Nemka yasumatsui ( Mickel, 1936 ), 2020
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Plazi (2020-01-20 07:39:51, last updated 2024-11-26 06:45:18) |
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Nemka yasumatsui ( Mickel, 1936 ) |
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stat. rev. et comb. nov. |
Nemka yasumatsui ( Mickel, 1936) , stat. rev. et comb. nov.
( Figs 9 View FIGURE 9 A–B, 10A–D, 11A–B, 12A–C, J, 13A, D–E, 14A–C, 15A–B, 16A–B, 17A–F, 18D–E)
Smicromyrme yasumatsui: Mickel 1936: 52 , ♀, holotype ♀ (“Chikuzen” [Āů], Fukuoka, Japan) [University of Minnesota, St. Paul, USA]; Tsuneki 1972a: 17, ♀; Yoshida 1989: 651; Lelej 1995a: 10, synonymized under Nemka wotani (Zavattari) ; Takahashi 1996: 28, ♀.
Smicromyrme (Nemka) wotani: Lelej & Yamane 1992: 631 , ♂ ♀, recorded from Japan.
Nemka wotani: Lelej 1995a: 10 , ♂ ♀, in part, examined; Yamane 1999: 381, ♂ ♀; Lelej 2002: 57; Lelej 2005: 48; Terayama 2005: 8, 11, 17, ♂ ♀; Terayama et al. 2011: 13, 21, ♂ ♀; Tsurusaki et al. 2012: 70, ♂; Nagase et al. 2014: 132, ♀; Ono & Kawashima 2013: 41, ♂; Lo Cascio 2015: 553; Terayama et al. 2016: 167, ♂ ♀.
Smicromyrme lewisi: Sato & Tsurusaki 2010: 68 , ♀, misidentification.
Diagnosis. MALE. Gena with large dense to confluent punctures; clypeus basomedially elevated forming basal and subbasal denticles, and with a pair of subapical weak tubercles. Dorsum of pronotum entirely with dense short recumbent pale setae, mixed with sparse long erect pale setae; lateral face of pronotum entirely rugoso-punctate; scutellum and metascutellum with long erect pale golden setae; ventral tubercle on mesopleuron laterally largely depressed; propodeum with basomedial elongate to semicircular cell and with large semicircular cell laterally to median one. Metasomal segments 1–3 yellowish red. FEMALE. Frons with sparse golden to black recumbent setae; frons and vertex with dense but separated punctures. T2 with apical narrow band of pale golden to golden setae, medially widened triangularly; T6 with thickened lateral pygidial fringe of pale golden setae; pygidial area rugosostriate basally, unsculptured on apical 1/6–1/5.
Redescription. MALE (n = 125). Body length: 9.98 mm– 17.5 mm (average: 14.8 mm); fore wing length: 8.00 mm– 13.2 mm (average: 11.7 mm).
Color and setae. Head including antennal tubercle and clypeus black; frons with dense short recumbent and sparse long erect pale golden setae; interocellar area and vertex posteriorly to it with sparse long recumbent and sparse long erect pale golden setae; vertex laterally and gena with sparse long erect pale golden setae except gena around eye and malar space with dense short appressed pale golden setae; eye dorsally edged with long erect black setae; antennal scrobe glabrous; clypeus medially triangularly with sparse long erect pale golden setae, laterally with sparse short recumbent to appressed pale golden setae. Mandible black except median 1/10–1/5 reddish brown, with sparse long erect pale golden setae, basally appressed. Prementum and stipes dark brown to black with sparse extremely short recumbent pale golden setae; palpi dark brown to black with sparse extremely short erect pale golden setae. Antenna black; scape with sparse long recumbent and sparser long erect pale golden setae; pedicel with dense very short recumbent pale golden to black setae; flagellum with dense extremely short erect pale golden setae.
Mesosoma including tegula black; dorsum of pronotum with dense short recumbent and sparse long erect (medially recumbent) pale golden setae; mesoscutum with sparse short recumbent golden setae; tegula with sparse short recumbent black setae except outer margin of posterior 3/4 glabrous; basal 1/4–1/3 of scutellum with sparse long erect black setae; apical 2/3–3/4 of scutellum and metascutellum with sparse short erect and sparse long erect pale golden setae; axilla and metanotal trough with sparse short erect pale golden setae; dorsal propodeal face with sparse short erect and sparser long erect pale golden setae; propleuron with sparse short appressed and sparser long erect pale golden setae; lateral face of pronotum with sparse short recumbent and sparser long recumbent pale golden setae; anterior part of mesopleuron, dorsal half of metapleuron and ventral half of lateral propodeal face with sparse short recumbent pale golden setae; median part of mesopleuron, ventral half of metapleuron and dorsal half of lateral propodeal face with sparse short erect and sparse long erect pale golden setae; mesopleuron beneath with sparse long erect (medially appressed) pale golden setae.
