Nocaracris tridentatus ( Stshelkanovtzev, 1916 )

Ünal, Mustafa, 2016, Pamphagidae (Orthoptera: Acridoidea) from the Palaearctic Region: taxonomy, classification, keys to genera and a review of the tribe Nocarodeini I. Bolívar, Zootaxa 4206 (1), pp. 1-223 : 181-182

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Plazi (2016-12-19 01:11:56, last updated 2024-11-29 09:16:23)

scientific name

Nocaracris tridentatus ( Stshelkanovtzev, 1916 )


Nocaracris tridentatus ( Stshelkanovtzev, 1916) View in CoL

( Figs. 376 View FIGURES 375 – 394 , 594–595 View FIGURES 584 – 610 , 719–720 View FIGURES 709 – 722 , 846 View FIGURE 846 )

Nocarodes tridentatus View in CoL sp. n.: Stshelkanovtzev 1916: 1, 4.

Nocaracris View in CoL (?) tridentatus Stschelkanovzev, 1916 : Tarbinsky 1940: 34.

Paranocaracris tridentatus ( Stshelk. 1916) View in CoL : Bey-Bienko & Mistshenko 1951: 354; Karabağ 1958: 124; Weidner 1969: 161; Otte 1994: 183.

Paranocaracris elegans tridentatus Shchelkanovtsev, 1916 View in CoL : Demirsoy 1973: 423; Demirsoy 1977: 80; Salman 1978: 69; Presa & Garcia 1983: 23; Mol et al. 2014: 138, partim.

Paranocaracris rubripes subrubrata View in CoL f. nigrofemuralis f. n.: Demirsoy 1973: 426; Demirsoy 1977: 82. Paranocaracris rubripes subrubrata View in CoL forma nigrofemuralis Demirsoy, 1973: Presa & Garcia 1983: 24.

Type locality. Turkey: Erzurum, Oltu. Lectotype: male (ZIN), here designated.

Material examined. TURKEY: Kaukasus, [Erzurum], Olty [ Oltu ], 1♂ (Lectotype), 3♀ (Paralectotypes) (leg. E. Koenig) ( ZIN) ; Erzurum, Tortum, Uzundere , 13.7.1974, 1♂, 5♀ (leg. H. Özbek) ( EMET) ; Erzurum, Derekapı- Tortum , 9.6.1974, 5♀ (leg. H. Özbek) ( EMET) ; Erzurum, Şenkaya, Düzmeşe , 23.5.1977, 1♀ (leg. H. Özbek) ( EMET) .

Distribution. N.E. Turkey: North of Erzurum Province ( Fig. 846 View FIGURE 846 ).

Remarks. Stshelkanovtzev (1916: 4) described this species after 2 males and 6 females (syntypes). One male and one female in the ZIN are labelled as “typus” and 2 females as “paratypus”. A type designation has not been published yet. The only male in the ZIN is designated as lectotype here.

The specimens from Erzurum, Tortum identified by Demirsoy (1973: 426, 1977: 82) as a new form of P. rubripes subrubrata probably belong to this species according to the charactes given by him.

Bey-Bienko, G. Ya & Mistshenko, L. L. (1951) Fauna of the USSR Locusts and Grasshoppers of the U. S. S. R. and Adjacent Countries. Part 1. Zoological Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 38, 1 - 400.

Demirsoy, A. (1973) Revision der anatolischen Pamphagidae (Saltatoria, Caelifera, Pamphagidae). Entomologische Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum Hamburg, 4, 403 - 428.

Demirsoy, A. (1977) Turkiye Caelifera (Insecta, Orthoptera) faunasinin tesbiti ve taksonomik incelenmesi (1). Ataturk Unviversitesi Fen Fakultesi yayinlari, no: 80, 252 pp.

Karabag, T. (1958) Turkiye'nin Orthoptera faunasi (The Orthoptera Fauna of Turkey). Ankara Universitesi Fen Fakultesi yayinlari, Ankara, 81, 198 pp.

Mol, A., Sirin, D. & Taylan, M. S. (2014) Turkiye'de dagilim gosteren bazi Caelifera (Insecta: Orthoptera) turlerinin yeni lokalite kayitlari, endemism, yayginlik ve tarimsal zarar olusturma acisindan degerlendirilmesi. Bitki Koruma Bulteni, 54 (2), 133 - 170 [Turkish, English abstract]

Otte, D. (1994) Orthoptera Species File 3. Grasshoppers [Acridomorpha] B. Pamphagoidea. Orthopterists' Society & Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 241 pp.

