Paranothrotes nigripes ( Stshelkanovtzev, 1916 )

Ünal, Mustafa, 2016, Pamphagidae (Orthoptera: Acridoidea) from the Palaearctic Region: taxonomy, classification, keys to genera and a review of the tribe Nocarodeini I. Bolívar, Zootaxa 4206 (1), pp. 1-223 : 127-128

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Plazi (2016-12-19 01:11:56, last updated 2024-11-29 09:16:23)

scientific name

Paranothrotes nigripes ( Stshelkanovtzev, 1916 )


Paranothrotes nigripes ( Stshelkanovtzev, 1916)

( Figs. 448 View FIGURES 439 – 460 , 468–469 View FIGURES 461 – 480 , 509–510 View FIGURES 509 – 521 , 842 View FIGURE 842 )

Nocarodes opacus var. nigripes n.: Stshelkanovtzev 1916: 1, 2.

Paranocarodes opacus Brunner v. Wattenwyl, 1882 View in CoL : Tarbinsky 1940: 34, 215, 216.

Paranocarodes opacus View in CoL f. nigripes Stshelk. : Tarbinsky 1940: 34, 215, 216 as syn. of opacus View in CoL .

Paranothrotes opacus nigripes ( Stshelk. 1916) : Bey-Bienko & Mistshenko 1951: 347; Mirzayans 1959: 16; Stolyarov 1997: 69; Hodjat 2012: 267.

Paranothrotes nigripes ( Stshelk. 1916) : Shumakov 1963: 55.

Paranothrotes opacus nigripes ( Stshelk. 1916) : Descamps & Donskoff 1965: 500; Presa & Garcia 1983: 26; Otte 1994: 186.

Type locality. Azerbaijan: Orant , Zuvant. Lectotype: female ( ZIN), here designated.

Material examined. [ AZERBAIJAN]: Lenkoransky, Orant , Zuvant , 1♀ (Lectotype) ; Transcauc. Or., Marajurd, Suward [ Zuvant ], 1♀ (Paralectotype) ; without locality label but with cotype label, 1♀ (Paralectotype); Transcauc. Or., Mara-jurd, Suward , 1♂ (paralectotype) ; Azerbaijan, Lerik dist., environs of vill. Chiladara , 2470 m, 18.6.1961, 20♂, 13♀ (leg. Buliginskaya) ( ZIN); Transcauc. Or., Mara-jurd, Suward, 1♂, 1♀ (paralectotypes) (det. Stshelkanovtzev) ( NHMUK).

Distribution. Azerbaijan: Lenkoran, Zuvant Mts., Lerik, N.W. Iran: Azerbaijan, Ardebil provinces ( Fig. 842 View FIGURE 842 ).

Remarks. Stshelkanovtzev (1916) described this species after 28 males and 23 females. There are 22 males and 16 females in the ZIN, but 3 females are labelled as syntypes. One female with syntype label is designated as lectotype in the ZIN. A couple of paralectotypes are in the NHMUK.

Bey-Bienko, G. Ya & Mistshenko, L. L. (1951) Fauna of the USSR Locusts and Grasshoppers of the U. S. S. R. and Adjacent Countries. Part 1. Zoological Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 38, 1 - 400.

Brunner von Wattenwyl, C. (1882) Prodromus der europaischen Orthopteren. Leipzig, 466 pp.

Descamps, M. & Donskoff, M. (1965) Contribution a la connaissance de la faune du Moyen Orient (Mission G. Remaudiere, 1955 a 1962). III. Orthopteres Acridoides. Vie et Milieu, 16, 497 - 515.

Hodjat, S. H. (2012) An update list of Pamphagidae Brumster 1840 (Insecta: Orthoptera) of Iran with a key to the genera. Journal of Crop Protection 1 (3), 261 - 270.

Mirzayans, H. (1959) Liste des Orthopteres et leurs distribution en Iran. Entomologie et Phytopathologie Appliquees, 18, 10 - 30.

Otte, D. (1994) Orthoptera Species File 3. Grasshoppers [Acridomorpha] B. Pamphagoidea. Orthopterists' Society & Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 241 pp.

Presa J. J. & Garcia M. D. (1983) Inventario preliminar de los Pamphagidae (Orthoptera) de la region paleartica. Anales de la Universidad de Murcia, 42, 3 - 42.