Wings pale to dark brown, with sparse short erect black, regularly distributed setae.
Legs dark brown to black; protibial spur pale brown; meso- and metatibial spurs yellowish white; coxae, trochanters and femora with sparse short recumbent and sparser long erect pale golden setae; tibiae with dense short appressed and sparse long erect pale golden setae; tarsi with dense long appressed pale golden setae.
Metasoma yellowish red except basal half of T1, S1, T4–T7 and S4–S8 black; T1 and S2–S8 with sparse long erect pale golden setae; T2 disc with sparse short recumbent golden to black setae; T2 around discal area with sparse long erect pale golden to black setae; T2–T5 with sparse long erect golden setae; T6 with sparse long erect, basally pale golden and apically black setae, sometimes entirely pale golden; T7 with sparse long erect black setae; S1 on lateral slope with sparse short erect and sparse long erect pale golden setae, on posterior slope with dense short erect pale golden setae; T1 and S2–S7 with apical fringe of sparse long pale golden setae; T2–T5 with apical fringe of sparse long golden setae; T6 with apical fringe of sparse long black setae; segment 2 with lateral golden felt line on T and shorter on S.
Structure. Head 1.41–1.54 (average: 1.47) times wider than long; lateral margins weakly convergent posteriorly behind eye; vertex elevated posteriorly; POL/OOL = 0.69–0.98 (average: 0.85); OL:MOD:LOD (average in parentheses) = 1:0.87–1.19 (1.02):0.70–1.10 (0.86); GOI = 0.92–1.27 (average: 1.14); ocelli without posterior carina; lower frons with distinct median longitudinal carina; antennal scrobe with distinct dorsal carina not reaching inner eye margin; frons with small confluent punctures; vertex with small sparse punctures except posterior margin with large confluent punctures; gena with large dense to confluent punctures. Clypeus concave, basomedially elevated forming basal and subbasal denticles; a pair of subapical weak tubercles present; anterior margin medially widely protruding, without median emargination; surface of clypeus medially with few small sparse punctures, laterally with minute sparse punctures. Mandible narrowed to apex, without dorsal crook, apically pointed and tridentate; first inner denticle much smaller than apex, second inner denticle little larger than first; ventral margin of mandible excised into large tooth basally; surface of mandible with minute sparse punctures except basal outer face with minute sparse and small sparser punctures. Scape bending medially, with two parallel carinae beneath; surface of scape with small dense punctures; pedicel with minute dense punctures; F1 length 1.17–1.37 (average: 1.26) × its width, 0.56–0.63 (average: 0.60) × F2 length; F2–F11 almost same in width; length of F2–F10 each little longer than the following segment; F11 little longer than F10, conical, weakly compressed; surface of flagellum with minute dense punctures.
Mesosoma broadest at mesonotum including tegulae; ratio between head width:humeral width:pronotal width: mesonotal width (average in parentheses) = 65–72 (68):60–66 (63):78–86 (82):100; humeral angle weakly angulate; propodeum abruptly convergent posteriorly; mesoscutal width 1.12–1.28 (average: 1.20) × its length, 0.62–0.67 (average: 0.64) × mesonotal width; tegula protruding posteriorly, at most reaching mesoscuto-scutellar articulation, 1.67–1.81 (average: 1.71) times longer than wide; mesoscutum distinctly convex; notauli long, reaching anterior margin of mesoscutum, divergent anteriorly in apical 1/5, subparallel posteriorly; parapsidal line short; parascutal carina well developed, forming distinct scale-like process on postero-lateral angle of mesoscutum; scutellum gibbous without carina or impunctate line; mesopleuron with distinct transverse mesopleural suture, beneath strongly concave with small triangular precoxal tubercle laterally largely depressed; dorsum of pronotum and mesoscutum with large confluent punctures; tegula with large sparse punctures except outer margin of posterior 3/4 smooth; scutellum rugoso-punctated by large confluent punctures; axilla and metanotal trough with minute dense punctures; metascutellum with small confluent punctures; dorsal propodeal face irregularly areolate-rugose and with minute sparse punctures, basally with median elongate tongue-like, triangular or semicircular cell and large semicircular cell laterally to median one; propleuron with minute sparse punctures; lateral face of pronotum with rugoso-punctated by large confluent punctures; anterior half of mesopleuron and dorsal half of metapleuron with minute dense punctures; other parts of mesopleuron, ventral half of metapleuron and lateral propodeal face with large rounded confluent cells.
