Mickelomyrme hageni ( Zavattari, 1913 )

Okayasu, Juriya, 2020, Velvet ants of the tribe Smicromyrmini Bischoff (Hymenoptera: Mutillidae) of Japan, Zootaxa 4723 (1), pp. 1-110 : 44-55

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Plazi (2020-01-20 07:39:51, last updated 2024-11-26 06:45:18)

scientific name

Mickelomyrme hageni ( Zavattari, 1913 )


Mickelomyrme hageni ( Zavattari, 1913)

( Figs 19 View FIGURE 19 , 21 View FIGURE 21 A–D, 22A–F, J–K, 23A, C–F, 24, 25A–D, 26A–F, J–K, 27C–F)

Mutilla hageni Zavattari, 1913: 32 , ♂, lectotype ♂ (“Kankau” [Hengchun], Taiwan) [SDEI, designated by Mickel (1933)], examined.

Mutilla alberici Zavattari, 1913: 31 , ♀, lectotype ♀ (“ Tainan ”, Taiwan) [SDEI, designated by Mickel (1933)], examined.

Mutilla discreta: Matsumura & Uchida 1926: 50 , ♂, examined, misidentification, recorded from Japan.

Smicromyrme hageni: Mickel 1933: 417 , ♂; Mickel 1935: 291, ♂; Yasumatsu 1938b: 447, ♂; Chen 1957: 202, ♂, in part, exam- ined; Tsuneki 1972a: 20, ♂; Tsuneki 1972c: 220, ♂; Kuribayashi 1973: 181; Yoshida 1989: 651.

Smicromyrme alberici: Mickel 1933: 421 , ♀; Mickel 1935: 293, ♀; Chen 1957: 208, ♀, examined; Tsuneki 1972c: 19, ♀; Tsune- ki 1973: 23, ♀, recorded from Japan; Yoshida 1989: 651; Lelej & Yamane 1992: 631, ♀, synonymized under Smicromyrme hageni (Zavattari) ; Tsuneki 1993a: 20, ♀; Azuma et al. 2002: 322.

Smicromyrme (Nemka) hageni: Lelej & Yamane 1992: 631 , ♂ ♀, in part, corrected by Lelej (1996c).

Mickelomyrme hageni: Lelej 1995a: 17 , corrected by Lelej (1996c); Lelej 1996c: 280, ♂ ♀, examined; Yamane 1999: 381, ♂ ♀; Brothers et al. 2000: 210; Azuma et al. 2002: 322; Lelej 2005: 44; Terayama 2005: 7, 11, 16, ♂ ♀; Terayama et al. 2011: 13, 20, ♂ ♀, examined; Lo Cascio 2015: 551; Terayama et al. 2016: 167, ♂ ♀.

Diagnosis. MALE. Clypeus without median subapical triangular carinate cell. Tegula posteriorly rounded, slightly protruding beyond mesoscuto-scutellar articulation. Legs black; inner carina on metacoxa posteriorly lamellate, squarely truncate. Metasoma black; T2 with large punctures; T3–T6 anteriorly and posteriorly constricted; inner margin of volsellar cuspis with erect setae on apical half. FEMALE. Vertex with dense separated punctures and sparse short recumbent black to pale golden setae. Mesosoma with prescutellar row of denticles. T2 evenly convex, at most flattened dorsally, with apical small median patch of pale setae; T2 with three basal spots of pale setae disposed in straight transverse line; T4 covered with black setae.

Redescription. MALE (n = 33). Body length: 7.27 mm– 12.4 mm (average: 9.41 mm); fore wing length: 4.85 mm– 7.50 mm (average: 6.06 mm).

Color and setae. Head including clypeus black except antennal tubercle dark brown to black; frons with dense short appressed pale golden and sparse long erect pale golden to black setae; vertex (except posterior margin) with sparse long erect black setae; posterior margin of vertex with sparse long erect pale golden setae; eye dorsally edged with long erect black setae; gena with sparse very short recumbent and sparse long erect pale golden setae; setae on malar space appressed; gena above hypostomal carina with very sparse extremely short recumbent pale golden setae; antennal scrobe glabrous; clypeus with dense long appressed pale golden setae medially mixed with sparse long erect pale golden setae. Mandible black except median 1/4–1/2 reddish brown to dark brown with sparse long erect (basally appressed) pale golden setae. Prementum and stipes black with sparse short recumbent pale golden setae; palpi yellowish black to dark brown with sparse extremely short erect pale golden setae. Antenna black; scape with sparse long recumbent and sparser long erect pale golden setae; pedicel and flagellum with dense extremely short erect pale golden to golden setae.

