Garcinia anomala Planch. & Triana

Ngernsaengsaruay, Chatchai, Chanton, Pichet, Leksungnoen, Nisa, Chaiprasongsuk, Minta & Thunthawanich, Raweewan, 2024, A taxonomic revision of Garcinia section Garcinia (Clusiaceae) in Thailand, PhytoKeys 244, pp. 175-211 : 175-211

publication ID 10.3897/phytokeys.244.126207


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scientific name

Garcinia anomala Planch. & Triana


Garcinia anomala Planch. & Triana View in CoL , Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot., sér. 4, 14: 329. 1860; Laness., Mém. Gen. Garc.: 30. 1872; T. Anderson in Hook. f., Fl. Brit. India 1 (2): 266. 1874; Kurz, J. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, Pt. 2, Nat. Hist. 43 (2): 87. 1874 et Forest Fl. Burma 1: 89. 1877; Vesque, Epharmosis 2: 17. t. 105. 1889 et in A. DC. & C. DC., Monogr. Phan. 8: 369. 1893; Engl. in Engl. & Prantl, Die Naturlichen Pflanzenfamilien 3 (6): 236. 1893; Brandis, Indian Trees: 51. 1906; Kanjilal, P. C. Kanjilal & A. Das, Fl. Assam 1 (1): 109. 1934; Maheshw., Bull. Bot. Surv. India 6: 117. t. 1. fig. 7. 1964; S. W. Jones, Morphology and Major Taxonomy of Garcinia (Guttiferae), Ph. D. Thesis (unpublished): 291. 1980; D. G. Long in Grierson & D. G. Long, Fl. Bhutan 1 (2): 368. 1984; N. P. Singh in B. D. Sharma & Sanjappa, Fl. Ind. 3: 104. 1993; Wang et al., Phytotaxa 327 (2): 167–174. figs 1, 3. 2017.

Fig. 6 View Figure 6

= Garcinia propinqua Craib View in CoL , Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew 1924 (3): 85. 1924; Craib, Fl. Siam. 1 (1): 117. 1925; Gagnep. in Gagnep., Fl. Indo-Chine Suppl.: 267. 1943. Type. Thailand, Chiang Mai, Doi Chiang Dao, c. 1500 m alt., fl., 5 Jun 1921, A. F. G. Kerr 5611 (lectotype, designated by Nazre et al. (2018: 48), K [K 000380474!]; isolectotype BM [BM 000611616, photo seen].

= Garcinia bracteata C. Y. Wu ex Y. H. Li View in CoL , Acta Phytotax. Sin. 19 (4): 490. fig. 1. 1981; H. W. Li et al., Fl. China 13: 44. fig. 31 (1–5). 2007. Type. China, Yunnan, Mengla, Mengyuan, 600–700 m alt., male fl., 19 May 1962, Y. H. Li 4103 (holotype, KUN [KUN 0406601, photo seen]).


India, Khasia, 3000–5000 ft alt., female fl., fr., s. d., J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson 14 (lectotype, designated by Wang et al. (2017: 168), K [K 000380443!]; isolectotypes A [reported by Nazre et al. (2018), not seen], BR [BR 0000005107803, photo seen], E [E 00438018, photo seen], G [G 00418238, G 00458403, photos seen], L [L 0489482, L 2409535, U 1208227, photos seen], MPU [MPU 014371, MPU 014372, photos seen], P [P 04022020, P 04022021, P 05062484, P 05062485, P 05062488, photos seen], W [W 0073366, W 1889-0318023, W 1889-0318024, W 1889-0318030, photos seen].


