Hipposideros einnaythu Douangboubpha, Bumrungsri, Satasook, Soisook, Hla Bu, Aul, Harrison, Pearch, Thomas and Bates, 2011

Thu, Aye Myat, Lwin, Ye Htet & Quan, Rui-Chang, 2024, Mammals of Myanmar: an annotated checklist, Mammalia (Warsaw, Poland) 88 (3), pp. 147-197 : 171

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.1515/mammalia-2023-0098



persistent identifier


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scientific name

Hipposideros einnaythu Douangboubpha, Bumrungsri, Satasook, Soisook, Hla Bu, Aul, Harrison, Pearch, Thomas and Bates, 2011


191. Hipposideros einnaythu Douangboubpha, Bumrungsri, Satasook, Soisook, Hla Bu, Aul, Harrison, Pearch, Thomas and Bates, 2011 View in CoL

Common name: House-dwelling Leaf-nosed Bat

Myanmar name:

Distribution: Only occur in Kaeng Krachan NP of Thailand and Rakhine State (Kan Thar Yar Beach, Gwa Township) and Tanintharyi Region (Tharabwin Village and Myeik) of Myanmar ( Douangboubpha et al. 2011; Wongwaiyut et al. 2023).

Remarks: Specimens from Myanmar originally referred to Hipposideros ater by Pearch et al. (2003) were referable to H. einnaythu ( Douangboubpha et al. 2011) . This species is previously regarded as endemic to Myanmar; however, Wongwaiyut et al. (2023) confirm the presence of this species in Thailand.

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