Mesosoma black except posterior margin of tegula pale yellow; dorsum of pronotum with dense short appressed and sparse long erect pale golden setae; mesoscutum with sparse short recumbent and sparser short erect black setae, and antero-medially with small patch of sparse short appressed pale golden setae; tegula with sparse long erect black setae, and also with dense long appressed pale golden setae on posterior half; scutellum and metascutellum with dense short appressed and sparse long erect pale golden setae; axilla and metanotal trough with dense short appressed pale golden setae; dorsal propodeal face with sparse long erect pale golden setae except anterior margin with dense short appressed pale golden setae; propleuron with sparse extremely short appressed and sparser long erect pale golden setae; lateral face of pronotum, anterior part of mesopleuron and dorsal half of metapleuron with sparse short appressed pale golden setae; other parts of mesopleuron with dense short appressed and sparse long erect pale golden setae; ventral half of metapleuron and lateral propodeal face with sparse long erect pale golden setae.

Wings pale brown, with sparse short erect black, regularly distributed setae.

Legs black; protibial spur pale brown; meso- and metatibial spurs yellowish white; procoxa with dense short appressed and sparse short erect pale golden setae; meso- and metacoxa with dense short appressed pale golden setae; trochanters, femora and tibiae with sparse short recumbent and sparser long erect pale golden setae; tarsi with dense long appressed pale golden setae.

Metasoma black; T1, T3–T5, S1, S3–S7 with sparse long erect pale golden setae; T2 with sparse short erect pale golden setae; S2 with sparse short recumbent and sparse long erect pale golden setae; T6 and T7 with sparse long erect black setae; S8 with sparse short recumbent and sparser long erect pale golden to black setae; T1 and T2 with apical narrow uniform band of dense appressed pale golden setae; T3, S2–S6 with apical fringe of sparse long pale golden setae; segment 2 with lateral golden felt line on T and shorter on S.

Structure. Head 1.59–1.69 (average: 1.64) times wider than long; lateral margins strongly convergent posteriorly behind eye in dorsal view; vertex elevated posteriorly; POL/OOL = 0.68–0.91 (average: 0.81); OL:MOD:LOD (average in parentheses) = 1:0.47–0.70 (0.57):0.39–0.56 (0.47); GOI = 1.06–2.00 (average: 1.33); median ocellus posteriorly with short inconspicuous carina; lateral ocellus posteriorly with long wide carina reaching posterior margin of vertex; lower frons with distinct median longitudinal groove; antennal scrobe with weak dorsal carina not reaching inner eye margin; frons and vertex longitudinally striate, intervals with minute dense punctures on frons and with small elongate dense punctures on vertex; inner notch of eye with small rounded dense punctures; posterior margin of vertex with small dense punctures; gena with small dense punctures. Clypeus convex, basomedially elevated; apico-medial triangular carinate cell absent; anterior margin medially widely protruding, with median shallow emargination; surface of clypeus laterally with minute dense punctures, basomedially also with few small sparse punctures, apico-medially smooth. Mandible narrowed to apex, without dorsal crook, apically pointed and bidentate; inner denticle little smaller than apex; ventral margin of mandible excised into large tooth basally; surface of mandible with minute sparse punctures except basal outer face with small sparse and minute sparse punctures. Scape bending medially, with two parallel carinae beneath; surface of scape with small sparse punctures; pedicel with minute dense punctures; F1 length 0.91–1.13 (average: 0.99) × its width, 0.56–0.77 (average: 0.65) × F2 length; F2–F11 almost same in width; length of F2–F10 each little longer than the following segment; F11 little longer than F10, conical, weakly compressed; surface of flagellum with minute dense punctures.