Habit trees, 5–13 m tall, 15–70 cm GBH; latex pale yellow; branches decussate, horizontal or nearly horizontal; branchlets green or yellowish pale green, terete, glabrous. Bark mottled with dark brown and brown, thin, rather smooth or flaking; inner bark reddish brown. Leaves decussate; lamina elliptic, oblong-elliptic, ovate or lanceolate-ovate, 6–21.5 × 2.5–9 cm, apex acute, bluntly acute or shortly acuminate, base cuneate or obtuse, sometimes rounded or oblique, margin entire or repand, slightly revolute, coriaceous, shiny dark green above, pale green below, glabrous on both surfaces, midrib flattened above, raised below, secondary veins 11–21 each side, curving towards the margin and connected in distinct loops and united into an intramarginal vein, flattened above, slightly raised below, visible on both surfaces, with intersecondary veins, veinlets reticulate, visible on both surfaces, interrupted long wavy lines of differing lengths, running across the secondary veins to the apex, obscure or visible below; petiole green, 0.4–2 cm long, 1.5–3 mm in diam., grooved above, transversely rugose, glabrous, with a basal appendage clasping the branchlets; young leaves brownish red or reddish brown, turning pale green, glossy. Inflorescences axillary, cymose, often in a cluster of 3 flowers or 2–7 flowers; leafy bracts 2, opposite, ovate, broadly ovate or lanceolate-ovate, 0.7–4.3 × 0.4–2 cm, apex acute, base obtuse, margin entire, coriaceous; petiole 1–4.5 mm long, 0.5–1.5 mm in diam.; peduncle green, short to slender, 0.2–4 cm long, 1–2.5 mm in diam., glabrous. Flowers unisexual, plants dioecious, 4 - merous, 1–1.5 cm in diam.; bracteoles 2, opposite, caducous, triangular, 1.5–2.5 × 1.3–2 mm; pedicel 3–6 mm long, 0.8–1.5 mm in diam., glabrous; sepals and petals decussate, concave, gradually reflexed after anthesis, glabrous; sepals 4, pale green, orbicular, suborbicular, broadly ovate or lanceolate-ovate, 2–6 × 1.5–4 mm, the outer pair slightly smaller than the inner pair; petals 4, pale yellow or yellowish white, elliptic, oblong-elliptic or broadly elliptic, 4.5–6 × 2.5–4 mm, subequal. Flower buds subglobose to globose, 4–5 mm in diam. Male flowers: stamens white or creamish white, numerous, united in a central depressed globose bundle surrounding the pistillode; filaments very short; anthers 2 - thecous, small, longitudinally dehiscent; pistillode small. Female flowers: staminodes many; filaments short, basally connate into a cup surrounding the base of the ovary but distally free; anthers yellow, small; pistil fungiform, 4–5.5 mm long; ovary pale green, broadly ovoid, 2.5–3.5 × 3–4 mm, unlobed, glabrous, 1–2 - locular; stigma yellow, sessile, slightly convex, weakly lobed, 4–5 mm in diam., smooth. Fruits berries, dark green, turning purple when ripe, smooth with fine longitudinal striate, glabrous, ellipsoid or broadly ellipsoid, 1.8–2.5 × 1.2–2.2 cm, without or with a short, thick beak; persistent stigma dark brown or blackish brown, flattened, weakly lobed, 4.5–6 mm in diam. smooth; persistent sepals green, slightly larger than in flowering materials; fruiting stalk green, 0.6–1 cm long, 1.2–2.5 mm in diam., glabrous. Seeds 1–2, c. 8 × c. 6 mm. The size of seeds was taken from Vesque (1893).


India [Eastern India (Sikkim, Assam, Meghalaya), Bangladesh, Myanmar (Martaban), China (South Guangxi, South and South-East Yunnan), Vietnam, Thailand.

Distribution in Thailand.

Northern: Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai, Tak.

Habitat and ecology.

It is found in lower montane rain forests or on limestones in lower montane rain forests, at elevations of 1,300 –1,750 m amsl.


Flowering February to October; fruiting September to November.

Conservation status.

