Megarthrus minor, J. Sahlberg, 1876: 213

Herman, Lee H., 2001, Catalog of the Staphylinidae (Insecta: Coleoptera). 1758 to the End of the Second Millennium. I. Introduction, History, Biographical Sketches, and Omaliine Group, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2001 (265), pp. 1-650 : 1-650

publication ID 10.1206/0003-0090.265.1.1

persistent identifier

treatment provided by


scientific name

Megarthrus minor


minor J. Sahlberg, 1876: 213 View in CoL ( Olophrum ; variety of consimile ; Type locality: Muonioniska).

— J. Sahlberg, 1871a: 424 ( Olophrum ; characters; unnamed variety of consimile ; [Note: Bernhauer and Schubert, 1910: 66 cited this reference as the original description but without the year and with an incorrect volume and page number; there was no available name]).

— Luze, 1905: 45 ( Olophrum ; synonym of consimile ).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1910: 66 ( Olophrum ; synonym of consimile ).

— Campbell, 1983: 586 ( Olophrum ; synonym of consimile ).

limbatum Mäklin, 1878: 23 [= 1878a: 299] ( Olophrum ; Type locality: Jarzowa Selo,

60°10′ N. lat.).

— Mäklin, 1881: 39 ( Olophrum ; characters; Jarzowa Selo, lat. bor 60°10′).

— Ganglbauer, 1895: 721 ( Olophrum ; synonym of consimile ).

— Luze, 1905: 45 ( Olophrum ; synonym of consimile ).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1910: 66 ( Olophrum ; catalog).

— Scheerpeltz, 1929: 160 ( Olophrum ; characters; Siberia).

— Munster, 1936: 99, 100 ( Olophrum ; monstrosity of consimile ).

— Steel, 1964a: 248 ( Olophrum ; note).

— Campbell, 1983: 586 ( Olophrum ; synonym of consimile ).

parvipenne Scheerpeltz, 1929: 134 ( Olophrum ; variety of alpinum ; Type locality: various localities in Alps).

— Coiffait, 1978f: 278 ( Olophrum ; characters; France).

— Tóth, 1982: 87 ( Olophrum ; variety of alpinum ; characters).

— Campbell, 1983: 586 ( Olophrum ; synonym of consimile ).

recticolle Scheerpeltz, 1929: 141 ( Olophrum ; Type locality: various localities in Alps).

— Horion, 1935: 172 ( Olophrum ; characters; East Alps; Sudeten; Carpathians).

— Horion, 1963: 115 ( Olophrum ; Austria; Switzerland; Czech Republic; Carpathians; Romania).

— Lohse, 1964: 55 ( Olophrum ; characters; central Europe).

— Smetana, 1964c: 171 ( Olophrum ; characters).

— Coiffait, 1978f: 277 ( Olophrum ; characters; France).

— Tóth, 1982: 87 ( Olophrum ; characters).

— Campbell, 1983: 586 ( Olophrum ; synonym of consimile ).

— Zanetti, 1987: 306 ( Olophrum ; characters; Italy).

— Lucht, 1987: 89 ( Olophrum ; checklist; Poland; Czechoslovakia; Austria).

— Lohse and Lucht, 1989: 126 ( Olophrum ; synonym of alpinum ).

— Boháč, 1993: 41 ( Olophrum ; synonym of alpinum ).

— Zanetti, 1995: 8 ( Olophrum ; synonym of consimile ).

curtipenne Scheerpeltz, 1929: 143 ( Olophrum ; variety of recticolle ; Type locality: various localities in Alps).

— Coiffait, 1978f: 278 ( Olophrum ; variety of recticolle ; characters; France).

— Tóth, 1982: 87 ( Olophrum ; variety of recticolle ; characters; Hungary).

— Campbell, 1983: 586 ( Olophrum ; synonym of consimile ).

bernhauerianum Scheerpeltz, 1929: 146 ( Olophrum ; Type locality: Dolomiten: Schlern).

— Horion, 1963: 115 ( Olophrum ; Switzerland; Italy; Austria).

— Lohse, 1964: 55 ( Olophrum ; characters; central Europe).