Mesosoma broadest at mesonotum including tegulae; ratio between head width:humeral width:pronotal width: mesonotal width (average in parentheses) = 74–90 (81):60–74 (66):78–94 (86):100; humeral angle weakly angulate; propodeum weakly convergent posteriorly; mesoscutal width 1.05–1.25 (average: 1.15) × its length, 0.61–0.75 (average: 0.66) × mesonotal width; tegula rounded posteriorly, slightly protruding beyond mesoscuto-scutellar articulation, 1.58–2.00 (average: 1.70) times longer than wide; mesoscutum slightly convex; notauli short, reaching about posterior 1/4–1/3 of mesoscutum, convergent posteriorly; parapsidal line short; parascutal carina well developed, forming distinct scale-like process on postero-lateral angle of mesoscutum; scutellum weakly convex without carina or impunctate line; mesopleuron without transverse mesopleural suture, beneath weakly concave with short longitudinal precoxal impunctate line; dorsum of pronotum, mesoscutum and scutellum with large dense punctures; metascutellum with small confluent punctures; tegula basomedially with small dense and minute sparse puncture, laterally and posteriorly smooth; axilla and metanotal trough with minute dense punctures; dorsal propodeal face areolate, basally with median elongate tongue-like cell and with large semicircular cell laterally to it; dorsal propodeal face also with minute sparse punctures on basal margin; propleuron with minute dense punctures; lateral face of pronotum and anterior half and postero-ventral angle of mesopleuron with minute dense punctures; mesopleuron medially with large dense punctures; metapleuron with minute sparse punctures on dorsal half, and with small dense punctures on ventral half; lateral propodeal face with small irregular confluent cells.

Procoxa with small sparse punctures and minute dense punctures; meso- and metacoxa ventrally with small sparse punctures and laterally with minute dense punctures; trochanters with small sparse punctures; femora with small sparse and minute dense punctures; tibiae and tarsi with minute dense puncture; metacoxa with inner carina throughout posteriorly lamellately protruding, forming squarely truncate apex; tibiae without outer spines; claws simple, without inner denticle.

T1 with distinct dorsum and with dorso-lateral subbasal rounded tubercle; T2 evenly convex, 1.32–1.52 (average: 1.44) times wider than long; T3–T5 anteriorly and posteriorly, T6 anteriorly constricted; S1 with straight median longitudinal carina with its outer margin elevated posteriorly, forming distinct tooth; S2 without basomedial carina; T1, T2 around discal area, T3–T6 and S1–S2 with large dense punctures; T2 disc with large sparse punctures; T7 and S3–S8 with small dense punctures except T7 medially sparser or with longitudinal narrow elongate impunctate line. Paramere down-curved without inner protuberance; inner face of paramere dorsally with long appressed golden setae on basal half; parapenial lobe spatulate, apically rounded; volsella with basal rounded external lobe; cuspis long narrow, reaching apical 1/3 of paramere; apical 2/3 of inner margin of cuspis with long erect golden setae at most as long as digitus length; cuspis basally with long, little longer than digitus length, erect golden setae on dorsal margin; inner face of basal external lobe with developed golden setal bunch on deep depression; ventral margin of basal external lobe with minute dense punctures and with very long, much longer than cuspis length, erect golden setae; digitus long, stick-like, apically with 2–3 long erect golden setae; penis valve with apical and subapical pointed lobes.

FEMALE (n = 6). Body length: 4.54 mm– 6.20 mm (average: 5.52 mm).

Color and setae. Head including clypeus black except antennal tubercle reddish brown, shining among punctures; frons with sparse short recumbent and sparser long erect pale golden to black setae; vertex (except posterior margin) with sparse short recumbent and sparser long erect pale golden to black setae; posterior margin of vertex with sparse long erect pale golden setae; gena with sparse long recumbent pale golden setae; eye dorsally edged with long erect black setae; clypeus with sparse long erect pale golden setae.Mandible reddish brown except apical1/3–1/2 black,with sparse long erect pale golden setae.Prementum and stipes black,glabrous; palpi brownish yellow with sparse extremely short erect pale golden setae. Scape brownish black, with sparse long recumbent pale golden setae; pedicel brown to dark brown, with sparse short recumbent pale golden setae; F1 brownish black with dense short recumbent pale golden setae; F2–F10 black except F2 brownish tinged ventrally, with dense extremely short recumbent pale golden setae.

Mesosoma entirely yellowish red; pronotal collar apically with sparse short erect pale golden setae, basally glabrous; thoracic dorsum with sparse short recumbent and sparser short erect pale golden to black setae; propleuron and dorsal propodeal face with sparse long erect pale golden setae; lateral face of pronotum, meso- and metapleuron with sparse long appressed pale golden setae; ventral half of mesopleuron also with sparser long erect pale golden setae; lateral propodeal face with extremely sparse long appressed pale golden setae.