Coxae with small dense punctures; trochanters, femora and tibiae with small sparse punctures; tarsi with minute dense punctures; metacoxa with weak inner carina throughout; tibiae without outer spines; claws simple, without inner denticle.
T1 with distinct dorsum and with dorso-lateral subbasal rounded tubercle; T2 evenly convex, 1.23–1.43 (average: 1.34) times wider than long; S1 with straight median longitudinal carina with its outer margin more or less elevated posteriorly, forming distinct angle; S2 without basomedial carina; T1, T2 around discal area and S2 with large dense punctures; T2 disc with large sparse punctures; T3–T6 and S3–S7 with small dense punctures; T7 and S1 with large confluent punctures except T7 with median narrow elongate impunctate line; S8 with small sparse punctures. Paramere down-curved with subapical inner protuberance; inner face of paramere dorsally with long appressed golden setae on basal half; parapenial lobe spatulate, apically truncate; volsella with basal rounded external lobe; cuspis long narrow, reaching apical 1/3 of paramere; inner margin of cuspis with long erect golden setae throughout as long as or little longer than digitus length; cuspis basally with long erect golden setae on dorsal margin little longer than digitus length; inner face of basal external lobe with developed golden setal bunch on deep depression; ventral margin of basal external lobe with minute dense punctures and with very long, as long as paramere length, erect golden setae; digitus long, stick-like, apically with 5–8 long erect golden setae little shorter than digitus length; penis valve with apical and subapical pointed lobes.
FEMALE (n = 98). Body length: 7.45 mm–12.0 mm (average: 9.06 mm).
Color and setae. Frons, vertex and gena black except antennal tubercle reddish brown to dark brown, shining among punctures; vertex sometimes medially reddish tinged; clypeus dark brown to black, at least anterior margin of subapical transverse carina and median tubercle black; frons and vertex (except posterior margin) with sparse short recumbent and sparser long erect golden to black setae; posterior margin of vertex with sparse long erect pale golden setae; antennal scrobe with sparse short appressed pale golden setae; eye dorsally edged with long erect black setae; gena with sparse long recumbent and sparse long erect pale golden setae; setae on malar space appressed; clypeus with sparse long erect pale golden setae. Mandible reddish brown except apical 1/2–3/5 black, with sparse long erect pale golden setae. Prementum and stipes brownish black to black with sparse extremely short erect pale golden setae; palpi dark brown to black with sparse extremely short erect pale golden setae. Scape reddish brown to black, with sparse long recumbent and sparser long erect pale golden setae; pedicel dark brown to black with sparse short recumbent pale golden setae; flagellum black, ventrally reddish yellow to reddish brown, with dense extremely short recumbent pale golden setae.
Mesosoma entirely yellowish red; pronotal collar apically and dorsum of pronotum with sparse short recumbent and sparser long (laterally longer) erect pale golden setae; thoracic dorsum behind pronotum with sparse short recumbent and sparser long erect golden to black setae; dorsal propodeal face with sparse long erect pale golden setae; propleuron with sparse short appressed and sparser long erect pale golden setae; lateral face of mesosoma with sparse short appressed pale golden setae; lateral face of pronotum, ventral half of meso- and metapleuron and lateral propodeal face also with sparser long erect pale golden setae on.
Legs dark brown to black except coxae yellowish red to black, at least basal 1/4 of meso- and metacoxa yellowish red; protibial spur pale brown; meso- and metatibial spurs yellowish white; spines on tibiae and tarsi pale brown; coxae and trochanters with sparse long erect pale golden setae; femora with sparse long recumbent and sparser long erect pale golden setae; tibiae with sparse long recumbent to suberect pale golden setae; tarsi with dense long appressed pale golden setae.
Metasoma black except S1 reddish brown; T1, T2 around discal area, T3 and S1 with sparse long erect pale golden setae; T2 disc with dense short recumbent dark brown to black and sparse short erect black setae; T2 below lateral felt line with sparse long recumbent and sparser long erect pale golden setae; T4–T5 with dense long appressed black (laterally pale golden) setae mixed with sparse long erect pale golden setae; T6 with sparse long erect pale golden setae except pygidial area glabrous, and with thickened lateral pygidial fringe of long erect pale golden setae; S2–S6 with sparse short erect pale golden setae; T1 and S2–S6 with apical fringe of sparse long pale golden setae; T2 with large drop-shaped (1.07–1.39 times longer than wide, 1.21 on average) basomedial spot of dense appressed pale golden setae touching anterior margin of T2, and with apical wide band of dense appressed pale golden setae slightly widened medially; minimum distance between spot and band on T2 0.46–1.23 (average: 0.69) × length of spot; T2 with lateral pale golden felt line; T3 with wide uniform band of dense appressed pale golden setae.
