Eucnemidae Eschscholtz, 1829
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Melasidae Fleming, 1821
, Suppl. Four., Fifth, Sixth Edit. Ency. Brit., Prel. Diss. Hist. Sci. Illus. Engr., 5: 49. Type genus: Melasis Olivier, 1790. Muona & Alaruikka (2007: 32) submitted an application to conserve usage of
Eucnemidae Eschscholtz, 1829
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Melasidae Fleming, 1821
. However, This Case (NO. 2938) is probably still not closed, since the status of this application is not published. — — Thomson, 1864, Skan. Col., Syn. Bear., 4: 44. —— Fleutiaux, 1911, Annls. Soc. Entomol. Fr., 80: 238. —— Fleutiaux, 1919, Voy. Ch. Alluaud R. Jeannel Afr. Orien., Rés. Sci., 6: 112. —— Fleutiaux, 1920a, Annls. Soc. Entomol. Belg., 60: 93. —— Fleutiaux, 1921a, Philipp. J. Sci., 18: 71. —— Fleutiaux, 1921b, Annls. Soc. Entomol. Belg., 61: 23. —— Fleutiaux, 1924a, Bull. Soc. Entomol. Fr., 1924: 156. —— Fleutiaux, 1924b, Annls. Soc. Entomol. Fr., 92: 301. —— Fleutiaux, 1925a, Bull. Soc. Entomol. Fr., 1925: 177. —— Fleutiaux, 1926, Annls. Soc. Entomol. Fr., 95: 37. ——Abdullah, 1971, Beitr. Entomol., 21: 504. ——Becker, 1991, Immat. Insect., 2: 158–421. —— Muona, 1993b, Entomol. Blät., 89(1): 20. ——Muona, 2007, Catal. Pal. Col., 4: 82. ——Mertlik & Platia, 2008, Elateridarium, 2: 1–40. —— Dušánek, 2008, Elateridarium, 2: 143. —— Bouchard et al., 2011, Zookeys, 88: 299. —— Dušánek, 2009, Elateridarium, 3: 145, 146. —— Leseigneur, 2010, Publ. Soc. L. Lyon, 2(1): 153, 156. —— Dušánek, 2011, Elateridarium, 5: 205, 228. —— Mertlik, 2011, Elateridarium, 5: 55.
Eucnemides Eschscholtz, 1829b, Zool. Atlas, Enth. Abb. Besch. Thier. Währ. Flot. Kotz. Reise Welt, Russ. Kais. Krieg. Pred. Jah., 4: 9. Type genus:
Eucnemis Ahrens, 1812
. —— Perty, 1833, Insect. Am. Merid. Habit. Vit.
., Morib. Dist. Geog. Obser. Nonn.: 7. — —Laport, 1835, Rev. Entomol. (G. Silb.), 3: 157–181. ——Laport, 1840, Hist.
. Insect. Col, 1: 221. —— Westwood, 1840a, Intr. Mod. Class. Insect. 1: 224. ——Blanchard, 1845, His. Insect., 2: 70. ——LeConte, 1852, P roc. Acad.
. Sci. Phil., 6: 45, 49. —— LeConte, 1853a, Trans. Am. Phil. Soc., 10: 405–413, 420, 460, 508. ——LeConte, 1853b, Proc. Acad.
. Sci. Phil., 6: 229. —— LeConte, 1853c, Proc. Acad.
. Sci. Phil., 6: 351. —— Bonvouloir, 1871, Annls. Soc. Entomol. Fr., 40 (Suppl.): 1–288. —— Horn, 1886, Trans. Am. Entomol. Soc. Proc. Entomol. Sec. Acad.
. Sci., 13: 5–57. —— Fleutiaux, 1896b, Mém. Soc. Entomol. Fr., 9: 300. —— Hyslop, 1917, Annls. Entomol. Soc. Am., 10(3): 242. —— Saunders, 1836, Trans. Roy. Entomol. Soc. Lond., 1(3): 150. — — Broun, 1880, Man. N. Z., 277, 279. —— Fleutiaux, 1947, Note. Entomol. Chi., 11: 2. —— Jeuniaux, 1951, Bull. Annls. Soc. Entomol. Bel., 87(9–10): 207. —— Sharp, 1877, J.
. His., 113: 396.
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: Laport, 1840, Hist.
. Insect. Col., 1: 221. Type genus:
Eucnemis Ahrens, 1812
. —— Westwood, 1840a, Intr. Mod. Class. Insect. 1: 224. —— Kiesenwetter, 1858,
. Insect. Deut.: 173. —— Murry, 1868, Annls. Mag.
. Hist., 4(2): 103. —— Stein, 1877, Cat. Col. Eu.: 91. —— Horn, 1886, Trans. Am. Entomol. Soc. Proc. Entomol. Sec. Acad.
