Paranothrotes eximius bitlis Ünal, 2016

Ünal, Mustafa, 2016, Pamphagidae (Orthoptera: Acridoidea) from the Palaearctic Region: taxonomy, classification, keys to genera and a review of the tribe Nocarodeini I. Bolívar, Zootaxa 4206 (1), pp. 1-223 : 120-121

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Plazi (2016-12-19 01:11:56, last updated 2024-11-29 09:16:23)

scientific name

Paranothrotes eximius bitlis Ünal

subsp. nov.

Paranothrotes eximius bitlis Ünal View in CoL , ssp. nov.

( Figs. 57 View FIGURES 55 – 68 , 452 View FIGURES 439 – 460 , 488–491 View FIGURES 481 – 494 , 841 View FIGURE 841 )

Type locality. Turkey: Bitlis, Kambos Dağı , Ağaçköprü. Holotype: male ( NHMUK).

Material examined. TURKEY: Bitlis, Kambos Dağ, above Hümüz ( Ağaçköprü Köyü ), 4500–7000 ft, 1.7.1954, 2♂ (including Holotype), 1♀ (leg. P. H. Davis) ; Prov. Hakkari, Kara Dağ , 2800 m, 15.8.1954, 1♀ (leg. P. H. Davis) ( NHMUK).

Description. Male (Holotype): Body ( Figs. 488, 489 View FIGURES 481 – 494 ) in average size as for the genus, compressed laterally. Fastigium of vertex ( Figs. 452 View FIGURES 439 – 460 , 488 View FIGURES 481 – 494 ) slightly depressed, almost flat in paratype. Vertex ( Fig. 452 View FIGURES 439 – 460 ) between the eyes narrow, as wide as transversal diameter and 1.3 times narrower than vertical diameter of eye; supraocular foveola distinct, open type; median carinula of vertex distinct, reaching middle part of fastigium with a thin longitudinal groove; vertex slightly swollen in lateral view. Frontal ridge gradually widening towards clypeus, deeply grooved, without median notch. Antennae with 13 segments. Pronotum ( Figs. 452 View FIGURES 439 – 460 , 488 View FIGURES 481 – 494 ) compressed laterally; median carina slightly raised, convex with a distinct longitudinal sulcus along its length, narrowing backwards; lateral carinae weak; anterior margin slightly protruded, posterior margin straight in dorsal view. Hind femur 2.6 times longer than its height; dorsal margin convex, finely serrated. Hind tibia with 9 inner and 10 outer spines. Prosternum with a small, sharp, triangular projection. Mesosternal interspace wider than its length; mesosternal lobes slightly wider than the interspace. Abdominal tergites ( Figs. 488, 489 View FIGURES 481 – 494 ) with slightly raised median carinae, very weakly protruded posteriorly. Tympanum large, almost 3.5 times larger than the neighbour stigmal area. Arch of zygoma not raised ( Fig. 57 View FIGURES 55 – 68 a); apical valves of penis short and stout, its ventral margin turning to lateral sides apically ( Fig. 57 View FIGURES 55 – 68 a); tumida of zygoma distinct, basal valves of penis quite wide, apodemes narrow, its apical notch weak or absent, much shorter than basal valves of penis ( Figs. 57 View FIGURES 55 – 68 a, b); pseudolophi ( Fig. 57 View FIGURES 55 – 68 c) with 8–9 spines, 12–14 spines in paratype, located on anterior wall of swollen part of epiphallus.

Female: Body ( Figs. 490, 491 View FIGURES 481 – 494 ) compressed laterally. Fastigium of vertex ( Fig. 491 View FIGURES 481 – 494 ) short and broad, almost flat or slightly depressed. Vertex ( Fig. 491 View FIGURES 481 – 494 ) between the eyes wide, 1.1 times wider than vertical diameter and 1.5 times wider than transversal diameter of eye. Frontal ridge, surface of vertex and antenna as in male. Pronotum ( Figs. 490, 491 View FIGURES 481 – 494 ) distinctly compressed laterally; median carina convex in lateral view, with a distinct longitudinal sulcus, narrowing backwards; lateral carinae almost indistinct; anterior margin of pronotum convex, posterior margin almost straight in dorsal view. Prosternum with a small, sharp triangular projection. Mesosternal interspace clearly wider than its length, as wide as mesosternal lobes. Hind femur 2.6 times longer than its height; dorsal margin very finely serrated. Hind tibia with 9–10 inner, 10 outer spines dorsally. Abdominal tergites ( Fig. 490 View FIGURES 481 – 494 ) as in male. Tympanum almost 2 times larger than the neighbour stigmal area.