Coxae yellowish red, sometimes procoxa black; trochanters reddish brown to black; femora and tibiae black; outer spines on tibiae pale brown; tarsi brownish black; coxae, trochanters, femora and tibiae with sparse long recumbent and sparser long erect white to pale golden setae; tarsi with dense long appressed white to pale golden setae.

Metasoma black except S1 yellowish red; T1, T3 with sparse long erect pale golden setae; T2 disc with dense short recumbent and sparse long erect black setae; T2 around discal area with sparse long erect to recumbent pale golden setae; T4–T5 dense long recumbent black (laterally pale golden) setae mixed with sparse long erect pale golden to black setae; T6 with sparse long erect pale golden setae except pygidial area glabrous, and with thickened lateral pygidial fringe of long erect pale golden setae; S1–S6 with sparse long recumbent pale golden setae; S2–S6 with apical fringe of sparse long pale golden setae; T2 basally with a pair of lateral slightly elongate spots and medi- an circular spot of dense appressed pale golden setae disposed in straight transverse line, lateral spots little brighter than median one; diameter of median spot 1.32–1.83 (average: 1.55) × that of lateral spots; distance between median and lateral spots 0.24–0.91 (average: 0.58) × median spot diameter; T2 with apical median patch of dense appressed pale golden setae; distance between median spot and apical patch 0.42–1.00 (average: 0.70) × median spot length; T2 with lateral pale golden felt line; T3 with wide uniform band of dense appressed pale golden setae.

Structure. In dorsal view, outline of head pentagonal with anterior margin strongly protruding, 1.31–1.33 (average: 1.32) times wider than long; lateral margins strongly convergent posteriorly behind eye; posterior margin slightly incurved medially. In lateral view, outline of head weakly longitudinally elongate; gena wide with GOI = 0.80–1.00 (average: 0.87). Frons with large sparse puncture; vertex and gena with small dense but separated punc- tures; intervals among punctures on frons, vertex and gena smooth; genal carina absent; antennal scrobe with weak dorsal carina; eye oval, slightly protruding from head capsule; minimum distance between eyes 1.32–1.56 (average: 1.40) × eye height; eye height 1.70–2.00 (average: 1.82) × malar length. Clypeus with minute sparse punctures, medially elevated and forming weak median longitudinal tubercle, with subapical transverse ridge; anterior margin of transverse ridge truncate, at most with median weak emargination; apex of median tubercle reaching apical margin of transverse ridge. Mandible slender, apically pointed with one weak subapical inner denticle, sometimes edentate; ventral margin not excised. Prementum without dome-like tubercle. Scape bending medially, with small sparse punctures; F1 length 1.00–1.36 (average: 1.22) × its width and 1.08–1.33 (average: 1.24) × F2 length; F2–F9 almost same in length and width; F10 as long as F1, conical; surface of pedicel and flagellum with minute dense punctures.

Mesosoma laterally subparallel; pronotal width subequal to propodeal width; ration between head width:humeral width:pronotal width:mesonotal width:propodeal width:metasomal width (average in parentheses) = 100:78–84 (82):85–91 (88):80–86 (82):84–90 (88):118–120 (119), propodeum as wide as or little narrower than pronotum; dorsal thoracic length 1.06–1.15 (average: 1.11) × pronotal width; anterior margin of dorsum of pronotum arcuate, without tooth or tubercle; pronotum only slightly projecting; lateral margin of mesosoma weakly crenulate; humeral angle weakly angulate, humeral carina weakly developed; prescutellar row of denticles more or less developed; scutellar scale moderately elevated, wide, variably multi-lobed, maximum width of scutellar scale 4.29–7.00 (average: 5.74) × its length, 0.43–0.61 (average: 0.52) × propodeal width; transverse sulcus indistinct but present between propodeal spiracle and scutellar scale; postscutellar carina absent; pronotal collar with minute sparse punctures; thoracic dorsum with large confluent punctures; dorsal propodeal face puncto-reticulated by large confluent punctures, sometimes many transverse intervals obliterated leaving longitudinal carinae on dorsal half; lateral face of pronotum, meso- and metapleuron with extremely minute sparse punctures; lateral propodeal face with minute extremely sparse punctures.

Coxae, trochanters, femora, tibiae and tarsi with minute sparse punctures; metacoxa with weak inner carina throughout; meso- and meta tibiae with a pair of longitudinal rows of few spines on outer face; protarsus with external comb of long spines; claws simple, without inner denticles.

