Pipistrellus javanicus (J. E. Gray, 1838)

Thu, Aye Myat, Lwin, Ye Htet & Quan, Rui-Chang, 2024, Mammals of Myanmar: an annotated checklist, Mammalia (Warsaw, Poland) 88 (3), pp. 147-197 : 175-176

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.1515/mammalia-2023-0098



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scientific name

Pipistrellus javanicus (J. E. Gray, 1838)


232. Pipistrellus javanicus (J. E. Gray, 1838) View in CoL

Common name: Javan Pipistrelle

Myanmar name:

Distribution: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. In Myanmar, recorded in Bago Township, Yangon Region

(Thone Kwa), Mon State (Kyaik-Kha-Mi), Kachin State (Dalu), Rakhine State (Bout-thi-su Quarter, Sittway), Tanintharyi Region (Myeik) ( Bates et al. 2005; Pearch et al. 2003).

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