Andreimyrme substriolata ( Chen, 1957 )
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Andreimyrme substriolata ( Chen, 1957 ) |
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Andreimyrme substriolata ( Chen, 1957)
( Figs 28–30 View FIGURE 28 View FIGURE 29 View FIGURE 30 )
Smicromyrme substriolata Chen, 1957: 209 , ♀, holotype ♀ (“Kuling” [Guling], Jiangxi, China) [TARI], examined.
Smicromyrme tridentiens Chen, 1957 , syn. nov.: 213, ♀, holotype ♀ (“Tachulan” [Dazhulan], Fujian, China) [TARI], exam- ined.
Andreimyrme tridentiens: Lelej 1995b: 8 , ♀; Lelej 2005: 38; Okayasu et al. 2018: 303, ♀.
Andreimyrme substriolata: Lelej 1995b: 9 , ♀, examined; Lelej 2002: 50; Lelej 2005: 38; Lo Cascio 2015: 544; Okayasu et al. 2018: 303, ♀.
Diagnosis. FEMALE. Frons, vertex and gena with large confluent punctures. T2 with basomedial elongate spot of pale golden to golden setae; T3 with wide uniform band of pale golden to golden setae; S2 black, without bluish metallic luster; pygidial area distinctly longitudinally rugose in basal half. MALE. Unknown.
Redescription. FEMALE (n = 22). Body length: 5.85 mm– 9.74 mm (average: 7.90 mm).
Color and setae. Frons, vertex and gena black except antennal tubercle reddish brown; clypeus reddish brown to yellowish black, at least anterior margin of subapical transverse carina and median tubercle always black; frons and vertex (except posterior margin) with sparse short recumbent and sparser long erect brownish black to black setae; posterior margin of vertex with sparse short erect and sparse long erect pale golden setae; antennal scrobe with sparse short appressed pale golden setae; eye dorsally edged with long erect black setae; gena with sparse long suberect to erect pale golden setae; setae on malar space appressed; clypeus with sparse long erect pale golden to golden setae, and with bunch of long pale golden setae on median tubercle. Mandible yellowish red to reddish brown except apical 1/3–1/2 black, with sparse short appressed pale golden and sparse long erect golden setae on outer face; dorsal and ventral face with sparse long erect golden setae. Prementum and stipes black with sparse extremely short erect pale golden setae; palpi dark brown with sparse extremely short erect pale golden setae. Scape reddish brown to black except extreme apex reddish yellow to reddish brown, with sparse long recumbent to suberect pale golden setae; scape rarely entirely yellowish red; pedicel reddish brown with sparse short recumbent pale golden setae; F1 black, sometimes ventrally brownish tinged, with sparse short recumbent pale golden setae; F2–F10 black, ventrally reddish yellow to reddish brown, with dense extremely short recumbent pale golden setae.
Mesosoma entirely yellowish red; pronotal collar apically with sparse short erect pale golden to golden setae, basally glabrous; thoracic dorsum with sparse short recumbent golden to black and sparser long erect black setae, except anterior and lateral margins of dorsum of pronotum with short to long erect pale golden setae; dorsal propodeal face with sparse long erect pale golden setae; propleuron with sparse short appressed and sparser short to long erect pale golden setae; lateral face of mesosoma with sparse short appressed white setae; ventral half of mesopleuron and lateral propodeal face also with sparser short to long erect white setae.
Coxae and trochanters yellow to reddish brown; femora yellowish red, sometimes dark brown to black on apical ~1/3; tibiae and tarsi yellowish red to black; protibial spur pale brown; meso- and metatibial spurs yellowish white; outer spines on tibiae dark brown; in Taiwanese specimens legs entirely black; coxae and trochanters with sparse long recumbent pale golden setae; femora with sparse short recumbent and sparser long erect pale golden setae; tibiae with sparse long recumbent and sparser long erect pale golden setae; tarsi with dense long appressed pale golden setae.
