Intybia eversi (Hicker, 1949)

Wang, Yuqi, Li, Zhiqiang, You, Ping & Liu, Zhenhua, 2024, Contribution to the Chinese Intybia Pascoe, 1866 (Coleoptera, Melyridae, Malachiinae), with descriptions of two new species groups and one new species, ZooKeys 1202, pp. 329-341 : 329-341

publication ID 10.3897/zookeys.1202.115935

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ZooKeys by Pensoft

scientific name

Intybia eversi (Hicker, 1949)


Intybia eversi (Hicker, 1949)

Figs 4 View Figure 4 , 5 View Figure 5

Material examined.

Holotype: China • ♂; Fujian, Kwangtseh ; 17 July 1937; J. Klapperich leg.; ZFMK - COL- 1000176 .

Other materials.

China • 1 ♂, 1 ♀; Zhejiang, Shaoxing City, Yuecheng District, Fusheng Town ; 29.94070 ° N, 120.73935 ° E; 14 July 2020; Yuchen Zhao leg.; net sweeping; IZGAS GoogleMaps ; • 1 ♂; Hubei, Huanggang City, Macheng Aimenguan ; 565 m; 31.3856863 ° N, 115.3231569 ° E; Fei Ye and Yuqi Wang leg.; IZGAS GoogleMaps 3 ♀; Guangdong, Shaoguan City, Nanling National Forest Park first peak; 24.91971 ° N, 112.974713 ° E; 1541 m; 24 Aug. – 28 Sept. 2022; Wenfeng Li and Ruonan Zhang leg.; malaise trap; IZGAS GoogleMaps .


This species can be distinguished by its scape with a dark stripe along the inner margin (Fig. 4 D View Figure 4 ), head with a midcranial suture and fine punctations on the elytra. Compared to Intybia concha , antennomere 3 of this species has a smoother edge, presenting a more regular spindle shape, with the outer margin slightly blunter than the inner margin.


Male. Length 2.7–3.2 mm. Head black, with areas between antennal insertions and anteclypeus yellowish; labrum black at base, apical area yellow, maxillary palps with apex of terminal segment dark yellow. Antenna with basal 3 segments yellow, base of scape black, antennomere with dark stripe along anterior edge on dorsal surface; antennomere 4–11 brownish to dark brown (Fig. 4 D View Figure 4 ). Pronotum black, elytra iridescent dark blue with metallic lustre. Legs deep brown to black with tarsi light brown. Ventral side black, with medial areas and posterior margins of abdominal ventrites 2–5 orange, ventrites 2 to 5 extending yellow regions laterally (Fig. 4 B View Figure 4 ). Vestiture of short white setae.

Head widest across eyes, narrower than pronotum; dorsal surface flat, with distinct midcranial suture; frons slightly constricted in front of eyes; clypeus divided into sclerotized postclypeus and membranous anteclypeus. Eyes large and conspicuously prominent. Antenna with 11 segments; scape subtriangular, with apex distinctly dilated; antennomere 3 strongly transverse, with large transverse concavity, inner edge slightly pointed; antennomeres 4–11 covered with dense white short setae. Labrum transverse and large, nearly semicircular, apical margins strongly arched. Maxillary palps with 4 segments with terminal segment dilated and obliquely truncate; labial palps with 3 segments with terminal segments conical.

Pronotum slightly transverse, about 0.8 times as long as wide, widest at about basal third; lateral margins strongly constricted at base, anterior margin curved, posterior margin almost straight (Fig. 4 A, F View Figure 4 ); disc convex dorsally, slightly depressed posteriorly. Surface nearly smooth, without distinct punctuation; densely covered with short setae. Prosternum short, protrochantins exposed. Procoxal cavities strongly transverse, contiguous at middle; procoxae enlarged and ventrally protruding. Scutellum subtrapezoidal, posterior margin truncate; surface covered with sparse short setae.

Elytra about 1.2 times as long as wide, widest at about apical third, ovoid; humeri slightly elevated; surface covered with dense fine punctures at middle, remaining areas nearly smooth, covered with dense short setae. Mesoventrite elongated; mesocoxal cavities contiguous at middle, laterally open to mesepimeron; Mesocoxae large and triangular, ventrally protruding. Metaventrite slightly swollen, with short discrimen; metacoxae transverse, subtriangular, sharply narrowed beside trochanters.

Legs slender, femora slightly swollen, covered with white short setae; tibiae slender, with denser setae than femora, which is even denser on inner surface of fore tibiae. Tarsal formula 5–5 – 5, front tarsi distinctly shorter; terminal tarsomere with pair of symmetrical small claws and membranous appendages underneath.

Abdomen with 6 freely movable ventrites; ventrites 1–4 subequal in length, longer than apical 2 segments, ventrites 4–6 gradually narrowed to apex. Tergite VIII (Fig. 5 C View Figure 5 ) subtrapezoid, with pair of moderately long and curved posterior struts, posterior margin triangularly emarginated; sternite VIII (Fig. 5 D View Figure 5 ) transverse, weakly connected at middle. Aedeagus broad at middle (Fig. 5 A View Figure 5 ), apex acute and curved (Fig. 5 B View Figure 5 ); endophallus with 4 broad and curved sclerites at middle, and 4 small spine – shaped sclerites next to them, 3 at basal and 1 at apical, subapical area with a few thick spinules.

Female. Similar to male in body shape and colouration (Fig. 4 C View Figure 4 ), but antenna with scape only slightly dilated apically, antennomere 3 simple and elongated, front tarsi longer.


Fujian, Guangdong.


Zoologisches Forschungsmuseum Alexander Koenig


Georgian Academy of Sciences, Insititute of Zoology











