Agnoea (Agnoea) danguni Sohn, 2021

Sohn, Jae-Cheon & Lvovsky, Alexander L., 2021, Review of Lypusinae (Lepidoptera: Gelechioidea: Lypusidae) from Korea with a description of a new species of Agnoea Walsingham, 1907, Zootaxa 4966 (3), pp. 385-391 : 386-387

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4966.3.10

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scientific name

Agnoea (Agnoea) danguni Sohn

sp. nov.

Agnoea (Agnoea) danguni Sohn View in CoL , sp. nov.

( Figs 1 View FIGURES 1–4 , 5 View FIGURES 5–8 )

Diagnosis. This species is closely related to Agnoea (Agnoea) kurentzovi ( Lvovsky, 2001) ( Fig. 2 View FIGURES 1–4 ) in having the asymmetric valvae in the male genitalia ( Fig. 6 View FIGURES 5–8 ), but differs from the latter in having the disconnected medial bulbs of gnathos, the larger left clasper, and a digitiform process above right sacculus.

Description. Head. Vertex and frons dark grayish brown with purplish luster. Antenna 2/3 as long as forewing; scape dark grayish brown, intermixed with pale grayish brown scales dorsally; flagellomere dark grayish brown. Labial palpus dark grayish brown.

Thorax. Patagium and tegula dark grayish brown; mesonotum dark grayish brown, paler posteriorly, with purplish luster on anterior 1/3. Forewing length 6.5~ 7.3 mm, narrow, lancelolate apically, dark grayish brown, with purplish luster along costal area; cilia purplish brown. Hindwing grayish brown; cilia purplish brown. Foreleg with coxa and femur grayish brown on outer surface, pale grayish brown on inner surface; tibia dark grayish brown with purplish luster; tarsomeres dark grayish brown, intermixed with pale brown scales ventrally. Midleg with coxa and femur grayish brown; tibia dark grayish brown, with dense purplish-brown, piliform scales; tarsomeres grayish brown dorsally, pale brown ventrally. Hindleg with coxa grayish brown; femur gray, intermixed with purplish gray scales dorsally; tibia with dense, lustrous, yellowish-gray piliform scales; tarsomeres dark yellowish gray dorsally, pale gray ventrally.

Abdomen. Terga pale grayish brown, intermixed with gray and purplish gray scales. Sterna dark grayish brown, with purplish luster.

Male genitalia ( Fig. 5 View FIGURES 5–8 ). Uncus deltoidal, dentiform apically. Tegumen subquadrate, as long as uncus. Gnathos as a pair of articulated rami; each ramus stout, bent medially, with large, spinulate bulb at end. Transtilla with digitiform, sparsely-setose lobe laterally. Valva broadened in basal 1/3, with linguiform lobe apically, long-setose in distal half; costa very narrow, slightly curved at basal 2/5; sacculus broad, narrowed distally, long-setose along upper margin and distal half; clavus in left valva large, drop-shaped, broadened distally, with lying-down spinules along distal margin; clavus in right valva digitiform with subtriangular sclerotized base at distal end of sacculus. Juxta semicircular. Vinculum narrow, converging apically; saccus absent. Sclerotized part of phallus (aedeagus) short, curved in distal half, globular in basal half, obliquely-cut distally, as long as left clavus.

Female unknown.

Types. Holotype: male, “ HOLOTYPE | Agnoea | danguni | Sohn, 2020” [red label], “ KOREA, Gangwon Prov. | Taebaeg, Mt. Taebaegsan | 20 VI 1998 | coll. J. C. Sohn ”.

Paratypes: 2♂, same data as holotype, [ GSN] SJC-825, 1209. All types are deposited in GJUE .

Distribution. Korea (endemic).

Remarks. This is the first record of the subgenus Agnoea from Korea. Agnoea danguni represents the easternmost species of the subgenus in Eurasia.

Etymology. This species is named after “Dangun”, the legendary founder of Korea. There is an altar memorizing the ancestor in the Mountain Taebaegsan, the type locality of the species.


Geological Survey of Nambia













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