Metasoma black except S1 yellowish red; sometimes T1 on basal 1/2–3/4 yellowish red; T1 and T2 sometimes with bluish metallic luster; T1, T2 around discal area, T3 and S1 with sparse long erect pale golden to golden setae; T2 disc with dense short recumbent black and sparse long erect golden to black setae; T4–T5 with dense long appressed black and sparse long erect golden to black (laterally pale golden to golden) setae; T6 with sparse long erect pale golden to golden setae except pygidial area glabrous, and with thickened lateral pygidial fringe of long erect pale golden to golden setae; S2–S6 with sparse short erect pale golden to golden setae; S2–S6 with apical fringe of sparse long pale golden to golden setae; T2 with narrow elongate (1.43–2.60 times longer than wide, 1.93 on average) basomedial spot of dense, appressed pale golden to golden setae almost touching basal margin of T2, and with apical narrow band of dense appressed pale golden to golden setae, slightly widened medially; minimum distance between spot and band on T2 1.03–1.80 (average: 1.39) × length of spot, but in Taiwanese specimens 0.55–0.64 (average: 0.60); T2 with lateral golden felt line; T3 with wide uniform band of dense appressed pale golden to golden setae.
Structure. In dorsal view, outline of head pentagonal with anterior margin strongly protruding, 1.28–1.45 (aver- age: 1.35) times wider than long; lateral margins strongly convergent behind eye; posterior margin slightly incurved medially. In lateral view, outline of head longitudinally elongate; gena comparatively narrow with GOI = 1.04–1.51 (average: 1.23). Frons, vertex and gena with large confluent punctures, intervals smooth; vertex with weak median longitudinal carina reaching upper frons; genal carina present, distinct; gena forming triangular angle to distinct tooth on junction of hypostomal and genal carinae; antennal scrobe with distinct dorsal carina; eye oval, slightly protruding from head capsule; minimum distance between eyes 0.95–1.18 (average: 1.08) × eye height; eye height 2.03–2.72 (average: 2.46) × malar length. Clypeus with minute sparse punctures, medially elevated and forming weak median longitudinal tubercle, with subapical transverse ridge; anterior margin of transverse ridge nearly truncate but medially (just below median tubercle) more or less notched, and laterally to the notch sometimes with small rounded tubercle; median tubercle protruding beyond median notch, but not reaching anterior margin. Mandible wide tridentate, two inner denticles slightly smaller than apex; ventral margin not excised. Prementum with posterior dome-like tubercle. Scape bending medially; scape and pedicel with minute sparse punctures; F1 length 1.00–1.35 (average: 1.16) × its width and 1.00–1.44 (average: 1.24) × F2 length; F2–F9 almost same in length and width; F10 slightly longer than F9 and little shorter than F1, conical and weakly compressed; surface of flagellum with minute dense punctures.
Mesosoma broadest at pronotal spiracles and weakly convergent posteriorly in dorsal view; ratio between head width:humeral width: pronotal width:mesonotal width:propodeal width:metasomal width (average in parentheses) = 100:70–81 (77):77–86 (84):70–86 (74):72–79 (77):106–122 (116); dorsal thoracic length 0.95–1.18 (average: 1.07) × pronotal width; anterior margin of dorsum of pronotum nearly straight; pronotum laterally weakly projecting but not forming distinct angle at pronotal spiracle; lateral margin of mesosoma weakly crenulate; humeral angle angulate, humeral carina weakly developed; transverse sulcus absent; pronotal collar with minute sparse punctures, shallowly longitudinally striate at the junction with dorsum of pronotum; thoracic dorsum with large confluent punctures; dorsal propodeal face puncto-reticulated by large confluent punctures; lateral face of mesosoma with extremely minute dense punctures.
Coxae with minute dense punctures; trochanters, femora and protibia with minute sparse punctures, in profemur punctures denser apically; meso- and metatibiae with minute dense punctures, with pair of longitudinal rows of spines on outer face; tarsi with minute dense punctures; metacoxa with weak inner carina throughout; protarsus with external comb of long spines; claws simple, without inner denticles.