T1 without distinct dorsum; T2 evenly convex, dorsal T2 length 0.98–1.02 (average: 1.00) × T2 width; S1 with low straight median longitudinal carina with its outer margin simple, unnotched; S2 with basomedial short inconspicuous longitudinal carina; T1 on basal half, S1 and S3–S6 with minute sparse punctures; T1 on apical half with small sparse and minute dense punctures; T2 with small dense punctures; T3–T6 except pygidial area with minute dense punctures; S2 with small sparse punctures; pygidial area flattened, elongate; lateral margins of pygidial area distinctly carinate throughout, subparallel; surface of pygidial area with 14–17 longitudinal fine striae basally, unsculptured on apical 1/6–2/7.

Type materials examined. Mutilla hageni Zavattari : lectotype, ♂ ( Figs 19 View FIGURE 19 C–D, 21C–D, 22D–F, K, 23E–F, 24A), Hengchun, Taiwan, 7.IV.1912, Hans Sauter leg. [ SDEI (DEI-GISHym 16743)]; paralectotype, 1♂, same place, IV.1912, Hans Sauter leg. [ ZMUC]; paralectotypes, 2♂, same place, VII.1912, Hans Sauter leg. [ ZMUC]. Mutilla alberici Zavattari : lectotype, ♀ ( Figs 19 View FIGURE 19 G–H, 25C–D, 26D–F, K, 27C), Tainan, Taiwan, VIII.1911, Hans Sauter leg. [ SDEI (DEI-GISHym 16739)].

Other materials examined. 29♂ 5♀. Japan: 15♂ 3♀: [Miyako Islands] 1♂, Ikemasoe, Irabu-jima Island, 6.XII.2004, H. Suda leg. [ HSC]. [Yaeyama Islands] 1♂ ( Fig. 24D View FIGURE 24 ), Ishigaki-jima Island, H. Kuroiwa leg., S. Matsumura det. 1926 as Mutilla discreta Cameron, K. Yasumatsu det. 1938 as Smicromyrme hageni (Zavattari) [ HUM]; 1♂ ( Figs 19 View FIGURE 19 A–B, 21A–B, 22A–C, J, 23A, C–D, 24B), Takeda, Ishigaki-jima Island, 8–10.V.1973, S. Ueda leg., B. Petersen det. 1979 as Smicromyrme hageni (Zavattari) [ ZMUC]; 1♂, same place, 18.V.1973, S. Ueda leg., B. Petersen det. 1979 as Smicromyrme hageni (Zavattari) [ ZMUC]; 1♂, Mt. Kuburatake, Yonaguni-jima Island, 10.VIII.1979, M. Terayama leg. [ MTC]; 1♂, Ishigaki, Ishigaki-jima Island, 28.VIII.1998, H. Suda leg. [ HSC]; 1♂, Higashiyashiki, Taketomi-jima Island, 29.VIII.1998, H. Suda leg. [ HSC]; 1♂, Sonai, Yonaguni-jima Island, 28.VII.1999, R. Matsumoto leg. [ OMNH]; 1♂, Funaura, Iriomote-jima Island, 1.VIII.1999, R. Matsumoto leg. [ OMNH]; 1♂, Husatoruba, Ôhara, Iriomote-jima Island, 12.VI.2002, T. Tsuru leg. [ TUA]; 1♀, Minami-bokujyô, Yonaguni-jima Island, 28.V.2003, T. Ishikawa leg. [ TUA]; 2♂ ( Fig. 24C View FIGURE 24 ), Mantabaru, Yonaguni-jima Island, 100 m alt., 24.46N 122.97E, 13.VIII.2012, Y. Komeda leg. [ ELKU]; 1♂, Yoshihara, Ishigaki-jima Island, 18.VII.2014, T. Nakata leg. [ EUM]; 1♀ ( Fig. 27E View FIGURE 27 ), Kubura, Yonaguni-jima Island, 24.4543°N 122.9482°E, 21.VI.2015, R. Matsumoto leg. [ OMNH]; 2♂, Sukuji Beach, Kabira, Ishigaki-jima Island, 24.4647°N 124.1235°E, 26.VI.2015, R. Matsumoto leg. [ OMNH]; 1♀ ( Figs 19 View FIGURE 19 E–F, 25A–B, 26A–C, J, 27F), Hirakubo, Ishigaki-jima Island, 25.XI.2016, R. Itô leg. [ ELKU]. Taiwan: 14♂ 2♀: 1♂, Hengchun, IV.1918, T. Shiraki leg., T. Shiraki det. as Mutilla hageni Zavattari [ TARI]; 1♀, Tainan, V.1918. T. Shiraki leg., T. Shiraki det. as Mutilla alberici Zavattari [ TARI]; 3♂, Hori, 28.IV.1929, A. Saito leg., A. S. Lelej det. 1995 as Mickelomyrme hageni (Zavattari) [ NSMT]; 1♂, Kueitzuchiao, Hengchun, 20.V.1934, Asada leg. [ NIAES]; 1♂, Kuaru, 17.IV.1937, K. Iwata leg., A. S. Lelej det. 1995 as Mickelomyrme hageni (Zavattari) [ NSMT]; 1♂, Puli, Penpuchi, Nantou, 26.VIII.1966, K. Tsuneki leg. [ NMNH]; 4♂, Kuangyin, Taoyuan, 14.VI.1968, K. Tsuneki leg., K. Tsuneki det. 1972 as Smicromyrme hageni (Zavattari) [ ZMUC]; 1♀ ( Fig. 27D View FIGURE 27 ), Eluanbi, Oluampi, Pingtung, 18.VII.1968, K. Tsuneki leg. [ NMNH]; 1♂, Hsinchu, 8.VIII.1968, S. C. Chiu leg. [ TARI]; 1♂, Ouluanpi Coast Forest, Pingtung, 27.VI.1981, T. Lin & C. C. Pan leg. [ TARI]; 1♂, Kueit- zuchiao, Hengchun, VIII, collector unknown, T. Shiraki det. as Mutilla hageni Zavattari [ TARI].

