Lesteva picescens, LeConte, 1863

Herman, Lee H., 2001, Catalog of the Staphylinidae (Insecta: Coleoptera). 1758 to the End of the Second Millennium. I. Introduction, History, Biographical Sketches, and Omaliine Group, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2001 (265), pp. 1-650 : 1-650

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.1206/0003-0090.265.1.1

persistent identifier


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scientific name

Lesteva picescens


picescens LeConte, 1863 View in CoL a: 55 ( Lesteva ; Type locality: Alabama).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1910: 73 ( Paralesteva ; synonym of pallipes ).

pandellei Fauvel, 1871 , see: monticola Kiesenwetter, 1847 .

peezi Scheerpeltz, 1957 , see: omissa Rey, 1880 .

peeziana Scheerpeltz, 1957 , see: luctuosa Fauvel, 1871 .

persimilis Cameron, 1930c: 182 ( Lesteva ; Type locality: Kobe).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1064 ( Lesteva ; catalog).

— Watanabe, 1990: 162 ( Lesteva ; characters; Japan).


picescens LeConte, 1863 , see: pallipes LeConte, 1863 .

plagiata Sharp, 1889: 472 ( Lesteva ; Type locality: Yokohama, Oyayama, Miyanoshita).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1910: 72 ( Lesteva ; catalog).

— Cameron, 1949b: 460 ( Lesteva ; Japan, Formosa).

— Nakane, 1963a: 83 ( Lesteva ; characters; habitus photograph; Japan).

— Watanabe, 1990: 155 ( Lesteva ; characters; Japan).


planipennis Stephens, 1834 , see: longoelytrata Goeze, 1777 .

pourtoyi Jarrige, 1972: 158 ( Lesteva ; Type locality: Cirque de Mahourat, Pyr.-Atl.).


praeses Fauvel, 1900: 223 ( Lesteva ; Type locality: Corse; [ Note : See lectotype designation by Zanetti, 1986]).

— Luze, 1903a: 184 ( Lesteva ; characters; Corsica).

— Sainte-Claire Deville, 1906: 71 ( Lesteva ; Corsica).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1910: 73 ( Lesteva ; catalog).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1064 ( Lesteva ; catalog).

— Zanetti, 1986: 97 ( Lesteva ; lectotype designation).

— Zanetti, 1987: 357 ( Lesteva ; subgenus Lesteva ; characters; Corsica).


pubescens Mannerheim, 1830: 57 ( Lesteva ; Type locality: Sweden: Wettern ).

— Mannerheim, 1831: 471 ( Lesteva ; Sweden).

— Erichson, 1839a: 617 ( Lesteva ; characters; Germany).

— Heer, 1839: 192 ( Lesteva ; characters; Switzerland).

— Erichson, 1840: 856 ( Lesteva ; characters; Germany).

— Redtenbacher, 1849: 748 ( Lesteva ; characters; Austria).

— Kiesenwetter, 1851a: 434 ( Lesteva ; France).

— Fairmaire and Laboulbène, 1856: 630 ( Lesteva ; characters; France).

— Motschulsky, 1858d: 72 ( Lesteva ; synonym of bicolor ).

— Redtenbacher, 1857: 244 ( Lesteva ; characters; Austria).

— Kraatz, 1857d: 931 ( Lesteva ; characters; Germany).

— Thomson, 1861: 183 ( Lesteva ; characters; Scandinavia).

— Fauvel, 1865a: 317 [= 1865b: 67] ( Lesteva ; habitat; France).

— Fauvel, 1871a: 127 [= 1872: 101] ( Lesteva ; characters; France; Scandinavia; Britain; Germany; Switzerland; Austria; Italy).

— Fauvel, 1874: 323 [= 1874b: 29] ( Lesteva ; Russia).

— Redtenbacher, 1874: 267 ( Lesteva ; characters; Austria).

— Seidlitz, 1875: 241 ( Lesteva ; characters; Baltic region).

— Mulsant and Rey, 1880: 66 ( Lesteva ; characters; France).

— Fowler, 1888: 402 ( Lesteva ; characters; Britain).

— Ganglbauer, 1895: 713 ( Lesteva ; characters; north and middle Europe).

— Luze, 1903a: 196 ( Lesteva ; characters; northern and central Europe).

— Reitter, 1909: 184 ( Lesteva ; characters; Germany).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1910: 73 ( Lesteva ; catalog).

— Portevin, 1929: 437 ( Lesteva ; characters; France).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1064 ( Lesteva ; catalog).