Structure. In dorsal view, outline of head pentagonal with anterior margin strongly protruding, 1.32–1.49 (Average: 1.40) times wider than long; lateral margins strongly convergent behind eye; posterior margin slightly incurved medially. In lateral view, outline of head rounded; gena wide with GOI = 0.72–1.20 (average: 0.92). Frons, vertex and gena with small dense punctures, intervals smooth; frons and vertex without median carina or groove; genal carina and hypostomal tooth absent; antennal scrobe without dorsal carina; eye oval, slightly protruding from head capsule; minimum distance between eyes 1.45–1.73 (average: 1.57) × eye height; eye height 1.48–2.00 (average: 1.72) × malar length. Clypeus with minute sparse punctures, medially elevated and forming longitudinal tubercle, with subapical transverse ridge; anterior margin of transverse ridge truncate, without notch or emargination; median tubercle distinctly protruding beyond anterior margin of transverse ridge. Mandible slender, apically pointed, without inner denticles; ventral margin not excised. Prementum without dome-like tubercle. Scape bending medially; scape and pedicel with minute sparse punctures; F1 length 1.31–1.60 (average: 1.43) × its width and 1.29–1.60 (average: 1.39) × F2 length; F2–F9 almost same in length and width; F10 slightly longer than F9 and slightly shorter than F1, conical and weakly compressed; surface of flagellum with minute dense punctures.
Mesosoma broadest at pronotal spiracles or pronotal width equal to propodeal width; lateral margins of mesosoma subparallel at pronotum, widened to propodeum behind pronotum in dorsal view; ratio between head width: humeral width: pronotal width:mesonotal width:propodeal width:metasomal width (average in parentheses) = 100:90–99 (93):96–109 (103):76–99 (94):94–105 (100):125–143 (133); dorsal thoracic length 0.96–1.05 (average: 1.01) × pronotal width; anterior margin of dorsum of pronotum nearly straight, slightly arcuate; pronotum laterally projecting, forming distinct angle at pronotal spiracle; lateral margin of mesosoma weakly crenulate; humeral angle weakly angulate, humeral carina weakly developed; scutellar scale small but distinct, nail-like, 0.67–3.13 (average: 1.37) times wider than long, 0.08–0.17 (average: 0.12) times wider than propodeum, 1.50–4.67 (average: 2.38) times wider than diameter of nearby punctures; transverse sulcus present between propodeal spiracle and scutellar scale; postscutellar carina absent; pronotal collar with minute dense punctures; dorsum of pronotum with small confluent punctures; thoracic dorsum behind pronotum with large confluent punctures; dorsal propodeal face punctoreticulated by large confluent punctures, many intervals obliterated forming teeth; lateral face of mesosoma with extremely minute dense punctures, mixed with sparse small punctures (sometimes hardly recognizable) on lateral face of pronotum, ventral half of meso- and metapleuron and lateral propodeal face.
Procoxa with minute dense and small sparse punctures; meso- and metacoxae with small dense punctures; trochanters, femora and tibiae with small sparse punctures; tarsi with minute sparse punctures; metacoxa with developed inner carina widened posteriorly; meso- and metatibiae with a pair of longitudinal row of spines on outer face; protarsus with external comb of long spines; claws simple, without inner denticles.
T1 without distinct dorsum; T2 evenly convex, dorsal T2 length 0.83–0.94 (average: 0.89) × T2 width; S1 with low straight median longitudinal carina with its outer margin uni- or bi-notched; S2 with basomedial short inconspicuous longitudinal carina; T1 basally, T2 around discal area and S2 with small sparse punctures; T1 on apical margin with small dense and minute dense punctures; T2 disc, T3–T6 except pygidial area, S1 and S3–S6 with small dense punctures; pygidial area flattened, oval; lateral margins of pygidial area distinctly carinate throughout, nearly enclosed; surface of pygidial area with 18–28 longitudinal coarse irregular striae basally, unsculptured on apical 1/6–1/5.
Type materials examined. Smicromyrme yasumatsui Mickel : paratypes?, 3♀ ( Figs 10 View FIGURE 10 C–D, 15B, 16B, 17D–F, 18E), Chikuzen, Fukuoka, Kyûshû, Japan, 3.IX.1930, Keizô Yasumatsu leg. [two in ELKU, one in TARI]; para- type?, 1♀, same data, compared with type of Smicromyrme yasumatsui Mickel by B. Petersen in 1968, B. Petersen det. 1981 as Smicromyrme wotani (Zavattari) [ ZMUC].
