Haplothrips aliakbarii, Mirab-Balou & Received & Online & Version, 2018

Mirab-Balou, Majid, Received, Behzad Miri, Online, Published & Version, Final, 2018, Haplothrips aliakbarii sp. nov. (Thysanoptera: Phlaeothripidae): a new thrips on oak trees from Ilam Province (western Iran), Turkish Journal of Zoology 42 (5), pp. 608-613 : 608-612

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.3906/zoo-1805-27

persistent identifier


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scientific name

Haplothrips aliakbarii

sp. nov.

Haplothrips aliakbarii View in CoL Mirab-balou and Miri sp. nov. ( Figures 2–4 View Figure 2 View Figure 3 View Figure 4 )

Material examined: Holotype female, IRAN: Ilam Province, Eyvan, Khoran (33°82.49′N, 46°24.71′E), on oak tree ( Quercus brantii ), 20.vii.2017, Leg. B. Miri. Paratypes: 4 females, 1 male, collected with holotype female, with same data . Five females, Ilam Province, Eyvan (33°49.95′N, 46°17.74′E), on oak trees, 11.viii.2017, Leg. B. Miri GoogleMaps ; 4 females, Ilam Province, Dalab forests (33°40′20″N, 46°20′56″E), on oak trees, 15.vi.2017, Leg. M. Mirab-balou GoogleMaps .

Description: Female macroptera ( Figure 2A View Figure 2 ). Body dark brown, distal half of fore tibiae and apex of middle and hind tibia yellow ( Figure 3F View Figure 3 ), all tarsi yellow; antennal segment I dark brown, segment II pale brown, segments III–VI yellow with brownish shade, and segments VII & VIII brown ( Figure 3E View Figure 3 ); fore wing hyaline but brown at basal part ( Figure 3H View Figure 3 ); major body setae brown-shaded.

Head: Antennae 8-segmented ( Figure 3E View Figure 3 ), with one sensorium on antennal segment III and four sensorial on segment IV. Head slightly longer than wide, with developed maxillary bridge; maxillary stylets very near to postocular setae ( Figure 3A View Figure 3 ); postocular setae long and finely pointed, reaching to middle of compound eye. Cheeks weakly rounded. Mouth cone short.

Thorax: Pronotum transverse, notopleural sutures complete ( Figure 3B View Figure 3 ); five pairs of developed setae present: anteromarginal setae minute, anteroangular, midlateral, posteroangular setae and epimeral setae, all almost blunt; basantra and ferna present and well developed; ferna broad. Mesonotum weakly reticulated. Mesopresternum boat-shaped. Metanotum weakly reticulate, with median slender and acute setae at middle of sclerite ( Figure 4B View Figure 4 ). Fore tarsi without tooth ( Figure 3D View Figure 3 ). Fore wing with 8–10 duplicated cilia; subbasal setae arranged in a line ( Figure 3C View Figure 3 ), S1 and S2 setae blunt, S3 setae pointed and slightly curved ( Figure 3C View Figure 3 ); fringe cilia smooth.

Abdomen: Pelta shaped as triangle ( Figure 4C View Figure 4 ). Anterior pair of wing-retaining setae on abdominal tergites II–VII weaker than posterior one ( Figure 4A View Figure 4 ); tergite VII with a pair of campaniform sensilla (CPS) very near to each other ( Figure 4A View Figure 4 ), with four microsetae around the sensilla; abdominal tergite VIII with CPS far from each other ( Figure 4A View Figure 4 ). Tube length short, less than twice as long as basal width; anal setae about as long as tube length ( Figure 3G View Figure 3 ).

Measurements of holotype female: Body length 2150. Head, length 218; median width 213; postocular setae 72. Pronotum, length 160; width 300; major setae anteromarginal 8, anteroangular 32, midlateral 36, epimeral 67, posteroangular 55. Fore wing length 880; fore wing subbasal setae 38, 38, 57. Abdominal tergite IX setae S1 95, S2 95. Tube length 110; basal width 70. Antennal segments I–VIII as follows: I 28(40), II 35(30), III 50(28), IV 56(35), V 50(30), VI 47(26), VII 43(22), and VIII 30(13).

Male macroptera ( Figure 2B View Figure 2 ): Morphologically very similar to female; fore tarsi also without tooth; with no pore plates on abdominal sternites; abdominal tergite IX with short and stout S2 setae. Tube longer than female ( Figure 4D View Figure 4 ). Pseudovirga slender, and rounded at apex.

Measurements of male: Distended body length 1810. Abdominal tergite IX setae S2 35.

Remarks: The new species is most similar to Haplothrips aculeatus (Fabricius) , but it is readily distinguished from the latter by the following characteristics: fore tarsal tooth absent in both sexes (versus present and variable in size in aculeatus ); pronotal major setae blunt (versus pointed in aculeatus ); subbasal setae S1 and S2 finely blunt (versus pointed in aculeatus ); shape of pseudovirga quite different in the male of both species.

In addition, the new species looks like H. andresi and H. subtilissimus in color of body and antennal segments, antennal segment III with one sensorium, and short tube. However, this new species can be distinguished by combinations of the following characters: pronotal anteromarginal setae minute, but well developed in andresi and subtilissimus ; fore wing subbasal setae S1 and S2 finely blunt but capitate in andresi and subtilissimus ; male fore tarsi without tooth but with small tooth in andresi and subtilissimus .

Distribution: Iran (Ilam Province).

Etymology: This new species is named in honor of Professor Mohammad Aliakbari, Dean of Ilam University, Iran.

