Paranothrotes gotvendicus ( I. Bolívar, 1912 ), I. Bolivar, 1912

Ünal, Mustafa, 2016, Pamphagidae (Orthoptera: Acridoidea) from the Palaearctic Region: taxonomy, classification, keys to genera and a review of the tribe Nocarodeini I. Bolívar, Zootaxa 4206 (1), pp. 1-223 : 121

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Plazi (2016-12-19 01:11:56, last updated 2024-11-29 09:16:23)

scientific name

Paranothrotes gotvendicus ( I. Bolívar, 1912 )


Paranothrotes gotvendicus ( I. Bolívar, 1912) View in CoL

( Figs. 58 View FIGURES 55 – 68 , 363 View FIGURES 344 – 374 , 449, 455 View FIGURES 439 – 460 , 492–493 View FIGURES 481 – 494 , 841 View FIGURE 841 )

Nocarodes Gotvendicus View in CoL sp. nov.: I. Bolívar 1912: 8, 29.

Nocarodes Gotvendicus Bolívar, 1912 View in CoL : I. Bolívar 1916: 25.

Nocaropsis gotvendicus (I. Bol.) View in CoL : Ramme 1951: 289.

Nocaropsis gotvendicus gotvendicus (I. Bol.) View in CoL : Otte 1994: 175.

Paranothrotes gotvendicus gotvendicus (I. Bol.) View in CoL : Mirzayans 1959: 16, partim; Mirzayans 1998: 18, partim. Paranothrotes gotvendicus ( I. Bolívar, 1912) View in CoL : Hodjat 2012: 267; Presa & Garcia 1983: 25, partim.

Type locality. Iran: Khuzestan, Gotvand. Syntypes: male, female ( MNCN).

Material examined. IRAN: Gotvend, 2♂, 1♀ (Syntypes) (leg. Escalera) ( MNCN).

Distribution. Known only from the type locality (see Remarks) ( Fig. 841 View FIGURE 841 ).

Remarks. Almost all the specimens identified in the collections as P. gotvendicus especially after 1951, as well as records based on these materials in papers, are in fact P. opacus s.l. (see P. o. opacus and P. o. rectus above). This species is very different from P. opacus and placed in a different species group by the structure of male genitalia (see the key).

It is clear that the 3 syntypes were collected from the same location and no doubt that all of them are the same taxon, and consequently it is not necessary to designate a lectotype ( ICZN, Article 74.7.3).

Bolivar, I. (1912) Estudios entomologicos. I. Los panfaginos palearcticos. Trabajos del Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales Serie Zoologica, 6, 3 - 32.

Bolivar, I. (1916) Orthoptera Fam. Acridiidae. Subfam. Pamphaginae. In: Wytsman, P. (Ed.), Genera Insectorum. Bruxelles (V. Verteneuil & L. Desmet) 170, 1 - 40, pl. 1.

Hodjat, S. H. (2012) An update list of Pamphagidae Brumster 1840 (Insecta: Orthoptera) of Iran with a key to the genera. Journal of Crop Protection 1 (3), 261 - 270.

Mirzayans, H. (1959) Liste des Orthopteres et leurs distribution en Iran. Entomologie et Phytopathologie Appliquees, 18, 10 - 30.

Mirzayans, H. (1998) Insects of Iran. The list of Orthoptera in the insect collection of Plant Pests and Diseases Research Institute of Iran. Pamphagidae and Pyrgomorphidae. Plant Pests and Diseases Reseach Institute, Insect Taxonomy Research Department, Entomological Publications, Tehran, 3, 40 pp.

Otte, D. (1994) Orthoptera Species File 3. Grasshoppers [Acridomorpha] B. Pamphagoidea. Orthopterists' Society & Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 241 pp.

Presa J. J. & Garcia M. D. (1983) Inventario preliminar de los Pamphagidae (Orthoptera) de la region paleartica. Anales de la Universidad de Murcia, 42, 3 - 42.

Ramme, W. (1951) Zur Systematik Faunistik und Biologie der Orthopteren von Sudost Europa und Vorderasien. Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologie Museum in Berlin, 27, 1 - 431.

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FIGURE 841. Distribution of the species and subspecies of genera Ebnerodes and Paranothrotes.