— Campbell, 1983: 586 ( Olophrum ; synonym of consimile ).

— Zanetti, 1987: 307 ( Olophrum ; characters; Italy).

— Lucht, 1987: 89 ( Olophrum ; checklist; Austria; Switzerland).

— Lohse and Lucht, 1989: 126 ( Olophrum ; note).

— Zanetti, 1995: 8 ( Olophrum ; synonym of consimile ).

marginicolle Blair, 1933: 95 ( Olophrum ; replacement name for marginatum Mäklin ).

convexicolle LeConte, 1850 , see: rotundicolle C. Sahlberg, 1830 .

convexum Mäklin, 1853 , see: rotundicolle C. Sahlberg, 1830 .

crenulatum Hatch, 1957 , see: Acidota .

dejectum † Scudder, 1900a: 86 ( Olophrum ; pleistocene fossil; Type locality: Scarborough).


emarginatum Erichson, 1840 , see: obtectum Erichson, 1840 .

eppelsheimi Scheerpeltz, 1929: 73 ( Olophrum ; Type locality: Kasbek, Kaukasus).


erevanicum Iablokoff-Khnzorian, 1964: 155 ( Olophrum ; Type locality: ArmSSR: Dzhrvezh , okr. Erevana).


fimosum Gistel, 1857: 34 ( Olophrum ; [Note: Nomen dubium]; Type locality: Deutschland) .


florae Scheerpeltz, 1935: 1 ( Olophrum ; Type locality: Hohen Tauern Salzburgs).

— Lohse, 1964: 54 ( Olophrum ; characters; Austria).

— Lucht, 1987: 89 ( Olophrum ; checklist; Austria).


foveatum Roubal, 1911 a: 272 ( Olophrum ; Type locality: Kaukasus: Gudaur, in der Höhe von 7000 bis 8000′).

— Scheerpeltz, 1929: 78 ( Olophrum ; characters; Caucasus).


fuscum Gravenhorst, 1806: 211 ( Omalium ; Type locality: Norimberga).

— Olivier, 1811: 478 ( Omalium ; characters; Germany).

— Erichson, 1839a: 623 ( Olophrum ; characters; Germany).

— Stephens, 1839: 427 ( Olophrum ; characters; England).

— Erichson, 1840: 865 ( Olophrum ; characters; Germany).

— Redtenbacher, 1849: 828 ( Olophrum ; characters; Austria).

— Redtenbacher, 1857: 248 ( Olophrum ; characters; Austria).

— Kraatz, 1857d: 940 ( Olophrum ; characters; Germany).

— Hochhuth, 1862: 103 ( Olophrum ; Russia).

— Thomson, 1884: 1033 ( Olophrum ; characters; Sweden).

— Fauvel, 1871a: 124 [= 1872: 98] ( Olophrum ; characters; France; Britain; Germany; Austria; Russia; Siberia).

— Redtenbacher, 1874: 268 ( Olophrum ; characters; Austria).

— Seidlitz, 1875: 240 ( Olophrum ; characters; Baltic region).

— Mulsant and Rey, 1880: 138 ( Olophrum ; characters; France).

— Fowler, 1888: 404 ( Olophrum ; characters; Britain).

— Ganglbauer, 1895: 720 ( Olophrum ; characters; north and middle Europe; Caucasus; Siberia; Alaska).

— Luze, 1905: 39 ( Olophrum ; characters; central and northern Europe; Siberia; Mongolia; Alaska).

— Poppius, 1909: 5 ( Olophrum ; Lena Valley, Siberia ).

— Reitter, 1909: 186 ( Olophrum ; characters; Germany).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1910: 66 ( Olophrum ; catalog).

— Johansen, 1914: 593 ( Olophrum ; characters; Denmark).

Van Dyck, 1921: 164 ( Olophrum ; Pribilof Islands , Alaska) .

— Scheerpeltz, 1929: 58 ( Olophrum ; characters; Alps; Bohemia; Germany; France; Holland; Belgium; Denmark; England; Ireland; Scotland; Sweden; Iran).

— Munster, 1935: 26 ( Olophrum ; characters; discussion).