— Palm, 1948: 120 ( Lesteva ; characters; Sweden; Denmark; Norway).

— Jeannel and Jarrige, 1949: 315, 316 ( Lesteva ; subgenus Lestevella ; characters; notes; cave species; France).

— Lohse, 1956a: 55 ( Lesteva ; characters; Germany).

— Horion, 1963: 127 ( Lesteva ; Britain; Norway; Sweden; Finland; Denmark; Holland; Belgium; Switzerland; France; Spain; Sardinia; Italy; Romania; Hungary; Czechoslovakia; Poland; Russia; Germany; Austria).

— Lohse, 1964: 60 ( Lesteva ; characters; central Europe).

— Jarrige, 1968b: 75 ( Lesteva ; France).

— Steel, 1970a: 21 ( Lesteva ; biological notes).

— Pope, 1977: 22 ( Lesteva ; Britain).

— Tóth, 1982: 100 ( Lesteva ; characters; Hungary).

— Frank, 1982: 8 ( Lesteva ; list of parasites).

— Zanetti, 1987: 366 ( Lesteva ; subgenus Lesteva ; characters; Italy).

— Lucht, 1987: 90 ( Lesteva ; checklist; Germany; Poland; Czechoslovakia; Austria; Switzerland; France; Benelux; Denmark; Sweden).

— Boháč, 1993: 41 ( Lesteva ; subgenus Lesteva ; Slovakia; Czech Republic).

— Zanetti, 1995: 9 ( Lesteva ; Italy).

— Bordoni and Oromi, 1998: 1157 ( Lesteva ; facultative cave species; caves in France).

- DISTRIBUTION: Europe, Russia.

subaptera Mulsant and Rey, 1880: 69 ( Lesteva ; variety of pubescens ; Type locality: Not cited).

— Ganglbauer, 1895: 713 ( Lesteva ; variety of pubescens ).

— Luze, 1903a: 196 ( Lesteva ; synonym of pubescens ).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1910: 73 ( Lesteva ; synonym of pubescens ).

— Jarrige, 1946a: 111 ( Lesteva , cited as Lestera; subspecies of pubescens ; France).

— Jarrige, 1968b: 75 ( Lesteva ; synonym of pubescens ).

— Zanetti, 1987: 367 ( Lesteva ; synonym of pubescens ).

reyi Jarrige, 1968b: 75 ( Lesteva ; subspecies of pubescens ; Type locality: Pyrénées, up to 1200 m).

— Zanetti, 1987: 367 ( Lesteva ; synonym of pubescens ).

pulcherrima Rougemont, 2000: 164 ( Lesteva ; Type locality: China: Zhejiang Prov., Anji County, ca. 1000 m, Long Wang Shan N. R.).


punctata Erichson, 1839 a: 618 ( Lesteva ; Type locality: Mark Brandenburg).

— Erichson, 1840: 857 ( Lesteva ; characters; Germany).

— Redtenbacher, 1849: 747 ( Lesteva ; characters; Austria).

— Hardy, 1851: 55 ( Lesteva ; synonym of impressa ).

— Fairmaire and Laboulbène, 1856: 630 ( Lesteva ; characters; France).

— Redtenbacher, 1857: 244 ( Lesteva ; characters; Austria).

— Kraatz, 1857d: 934 ( Lesteva ; characters; Germany).

— Fauvel, 1865a: 317 [= 1865b: 67] ( Lesteva ; habitat; France).

— Thomson, 1867: 310 ( Lesteva ; characters; Scandinavia).

— Thomson, 1867a: 48 ( Lesteva ; characters; Scandinavia).

— Fauvel, 1871a: 131 [= 1872: 105] ( Lesteva ; characters; France; Britain; Switzerland; Italy; Austria).

— Redtenbacher, 1874: 266 ( Lesteva ; characters; Austria).

— Fauvel, 1876a: 53 [= 1876: 238] ( Lesteva ; Germany).

— Seidlitz, 1875: 241 ( Lesteva ; characters; Baltic region).

— Mulsant and Rey, 1880: 82 ( Lesteva ; characters; France).

— Fowler, 1888: 402 ( Lesteva ; characters; Britain).

— Ganglbauer, 1895: 714 ( Lesteva ; characters; middle Europe).

— Reitter, 1909: 184 ( Lesteva ; characters; Germany).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1910: 73 ( Lesteva ; catalog).

