Paranocarodes brevipes Ramme, 1951

Ünal, Mustafa, 2016, Pamphagidae (Orthoptera: Acridoidea) from the Palaearctic Region: taxonomy, classification, keys to genera and a review of the tribe Nocarodeini I. Bolívar, Zootaxa 4206 (1), pp. 1-223 : 106

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Plazi (2016-12-19 01:11:56, last updated 2024-11-29 09:16:23)

scientific name

Paranocarodes brevipes Ramme, 1951


Paranocarodes brevipes Ramme, 1951 View in CoL sp. rev.

( Figs. 51 View FIGURES 44 – 54 , 399–400 View FIGURES 395 – 412 , 431–432 View FIGURES 425 – 438 , 840 View FIGURE 840 )

Nocarodes Straubei Fieb. View in CoL : Werner 1905: 2.

Paranocarodes brevipes View in CoL n. sp.: Ramme 1951: 278, 284, 427.

Paranocarodes brevipes Ramme, 1951 View in CoL : Karabağ 1958: 117; Weidner 1969: 158. Paranocarodes fieberi tolunayi Karabağ, 1949 View in CoL : Demirsoy 1973: 413, partim; Demirsoy 1977: 65, partim. Paranocarodes brevipes Ramme, 1951 View in CoL : Demirsoy 1977: 65, as syn. of tolunayi View in CoL . Paranocarodes aff. fieberi (Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1882) View in CoL : Ünal 2001: 3.

Type locality. Turkey, Konya, Saray Dağı. Holotype: male ( NMW).

Material examined. TURKEY: Asia min., [Konya], Serai-Dagh [ Saray Dağı ] bei Konia , 1902, 1♂ (Holotype) (leg. Penther); Serai-Dagh , 1620 m, 13.5.1902, 1♀ (Allotype) (leg. Penther); [Konya], Serai-Dagh bei Konia, Asia min., 1♀ [Topotype] (det. Ramme as Paranocarodes fieberi ) ( NMW) ; [Konya], Serai-Dagh bei Konia, Asia min., 1902, 1♂ (Paratype) (leg. Penther) ( MfN) ; [Karaman], Maden-Chehir [ Madenşehir ], 4.1924, 1♂ (Paratype) ( NHMUK) ; Konya, Tatköy, Ağlayançal Tepesi , 1600–1700 m, 20.6.2008, 3♂, 4♀ ; Karaman, Karadağ , 2278 m, 17.6.2003, 9♂, 13♀ ; Karaman, Sertavul Geçidi , 1650 m, 18.6.2003, 6♂, 2♀ ; Karaman, Ermenek, Akpınar Yaylası , 1575 m, 36.39.762 N, 32.55.966 E, 6.6.2012, 6♂, 1♀, plus 2♂, 3♀ in alcohol ; Karaman, Ermenek, Karamanbey Geçidi , 1893 m, 6.6.2012, 6♀ (all leg. M. Ünal) ; Konya, Bozkır, Sorkun , 1100 m, 14.6.1997, 1♂ (leg. M. Ünal) (Ünal 2001) ; Konya, Bozkır, Kuruçay, 1200–1300 m, 14.6.1997, 1♀ (leg. M. Ünal) (Ünal 2001) (AİBÜEM); Turkey, [Karaman], Sertavul Geçidi , 4800 ft, 21.6.1960, 7♂, 4♀ (leg. K. M. Guichard & D. H. Harvey) ( NHMUK) .

Distribution. Known from Konya, Karaman provinces, mainly southern edge of Central Anatolia, between Saray Dağı and Sertavul Pass ( Fig. 840 View FIGURE 840 ).

Remarks. According to Ramme (1951: 284) the coloration brighter in male [Holotype], completely decolorised and also shrunk in female [Allotype] presumably by the treatment with alcohol. Therefore the hind tibia in both sexes are seen pale brownish, but its natural coloration is black as in all other specimens listed above including the Tatköy population, where is very close (only several kms.) to the type locality Saray Dağı. Ramme identified a female (NMW) from the type locality as P. fieberi , probably before his decision on the new species, P. brevipes .

Unal, M. (2001) Contributions to the Orthoptera fauna of the Middle Taurus Mountains (South Turkey). Miscellaneous Papers, 76, 1 - 8.