— Palm, 1948: 105 ( Olophrum ; characters; Sweden; Denmark; Norway; Finland).

— Horion, 1963: 111 ( Olophrum ; Britain; Denmark; Norway; Sweden; Finland; Russia; Baltic region; Poland; Czech Republic; Slovakia; Italy; France; Switzerland?; Belgium; Holland; Germany; Austria).

— Lohse, 1964: 54 ( Olophrum ; characters; central Europe).

— Smetana, 1964c: 171 ( Olophrum ; characters).

— Steel, 1970a: 18 ( Olophrum ; larval characters; biological notes).

— Ashworth, 1972: 214 ( Olophrum ; late-glacial subfossil; Britain).

— Pope, 1977: 22 ( Olophrum ; Britain).

— Coiffait, 1978f: 277 ( Olophrum ; characters; France).

— Hammond, 1980: 136 ( Olophrum ; Ireland).

— Waterston, Owen, Welch, Bacchus and Hammond, 1981: 273 ( Olophrum ; Outer Hebrides).

— Tóth, 1982: 86 ( Olophrum ; characters).

— Lucht, 1987: 89 ( Olophrum ; checklist; Germany; Poland; Czechoslovakia; Austria; Denmark; Sweden).

— Boháč, 1993: 41 ( Olophrum ; Slovakia; Czech Republic).

— Lemdahl and Gustavsson, 1997: 181 ( Olophrum ; collected in lateglacial and middle Holocene deposits; Sweden).

— Cibuļskis, 1998: 67 ( Olophrum ; Latvia).

— Cibuļskis, 1999: 35 ( Olophrum ; list; Latvia).

- DISTRIBUTION: Europe, Russia, Iran, Mongolia, USA.

laticolle J. Sahlberg, 1876: 211 ( Olophrum ; Type locality: Kavantholm i Viborgs; Lohikoski nära Jyväskylä).

— Fowler, 1888: 405 ( Olophrum ; synonym of fuscum ).

— Ganglbauer, 1895: 720 ( Olophrum ; synonym of fuscum ).

— Luze, 1905: 39 ( Olophrum ; synonym of fuscum ).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1910: 66 ( Olophrum ; synonym of fuscum ).

— Scheerpeltz, 1929: 61 ( Olophrum ; characters; Sweden; Norway; Finland).

— Munster, 1935: 26, 28 ( Olophrum ; variety of fuscum ; notes).

— Palm, 1948: 105 ( Olophrum ; variety of fuscum ).

nicholsoni Donisthorpe, 1910: 139 ( Olophrum ; Type locality: Wicken Fen).

— Scheerpeltz, 1929: 50 ( Olophrum ; characters; England).

— Munster, 1935: 28, 29 ( Olophrum ; monstrosity of fuscum variety laticolle ; notes).

— Hammond, 1971: 166, 170 ( Olophrum ; synonym of fuscum ).

— Pope, 1977: 22 (synonym of fuscum ).

schusteri Scheerpeltz, 1929: 32 ( Olophrum ; Type locality: nördlichstes Norwegen).

— Munster, 1935: 25, 28, 29 ( Olophrum ; notes; cited variety, extreme form, and aberration of laticolle ).

helleni Scheerpeltz, 1929 , see: boreale Paykull, 1792 .

henryi Herman, 2001: 37 ( Olophrum ; replacement name for interglaciale Wickham ).


interglaciale † Wickham, 1917: 145 ( Olophrum ; [preoccupied]; Pleistocene Fossil; Type locality: peat seam on the north bank of the Sangamon River near Mahomet , Champaign County, Illinois) .

— Herman, 2001: 37 ( Olophrum ; synonym of henryi ).

idahoense Campbell, 1983: 599 ( Olophrum ; Type locality: Idaho: Elmore Co.: Trinity Lks. region , spring nr. Big Trinity Lk., 8400 feet).


interglaciale † Mjöberg, 1904: 493 ( Olophrum ; subfossil; Type locality: Sweden) .

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1910: 67 ( Olophrum ; catalog).


interglaciale Wickham, 1917 , see: henryi Herman, 2001 .

japonicum Scheerpeltz, 1929: 110 ( Olophrum ; Type locality: Japonia , Kioto).