Other materials examined. 123♂ 94♀. Japan : 123♂ 94♀: [Honshû, Chiba] 1♀, Futtsu, Futtsu-shi , 26.VII.1972, H. Suda leg. [ HSC] ; 7♀ ( Figs 10 View FIGURE 10 A–B, 15A, 16A, 17A–C, 18D), Kazusaminato, Minato, Futtsu-shi , 3.IX.2017, col- lector unknown [ EUM]. [Honshû, Shizuoka] 1♀, Nakatajima-sakyû, Hamamatsu-shi , 26.IX.1985, N. Toda leg. on sandy ground. [ EUM]. [Honshû, Aichi] 1♀, Omotehama, Hosoya-chô, Toyohashi-shi , 17.IX.2006, N. Toda leg. [ EUM]. [Honshû, Niigata] 1♂, Shibata-shi, collector unknown [ NSMT]. [ Honshû , Kyôto] 4♂ 2♀ ( Figs 9 View FIGURE 9 A– B, 11A–B, 12A–C, J, 13A, D–E, 14A–C), Kotobiki-hama, Amino-chô, Kyôtango-shi , 35°42′14″N 135°3′23″E, 5.VIII.2007, R. Matsumoto leg. [ OMNH]. [Honshû, GoogleMaps Osaka] 1♀, Osaka Prefectural Nature Park , 28.IX.2007, R. T. leg. [ OMNH]. [Honshû, Hyôgo] 1♀, Fukiage-hama, Nandan-chô, Minamiawaji-shi, Awaji-shima Island , 17.VII.2000, R. Matsumoto leg. [ OMNH]. [Honshû, Tottori] 1♀, Hamasaka, Tottori-shi , 30 m alt., VIII.1946, H. Aoki leg. [ OMNH ( N000003301 View Materials )] ; 2♀, Sand hill, 13.VII.1983, T. Ishikawa leg. [ EUM] ; 1♀, Tottori sand dunes, Tottori-city , 27.VI.2011, Y. Fukuda leg. [ EUM] ; 1♂, Hamasaka, Tottori-shi , 34.5402°N 134.1992°E, 14.VII.2013, R. Matsumoto leg. [ OMNH]. [Honshû, GoogleMaps Shimane] 1♀, Iwami seaside park, Hamada-shi , 19.VIII.2015, H. Yoshi- tomi leg. [ EUM] ; 1♀, Hamada-shi , 14.VIII.2016, T. Miyamoto leg. [ EUM] ; 1♀, Sashiumi, Izumo , 18.VIII.2016, H. Yoshitomi leg. [ EUM] ; 1♂ 2♀, Sashiumi, Izumo-shi , 35°20.234′N 132°39.909′E, 16–17.VII.2017, H. Yoshitomi leg. [ EUM]. [Shikoku, GoogleMaps Ehime] 1♀, Matsuyama , 21.IX.1950, H. Kusunoki leg. [ EUM]. [Shikoku, Kôchi] 1♂, Shi- monokae, Tosashimizu-shi , 4.VII.1999, Y. Kawakami leg. [ EUM] ; 1♀, same place, 10.VII.1999, Y. Kawakami leg. [ EUM] ; 4♀, same place, 19.VIII.2000, Y. Kawakami leg. [ EUM] ; 1♀, same place, 20.VIII.2000, Y. Kawakami leg. [ EUM] ; 18♂ 7♀, same place, 16.VI.2001, Y. Kawakami leg. [ EUM] ; 1♂ 1♀, same place, 15.VI.2002, T. Beppu leg. [ OMNH] ; 21♂ 1♀, same place, 16.VI.2002, Y. Kawakami leg. [ EUM] ; 3♀, same place, 21.IX.2003, Y. Kawakami leg. [ EUM] ; 1♀, same place, 5.X.2003, Y. Kawakami leg. [ EUM] ; 4♀, same place, 4.VII.2004, Y. Kawakami leg. [ EUM] ; 1♀, same place, 16.VI.2006, Y. Kawakami leg. [ EUM] ; 16♂ 5♀, same place, 5.VII.2007, Y. Kawakami leg. [ EUM] ; 1♂ 3♀, same place, 8.VII.2007, Y. Kawakami leg. [ EUM] ; 5♂, same place, 12.VII.2007, Y. Kawaka- mi leg. [ EUM] ; 18♂ 5♀, same place, 11.VII.2009, Y. Kawakami leg. [ EUM] ; 3♂ 1♀, same place, 13.VII.2009, Y. Kawakami leg. [ EUM] ; 2♀, Nashishi, Shimanto-shi , 29.VIII.1999, Y. Kawakami leg. [ EUM] ; 4♂ 2♀, same place, 17.VI.2001, Y. Kawakami leg. [ EUM] ; 1♂ 2♀, Ideguchi, Kuroshio-chô , 25.VI.2000, Y. Kawakami leg. [ EUM] ; 2♀, same place, 1.X.2000, Y. Kawakami leg. [ EUM] ; 1♂, same