. Sci., 13: 5, 47. —— Horn, 1890, Biol. Cent. Am., Insect., Col., 3(1): 210. —— Fleutiaux, 1896c, Annal. Mus. Civ. Sto.
., 36: 534. —— Van Horn, 1909, Proc. Entomol. Soc. Wash., 11: 54. —— Bruch, 1911, Rev. Mus. Plat., 17: 242. —— Reitter, 1911, Fauna Ger., 3: 201. —— Hyslop, 1917, Annls. Entomol. Soc. Am., 1917, 10(3): 242–246. —— Knull, 1946, Annls. Entomol. Soc. Am., 39: 246. —— Knull, 1957, Ohio J. Sci., 57(1): 9. —— Cobos, 1958, Acta Zool. Li., 15: 103. —— Cobos, 1959, Misc. Zool., 1(2): 77. —— Olexa, 1963, Entomol. Blät., 59(2): 89. —— Cobos, 1964,
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: Rev. Espan. Entomol., 40(3–4): 289. ——Abdullah, 1971, Beitr. Entomol., 21: 504. —— Olexa, 1975, Entomol. Blät. Biol. Syst. Käfer, 71: 155. —— Leseigneur, 1978, Entomologiste, 34(3): 105–123. ——Ford & Spilman, 1979, Col. Bull., 33(1): 75, 76. ——Suzuki & Lucht, 1983, Entomol. Rev. Japan, 1983, 38(1): 41. —— Muona, 1985, Entomol. Scand., 16(1): 5. —— Muona, 1987, Entomol. Scand., 18(1): 79. —— Muona, 1988, Elytra, 16(1): 17. ——Becker, 1991, Immat. Insect., 2: 158– 421. ——Burakowski & Buchholz, 1991, Annls. Up. Sil. Mus. Entomol., 2: 103–125. —— Muona, 1991a, Aust. Syst. Bot., 4(1): 165– 172, 180–181. ——Buchholz & Królik, 1992, Wiad. Entomol., 11(1): 17–18. ——Leseigneur & Steffen, 1992, Publ. Soc. L. Lyon, 61(4): 93. —— Levesque & Levesque, 1993, Col. Bull., 47(3): 269, 274. —— Lucht & Otto, 1993, Magy. Állat. Faun. Hung., 8(3): 3. —— Muona, 1993a, Entomol. Scand. Suppl., 44: 5–133. —— Muona, 1993b, Entomol. Blät., 89(1): 15–20, 23, 33, 43. —— Seibert, 1993, Faun. Surv. Elat. Mont.: 3, 4, 10, 11, 16, 217, 230, 231, 233. —— Muona, 1995b, Cladistics, 11: 317–332. ——Otto & Young, 1998, Col. Bull., 52(4): 305, 311. —— Muona, 2002, Am. Beet., 2: 155. —— Costa et al., 2003, Syst. Entomol., 28(3): 376. —— Dodelin et al., 2003, Bull. Mens. Soc. Linn. Lyon, 72(9): 294. —— Moraal et al., 2003, Entomol. Ber., 63(2): 36–37. ——Bouget & Leseigneur, 2005, Bull. Mens. Soc. Linn. Lyon, 74(3): 81, 82, 84–92. —— Tamisier et al., 2006, Bull. Soc. Linn. Bor., 140(34): 8–11. —— Westcott et al., 2006, Zootaxa, 1142: 22. ——Buchholz & Bidas, 2007, Wiad. Entomol., 26(4): 257, 274. ——Chassain & Sautière, 2007, L’Entomologiste, 63: 141, 143. —— Irurzun et al., 2007, Bol. Soc. Entomol. Arag., 1(41): 397, 400. —— Majka, 2007, Zootaxa, 1636: 33, 34, 40–45. —— Mertlik et al., 2007, Elateridarium, 1: 92–94. ——Sagegami-Oba et al., 2007, Mol. Phy. Evol., 42(2): 412, 414, 415. ——Buchholz, 2008, Wiad. Entomol., 4(27): 197, 209. ——Brustel & Van Meer, 2008, L’Entomologiste, 64(2): 75, 77, 78. —— Chang et al., 2008, Zootaxa, 1785: 54. —— Irurzun, 2008, Heter. Rev. Entomol., 8(2): 233–235. —— Jesús de la Rosa, 2008, Bol. S. E. A., 42: 367. ——Muona & Brüstle, 2008, Entomol. Fen., 19: 152, 157.——Muona & Teräväinen, 2008, Col. Bull., 62(4): 475–476. —— Özdikmen, 2008,
Munis Entomol. Zool.