T1 without distinct dorsum; T2 medially flattened to slightly depressed, dorsal T2 length 0.88–0.98 (average:
0.92) × T2 width; S1 with low straight median longitudinal carina, sometimes weakly elevated posteriorly; S2 with basomedial short inconspicuous longitudinal carina; T1 on basal half and S1 with minute sparse punctures; T1 on apical half with large confluent punctures; T2 disc with small confluent punctures; T2 around discal area with large sparse punctures; T3–T6 except pygidial area and S3–S6 with small dense punctures; S2 with small sparse punctures; pygidial area slightly convex, elongate, slightly convergent basally; lateral margins of pygidial area weakly carinate throughout but not enclosed; surface of pygidial area finely longitudinally rugose laterally on basal 1/2–2/3, unsculptured medially and apically.
MALE. Unknown.
Type materials examined. Smicromyrme substriolatus Chen : holotype, ♀ ( Figs 28 View FIGURE 28 C–D), Guling , Jiangxi, China, 7.VIII.1935, O. Piel leg. [ TARI] ; paratype, 1♀ ( Figs 28 View FIGURE 28 G–H, 29C–D, 30D–F, H), same place, 4.VII.1919, collector unknown [ TARI] ; paratype, 1♀, Ningkwo , Anhui, 20.VII.1920, collector unknown [ TARI] ; paratype, 1♀, Mt. Tianmu-shan , Zhejiang, China, 6.VI.1936, O. Piel leg. [ TARI] ; paratype, 1♀, Mt. Huang-shan , Anhui, China, 11.VII.1936, K. F. Chen leg. [ TARI]. Smicromyrme tridentiens Chen : holotype, ♀ ( Figs 28 View FIGURE 28 E–F), Dazhulan , Shaowu, Fujian, 26.IV.1942, collector unknown [ TARI] .
Other materials examined. 16♀. Japan : 3♀: [ Amami Islands ] 2♀ ( Figs 28 View FIGURE 28 A–B, 29A–B, 30A–C, G), Ama- mi-chûô Forest Road, Koshuku, Naze , Amami-ôshima Island , 200 m alt., 28.361°N 129.466°E, 3–7.VII.2017, Yôto Komeda leg., YPT [ ELKU]. [Okinawa GoogleMaps Islands ] 1♀ ( Fig. 28J View FIGURE 28 ), Ie-rindô, Kunigami-son, Okinawa-jima Island , 8.IV.2003, S. Arai leg. [ TUA] . China: 2♀ : 1♀, Guadun , Fujian, 2300 m alt., 27.40°N 117.405°E, 11.V.1938, J. Kiapporich leg., B. Petersen det. 1995 as Smicromyrme substriolata Chen [ ZMUC] GoogleMaps ; 1♀, Mt. West Tianmu-shan, Linan, Hangzhou , Zhejiang, 20–22.VIII.2001, N. Ohbayashi, L.-Z. Li & K. Kasahara leg. [ EUM] . Taiwan: 4♀ : 1♀ ( Fig. 28I View FIGURE 28 ), Lienwhachi, Nantou, 25.III.1979, A. Shinohara leg., A. S. Lelej det. 1995 as Andreimyrme substriolata (Chen) [ NSMT] ; 1♀, Paolai , Taoyuan, Kaohsiung, 3.V.1996, H. Takizawa leg. [ HUM] ; 1♀, Mt. Shuisho, Sun Moon Lake, Tuchhsiang , Nantou, 9.IV.2004, T. Mita leg. [ TUA] ; 1♀, Chenshanfu, Pinglin , Taipei, 24.V.2010, N. Ohba- yashi leg. [ EUM] . Vietnam: 2♀ : 1♀, Mt. Bavi , Hanoi, 800–1000 m alt., VII.1941, A. De Cooman leg. [ TARI] ; 1♀, Bach Ma National Park, 19 km point, Thua Tien-Hue , 1400 m alt., 16.198°N 107.860°E, 3–6.VIII.2016, Y. Komeda & T. Mita leg., YPT, 253/BTTNVN [ ELKU] GoogleMaps . Laos: 2♀ : 1♀, Ban Tha, Xiengkhouang , 1200 m alt., 19°44′N 103°24′E, 4.V.2011, H. Sawada leg. [ ELKU] GoogleMaps ; 1♀, Mt. Pan, Sam Neua, Houapanh , V.2013, collector unknown [ EUM] . Thailand: 1♀, Chang Khian, Doi Suthep , Chiang Mai, 800–900 m alt., 8–11.V.2000, K. Okajima leg. [ TUA] . Malaysia: 1♀, Kampung Pasil Dula, Kuala Terengganu, 1.III.2002, T. Tsuru leg. [ TUA] . Indonesia: 1♀, Urung Tame, Sibolangit, Sumatra Island , 24.IV.1998, H. Takizawa leg. [ TUA] .