place, 10.VI.2001, Y. Kawakami leg. [ EUM] ; 1♂, same place, 17.VI.2001, Y. Kawakami leg. [ EUM] ; 6♂ 1♀, Okitsu, Shimanto-chô , 20.VII.2014, Y. Kawaka- mi leg. [ EUM]. [Kyûshû, Saga] 2♀, Karatsu , 14.IX.1937, E. Sueusou leg. [ ZMUC]. [Kyûshû, Miyazaki] 1♂, on the grassland, Aoshima , 12.VIII.1953, H. Nagase leg. [ MNHAH] ; 4♂, Ishinami-kaigan, Ichiki, Kushima-shi , 31.4702°N 131.3619°E, 9.VII.2018, R. Matsumoto leg. [ OMNH]. [Kyûshû, Kumamoto] GoogleMaps 3♀, Tomioka–Shiki, Amakusa , 16.VI.1931, Esaki & Hori leg. [ ELKU] ; 3♀, same place, 19.VI.1931, Esaki & Hori leg., B. Petersen det. 1981 as Smicromyrme wotani (Zavattari) [ ZMUC] ; 1♀, Tomioka–Tororo, Amakusa , 18.VI.1931, Esaki & Hori leg. [ ELKU]. [Kyûshû, Kagoshima] 1♀, Futamata, Forest road, Kimotsuki-chô , 3.VII.2011, T. Kawano leg. [ ELKU]. [Iki Islands] 1♂ 3♀, Kushiyama camp site, Katsumoto-chô, Ikino-shima Island, Iki-shi , 33°51’N 129°42’E, 16– 17.VII.2016, R. Itô leg. [ ELKU] GoogleMaps ; 1♀, Kushiyama beach, Katsumoto-chô, Ikino-shima Island, Iki-shi , 33°51’N 129°41’E, 17.VII.2016, R. Itô leg. [ ELKU]. [Gotô Islands] GoogleMaps 1♂, Nozaki-jima Island , 26.VII.1971, T. Okadome leg., B. Petersen det. 1983 as Smicromyrme wotani wotani (Zavattari) [ TUA] ; 1♀, same place, 31.VII.1971, S. Okado- me leg., B. Petersen det. 1981 as Smicromyrme wotani (Zavattari) [ ZMUC] ; 1♀, Takahama, Fukue-jima Island , 32.7084°N 128.6618°E, 27.VII.2013, R. Matsumoto leg. [ OMNH]. [Ôsumi Islands] GoogleMaps 1♂, on the sandy ground, estuary of Ôura-gawa river, Nakatane-chô, Tanegashima Island , 30.VII.1982, H. Kaburaki leg. [ MNHAH] ; 2♀, Hamada, Tanegashima Island , 2.VIII.1984, Sk. Yamane leg. [ MTC] .
Confirmed distribution. Japan: Honshû (Chiba, Shizuoka, Aichi, Niigata, Kyôto, Osaka, Hyôgo, Tottori, Shi- mane), Shikoku* (Ehime, Kôchi) , Kyûshû (Fukuoka, Saga, Miyazaki, Kumamoto, Kagoshima), Iki Islands (Ikinoshima Island), Gotô Islands ( Nozaki-jima Island , Fukue-jima Island ), Ôsumi Islands ( Tanegashima Island ) .
Other localities in the literature. Japan: Honshû (Tochigi, Fukui) ( Tsuneki 1972a; Lelej 1995a).
Occurrence in Japan. May–October. Females are usually collected in sandy areas, such as beaches or sand dunes.
Biology. Ono & Kawashima (2013) examined a male of this species that emerged from a cocoon of Bembix niponica in Japan. Japanese populations of this endangered sand wasp are now under pressure from habitat destruction ( Ministry of Environment 2015). The population of N. yasumatsui may also be threatened. This mutillid probably uses other sand-nesting apoid wasps such as Stizus perrisi Dufour, 1838 and Bembecinus hungaricus ( Frivaldszky, 1876) (Crabronidae) , but these sand wasps are also decreasing in Japan ( Ministry of Environment 2015). Unfortunately, the potential threat to Japanese populations of N. yasumatsui has not been highlighted until now.