Garcinia anomala is widely distributed from Eastern India to North Indo-China and Thailand. It is known from many localities and has a large Extent of Occurrence ( EOO) of 1,980,330.45 km 2 and a relatively large Area of Occupancy ( AOO) of 156 km 2. In Thailand, this species is known to be naturally distributed in three provinces of the northern region, and has an EOO of 26,685.60 km 2 and an AOO of 48 km 2. Because of this wide distribution and the number of localities, it is considered LC.


The specific epithet of Garcinia anomala is a Latin word meaning abnormal ( Stearn 1992), unlike its allies, out of the ordinary ( Gledhill 2002) and refers to inflorescences subtended by 2 small leaf-like bracts which can be used as a spot character for distinguishing the species. The specific epithet of G. propinqua is a Latin word meaning closely allied, of near relationship, related ( Stearn 1992; Gledhill 2002), in reference to G. propinqua being closely related to G. anomala . The specific epithet Garcinia bracteata is a Latin word meaning with bracts, bracteate ( Stearn 1992; Gledhill 2002) and refers to bracteate cymes (inflorescences with 2 opposite leafy bracts).

Vernacular names.

Phawa thiam bai pradap (พะวาเท ี ยมใบประด ั บ) (suggested here); Dieng-sa-slung, Dieng-soh-lang-sain (Jain, India), Dieng-soh-kwang, Soh-lain-khlaw (Khasi, India); Haibung (Manipur, India); Thechu (Garo, India).


The ripe fruits have a sour taste (from the specimen B. Hansen & T. Smitinand 12915).


Based on morphological characters and molecular data Nazre et al. (2018) excluded several species that were included in Garcinia section Garcinia by Jones (1980). Garcinia anomala is treated by Jones (1980) as belonging to Garcinia section Garcinia but Nazre et al. (2018) exclude it from the section. Molecular results of Gaudeul et al. (2024) fully support the decision of Nazre et al. (2018); they recovered two major lineages, nine major clades, and 11 sections. G. anomala is unplaced species within these 11 sections ( Gaudeul et al. 2024). It differs from Garcinia section Garcinia by having axillary cymose inflorescences often in clusters of 3 flowers or 2–7 flowers on the short to slender peduncles, each subtended by 2 small leaf-like bracts and the male flowers having glomerate, depressed globose bundles of stamens surrounding the pistillode. From our examination of specimens, we agree with the results of Nazre et al. (2018).

Wang et al. (2017) treated Garcinia bracteata and G. propinqua as synonyms of G. anomala . G. anomala is the earliest named species and thus has nomenclatural priority. The three purported species of Garcinia have similar morphological characters (overlapping variation in leaf shape and size, petiole length, foliar bract shape and peduncle length). There were no significant differences between these traits. They asserted that the traits previously used for distinguishing between G. bracteata , G. anomala , and G. propinqua are unreliable for distinguishing these species.

According to Singh (1993) the shape, size, and color of fruits are ellipsoid, c. 4.2 × c. 3.5 cm, and dark olive green, turning orange-yellow when ripe; however, from our examinations, we found the fruits are ellipsoid or broadly ellipsoid, 1.8–2.5 × 1.2–2.2 cm, without or with a short, thick beak, dark green, and turning purple when ripe (color of ripe fruits from the specimen B. Hansen & T. Smitinand 12915).

Garcinia anomala was described by Planchon and Triana (1860: 329), who cited the specimens collected by W. Griffith (without collector number) and J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson 14 in Khasia, India. The name G. anomala has been lectotypified thrice, firstly, Wang et al. (2017: 168) lectotypified this name using the specimen J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson 14 at K [K 000380443], secondly, Nazre et al. (2018: 47) lectotypified this name using the same collector number at MPU [without barcode] with isolectotypes at A, E, K, and L [without barcodes], and thirdly, Shameer and Mohanan (2019: 181) selected the specimen W. Griffith 848 at G [G 00458432] as the lectotype, with isolectotypes at CAL [CAL 0000046566], and W [W 0073367]. Therefore, the first lectotypification has priority. We located the lectotype at K [K 000380443] with isolectotypes at BR [BR 0000005107803], E [E 00438018], G [G 00418238, G 00458403], L [L 0489482, L 2409535, U 1208227], MPU [MPU 014371, MPU 014372], P [P 04022020, P 04022021, P 05062484, P 05062485, P 05062488], US [ US 02961086], and W [W 0073366, W 1889-0318023, W 1889-0318024, W 1889-0318030], but we could not find an isolectotype at A.

