Phylidorea Bigot, 1854

Podenas, Sigitas & Byun, Sun-Jae Park and Hye-Woo, 2022, Phylidorea crane flies (Diptera: Limoniidae) of Korea, Journal of Species Research 11 (1), pp. 47-60 : 48-49

publication ID 10.12651/JSR.2022.11.1.047

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scientific name

Phylidorea Bigot, 1854


Phylidorea Bigot, 1854 View in CoL

Phylidorea Bigot, 1854: 456 View in CoL ; Savchenko and Krivolutskaya, 1976: 65-66; Savchenko, 1983: 59; 1986: 276- 280; 1989: 99-100.

Philydorea Bigot, 1854: 472 (incorrect spelling).

Veruina Wallengren, 1882: 180-181 . Type species - Limnobia bifurcata Zetterstedt, 1837 View in CoL .

Limnophila (Phylidorea) Edwards, 1938: 63 (Key), 69- 71; Ishida, 1959: 3.

Type species - Limnobia ferruginea Meigen, 1818 , by subsequent designation of Coquillett, 1910 (Palaearctic).


Medium- to larger-sized crane flies ( Fig. 2A View Fig ) with body length 4.2-15.2 mm, largest Korean specimens only up to 10 mm long, and wing length 5.8-14.5 mm. Wing length of largest Korean specimens not exceeding 10 mm. Body coloration varies from brownish yellow to black.

Head: Rounded posteriorly. Vertex wide, width above base of antenna approximately equal length of scape and pedicel taken together, vertical tubercle small and rounded, just slightly raised above head surface. Antenna medium-long or long, reaching at least base of wing, usually beyond base of abdomen, if bent backwards. Flagellum 14-segmented, flagellomeres elongate. Verticils short, longest verticils slightly exceed length of respective segments, usually less than that.

Thorax: Prothorax small, frontal margin nearly straight, without indentation. Prescutum and presutural scutum with small tubercular pits, that are hardly distinguishable in species that have polished prescutum, pseudosutural fovea distinct. Disc of prescutum with or without longitudinal stripes. Episternum naked, without setae. Meron small, thus middle and posterior coxae close to each other. Wing long and narrow, often translucent without darker pattern, or with few dark spots along frontal margin and darker areas surrounding cross-veins. Stigma usually distinct. Arculus present, vein Sc long, reaching wing margin close to the branching point of Rs, sc-r close to tip of Sc. Radial sector often short or very short, arched or angulate and short-spurred at base. R 1 short and oblique, nearly transverse, R 3 and R 4 diverging towards wing margin. Cell m 1 long with long stem, length of cell usually exceeds that of its stem. Discal cell usually present, but missing in few species. Cross-vein m -cu distinctly beyond base and usually close to the middle of discal cell. Anal vein long, slightly sinuous, reaching wing margin distinctly before the level of Rs base. Anal angle distinct. Wing cells without macrotrichiae. Wing squama bare. All legs with tibial spurs, foreleg with single, middle and posterior legs with two spurs each.

Abdomen: Tergites without paired transverse sutures. Male terminalia slightly wider than remaining abdominal segments. Sclerites of ninth abdominal segment connected into genital ring in male. Posterior margin of epandrium (tergite 9) with medial emargination or with paired lobes. Gonocoxite oval or slightly elongate, with ventromesal lobe, some species also with dorsal lobe. Two pairs of apical gonostyli. Outer gonostylus long and narrow, sclerotized, setoseless, blunt-apexed or with bifid apex. Inner gonostylus dilated basally with long and narrow, slightly curved, blunt-apexed distal part. Aedeagus usually elongate, sometimes bifid at apex. One pair of parameres. Outer structure surrounding aedeagus is interpreted as second pair of parameres, thus interbase is missing according to Savchenko (1989), or it is interpreted as interbase by Ribeiro (2008). Ovipositor with long and narrow cerci and hypovalvae, distal part of cercus slightly raised upwards, blunt-apexed, dorsal margin of hypovalva with long parallel setae.

Last instar larva ( Podeniene and Gelhaus, 2010).

Body: Covered with long yellowish-brown setae, which gives body a golden color.

Head capsule: Elongate-oval in shape, depressed dor- soventrally and reduced. Labrum membranous, elongate-oval in shape and inconspicuously separated from clypeus. Lateral part of clypeus with separate lobe. Frons reduced. Antenna short. Mandible sickle-shaped. Maxilla elongated, slightly narrowing toward tip, apical part di- rected outward. Cardo reduced into small sclerite. Ventral part of head capsule is connected with hypopharyngeal bar.

Abdomen: Last abdominal segment (anal) constrict- ed. Penultimate abdominal segment inflated. Tergum of anal segment with a tuft of long setae on anterior side. Spiracular field surrounded by four flattened elongate and sclerotized lateral and ventral lobes with dorsal lobe vestigial. Spiracles large, circular. Anus surrounded by four short, oval-shaped white and fleshy anal papillae.

Pupa ( Podeniene and Gelhaus, 2010).

Body: Coloration brown. Head and thorax much darker than abdomen.

Head: Cephalic crest inconspicuous, consisting of four unequal lobes. Antennal sheaths short.

Legs: Almost reaching the end of abdominal segment III.

Abdomen: Segments II- VII with inconspicuous annuli. Tergites and sternites on posterior and anterior parts have transverse rows of small tubercles with spines. Terminal segment of male blunt and narrow. Terminal segment of female pupa elongate.

Genus Phylidorea View in CoL has only a Palaearctic distribution and includes 30 extant species ( Oosterbroek, 2021). They are divided into three subgenera: P. ( Macrolabina View in CoL ) Savchenko, 1986 with six species, five of which are recorded from East Palaearctic, P. ( Paraphylidorea ) Savchenko, 1986 with two species, and nominate subgenus P. ( Phylidorea View in CoL ) Bigot, 1854 with 21 species, 16 of which occur in Eastern and 10 in Western Palaearctic. Two fossil species belong to Phylidorea View in CoL and both are known only from Eocenian Baltic amber. They are unplaced to extant subgenera ( Evenhuis, 2014).


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile












Phylidorea Bigot, 1854

Podenas, Sigitas & Byun, Sun-Jae Park and Hye-Woo 2022

Limnophila (Phylidorea)

Ishida, H. 1959: 3
Edwards, F. W. 1938: 63


Wallengren, H. D. J. 1882: 181


Savchenko, E. N. 1989: 99
Savchenko, E. N. 1986: 276
Savchenko, E. N. 1983: 59
Savchenko, E. N. & G. O. Krivolutskaya 1976: 65
Bigot, J. M. F. 1854: 456


Bigot, J. M. F. 1854: 472
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