Key to species of Haplothrips View in CoL from Iran

[ H. longipes Bagnall View in CoL and H. rabinovitchi Priesner View in CoL was not included: see Minaei and Mound (2008) for more information]

1. Fore wing without duplicated cilia [subgenus Trybomiella ]...........................................................................2 - Fore wing with duplicated cilia [subgenus Haplothrips View in CoL ]...................................................................................................3 2. Body dark brown .................................. clarisetis Priesner View in CoL - Body bicolored brown and yellow ........................................ ................................................... navvabi Minaei et Ramezani View in CoL 3. Metanotum with small setae anterior to median pair of setae.........................................................................................4 - Metanotum without any small setae anterior to median pair of setae.............................................................................5 4. Metanotum with one pair of small setae anterior to median pair of setae; pronotal anteromarginal setae pointed ........................................... kermanensis View in CoL zur Strassen - Metanotum with 2–4 pairs of small setae anterior to median pair of setae; pronotal anteromarginal setae blunt or capitate ................................. herajius Minaei & Aleosfoor View in CoL 5. Fore wing subbasal setae arranged in a triangle................6 - Fore wing subbasal setae arranged in a line..........................9 6. Distal cilia of fore wing with surface plumose ................... .......................................................................... reuteri (Karny) View in CoL - Distal cilia of fore wing smooth..........................................7 7. Antennal segment III with one sensorium; postocular setae and pronotal setae pointed ............................................ .................................................... zabolius Minaei & Mokhtari View in CoL - Antennal segment III with two sensorial; postocular setae and pronotal setae acute or capitated.........................8 8. All tarsi yellow; antennal segments III–V paler than other segments; postocular setae, pronotal setae and subbasal setae of fore wing acute .............. caespitis Priesner View in CoL - Fore tarsi yellow; antennal segment III paler than other segments; postocular setae, pronotal setae and subbasal setae of fore wing capitate ........................................................ ............................................ rasouliani Mirab-balou & Chen 9. Antennal segment III with no sensorium or with one sensorium much smaller than the sensoria on segment IV .......................................................................... minutus (Uzel) View in CoL - Antennal segment III with one or two developed sensoria.................................................................................................10 10. Body clearly bicolored brown and yellow ........................ .................................................................. flavicinctus (Karny) View in CoL - Body mainly brown to dark brown..................................11 11. Antennal segment III with one sensorium; tube short ...................................................................................................12 - Antennal segment III with two sensoria; tube short or long........................................................................................23 12. Pronotal anteromarginal setae well developed............13 - Pronotal anteromarginal setae reduced or minute.........18 13. Fore tarsal tooth absent; pronotal major setae pointed ............................................................... phyllophilus Priesner View in CoL - Fore tarsal tooth present (absent in some females); pronotal major setae blunt or capitate...............................14 14. Postocular setae pointed ................ eragrostidis Priesner View in CoL - Postocular setae blunt or capitate....................................15 15. Fore wing subbasal setae S1 and S2 blunt ......................... ................................................................ maroccanus Priesner View in CoL - Fore wing subbasal setae S1 and S2 capitate.......................16 16. Pronotal and postocular setae capitates; fore wing subbasal setae S3 blunt ........................ ganglbaueri Schmutz View in CoL - Pronotal setae blunt, postocular setae blunt or capitate; fore wing subbasal setae S3 pointed..................................17 17. Body major setae dark ............................ andresi Priesner View in CoL - Body major setae shaded to pale ........................................... ............................................................ subtilissimus (Haliday) View in CoL 18. Postocular setae blunt....................................................19 - Postocular setae pointed .................................................. 21 19. All tibiae and tarsi yellow..............................................20 - All tarsi and apical half of fore tibiae yellow, the rest brown .................................................................... kurdjumovi Karny View in CoL 20. Antennal segments I–II and VII–VIII brown ................. .................................................................... flavitibia Williams View in CoL - Antennal segments I & VII–VIII brown .............................. ..................................................................... knechteli Priesner View in CoL 21. Middle and hind tibiae brown to dark brown; pronotal major setae pointed .............................. aculeatus (Fabricius) View in CoL - Middle and hind tibiae at least yellow in apical quarter; pronotal major setae blunt ................................................. 22 22. Fore tarsal tooth absent in both female and male; major body setae shaded ..................................... aliakbarii View in CoL sp. nov. - Female without tooth, but male with very small tooth; major body setae dark brown .................... globiceps Bagnall View in CoL 23. Pronotal and subbasal wing setae usually short; postocular setae acute and short ....... leucanthemi (Shrank) View in CoL - Pronotal and subbasal wing setae usually long; postocular setae variable in shape and usually extending beyond posterior margin of eyes ..................................................... 24 24. Pronotal major setae capitated ....... cahirensis (Trybom) View in CoL - Pronotal major setae blunt or pointed.............................25 25. Mesopresternum boat-shaped......................................26 - Mesopresternum eroded medially into two lateral triangles.................................................................................27 26. Tube short; postocular setae pointed; fore wing subbasal setae S1, S2 and S3 blunt ...................... distinguendus (Uzel) View in CoL - Tube long; postocular setae acute; fore wing subbasal setae S1, S2 blunt, S3 pointed ..................... vuilleti Priesner View in CoL 27. Fore wing subbasal setae capitated; tube short ................ ................................................................ tamaricinus Priesner View in CoL - Fore wing subbasal setae pointed, rarely blunt; tube long.................................................................................................28 28. Postocular and pronotal major setae long and blunt; body major setae dark brown; antennal segments III–VI mainly yellow ............................................ verbasci (Osborn) View in CoL - Postocular and pronotal major setae pointed; body major setae pale; antennal segment III mainly yellow ..................... ................................................................... tritici (Kurdjumov) View in CoL

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