Garcinia propinqua was described by Craib (1924: 85), who cited the specimen A. F. G. Kerr 5611 collected from Doi Chiang Dao, Chiang Mai Province, Thailand but he did not mention the name of the herbaria where the materials were housed, and following Art. 9.6 of the ICN ( Turland et al. 2018), they constitute syntypes. Nazre et al. (2018) selected this specimen at K [K 000380474] as the lectotype, with an isolectotype at BM [BM 000611616].

Garcinia bracteata was named by C. Y. Wu but unpublished, and then this name was described by Li (1981: 490), who cited the specimen Y. H. Li 4103 collected from Mengyuan, Mengla, Yunnan, China, and housed in KUN as the holotype.

Additional specimens examined.

Thailand. Northern. Chiang Mai [Doi Chiang Dao, fl., 28 Oct 1979 [as Garcinia sp. ], T. Shimizu et al. T- 20980 ( AAU, BKF); Doi Chiang Dao Wildlife Sanctuary, Chiang Dao District, fr., 9 Nov 1995 [as G. propinqua ], J. F. Maxwell 95-1129 ( CMUB); Doi Ang Khang, Fang District, fl., 27 May 1998 (as G. bracteata ), T. Wongprasert et al. s. n. ( BKF 124408); Doi Ang Khang, fl., s. d. [as Garcinia sp. ], P. Triboun s. n. ( BK 265941 View Materials )]; Chiang Rai [Summit of Doi Tung near temple, Mae Sai District (originally “ Mae Fa Luang District ” on the label), fr., 11 Oct 1997 [as Garcinia sp. ], R. Pooma & M. Tamura RP-MT 10 ( BKF, K); Doi Tung, near Wat Phra That Doi Tung, Huai Khrai Subdistrict, Mae Sai District, male fl., 23 May 2006 [as G. propinqua ], J. F. Maxwell 06-312 ( CMUB, L [L 3878616], QBG); ibid., fr., 6 Sep 2006 [as G. propinqua ], J. F. Maxwell 06-637 ( CMUB, L [L 3812984], QBG); along trail near summit of Pha Hung, above Wat Phra That Doi Tung, fr., 22 Oct 2012 [as G. propinqua ], M. van de Bult 1275 ( BKF, CMUB, L [L 4311877]); near Wat Phra That Doi Tung, Mae Sai District (originally “ Mae Fa Luang District ” on the label), fl., 27 Feb 2003 [as Garcinia sp. ], R. Pooma & V. Chaemchumroon 3742 ( BKF, SING [ SING 0095616]); near Wat Phra That Doi Tung, Mae Sai District, male fl., 19 May 2020 [as G. propinqua ], M. van de Bult 1732 ( BKF); Phu Chi Fa, male fl., 20 Mar 2000 [as Garcinia sp. ], BKF Sc 404 ( BKF 180336)]; Tak [Doi Pae Poe, about 90 km NW of Tak, female fl., 14 Mar 1968 [as G. cf. anomala ], B. Hansen & T. Smitinand 12915 ( BKF, AAU, C, K, L [L 2408816], P [P 00329869])].