Shumakov, E. M. (1963) Acridoidea of Afghanistan and Iran. Horae Societatis Entomologicae Unionis Soveticae, 49, 3 - 248 [Russian]

Stolyarov, M. V. (1997) Peculiarities of the genesis of the fauna of Orthoptera in Transcaucasia. 5. Endemism and some general regularities of the genesis of the fauna of this region. Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie, 76, 111 - 121; [Russian, English translation in: Entomological Review, 77 (1), 66 - 74]

Stshelkanovtzev, J. P. (1916) Les especes de la famille Pamphagidae dans la collection d' Orthopteres du Musee du Caucase. Bull. Mus. Cauc., Tiflis, 10, 195 - 200 [Russian, descriptions in Latin]

Tarbinsky, S. P. (1940) The saltatorian orthopterous insects of the Azerbaidzhan SSR. Acad. Sci. Azyerbaidjandkoi S. S. R., Moscow-Leningrad, 245 pp. [Russian]

Gallery Image

FIGURE 842. Distribution of the species of genera Paranothrotes, Pseudonothrotes and Eunothrotes.

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FIGURES 439 – 460. Body parts. 439 – 442 female hind femur, 439 Paranothrotes dentatus, holotype; 440 Paranothrotes siirt, paratype; 441 Paranothrotes ocellatus; 442 Paranothrotes opacus opacus. 443 – 444 arolium of fore leg in female, 443 Paranothrotes buzuldagi, holotype; 444 Paranothrotes margaritae. 445 – 446 female vertex, 445 Paranothrotes ocellatus, holotype; 446 Paranothrotes opacus rectus, allotype. 447 – 448 dorsal view of abdomen in male, 447 Paranothrotes tenuicornis, holotype; 448 Paranothrotes nigripes. 449 – 450 male hind femur, 449 Paranothrotes gotvendicus, syntype; 450 Paranothrotes siirt, paratype. 451 – 454 longitudinal sulcus of pronotum in male, 451 Paranothrotes eximius eximius, holotype; 452 Paranothrotes eximius bitlis, paratype; 453 Paranothrotes gotvendicus, syntype; 454 Paranothrotes tenuicornis, holotype. 455 – 456 male head, 455 Paranothrotes gotvendicus, syntype; 456 Paranothrotes tenuicornis, paratype. 457 – 458 female vertex, 457 Paranothrotes nigrolobus; 458 Paranothrotes siirt, paratype. 459 – 460 female hind femur, 459 Paranothrotes nigrolobus; 460 Paranothrotes siirt, paratype.

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FIGURES 461 – 480. Body parts and habitus. 461 – 462 Paranothrotes siirt, male holotype, 461 typical light band on pronotum; 462 ditto longitudinal sulcus of pronotum; 463 – 466 Paranothrotes citimus, male, 463 pronotum in paratype; 464 longitudinal sulcus of pronotum in holotype; 465 phallus in paratype; 466 epiphallus in paratype. 467 – 468 longitudinal sulcus of pronotum in male, 467 Paranothrotes schelkovnikovi, paralectotype; 468 Paranothrotes nigripes. 469 – 470 epiphallus, 469 Paranothrotes nigripes; 470 Paranothrotes ornatus. 471 – 473 Paranothrotes buzuldagi, female holotype, 471 habitus lateral; 472 ditto dorsal; 473 ditto subgenital plate. 474 – 476 Paranothrotes dentatus, female holotype, 474 habitus lateral; 475 ditto dorsal; 476 head and pronotum. 477 – 480 Paranothrotes sulcatus, habitus, 477 male syntype; 478 male not a type; 479 female syntype; 480 female not a type.

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FIGURES 509 – 521. Habitus and body parts. 509 – 510 Paranothrotes nigripes, 509 male; 510 female lectotype. 511 – 512 Paranothrotes ornatus, 511 male holotype; 512 female allotype. 513 – 514 Pseudonothrotes levis, 513 male holotype; 514 female allotype. 515 – 516 Eunothrotes derjugini, 515 male lectotype; 516 female paralectotype. 517 – 519 Neoparanothrotes borumandi, 517 male paratype; 518 female paratype; 519 ditto female head and pronotum. 520 – 521 Neoparanothrotes diamesus, female holotype, 520 habitus; 521 ditto head and pronotum.


Russian Academy of Sciences, Zoological Institute, Zoological Museum


Natural History Museum, London

















