Diptilomiopidae, Keifer Nalepa

Khan, Eid Muhammad, Kamran, Muhammad & Alatawi, Fahad Jaber, 2023, A new species of the genus Diptilomiopus Nalepa and a key to diptilomiopid species (Prostigmata; Eriophyoidea; Diptilomiopidae) associated with Moraceae plant family, Zootaxa 5375 (1), pp. 93-102 : 99-100

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.5375.1.5

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Key to species of the family Diptilomiopidae View in CoL View at ENA associated with the plant family Moraceae

1. Empodium entire................................... Subfamily Rhyncaphytoptinae ......................... 2

- Empodium deeply divided........................ Subfamily Diptilomiopinae .............................. 12

2. Coxae setae 1b absent................................. Genus Chakrabartiella C. ficusis (Chakrabarti, Ghosh & Das)

- Coxae setae 1b present................................................................................. 3

3. Femoral setae absent from leg I......................... Genus Catarhinus ....................... C. mori Huang

- Femoral setae present on both legs........................................................................ 4

4. Dorsal annuli uneven, laterally irregular serrate......................... Genus Quadracus ....... Q. cudraniae Kaung

- Dorsal annuli uniformly even, laterally not serrate........................................................... 5

5. Prodorsal shield separated from 1 st dorsal annulus by deep cleft, lateral annular margin with strong pointed projection......................... Genus Peralox .............................................. P. cudraniae Kuang and Hong

- Prodorsal shield not separated from 1 st dorsal annulus; lateral annular margin not as above........................... 6

6. Dorsal annuli subequal dorsoventrally......................... Genus Rhinophytoptus ....... R. broussonetiae Kaung

- Dorsal annuli broader than ventral annuli......................... Genus Rhyncaphytoptus ...................... 7

7. Median, admedian and submedian lines incomplete............................................ R. ficifoliae Keifer

- Median, admedian and submedian lines complete............................................................ 8

8. Median and admedian are connected by transverse lines....................................................... 9

- Median and admedian are without transverse lines.......................................................... 10

9. Two transverse lines joining median and admedian lines............................... R. zhongshani Zhao & Kaung

- Single transverse line joining median and admedian lines................................ R. taihangensis Xue & Hong

10. Coxal areas without granules, annuli with spines like micortubercles......................... R. caricae Zhao & Kuang

- Coxal areas with granules, annuli with rounded micortubercles or absent........................................ 11

11. Dorsal annul without micortubercles, h 1 present............................................ R. mori Liu & Kuang

- Dorsal annuli with rounded micortubercles, h 1 absent.................................... R. papyriferae Xue & Hong

12. Scapular setae present; minute in size.................................................................... 13

- Scapular setae absent................................................................................. 14

13. Genu setae absent from leg II......................... Genus Neorhynacus ....... N. lakoochii Pandir & Chakrabarti

- Genu setae present on both legs......................... Genus Apodiptacus ................. A. cordiformis Keifer

14. Legs genu segment absent......................... Genus Diptilomiopus ................................... 15

- Legs genu segment present............................................................................ 27

15. Scapular setal insertion absent.......................................................................... 16

- Scapular setal insertion present......................................................................... 18

16. Female coverflap with longitudinal lines; central cell with admedian lines.............. D. ficusis Chakrabarti & Mondal

- Female coverflap smooth; central cell without median and admedian lines....................................... 17

17. Female genital area anteriorly granulated; second medial row with 13 cells............... D. indicus Chakrabarti & Pandit

- Female genital area anteriorly smooth; second medial row with 7 cells.................. D. ficifolius (Boczek & Oleczek)

18. Central cell with median lines.......................................................................... 19 - Central cell without median lines........................................................................ 21

19. Each branch of empodium multi-rayed......................................... D. broussonetus Liu, Yuan, & Xue

- Each branch of empodium 5-6 rayed..................................................................... 20

20. Leg tarsal seta (ft’, ft’’) divided................................................... D. sabahus Liu, Yuan, & Xue

- Leg tarsal seta (ft’, ft’’) simple............................................................ D. ficivorus Sarkar

21. Coxal area smooth................................................................................... 22

- Coxal area granulated/punctate......................................................................... 23

22. Second row of mid shield with 5 cells; genital area with few granules.............................. D. cumingis Huang

- Second row of mid shield with 3 cells; genital area entirely smooth...................... D. asperis Gosh & Chakrabarti

23. Genital shield entirely smooth........................................... D. benjaminae (Boczek & Chandrapatya)

- Genital shield granulated.............................................................................. 24

24. Dorsal annulai smooth................................................................................ 25

- Dorsal annulai with pointed micortubercles................................................................ 26

25. Only coxae I granulated,................................................ D. racemosae (Chandrapatya & Boczek)

- Both coxae granulated................................................... D. bahaensis sp. nov. Alatawi & Khan

26. Setae h 1 absent; empodium 6 rayed................................... D. indogangeticus Chakrabarti, Sur, & Sarkar

- Setae h 1 present; empodium 8 rayed............................................................ D. ficus Attiah

27. All coxal setae present......................... Genus Asetadiptacus ........................ A. emiliae Carmona

- Coxal setae 1b absent......................... Genus Vimola .................... V. artocarpae (Mohanasundaram)



















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