Confirmed distribution. Japan: Miyako Islands (Irabu-jima Island). Yaeyama Islands (Ishigaki-jima Island, Iriomote-jima Island, Taketomi-jima Island, Yonaguni-jima Island). Taiwan.

Other localities in the literature. Japan: Okinawa Islands (Okinawa-jima Island, Kume-jima Island) ( Lelej & Yamane 1992), Yaeyama Islands (Hatoma-jima Island) ( Murota & Nozaka 1987), Izu Islands (Hachijô-jima Island) ( Lo Cascio 2015).

Occurrence in Japan. May–December. Small glades in the forest with sandy or clay soil and sparse vegetation ( Lelej & Yamane 1992).

Biology. Females of this species were observed on the ground occupied by nests of Lasioglossum (Evylaeus) subtropicum Sakagami, Miyanaga & Maeta, 1994 ( Hymenoptera : Halictidae ) in Japan ( Brothers et al. 2000).

Comparison. The male of this species is similar to that of M. athalia , M. bakeri , M. bidentata , M. pusillaeformis , M. tanoi and M. zebina in having the metacoxa with a lamellate carina and the metasoma black, but differs in having the clypeus without triangular carinate cell (with such cell in M. athalia and M. tanoi ), the mandible distinctly bidentate (subapical denticle separated into two teeth, virtually tridentate in M. bidentata ), the mesoscutum with large dense punctures (with large but sparse punctures in M. zebina ), the scutellum and metascutellum with dense short appressed and sparse long erect pale golden setae (with sparse erect setae only in M. zebina ), T2 with large dense punctures (small sparse in M. pusillaeformis ), T3–T6 constricted anteriorly and posteriorly (not constricted in others) and the inner margin of volsellar cuspis with setae on apical half (cuspis with inner setae even basally in M. pusillaeformis ). The punctuation on T7 was used to separate M. hageni and M. athalia (with more or less defined median longitudinal impunctate line) from M. bakeri , M. tanoi and M. yunnanensis (= M. pusillaeformis according to Williams et al. 2019b) (at least sparsely punctate even medially) in Lelej’s (1996c) key. However, this character is highly variable as shown in Fig. 24 View FIGURE 24 . The following specimens were also examined for comparison: M. bakeri : 1♂, Dalawan Bay, Balabac, Philippines, 13.X.1961, Noona Dan Exp. leg., MST, B. Petersen det. 1972 as Smicromyrme bakeri Mickel [NIAES]; 1♂, near Bantimung, South Sulawesi, Indonesia *, 40 m alt., 24.VI.2005, T. Tano leg. [MTC]; 1♂, Bogani Nani Wartabone National Park, Pegunungan Tilongkabila, Gorontalo, North Sulawesi, In- donesia*, 100 m alt., 9–20.II.2009, K. Takasuka leg., MST [EUM]; 1♂, Poring, Ranau, Sabah, Borneo*, Malaysia, 6°03′06″N 116°42′13″E, 487 m alt., 13–16.III.2017, Y. Inaoka leg., YPT [EUM]; M. tanoi : holotype, ♂, Mt. Kina- balu, Borneo, Malaysia, 19.VIII.1971, Tadashi Tano leg. [OMNH]; M. zebina: Kutai National Park, Sangkimah, E. Kalimantan, Indonesia, 14.IX.1993, Sk. Yamane leg., A. Lelej det. as Mickelomyrme zebina (Smith) [SKYC].