— Watanabe, 1990: 137 ( Olophrum ; characters; Japan).


kasbekianum Scheerpeltz, 1929: 75 ( Olophrum ; Type locality: Kasbek, Kaukasus).


kashmiricum Cameron, 1941: 142 ( Olophrum ; Type locality: Kashmir: Gulmarg).

parvum Cameron, 1941: 142 ( Olophrum ; subspecies parvum ; Type locality: Kashmir: Gulmarg).

kondarense Iablokoff-Khnzorian, 1964: 157 ( Olophrum ; Type locality: Tadzhikskaia SSR: dolina Varzoba).

- DISTRIBUTION: Tajikistan.

laticolle J. Sahlberg, 1876 , see: fuscum Gravenhorst, 1806 .

latum Mäklin, 1853: 194 ( Olophrum ; Type locality: insula St. Georgii ; Nicolajevsk peninsulae Kenai ).

— Fauvel, 1878d: 245 [= 1878e: 81] ( Olophrum ; characters; Alaska).

— Ganglbauer, 1895: 720 ( Olophrum ; synonym of fuscum ).

— Luze, 1905: 39 ( Olophrum ; synonym of fuscum ).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1910: 66 ( Olophrum ; synonym of fuscum ).

— Scheerpeltz, 1929: 56 ( Olophrum ; characters; Alaska).

— Campbell, 1983: 611 ( Olophrum ; characters; Northwest Territories; Yukon Territory; Alaska). — Ryabukhin, 1991b: 18 ( Olophrum ; characters; Russia).

— Ryabukhin, 1999: 24 ( Olophrum ; catalog; habitat; distribution; northeastern Russia).

- DISTRIBUTION: Mongolia, Altai region, Russia, Canada, USA.

brevicolle Bernhauer, 1903b: 190 ( Olophrum ; Type locality: Central Altai).

— Luze, 1905: 40 ( Olophrum ; characters; Altai).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1910: 66 ( Olophrum ; catalog).

— Scheerpeltz, 1929: 42 ( Olophrum ; characters; Altai region).

— Smetana 1975c: 159 ( Olophrum ; Mongolia).

— Campbell, 1983: 611 ( Olophrum ; synonym of latum ).

lederi Scheerpeltz, 1929: 87 ( Olophrum ; Type locality: Kasbek, Caucasus).


leechi Hatch, 1957: 63 ( Olophrum ; Type locality: B. C. [ British Columbia ]: Grouse Mt. Also cited from Oregon and Idaho).


leleupi Fagel, 1948: 2 ( Olophrum ; Type locality: Belgique: Wavreille ).

— Horion, 1963: 110 ( Olophrum ; characters; Belgium).

— Lohse, 1964: 53 ( Olophrum ; characters; central Europe).

— Lucht, 1987: 89 ( Olophrum ; checklist; Benelux).


leonhardi Scheerpeltz, 1929: 137 ( Olophrum ; Type locality: Bulg. Rila Geb. Vrlika).

— Zanetti, 1984: 76 ( Olophrum ; Bulgaria).


limbatum Mäklin, 1878 , see: consimile Gyllenhal, 1810 .

luzei Scheerpeltz, 1929: 70 ( Olophrum ; Type locality: Kaukasus, Letschgum).


marginatum Kirby, 1837 , see: consimile Gyllenhal, 1810 .

marginatum Mäklin, 1853 , see: consimile Gyllenhal, 1810 .

marginicolle Blair, 1933 , see: consimile Gyllenhal, 1810 .

mesmini Scheerpeltz, 1929: 117 ( Olophrum ; Type locality: Geok-Tapa, Caucasus).

— Iablokoff-Khnzorian, 1964: 159 ( Olophrum ; characters).


minor J. Sahlberg, 1876 , see: consimile Gyllenhal, 1810 .

minor Poppius, 1909 , see: boreale Paykull, 1792 .

mutatum Scheerpeltz, 1929: 100 ( Olophrum ; Type locality: Japan).

— Watanabe, 1990: 129 ( Olophrum ; characters; Japan).













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