Comparison. The male of this species is similar to that of N. kellyi , N. limi and N. wotani in having the clypeus with basal and subbasal denticles and a pair of subapical tubercles, but differs in having the gena with large dense to confluent punctures (well separated in N. wotani ), the dorsum of the pronotum with short recumbent and long erect pale setae (at least on posterior half with long setae only in N. limi ), the lateral face of the pronotum entirely rugosopunctate (posteriorly transversely puncto-striate in N. wotani ; unknown in N. kellyi ), the dorsum of the pronotum, scutellum and metascutellum with erect pale setae (with sparse erect and dense appressed pale setae in N. kellyi ), the ventral tubercle on mesopleuron laterally largely depressed (flattened in N. wotani ; unknown in N. kellyi ) and T4–T7 and S4–S8 black (T4 and S4 yellowish red in N. kellyi and N. limi ).
The female of this species is similar to that of N. kellyi , N. limi , N. pagdeni and N. wotani in having the frons with sparse setae only, T2 with an apical band of pale setae, T6 with thickened lateral pygidial fringe composed of pale setae and the striae on pygidial area not reaching its apex, but differs in having the eye height ~2 × the malar space (2.6–2.7 in N. kellyi and N. pagdeni ), the frons and vertex with small dense separated punctures (with large confluent punctures in N. kellyi and N. pagdeni ) and the T2 apical band triangularly widened medially (at most slightly widened in N. kellyi and N. pagdeni ). Nemka yasumatsui can be distinguished from N. limi and N. wotani by the label data only: N. yasumatsui occurs in Japan, while N. limi occurs in South Korea, China and Vietnam and N. wotani occurs in Taiwan.
Remarks. In the original description of Sm. yasumatsui, Mickel (1936) compared this species with Sm. lewisi . He also noted that Sm. yasumatsui could be identified as Sm. basalis annularis Mickel, 1934 using Mickel’s (1935) key. In his key to females of Smicromyrme (sensu Mickel) , Sm. basalis basalis ( Smith, 1879) and Sm. b. annularis were separated from Sm. wotani and Sm. kedahensis Mickel, 1935 (= N. kellyi according to Pagden 1949) at couplet 14 by having an elongate basomedial spot of pale setae on T2 (ovate in the latter two species). However, Mickel (1936) described Sm. yasumatsui as having “large, ovate, anterior, median spot on second tergite”, so Mickel’s statement regarding the resemblance of Sm. yasumatsui to Sm. basalis was unreasonable. Mickel (1935) mentioned that “It [= Sm. kedahensis Mickel, 1935 ] is apparently close to wotani Zavattari , although I have not had a specimen of the latter”. Mickel compared Sm. ysumatsui with Sm. basalis probably because he was not certain that Sm. yasumatsui and N. wotani were separate species.
Although Mickel (1936) listed only one female as a paratype, four possible paratypes with the same locality label are deposited in ELKU, TARI and ZMUC. Mickel (1936) described the paratype as lacking a red integumental spot on the vertex, but these four specimens have a more or less developed spot. Unlikely in fresh specimens, the black cuticle of these possible paratypes may be partially brownish because of damage from the light. It is still unclear whether such red markings are natural or not, so they are all labeled as “ Paratype?”.
Discussion. Mutilla wotani, Sm. yasumatsui , Sm. limi limi and Sm. limi nanhai were described from Taiwan, Japan (Kyûshû), China mainland and Hainan, respectively, based on females only. They were subsequently transferred to Nemka by Lelej & Yamane (1992) and Lelej (1995a). Lelej’s (1995a) review of Nemka provided a key to all known species at that time. In this review, Sm. yasumatsui was synonymized under N. wotani .
The late Børge Petersen labeled females and males of Nemka from mainland China as “ Smicromyrme wotani limi Chen /B. Petersen det. 1987” and female specimens from Taiwan as “ Smicromyrme wotani wotani /B. Petersen det. 1987” (in TARI and ZMUC; slashes separate rows within labels). Judging from his labels, he regarded N. limi as a continental subspecies of N. wotani . Later, Lelej & Yamane (1992) recorded N. wotani from Japan based on both sexes. In 1995, Petersen examined a male of Nemka from Zhejiang, China in NMNH and labeled as “ Nemka wotani (Zavattari) /B. Petersen det. 1995” (slash separates rows within labels). He seems to have considered that Chinese males were identical to those of N. wotani (and therefore N. limi fell as synonym).