Demirsoy, A. (1973) Revision der anatolischen Pamphagidae (Saltatoria, Caelifera, Pamphagidae). Entomologische Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum Hamburg, 4, 403 - 428.

Demirsoy, A. (1977) Turkiye Caelifera (Insecta, Orthoptera) faunasinin tesbiti ve taksonomik incelenmesi (1). Ataturk Unviversitesi Fen Fakultesi yayinlari, no: 80, 252 pp.

Karabag, T. (1949) Ankara vilayeti dahilinde mevcut cekirgelerin ekolojik, cografi ve sistematik durumlari uzerine arastirmalar. Ankara Universitesi yayinlari, no: 4, 121 pp.

Karabag, T. (1958) Turkiye'nin Orthoptera faunasi (The Orthoptera Fauna of Turkey). Ankara Universitesi Fen Fakultesi yayinlari, Ankara, 81, 198 pp.

Ramme, W. (1951) Zur Systematik Faunistik und Biologie der Orthopteren von Sudost Europa und Vorderasien. Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologie Museum in Berlin, 27, 1 - 431.

Brunner von Wattenwyl, C. (1882) Prodromus der europaischen Orthopteren. Leipzig, 466 pp.

Weidner, H. (1969) Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Feldheuschrecken (Caelifera) Anatoliens. Mitteilungen des zoologischen Museums Hamburg, 66, 145 - 226. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1007 / bf 02027743

Werner, F. (1905) Ergebnisse einer naturwissenschaftlichen Reise zum Erdschias-Dagh (Kleinasien). Dermaptera und Orthoptera. Annales des k. k. Naturhistorischen Hofmuseums, 20 (2 - 3), 1 - 3.

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FIGURE 840. Distribution of the species and subspecies of genus Paranocarodes.

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FIGURES 44 – 54. Male phallic complex. a phallus lateral, b phallus dorsal, c epiphallus, d phallus posterior view. 44 Paranocarodes karabagi; 45 Paranocarodes tolunayi tolunayi; 46 Paranpcarodes tolunayi paphlagonicus; 47 Paranocarodes chopardi; 48 Paranocarodes turkmen; 49 Paranocarodes anatoliensis anatoliensis; 50 Paranocarodes anatoliensis anamas; 51 Paranocarodes brevipes; 52 Paranocarodes lubricus; 53 Paranocarodes beieri; 54 Ebnerodes toelgi. Scales 1 mm (short scale for a, b, c; long scale for d).

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FIGURES 395 – 412. Body parts and habitus. 395 – 396 female tympanum, 395 Paranocarodes karabagi, without tympanum; 396 Paranocarodes straubei. 397 – 400 hind femur, 397 Paranocarodes beieri, female; 398 ditto male; 399 Paranocarodes brevipes, female; 400 ditto male. 401 – 403 tympanum, 401 Paranocarodes chopardi, female; 402 Paranocarodes anatoliensis anamas, female paratype; 403 ditto male paratype. 404 – 406 male habitus dorsal, 404 Paranocarodes turkmen, paratype; 405 Paranocarodes anatoliensis anatoliensis; 406 Paranocarodes lubricus (holotype of P. cilicicus). 407 – 410 hind tibia, 407 Paranocarodes lubricus, male right tibia; 408 ditto female; 409 Paranocarodes anatoliensis anatoliensis, male left tibia; 410 ditto female. 411 – 412 Paranocarodes straubei, habitus, 411 male lectotype; 412 female.

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FIGURES 425 – 438. Habitus. 425 – 426 Paranocarodes anatoliensis anatoliensis, 425 male; 426 female topotype. 427 – 430 Paranocarodes anatoliensis anamas, 427 male holotype lateral; 428 ditto dorsal; 429 female paratype lateral; 430 ditto dorsal. 431 – 432 Paranocarodes brevipes, 431 male holotype; 432 female. 433 – 434 Paranocarodes lubricus, 433 male (holotype of P. cilicicus); 434 female holotype. 435 – 436 Paranocarodes beieri, 435 male paratype; 436 female. 437 – 438 Ebnerodes toelgi, 437 male; 438 female.


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