Crumomyia Macquart, 1835

Marshall, Stephen A., Roháček, Jindřich, Dong, Hui & Buck, Matthias, 2011, The state of Sphaeroceridae (Diptera: Acalyptratae): a world catalog update covering the years 2000 - 2010, with new generic synonymy, new combinations, and new distributions, Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 51 (1), pp. 217-298 : 226-228

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Felipe (2021-08-28 13:21:06, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-05 07:05:04)

scientific name

Crumomyia Macquart, 1835


Genus Crumomyia Macquart, 1835 View in CoL View at ENA

Crumomyia fimetaria (Meigen, 1830) . Distr.: Palaearctic: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland [record missing from previous catalog], Israel, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Russia (CET, NET, WS), Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine, former Yugoslavia.

Crumomyia fimetaria . – CARLES- TOLRÁ & BÁEZ (2002): 190 [deleted record from Balearic Is.].

Crumomyia glabrifrons (Meigen, 1830) . Distr.: Palaearctic: Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Israel, Italy, Latvia, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Russia (CET, SET), Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tadjikistan, Turkey, Ukraine, former Yugoslavia.

Crumomyia glabrifrons View in CoL . – CARLES- TOLRÁ & PUJADE- VILLAR (2003): 176 [new record from Andorra]; GATT (2007): 299 [new record from Greece].

Crumomyia glabrfrons . – KARPA (2008): 27 [misspelling, record from Latvia].

Crumomyia glacialis ssp. glacialis (Meigen, 1830) View in CoL . Distr.: Palaearctic: France, Italy, Slovakia, Switzerland, Ukraine.

Crumomyia glacialis View in CoL . – ROHÁČEK & KOŠEL (2003): 194 [new female, new record from Slovakia]; KARPA (2008): 27 [misrecorded from Latvia].

Crumomyia kanmiyai Hayashi, 2009 View in CoL . Distr.: Taiwan.

Crumomyia kanmiyai Hayashi, 2009b: 277 View in CoL [male, illustr.]. Type locality: Taiwan, Chia-I Hsien, Tatachia-anpu [2,650 m]. HT male (NIID).

Crumomyia nigra (Meigen, 1830) View in CoL . Distr.: Nearctic: Greenland; Palaearctic: Afghanistan, Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Faeroe Is. ( Denmark), Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Russia (CET, NET, SET), Serbia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tadjikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine.

Crumomyia nigra View in CoL . – CARLES- TOLRÁ & PUJADE- VILLAR (2003): 176 [new record from Andorra]; GATT (2007): 300 [new record from Greece].

Crumomyia nitida (Meigen, 1830) View in CoL . Distr.: Palaearctic: Albania, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France (incl. Corsica), Faeroe Is. ( Denmark), Great Britain, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy (incl. Sicily), Latvia, Lithuania, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia (CET, NET, SET), Serbia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland.

Crumomyia nitida View in CoL . – GATT (2006c): 66 [new record from Sicily].

Crumomyia notabilis (Collin, 1902) View in CoL . Distr.: Palaearctic:? Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia (NET, WS), Slovakia, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine.

Copromyza notabilis . – CARLES- TOLRÁ (2001a): 97 [new record from Portugal]; KARPA (2008): 27 [record from Latvia]; ZATWARNICKY (2007): 213 [new record from Poland].

Crumomyia peishulensis Kuznetzova, 1989 View in CoL . Distr.: Russia (FE), Japan.

Crumomyia peishulensis View in CoL . – HAYASHI (2009b): 281 [male, redescription, illustr., new record from Japan (Hokkaido)].

Crumomyia pedestris (Meigen, 1830) View in CoL . Distr.: Oriental: China (FUJ, SIC); Palaearctic: Austria, Belgium, China (XIN), Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Great Britain, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Russia (CET, ES, NET, WS), Slovakia, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine.

Crumomyia pedestris View in CoL . – BLACKITH et al. (1991): 226; NASH et al. (2001): 186 [records from Ireland]; ZAIKA et al. (2010): 508 [new record from Ukraine].

Copromyza pedestris . – PANTELEEVA (2005): 492 [record from Russia: CET].

Crumomyia rohaceki Norrbom & Kim, 1985 View in CoL . Distr.: Palaearctic: Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, France, Hungary, Israel, Italy, Moldavia, Poland,? Romania,? Serbia, Slovakia [record missing from previous catalog], Spain, Switzerland, Ukraine.

Crumomyia roserii (Rondani, 1880) . Distr.: Palaearctic: Andorra, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Great Britain, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Latvia, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia (NET),? Serbia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland.