The female of this species is similar to that of M. pusillaeformis in having an apico-medial patch on T2 and lacking a pale setal band on T4, but differs in having the vertex with dense but separated punctures and sparse recumbent setae (with confluent punctures and dense appressed setae in M. pusillaeformis ). The following specimens were examined for comparison: paratype of M. yunnanensis Lelej , 1♀ ( Figs 20 View FIGURE 20 C–D, 25E–F, 26G–I, L, 27A), Fang , Thai- land, 12.VI.1965, Japan-U. S. Cooperative Sci. Program [ NSMT] ; 1♀, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 4.V.1939, C. Tongyai leg. [ ZMUC] ; 1♀, Fang Horticult. Exp. Station , Chiang Mai, Thailand, 550–600 m alt., 19.X.1981, Zool. Museum Copenhagen leg. [ ZMUC] ; 2♀, Fang Horticult. Exp. Station , Chiang Mai, Thailand, 550–600 m alt., 20.X.1981, Zool. Museum Copenhagen leg. [ ZMUC] ; 1♀ ( Fig. 27B View FIGURE 27 ), Dusun PK Jelati, West Bali, Indonesia *, 7.V.1998, IKT Ginarsa leg. [ EUM] ; 1♀, Mae Sa , Chiang Mai, Thailand, 25–28.IV.2000, K. Okajima leg. [ TUA] ; 1♀, Nong Hoi , Mae Rim, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 970–1000 m alt., 30.V.2002, T. Ishizaki leg. [ TUA] ; 1♀, Peninsular Botanic Gar- den, Thung Khai, Yan Ta Khao District, Trang, Thailand, 3.IV.2005, T. Kurihara leg. [ EUM] ; 2♀, Dry dipterocarp forest, Omkoi District, Chiang Mai, Thailand, N17°50’49.9” E98°22’33.0”, 950–1010m alt., 19.VI.2017, R. Mizuno leg. [ EUM] ; 1♀, Dry dipterocarp forest, Omkoi District, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 17°50’49.9”N 98°22’33.0”E, 950– 1010m alt., VI.2017, R. Mizuno leg. [ EUM] GoogleMaps ; 1♀, Phou-vieng Gnai , Luang Phabang Province, Laos, 19.284470°N 102.355703°E, 1319 m alt., 22.IV.2018, H. Yoshitomi leg. [ EUM] GoogleMaps .