Coloration. Male body brown to yellowish brown with some darkened parts. Median carina of pronotum yellowish or creamish-brown; typical light band on paranota yellowish, reaching to ventral margin; metazona strongly darkened with blackish-brown just below the lateral carinae. Abdomen with the typical light band dorsally; lateral sides of abdomen blackish-brown. Outer surfaces of legs creamish, yellowish-brown. Inner and ventral surfaces of hind femur in male darkened with creamish-brown; inner and dorsal surfaces of hind tibia black with its spines. Female body creamish light brown or greyish-brown. Inner and ventral surfaces of hind femur body color or yellowish with slightly reddish stains on ventral margin basally. Ventral surface of hind tibia yellow, inner and dorsal surfaces pale yellowish-green with yellow spines, in Karadağ population female tibia with bluish-green inner aspect. Tarsus red in both sexes. All sternites yellow in both sexes, both sides of tergites in male with a large brown spot.

Diagnosis. This new subspecies is most similar to the nominotypical subspecies by the general body shape and the structure of not raised arch of zygoma, but it is different by the hind tibia black in male, blackish-blue in female (red in both sexes of P. eximius eximius ), the hind femur with body color inner surface (black in P. eximius eximius ), the median carina of pronotum with longitudinal sulcus visible along its length (visible in anterior part only in P. eximius eximius ), the fastigium of vertex slightly depressed in male, flat in female (strongly depressed in P. eximius eximius ), the frontal ridge with deep groove, not narrowing below the median ocellus (with shallow groove and distinctly narrowing below the median ocellus in P. eximius eximius ), the narrower and more horizontal arch of zygoma (wider and sloping in P. eximius eximius ).

Measurements (mm). Holotype (male): body length 24.8; pronotum length 4.9; pronotum height 5.3; pronotum width anterior 4.4; pronotum width posterior 6.2; hind femur length 10.3; hind femur height 4.1.

Paratypes: body length: male 24.8–25.2, female 41.2–42; pronotum length: male 4.9–5.1, female 7.8–7.9; pronotum height: male 5.3, female 9–9.7; pronotum width anterior: male 4.4–4.5, female 6.7–7; pronotum width posterior: male 6.2, female 9.7; hind femur length: male 10.3–10.6, female 14–14.2; hind femur height: male 3.9– 4.1, female 5.1–5.4.

Etymology. This new subspecies is named after “ Bitlis ” Province of Turkey where it was collected.

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FIGURE 841. Distribution of the species and subspecies of genera Ebnerodes and Paranothrotes.

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FIGURES 55 – 68. Male phallic complex. a phallus lateral, b phallus dorsal, c epiphallus, d phallus posterior view. 55 Paranothrotes sulcatus; 56 Paranothrotes opacus opacus; 57 Paranothrotes eximius bitlis; 58 Paranothrotes gotvendicus; 59 Paranothrotes tenuicornis; 60 Paranothrotes margaritae; 61 Paranothrotes siirt; 62 Pseudonothrotes levis; 63 Eunothrotes derjugini; 64 Neoparanothrotes borumandi; 65 Nocaracris furvus kazdagi; 66 Nocaracris tunceli; 67 Nocaracris tardus; 68 Nocaracris emirdagi. Scales 1 mm (short scale for a, b, c; long scale for d).

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FIGURES 439 – 460. Body parts. 439 – 442 female hind femur, 439 Paranothrotes dentatus, holotype; 440 Paranothrotes siirt, paratype; 441 Paranothrotes ocellatus; 442 Paranothrotes opacus opacus. 443 – 444 arolium of fore leg in female, 443 Paranothrotes buzuldagi, holotype; 444 Paranothrotes margaritae. 445 – 446 female vertex, 445 Paranothrotes ocellatus, holotype; 446 Paranothrotes opacus rectus, allotype. 447 – 448 dorsal view of abdomen in male, 447 Paranothrotes tenuicornis, holotype; 448 Paranothrotes nigripes. 449 – 450 male hind femur, 449 Paranothrotes gotvendicus, syntype; 450 Paranothrotes siirt, paratype. 451 – 454 longitudinal sulcus of pronotum in male, 451 Paranothrotes eximius eximius, holotype; 452 Paranothrotes eximius bitlis, paratype; 453 Paranothrotes gotvendicus, syntype; 454 Paranothrotes tenuicornis, holotype. 455 – 456 male head, 455 Paranothrotes gotvendicus, syntype; 456 Paranothrotes tenuicornis, paratype. 457 – 458 female vertex, 457 Paranothrotes nigrolobus; 458 Paranothrotes siirt, paratype. 459 – 460 female hind femur, 459 Paranothrotes nigrolobus; 460 Paranothrotes siirt, paratype.

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FIGURES 481 – 494. Habitus. 481 – 482 Paranothrotes opacus opacus, 481 male lectotype; 482 female paralectotype. 483 – 484 Paranothrotes opacus rectus, 483 male holotype; 484 female allotype. 485 Paranothrotes ocellatus, female holotype. 486 – 487 Paranothrotes eximius eximius, 486 male paratype; 487 female allotype. 488 – 491 Paranothrotes eximius bitlis, 488 male holotype; 489 ditto dorsal; 490 female paratype; 491 ditto dorsal. 492 – 493 Paranothrotes gotvendicus, 492 male syntype; 493 female syntype. 494 Paranothrotes apicalis, female syntype.


Natural History Museum, London

















