 3– 9.8.1927, 1♀ (leg. W. Ramme) (AİBÜEM); Russ . Armenien, Ordubad, 6–7.1913, 1♀ (leg. Komarek) (det. Ebner, as Tmethis festivus ) ( NMW) ; Nakhichevan, Djulfi , 27.5.1974, 1♀ (leg. Volkovich) ( ZIN) ; [Nakhichevan] , Ordubad, 1♂, 1♀ (det. Br. v.W.) ( NHMUK) ; IRAN: N.W. Persien, Khoi [ Khoy ], 1904, 2♂, 1♀ (leg. Zugmayer) (det. Uvarov as Tmethis saussurei Uv. !) ( NMW) .

Remarks. Uvarov (1943: 44) selected one specimen as a type which is deemed a lectotype designation (ICZN, Article 74).

It was described by Bolívar in Saussure (1884). Saussure described his own new species in the same paper with “n.” such as Eremobia cyanipennis ( Saussure 1884: 227) . Moreover, Hollier (2012) did not list this species, among those described by Saussure, even if no specimen was housed in the MHNG. Hollier also concluded independently that Bolívar is the author of this taxon (John Hollier, pers. comm.).

The specimens collected from Khoy and one female from Ordubad have yellowish tibia, probably because of the treatment with alcohol.

Bey-Bienko, G. Ya & Mistshenko, L. L. (1951) Fauna of the USSR Locusts and Grasshoppers of the U. S. S. R. and Adjacent Countries. Part 1. Zoological Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 38, 1 - 400.

Demirsoy, A. (1977) Turkiye Caelifera (Insecta, Orthoptera) faunasinin tesbiti ve taksonomik incelenmesi (1). Ataturk Unviversitesi Fen Fakultesi yayinlari, no: 80, 252 pp.

Demirsoy, A. (1979) Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Caeliferafauna Anatoliens: Neu Arten, Unterarten und Synonyme sowie fur dei Turkei neu festgestellte Arten. Entomologische Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum Hamburg, 6 (106), 267 - 285.

Kirby, W. F. (1910) A Synonymic Catalogue of the Orthoptera. Vol. 3., Trustees of the British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London, 674 pp.

Otte, D. (1994) Orthoptera Species File 3. Grasshoppers [Acridomorpha] B. Pamphagoidea. Orthopterists' Society & Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 241 pp.

Salman, S. (1978) Agri, Kars ve Artvin illerinin Orthoptera (Insecta) faunasi uzerine taksonomik arastirmalar. Ataturk Univiversitesi Fen Fakultesi yayinlari, no: 82, 184 pp.

Saussure, H. (1884) Prodromus Oedipodiorum, Insectorum ex Ordine Orthopterorum. Memoires de la Societe Physique et d'Histoire Naturelle de Geneve, 28 (9), 1 - 256.

Stolyarov, M. V. (1997) Peculiarities of the genesis of the fauna of Orthoptera in Transcaucasia. 5. Endemism and some general regularities of the genesis of the fauna of this region. Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie, 76, 111 - 121; [Russian, English translation in: Entomological Review, 77 (1), 66 - 74]

Tarbinsky, S. P. (1940) The saltatorian orthopterous insects of the Azerbaidzhan SSR. Acad. Sci. Azyerbaidjandkoi S. S. R., Moscow-Leningrad, 245 pp. [Russian]

Uvarov, B. P. (1943) The tribe Thrinchini of the subfamily Pamphaginae, and the interrelations of the Acridid subfamilies (Orthoptera). Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society London, 93 (1), 1 - 72. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1111 / j. 1365 - 2311.1943. tb 00429. x

Gallery Image

FIGURES 6 – 16. Male phallic complex. a phallus lateral, b phallus dorsal, c epiphallus, d phallus posterior view. 6 Prionotropis maculinervis; 7 Eremopeza gibbera gibbera; 8 Eremopeza festiva; 9 Eremopeza saussurei saussurei; 10 Eremopeza kashmirensis; 11 Eremopeza soltanii; 12 Iranotmethis persa zagrosi; 13 Eremotmethis carinatus; 14 Eremocharis subsulcata beccalonii; 15 Eremocharis granulosa granulosa; 16 Tuarega insignis. Scales 1 mm (short scale for a, b, c; long scale for d).

Gallery Image

FIGURES 147 – 155. Habitus. 147 – 149 Prionotropis maculinervis, 147 male syntype dorsal; 148 ditto lateral; 149 female lateral. 150 Eremopeza gibbera gibbera, male; 151 Eremopeza gibbera lata, male holotype; 152 Eremopeza angusta, male holotype; 153 Eremopeza festiva, male; 154 Eremopeza saussurei saussurei, male; 155 Eromepeza saussurei cyanea, male paratype.


Naturhistorisches Museum, Wien


Russian Academy of Sciences, Zoological Institute, Zoological Museum


Natural History Museum, London