Presa J. J. & Garcia M. D. (1983) Inventario preliminar de los Pamphagidae (Orthoptera) de la region paleartica. Anales de la Universidad de Murcia, 42, 3 - 42.

Salman, S. (1978) Agri, Kars ve Artvin illerinin Orthoptera (Insecta) faunasi uzerine taksonomik arastirmalar. Ataturk Univiversitesi Fen Fakultesi yayinlari, no: 82, 184 pp.

Stshelkanovtzev, J. P. (1916) Les especes de la famille Pamphagidae dans la collection d' Orthopteres du Musee du Caucase. Bull. Mus. Cauc., Tiflis, 10, 195 - 200 [Russian, descriptions in Latin]

Tarbinsky, S. P. (1940) The saltatorian orthopterous insects of the Azerbaidzhan SSR. Acad. Sci. Azyerbaidjandkoi S. S. R., Moscow-Leningrad, 245 pp. [Russian]

Weidner, H. (1969) Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Feldheuschrecken (Caelifera) Anatoliens. Mitteilungen des zoologischen Museums Hamburg, 66, 145 - 226. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1007 / bf 02027743

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FIGURE 846. Distribution of the species of genera Nocaracris and Turkanocaracris.

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FIGURES 375 – 394. Body parts. 375 – 376 female hind femur, 375 Nocarodes sanctidavidi; 376 Nocaracris tridentatus. 377 – 378 Iranacris dentatus, female holotype, 377 frontal ridge lateral; 378 prosternum. 379 – 380 Nocarodes sanctidavidi, female, 379 frontal ridge lateral; 380 prosternum. 381 – 382 female pronotum, 381 Bufonocarodes robustus, paratype; 382 Nocarodes serricollis. 383 – 384 lateral carinae of pronotum in male, 383 Bufonocarodes robustus, holotype; 384 Nocarodes balachowskyi. 385 – 388 head lateral, 385 Araxiana woronowi, male; 386 ditto female; 387 Nocaracris rubripes, male; 388 ditto female. 389 – 390 female metasternum, 389 Araxiana woronowi; 390 Nocaracris rubripes. 391 – 394 frontal ridge, 391 Paranocarodes straubei, male lectotype; 392 ditto frontal view in female; 393 Paranocarodes tolunayi paphlagonicus, male; 394 ditto frontal view in female.

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FIGURES 584 – 610. Body parts. 584 – 585 female hind femur, 584 Nocaracris karadagi, paratype; 585 Nocaracris monticolus, paratype. 586 – 587 Nocaracris karadagi, female paratype, 586 longitudinal sulcus of pronotum; 587 pronotal carinae. 588 – 589 Nocaracris palandoken, female paratype, 588 longitudinal sulcus of pronotum; 589 pronotal carinae. 590 – 591 male hind femur, 590 Nocaracris latipes, paratype; 591 Nocaracris monticolus, holotype. 592 – 593 Nocaracris elegans, female, 592 vertex and eye; 593 prosternum. 594 – 595 Nocaracris tridentatus, female, 594 vertex and eye; 595 prosternum. 596 – 597 Nocaracris tecticollis, female holotype, 596 body high; 597 head frontal view; 598 Nocaracris citripes, paratype, body low. 599 – 600 female vertex, 599 Nocaracris citripes; 600 Nocaracris karshitoros, paratype. 601 – 602 male pronotal carinae, 601 Nocaracris sabulosus; 602 Nocaracris karshitoros. 603 Nocaracris dilekensis, female tympanum. 604 – 606 Nocaracris goektepe, 604 without tympanum, female; 605 male prosternum; 606 female prosternum. 607 – 609 Nocaracris bicoloripes, 607 without tympanum, female; 608 male prosternum; 609 female prosternum. 610 Nocaracris subrubratus, female prosternum.

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FIGURES 709 – 722. Habitus. 709 – 710 Nocaracris karshitoros, 709 male holotype dorsal; 710 female paratype dorsal. 711 – 714 Nocaracris goektepe, 711 male holotype; 712 ditto dorsal; 713 female paratype; 714 ditto dorsal. 715 – 716 Nocaracris subrubratus, 715 male holotype; 716 female paratype. 717 – 718 Nocaracris elegans, 717 male holotype; 718 female allotype. 719 – 720 Nocaracris tridentatus, 719 male holotype; 720 female allotype. 721 – 722 Nocaracris niethammeri, 721 male; 722 female holotype.


Russian Academy of Sciences, Zoological Institute, Zoological Museum


Faculty of Agriculture, Entomology Museum

