India. Khasia, fl., s. d., J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson s. n. (P [P 05062486]); Indes Orientales, locality not specified, female fl., fr., 1859, J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson s. n. (P [P 05062491]); East Bengal, Khasya, male fl., s. d., distributed at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew (1861–1862), W. Griffith 848 ( CAL [CAL 0000046566], G [G 00458432], K [K 000677605, K 000677606], L [L 0489483], P [P 00329868]), US [US 02961086], W [W 0073367]); Khasia, fl. s. d., W. Griffith 654 (K [K 000677607]); locality not specified, fl., 1843, W. Griffith s. n. (P [P 05062487]); Khasia, fr., 1864, Unreadable s. n. (P [P 05062482]); India, Jaintia (originally “ Jaintea ” on the label), 14 Dec 1885, C. B. Clarke 42547 H (G [G 00458506]), C. B. Clarke 42547 J (US [US 02961087]); Assam, male fl., 1893, G. King’s Collector s. n. (L [L 2408817], P [P 05062492], US [US 02961088]); Assam, Laitlynkot, Khasi Hills, young fr., 13 Jul 1949, T. R. Chand 1786 (L [L 2409534]); Assam, Cherrapunjee, Khasi Hills, 4000 ft alt., fl., 21 Jul 1952, W. N. Koelz 30721 (L [L 2409592]); ibid., fl., 29 Apr 1952, W. N. Koelz 29534 a (L [L 2409594]; ibid., fl. 9 May 1952, W. N. Koelz 29795 (L [L 2409595]).

China. Yunnan, Mengyuan, Mengla, Xishuangbanna, 850 m alt., fl., 4 Sep 2004 [as G. bracteata ], Z hou Shi-shun 2056 ( QBG); Guangxi, Na Po County, Nong Hua, fl., 5 Jun 1989 [as G. bracteata ], H. Q. Wen W 014 ([US 02961079]).

Vietnam. Ha Giang, Dong Van District, Municipality Ho Quang Phin, Vicinity of Ta Xa Village, male fl., 28 Apr 1999 [as Garcinia sp. ], P. K. Loc et al. CBL 1740 ([P 05061735]); Ha Giang, Meo Vac District, Municipality Sung Chang, Vicinity of Lu Lu Phin Village, Cao Bang Limestone, male fl., 29 Apr 1999 [as Garcinia sp. ], P. K. Loc et al. CBL 1851 (P [P 05061727]); Cao Bang, Nguyen Binh District, Municipality Ca Thanh, Cao Bang Limestone, male fl., 13 Apr 1999 [as Garcinia sp. ], P. K. Loc et al. CBL 1317 (P [P 05061730]); Hoa Binh Province, Mai Chau District, Hang Kla, fr., 22 Sep 2005 [as Garcinia sp. ], Vu Xuan Phong et al. HNK 750 (K [K 000576423]).


Addis Ababa University, Department of Biology


National Park, Wildlife and Plant Conservation Department


Department of Agriculture


Queen Sirikit Botanic Garden


Singapore Botanic Gardens


Botanical Survey of India














Garcinia anomala Planch. & Triana

Ngernsaengsaruay, Chatchai, Chanton, Pichet, Leksungnoen, Nisa, Chaiprasongsuk, Minta & Thunthawanich, Raweewan 2024

Garcinia propinqua

Craib 1924: 85
Nazre et al. (2018: 48)

Garcinia anomala

Planch. & Triana, Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot. 1993: 104
Planch. & Triana, Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot. 1984: 368
Planch. & Triana, Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot. 1934: 109
Brandis 1906: 51
Prantl 1893: 236
Planch. & Triana, Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot. 1877: 89
Planch. & Triana, Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot. 1874: 266
Slipinski 1874: 87
Laness. 1872: 30
Planch. & Triana 1860: 329

Garcinia bracteata C. Y. Wu ex

= Garcinia bracteata C. Y. Wu ex Y. H. Li , Acta Phytotax. Sin. 19 (4): 490. fig. 1. 1981; H. W. Li et al., Fl. China 13: 44. fig. 31 (1–5). 2007. Type. China , Yunnan, Mengla, Mengyuan, 600–700 m alt., male fl., 19 May 1962, Y. H. Li 4103 (holotype, KUN [KUN 0406601, photo seen]).