Confirmed distribution. Japan *: Amami Islands (Amami-ôshima Island), Okinawa Islands (Okinawa-jima Island). China. Taiwan. Vietnam. Laos *. Thailand *. Peninsular Malaysia *. Indonesia *: Sumatra.
Other localities in the literature. All the distributional records are confirmed in this study.
Occurrence in Japan. April–July.
Biology. Unknown.
Comparison. The female of this species differs from that of other Andreimyrme species in having the frons, vertex and gena with large confluent punctures (with dense but separated punctures in A. neaera ; with minute sparse punctures in A. sarawakensis ), T2 with a basomedial spot of pale setae (without such spot in A. sarawakensis ), S2 without bluish metallic luster (both T2 and S2 with such luster in A. neaera ) and T3 with a wide uniform band of pale setae (without such a band in A. neaera and A. sarawakensis ). The following specimens were also examined for comparison: A. neaera : 1♀, Kalabakan, Sabah, Borneo, Malaysia, 3–11.IV.1973, K. M. Guichard leg., B. Petersen det. as neaera (generic name illegible) [ZMUC]; A. sarawakensis : 1♀, near Lake Gardens, Kuala Lumpur, Peninsu- lar Malaysia *, H. M. Pendlebury leg., B. Petersen det. as Promecilla neaera (Mickel) [ZMUC]; 1♀, Spilog, 17 km west from Sandakan, Sabah, Borneo, Malaysia, 200 m alt., 28.XI.1978, S. Nagai leg. [EUM].
Synonymic notes. Chen (1957) in his key distinguished A. substriolata from A. tridentiens by having the lateral propodeal face and metapleuron distinctly punctate (uniformly micro-punctate in A. tridentiens ), the scape, tibiae and tarsi black to blackish (pale ferruginous in A. tridentiens ) and the punctuation on T2 around the lateral felt line confluent (separated in A. tridentiens ). These characters, however, vary greatly and intermediate forms were examined. Andreimyrme tridentiens is therefore treated as a synonym of A. substriolata here.
Remarks. Lelej (1995b) suggested that A. substriolata (♀) may be associated with A. davidi (♂, Fig. 31 View FIGURE 31 ) and A. tridentiens (♀) with A. long (♂) but A. substriolata and A. tridentiens are recognized as conspecific as discussed above. Discovery of male Andreimyrme in Japan will give more insights to the sex association of these species. One more species, A. pakistanensis , is known from males but this species is distributed in Pakistan only ( Lelej et al. 2007).
Taiwanese specimens ( Fig. 28I View FIGURE 28 ) have the legs entirely black and have a larger pale setal spot on T2, while females from other localities have the legs more or less red and the T2 spot smaller. Interestingly, the unique specimen from Okinawa-jima Island has entirely black legs and a small T2 spot ( Fig. 28J View FIGURE 28 ). It is uncertain whether the Taiwanese population belongs to a separate species or is a variant of A. substriolata .
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
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Smicromyrmini |
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Andreimyrme substriolata ( Chen, 1957 )
Okayasu, Juriya 2020 |
Andreimyrme tridentiens: Lelej 1995b: 8
Okayasu, J. & Williams, K. A. & Lelej, A. S. 2018: 303 |
Lelej, A. S. 2005: 38 |
Lelej, A. S. 1995: 8 |
Andreimyrme substriolata:
Okayasu, J. & Williams, K. A. & Lelej, A. S. 2018: 303 |
Lo Cascio, P. 2015: 544 |
Lelej, A. S. 2005: 38 |
Lelej, A. S. 2002: 50 |
Lelej, A. S. 1995: 9 |
Smicromyrme substriolata
Chen, C. - W. 1957: 209 |