— Johansen, 1914: 590 ( Lesteva ; characters; Denmark).

— Portevin, 1929: 438 ( Lesteva ; characters; France).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1064 ( Lesteva ; catalog).

— Palm, 1948: 118 ( Lesteva ; characters; Sweden; Denmark; Norway).

— Tottenham, 1949: 408 ( Lesteva ; checklist; Britain).

— Jeannel and Jarrige, 1949: 313, 322 ( Lesteva ; subgenus Lestevidia ; characters; notes; cave species; Serbia).

— Lohse, 1956a: 54 ( Lesteva ; characters; Germany).

— Horion, 1963: 125 ( Lesteva ; Britain; Norway; Sweden; Denmark; Holland; Belgium; Switzerland; France; Iberian Peninsula?; Italy; Dalmatia; Bosnia Hercegovina; Bulgaria; Serbia; Macedonia; Greece; Turkey; Romania; Hungary; Czechoslovakia; Poland; Russia; Germany; Austria).

— Lohse, 1964: 59 ( Lesteva ; characters; central Europe).

— Smetana, 1967e: 300 ( Lesteva ; Turkey).

— Scheerpeltz, 1968a: 16 ( Lesteva ; catalog; Austria).

— Tikhomirova, 1973a: 140 ( Lesteva ; checklist; USSR).

— Pope, 1977: 22 ( Lesteva ; Britain).

— Zanetti, 1978b: 84 ( Lesteva ; collecting notes; Italy).

— Muona, 1979: 18 ( Lesteva ; Sweden; Norway; Denmark).

— Burakowski, Mroczkowski, and Stefańska, 1979: 67 ( Lesteva ; catalog; Poland).

— Hammond, 1980: 136 ( Lesteva ; Ireland).

— Tóth, 1980: 98 ( Lesteva ; subgenus Lestevidia ; Hungary).

— Tóth, 1982: 98 ( Lesteva ; characters; Hungary).

— Bordoni, 1982b: 27 ( Lesteva ; subgenus Lestevidia ; collected from moss; ecological notes; Italy).

— Zanetti, 1984: 77 ( Lesteva ; Bulgaria).

— Terlutter, 1984: 29, 42 ( Lesteva ; notes; Germany).

— Lucht, 1987: 87 ( Lesteva ; checklist; Germany; Poland; Czechoslovakia; Austria; Switzerland; France; Belgium; Netherlands; Luxumbourg; Denmark; Sweden).

— Zanetti, 1987: 339 ( Lesteva ; subgenus Lestevidia ; characters; Italy).

— Gusarov, 1989: 6 ( Lesteva ; habitat notes; Ukraine).

— K. Koch, 1989: 232 ( Lesteva ; habitat).

— Silfverberg, 1992: 22 ( Lesteva ; Sweden; Norway; Denmark; Estonia).

— Boháč, 1993: 41 ( Lesteva ; subgenus Lestevidia ; Czech Republic; Slovakia).

— Kocian, 1993b: 92 ( Lesteva ; Czech Republic).

— Gerardi and Zanetti, 1995: 143 ( Lesteva ; collecting notes; Italy).

— Zanetti, 1995: 9 ( Lesteva ; Italy).

— M. Hansen, Mahler, Palm, and Pedersen, 1996: 241 ( Lesteva ; Denmark).

— M. Hansen, 1996: 95 ( Lesteva ; checklist; Denmark).

— Ádám, 1996: 239 ( Lestevidia ; synonym of villosa ).

— Anderson, Nash, and O’Connor, 1997: 16 ( Lesteva ; Ireland).

— M. Hansen, Palm, Pedersen, and Runge, 1998: 70 ( Lesteva ; Denmark).

— Zanetti and Sabella, 1998: 33 ( Lesteva ; notes; Sicily).

— Herman, 2001: 20 ( Lesteva ; prevailing use as valid maintained pending outcome of application to Commission under Article 23.9.3).

- DISTRIBUTION: Europe, Turkey.

villosa Waltl, 1838: 268 ( Anthophagus ; [Note: This name is older than punctata ]; Type locality: Bayern).

— Erichson, 1840: 933 ( Lesteva ; synonym of punctata ).

— Kraatz, 1857d: 934 ( Lesteva ; synonym of punctata ).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1910: 72 ( Lesteva ; synonym of punctata ).

— Ádám, 1996: 239 ( Lestevidia ; valid name; Hungary).

— Herman, 2001: 20 ( Lesteva ; synonym of punctata ).













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