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, 3(2): 675–676.——Brüstle & Muona, 2009, J. Zool. Syst. Evol. Res., 47(4): 337–342. —— Hoffman et al., 2009,
, 34: 25, 26. —— Vahtera et al., 2009, Cladistics, 25(2): 147, 149, 152– 154. —— Brüstle et al., 2010, Cladistics, 26(1): 14, 15. —— Chang et al., 2010, Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am., 103(6): 866–874. —— Leseigneur, 2010, Publ. Soc. L. Lyon, 2(1): 153, 156. —— Otto, 2010, Col. Bul., 64(1): 92. —— Ohsawa, 2010, J. Insect Conserv., 14(5): 480–483. —— Bouchard et al., 2011, Zookeys, 88: 50, 299. —— Kundrata & Bocak, 2011, Zool. Scr., 40(4): 364– 368, 372– 375. ——Chittaro & Blanc, 2012, Mit. Sch. Entomol. Ges., 85: 98, 102. —— Otto, 2012a, Col. Bull., 66(3): 219–220. —— Otto, 2012b, Col. Bull., 66(3): 285. —— Otto, 2012b, Col. Bull., 66(4): 358. ——Suzuki, 2012, Sayab., N. S., 6: 7. —— Suzuki & Chou, 2012, Sayab. N. S., 8: 37. ——Suzuki & Heish, 2014, Sayab. N. S., 14: 4.—— Webster et al., 2012, Zookeys, 179: 77–80. —— Kovalev, 2013, Proc. Zool. Inst. РАН, 317(3): 268–270. —— Kundrata et al., 2013, Contrib. Zool., 82(4): 201. ——Mertlik & Pelikán, 2013, Elateridarium, 7: 45. —— Otto, 2013a, Insect. Mundi, 0297: 1, 4. —— Otto, 2013b, Insect. Mundi, 0307: 1, 4, 5. —— Otto, 2013c, Col. Bull., 67(2): 97. —— Otto, 2013d, Col. Bull., 67(1): 50. ——Otto & Kovalev, 2013, Col. Bull., 67(4): 600. —— Kundrata et al., 2014, Mol. Phylogenet. Evol., 76: 162–169. —— Németh et al., 2014, Elateridarium, 8: 112, 114. ——Otto, 2014, Col. Bull. 68(2): 331. ——Otto et al., 2014, Zootaxa, 3878(2): 179. —— Týr, 2014, Záp. Entomol. Listy, 5: 1, 10. —— Chang et al., 2016, Cladistics, 32(2): 211–213. —— Costa et al., 2014, Zootaxa, 3878(3): 248–249. —— Johnson, 2015, Insect. Mundi, 0445: 9. —— Hilszczañski et al., 2015, Spixiana, 38(1): 77–78. —— Otto, 2015a, Insect. Mundi, 0404: 1, 2, 4. —— Otto, 2015b, Insect. Mundi, 0421: 1–6. —— Vahtera et al., 2015, Biodivers. Data J., 3: 1–16. —— Bocak et al., 2016, Proc. R. Soc. B., 283(1830): 3, 4. —— Németh & Otto, 2016, Elateridarium, 10: 133–138. —— Kovalev, 2016, Zool. Ros., 25: 278. ——Otto, 2016, Entomol. Basil. Col. Frey, 35: 181–183, 188, 387–392. —— Otto & Gruber, 2016, Insect. Mundi, 0702: 1. ——Webster, 2016, Zookeys, 573: 389, 448. ——Webster et al., 2016, Zookeys, 573: 265, 266, 272. ——Marché, I. I., Jordan, 2017, Great Lakes Entomol., 7. —— Otto, 2017a, Rev. Per. Boil., 24(1): 23. —— Otto, 2017b, Zootaxa, 4278(1): 4–14. —— Otto, 2017c, Insect. Mundi, 0569: 1, 2, 5, 13. —— Otto, 2017d, Insect. Mundi, 0545:1, 2, 5. —— Otto, 2017e, Insect. Mundi, 0558: 1. —— Seung et al., 2017, J. Asia. Pac. Entomol., 20(2): 569. ——Seung & Lee, 2018a, J. Asia. Pac. Biodivers., 11(2): 309. ——Seung & Lee, 2018b, J. Asia. Pac. Entomol., 21(1): 115. — —Seung & Lee, 2018c, Zookeys, 781: 81–94. ——Szoltys & Taszakowski, 2017, Acta Entomol. Siles., 25: 1. ——Володченко et al., 2018, Eversmannia, 53: 11. —— Kovalev, 2019, Zootaxa, 4683(1): 98. —— Muona, 2019, Entomol. Blät. Col., 115: 91. —— Otto, 2019, Insect. Mundi, 0702: 1–2. ——Muona & Teräväinen, 2020, Pap. Avulsos. Zool., 60: 1–11.