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FIGURES 55 – 68. Male phallic complex. a phallus lateral, b phallus dorsal, c epiphallus, d phallus posterior view. 55 Paranothrotes sulcatus; 56 Paranothrotes opacus opacus; 57 Paranothrotes eximius bitlis; 58 Paranothrotes gotvendicus; 59 Paranothrotes tenuicornis; 60 Paranothrotes margaritae; 61 Paranothrotes siirt; 62 Pseudonothrotes levis; 63 Eunothrotes derjugini; 64 Neoparanothrotes borumandi; 65 Nocaracris furvus kazdagi; 66 Nocaracris tunceli; 67 Nocaracris tardus; 68 Nocaracris emirdagi. Scales 1 mm (short scale for a, b, c; long scale for d).

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FIGURES 344 – 374. Body parts. 344 – 353 tympanum, 344 Paranocarodes straubei, male; 345 ditto female; 346 Paranocarodes anatoliensis anatoliensis, male; 347 Paranocarodes chopardi, male; 348 ditto female; 349 Paranocarodes karabagi, female; 350 Nocaracris bodenheimeri, female without tympanum; 351 Nocaracris subrubratus, female without tympanum; 352 Nocaracris kosswigi, female; 353 Nocaracris judithae, female. 354 – 355 female abdominal tergites, 354 Paranocarodes karabagi; 355 Nocaracris judithae. 356 – 357 female vertex, 356 Neoparanothrotes borumandi; 357 Paranothrotes margaritae. 358 – 360 vertex dorsal view, 358 Pseudonothrotes levis, male; 359 ditto female; 360 Paranothrotes margaritae, female. 361 – 362 arolium of fore leg in male, 361 Eunothrotes dejugini; 362 Paranocarodes turkmen. 363 – 364 longitudinal sulcus of pronotum in male, 363 Paranothrotes gotvendicus, syntype; 364 Paranocarodes anatoliensis anatoliensis. 365 – 366 fastigium of vertex in female, 365 Paranothrotes siirt; 366 Paranocarodes turkmen. 367 – 370 head and pronotum, 367 Ebnerodes toelgi, male; 368 ditto female; 369 Paranocarodes straubei, male; 370 ditto female. 371 – 374 head and pronotum, dorso-lateral, 371 Turkanocaracris levigatus, male holotype; 372 ditto female paratype; 373 Nocarodes balachowskyi, male; 374 ditto female. Abbreviations: nsa: neighbour stigmal area, s: stigma, t: tympanum.

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FIGURES 439 – 460. Body parts. 439 – 442 female hind femur, 439 Paranothrotes dentatus, holotype; 440 Paranothrotes siirt, paratype; 441 Paranothrotes ocellatus; 442 Paranothrotes opacus opacus. 443 – 444 arolium of fore leg in female, 443 Paranothrotes buzuldagi, holotype; 444 Paranothrotes margaritae. 445 – 446 female vertex, 445 Paranothrotes ocellatus, holotype; 446 Paranothrotes opacus rectus, allotype. 447 – 448 dorsal view of abdomen in male, 447 Paranothrotes tenuicornis, holotype; 448 Paranothrotes nigripes. 449 – 450 male hind femur, 449 Paranothrotes gotvendicus, syntype; 450 Paranothrotes siirt, paratype. 451 – 454 longitudinal sulcus of pronotum in male, 451 Paranothrotes eximius eximius, holotype; 452 Paranothrotes eximius bitlis, paratype; 453 Paranothrotes gotvendicus, syntype; 454 Paranothrotes tenuicornis, holotype. 455 – 456 male head, 455 Paranothrotes gotvendicus, syntype; 456 Paranothrotes tenuicornis, paratype. 457 – 458 female vertex, 457 Paranothrotes nigrolobus; 458 Paranothrotes siirt, paratype. 459 – 460 female hind femur, 459 Paranothrotes nigrolobus; 460 Paranothrotes siirt, paratype.

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FIGURES 481 – 494. Habitus. 481 – 482 Paranothrotes opacus opacus, 481 male lectotype; 482 female paralectotype. 483 – 484 Paranothrotes opacus rectus, 483 male holotype; 484 female allotype. 485 Paranothrotes ocellatus, female holotype. 486 – 487 Paranothrotes eximius eximius, 486 male paratype; 487 female allotype. 488 – 491 Paranothrotes eximius bitlis, 488 male holotype; 489 ditto dorsal; 490 female paratype; 491 ditto dorsal. 492 – 493 Paranothrotes gotvendicus, 492 male syntype; 493 female syntype. 494 Paranothrotes apicalis, female syntype.


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