Chen (1957) in his key distinguished the female of N. limi from that of N. wotani by the uniformly black vertex (with obscurely red integumental spot in N. wotani ), the lateral propodeal face distinctly punctate (almost impunctate in N. wotani ) and the setal spot on T2 and setal bands on T2–T3 golden yellow (silvery in N. wotani ). Lelej (1995a) distinguished N. limi from N. wotani (= Sm. yasumatsui in his sensu) by having the vertex with golden setae (black in N. wotani ) and the body length ranging from 9.0 mm to 14.0 mm (6.0 mm to 8.5 mm in N. wotani ). These characters, however, continuously vary and many intermediate forms were examined. Nemka limi sometimes has an obscure red integumental spot on the vertex and lacks distinct punctures on the lateral propodeal face, while N. wotani and N. yasumatsui sometimes lack such a spot and have distinct punctures. The setal color on the vertex, setal spot on T2 and setal bands on T2–T3 continuously change from golden to black or silvery to golden in all three species. The body length of N. limi (7.19 mm– 12.8 mm) largely overlaps with that of N. wotani and N. yasumatsui (7 mm– 12 mm). Accordingly, N. limi , N. wotani and N. yasumatsui cannot be identified without label data in females.
On the other hand, in males, N. limi , N. wotani and N. yasumatsui can be reliably identified by the characters listed in the Comparison section. Therefore, Sm. yasumatsui is resurrected to full species status and transferred to Nemka here. Reevaluations of the status of N. limi and N. yasumatsui including molecular studies are needed.
Chen, C. - W. (1957) A revision of the velvety ants or Mutillidae of China (Hymenoptera). Quarterly Journal of the Taiwan Museum, 10 (3 - 4), 135 - 224, 6 pls.
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Lelej, A. S. (2002) Catalogue of the Mutillidae (Hymenoptera) of the Palaearctic Region. Dalnauka, Vladivostok, 172 pp.
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Lo Cascio, P. (2015) Worldwide checklist of the island mutillid wasps (Hymenoptera Mutillidae). Biodiversity Journal, 6 (2), 529 - 592.
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Mickel, C. E. (1935) The mutillid wasps of the islands of the Pacific Ocean (Hymenoptera, Mutillidae). Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London, 83 (2), 177 - 312. https: // doi. org / 10.1111 / j. 1365 - 2311.1935. tb 01207. x
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Yamane, Sk. (1999) Family Mutillidae. In: Yamane, Sk., Ikudome, S. & Terayama, M. (Eds.), Identification guide to the Aculeata of the Nansei Islands, Japan. Hokkaido University Press, Sapporo, pp. 369 - 381.
Yoshida, M. (1989) Family Mutillidae. In: Entomological Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University & Japan Wildlife Research Center (Eds.), A Check List of Japanese Insects. Entomological Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, pp. 650 - 651. [in Japanese]
FIGURE 9. Nemka spp., ♂, habitus. A–B. N. yasumatsui (Mickel), stat. rev. et comb. nov., Kyôto; C–D. holotype, N. chihpenchia (Tsuneki); E–F. N. limi (Chen); A, C, E. dorsal view; B, D, F. lateral view.
FIGURE 10. Nemka spp., ♀, habitus. A–B. N. yasumatsui (Mickel), stat. rev. et comb. nov., Chiba; C–D. paratype, N. yasumatsui (Mickel), stat. rev. et comb. nov.; E–F. lectotype, N. wotani (Zavattari); G–H. paratype, N. limi limi (Chen); I–J. paratype, N. limi nanhai (Chen); A, C, E, G, I. dorsal view; B, D, F, H, J. lateral view.
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
Kingdom |
Phylum |
Class |
Order |
Family |
Tribe |
Smicromyrmini |
Genus |
Nemka yasumatsui ( Mickel, 1936 )
Okayasu, Juriya 2020 |
Smicromyrme lewisi: Sato & Tsurusaki 2010: 68
Sato, T. & Tsurusaki, N. 2010: 68 |
Nemka wotani: Lelej 1995a: 10
Terayama, M. & Suda, H. & Murota, T. & Tano, T. 2016: 167 |
Lo Cascio, P. 2015: 553 |
Nagase, H. & Harada, K. & Ito, H. & Yago, M. 2014: 132 |
Ono, H. & Kawashima, I. 2013: 41 |
Tsurusaki, N. & Hayashi, M. & Miyanaga, R. & Ichisawa, K. & Kawakami, Y. 2012: 70 |
Terayama, M. & Suda, H. & Murota, T. & Haneda, Y. & Tano, T. 2011: 13 |
Lelej, A. S. 2005: 48 |
Terayama, M. 2005: 8 |
Lelej, A. S. 2002: 57 |
Yamane, Sk. 1999: 381 |
Lelej, A. S. 1995: 10 |
Smicromyrme (Nemka) wotani:
Lelej, A. S. & Yamane, Sk. 1992: 631 |
Smicromyrme yasumatsui: Mickel 1936: 52
Takahashi, H. 1996: 28 |
Lelej, A. S. 1995: 10 |
Yoshida, M. 1989: 651 |
Tsuneki, K. 1972: 17 |
Mickel, C. E. 1936: 52 |
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