Crumomyia roserii View in CoL . – NASH (1989): 152 [new record from Ireland]; CARLES- TOLRÁ (2001a): 97 [new record from Portugal]; CARLES- TOLRÁ & PUJADE- VILLAR (2003): 176 [new record from Andorra]; ROHÁČEK (2004b): 251 [new record from Cyprus]; ZATWARNICKY (2007): 213 [record from Poland].

Crumomyia setitibialis (Spuler, 1925) View in CoL . Distr.: Nearctic: Canada (AB, BC, NB, NS, NT, ON, QC, YT), USA (AK, NH); Palaearctic: Czech Republic, Finland, France, Italy, Mongolia, Norway, Russia (WS), Sweden, Slovakia, Switzerland. Crumomyia setitibialis View in CoL . – ROHÁČEK (2006a): 156 [new record from Czech Republic]. Crumomyia topali Papp, 2003 View in CoL . Distr.: Oriental: India. Crumomyia topali Papp, 2003: 72 View in CoL [both sexes, illustr.]. Type locality: India, Daitari, Jajpur-Keonjahr. HT male (HNHM).

BLACKITH R. E., BLACKITH R. M., SPEIGHT M. C. D. & WILLIAMS M. DE COURCY 1991: A first list of Diptera from the Murrough, Co. Wicklow, Ireland, including 663 species and 140 breeding records. Bulletin of the Irish Biogeographical Society 14: 185 - 253.

GATT P. 2006 c: New distributional data on the Sphaeroceridae (Diptera) of Italy with three additions to the Italian list. Mitteilungen der Schweizerischen Entomologischen Gesellschaft 79: 65 - 73.

GATT P. 2007: New records of Sphaeroceridae (Diptera) from the Mediterranean, with distributional notes. Studia Dipterologica 13 (2006): 297 - 308.

HAYASHI T. 2009 b: Taxonomic notes on the genus Crumomyia (Diptera: Sphaeroceridae) from Japan and Taiwan. Medical Entomology and Zoology 60: 277 - 281.

KARPA A. 2008: Catalogue of Latvian flies (Diptera: Brachycera). Latvijas Entomologs 46: 4 - 43.

NASH R. 1989: Diptera new to Ireland (Tipulidae, Empididae, Sphaeroceridae, Chloropidae). Irish Naturalists' Journal 20: 151 - 152.

NASH R., O'CONNOR J. P. & CHANDLER P. J. 2001: The Irish species of lesser dung flies (Insecta: Diptera, Sphaeroceridae) including a list of type specimens described by Alexander Henry Haliday in Humboldt University Museum, La Specola and the National Museum of Ireland. Bulletin of the Irish Biogeographical Society 25: 180 - 210.

PANTELEEVA N. YU. 2005: Semeistvo Sphaeroceridae. [Family Sphaeroceridae]. Pp. 492 - 493. In: NEGROBOV O. P. (ed.): Kadastr bespozvonochnykh zhivotnykh Voronezhkoi oblasti. [Cadastre of invertebrate animals of the Voronezh region]. Voronezhkii gosudarstvennyi universitet, Voronezh, 825 pp. (in Russian).

PAPP L. 2003: New Oriental species and records of Sphaerocerinae and Copromyzinae (Diptera: Sphaeroceridae). Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 49: 71 - 85.

ROHACEK J. & KOSEL V. 2003: Crumomyia glacialis (Meigen, 1830) in Slovakia, with description of the female and notes on variation and biology (Diptera, Sphaeroceridae). Casopis Slezskeho Zemskeho Muzea, Opava (A) 51 (2002): 193 - 198.

ROHACEK J. 2004 b: New records of Clusiidae, Anthomyzidae and Sphaeroceridae (Diptera) from Cyprus, with distributional and taxonomic notes. In: KUBIK S. & BARTAK M. (eds.): Dipterologica bohemoslovaca 11. Folia Facultatis Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Masarykianae Brunensis, Biologia 109: 247 - 264.

ROHACEK J. 2006 a: Faunistic records from the Czech and Slovak Republics. Sphaeroceridae. In: KINKOROVA J. (ed.): Dipterologica bohemoslovaca, Vol. 13. Acta Universitatis Carolinae, Biologica 50: 155 - 156.

ZAIKA M. I., ROHACEK J. & KORNEYEV V. A. 2010: Crumomyia pedestris (Diptera, Sphaeroceridae) - the first record from Ukraine. Vestnik Zoologii 44: 508.

ZATWARNICKY T. 2007: Sphaeroceridae. Pp. 126 - 127, 213 - 214. In: BOGDANOWICZ W., CHUDZICKA E., PILIPIUK I. & SKIBINSKA W. (eds.): Fauna Polski. Charakterystyka i wykaz gatunkow. [Fauna of Poland. Characteristics and checklist of species]. Vol. 2. Muzeum i Instytut Zoologii PAN, Warszawa, 505 pp (in Polish).