Discussion. Chen (1957) recorded males of M. hageni from mainland China (Guangdong and Fujian). This record was accepted in the revision of Mickelomyrme ( Lelej 1996c) and the catalogue of Oriental Mutillidae ( Lelej 2005) . After 1957, Lelej & Yamane (1992) examined two males and one female from mainland China, which actually belonged to M. yunnanensis Lelej, 1996 (= M. pusillaeformis ) according to Lelej (1996c). I examined males of M. hageni in Chen’s materials and found that they actually belonged to M. athalia . The label data are: 1♂, Mt. Loufoushan, Guangdong, China *, 24.V.1937, T. C. Maa leg., B. Petersen det. 1987 as Smicromyrme athalia Pagden [TARI]; 1♂, Shui Pei Kai, Shaowu, Fujian, China *, 25.VI.1942, T. C. Maa leg., B. Petersen det. 1987 as Smicromyrme athalia Pagden [TARI]; 1♂ ( Figs 20 View FIGURE 20 A–B, 21E–F, 22G–I, L, 23B, G–H), same place, 4–6.VII.1943, T. C. Maa leg., B. Petersen det. 1987 as Smicromyrme athalia Pagden [TARI]; 1♂, same place, 13–14.VII.1943, T. C. Maa leg., B. Petersen det. 1987 as Smicromyrme athalia Pagden [TARI]; 1♂, same place, 1–2.IX.1943, T. C. Maa leg., B. Petersen det. 1987 as Smicromyrme athalia Pagden [TARI]. Although Chen (1957) referred to six males of “ M. hageni ” from China mainland, one from Liancheng, Fujian could not be found in TARI. The following 12 males of M. athalia were also examined for comparison: 1♂, Xishuangbanna, Yunnan, China *, 13.III.1958, Z. Yiran leg., B. Petersen det. 1982 as Smicromyrme hageni (Zavattari) [ZMUC]; 1♂, Fang Horticult. Exp. Station, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 550–600 m alt., 20.X.1981, Zool. Museum Copenhagen leg. [ZMUC]; 1♂, same place, 22.X.1981, Zool. Museum Copenhagen leg. [ZMUC]; 1♂, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Peninsular Malaysia, X.1948, NLHK rauss, B. Pe- tersen det. 1995 as Smicromyrme athalia Pagden [NMNH]; 1♂, Batu Feringgi catchment area, Penang, Peninsular Malaysia, 23.XII.1956, H. T. Pagden leg. [ZMUC]; 1♂, Pasoh Forest Reserve, Negeri Sembilan, Peninsular Malay- sia, 26.III–3.IV.1993, K. Konishi & K. Maeto leg., fine MST at plot 4 [NIAES]; 1♂, Nong Hoi, Mae Rim, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 970–1000 m alt., 21.V.2002, K. Okajima leg. [TUA]; 1♂, same place, 22.V.2002, K. Okajima leg. [TUA]; 1♂, same place, 22.V.2002, T. Ishizaki leg. [TUA]; 1♂, same place, 30.V.2002, T. Ishizaki leg. [TUA]; 1♂, same place, 30.V.2002, T. Tsuru leg. [TUA]; 1♂, Hoa Binh village, Hoa Binh, Vietnam *, 14.VII.2010, H. Kurokawa leg. [MTC]. Recently, Barthélémy et al. (2018) recorded M. hageni from Hong Kong based on one male but, judging from the habitus photos ( Figs 23–24 View FIGURE 23 View FIGURE 24 in Barthélémy et al. 2018), this specimen seems to be M. athalia because it has the densely punctate T2 and unmodified metasoma. Accordingly, M. hageni is distributed in Taiwan and Ryûkyû Islands only, and does not share an overlapping distribution with M. athalia and M. pusillaeformis .

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Gallery Image

FIGURE 19. Mickelomyrme hageni (Zavattari), habitus. A–B. ♂, Ishigaki-jima Is.; C–D. lectotype, Mi. hageni, ♂; E–F. ♀, Ishigaki-jima Is.; G–H. lectotype, Mi. alberici (Zavattari), ♀; A, C, E, G. dorsal view; B, D, F, H. lateral view.

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FIGURE 20. Mickelomyrme spp., habitus. A–B. Mi. athalia (Pagden), ♂; C–D. paratype, Mi. yunnanensis Lelej, ♀.

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FIGURE 21. Mickelomyrme spp., ♂. A–B. Mi. hageni (Zavattari), Ishigaki-jima Is.; C–D. lectotype, Mi. hageni; E–F. Mi. atahlia (Pagden); A, C, E. mesosoma, dorsal view; B, D, F. metasoma, dorsal view.

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FIGURE 23. Mickelomyrme spp., ♂. A, C–D. Mi. hageni (Zavattari), Ishigaki-jima Is.; E–F. lectotype, Mi. hageni; B, G–H. Mi. atahlia (Pagden); A–B. wings; C, E, G. male genitalia, inner view; D, F, H. penis valve.

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FIGURE 24. Mickelomyrme hageni (Zavattari), ♂, T7. A. Lectotype; B. Ishigaki-jima Is.; C. Yonaguni-jima Is.; D. Ishigakijima Is.

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FIGURE 27. Mickelomyrme spp., ♀, vertex.A. paratype, Mi. yunnanensis Lelej; B. Mi. pusillaeformis (Hammer), Indonesia; C. lectotype, Mu. alberici Zavattari; D. Mi. hageni (Zavattari), Taiwan; E. Mi. hageni, Yonaguni-jima Is.; F. Mi. hageni, Ishigakijima Is.


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Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute


National Science Museum (Natural History)


National Institute for Agro-Environmental Sciences


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