Penthicodes warleti, Constant, Jerome, 2010

Constant, Jerome, 2010, The lanternfly genus Penthicodes: key to the species and review of the “ Ereosoma group ” with two new species and one new subspecies (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Fulgoridae), Zootaxa 2523, pp. 1-26 : 20

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.196336


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Penthicodes warleti

sp. nov.

Penthicodes warleti View in CoL n. sp.

Figs. 12 A–E, 23 A–D, 26.

Etymology. The species is named after the Belgian entomologist Jean-Marie Warlet (1931–2008) in memory of all he taught to me.

Material examined: India: holotype ɞ: [Assam, Abhoypur For., Naphuk 360m, x-12-1961] [Collectors: E.S. Ross, D.G. Cavagnaro] ( CAS).

Note: Abhoypur = Abhaipur; Naphuk = Namphuk. Coordinates: 27°02'N 94°20'E.

Diagnostic characters: (1) tegmina with white patch only along sutural margin on nodal line of crossveins (Fig. 12A); (2) legs I and II dark brown with pale yellow rings (Fig. 12E); (3) tegmina marked with numerous small black-brown spots, some of them v-shaped on veins; a series of black spots along costal margin; spots on membrane and 2 bigger spots between veins Sc and R1-R2 (Fig. 12A); (4) disc of hind wings red and with 11 round black spots in 3 rows and 4 small white spots (Fig. 12A); (5) abdominal tergites red (Fig. 12A).

Description. LT: ɞ (n = 1): 22.9 mm.

Head: eyes included, about 0.6 times as broad as thorax; yellow-brown with labium and apex of clypeus dark brown; vertex broader posteriorly, sides and posterior margin carinate; anterior margin emarginate; disc longitudinally slightly sulcate, with medinan carina and slight, irregular,transverse carina subparallel to anterior margin; frons longer than broad, longitudinally wrinkled and with 2 slight, longitudinal carinae; obsolete cephalic process flattened on dorsal part of head; clypeus longer than frons, medially slightly carinate on apical half; labium reaching apex of abdomen; ratio BV/LV = 4.4; BF/LF = 0.95.

Thorax: yellow-brown with mesonotum brown; pronotum wrinkled with anterior margin carinate and strongly bisinuate, and posterior margin roundly emarginate medially; strong median carina with deeply impressed point on each side; mesonotum with median carina not reaching apex posteriorly and curved peridiscal carinae; disc wrinkled and with slightly impressed point at postero-lateral angle; ratio BT/LP+LM = 1.22; LP/LM = 0.5.

Tegmina: yellow-brown, slightly tinged with reddish, with small black-brown spots on disc and membrane; series of small spots along costal margin; some spots on disc, on veins, v-shaped; 2 bigger black spots on disc, between veins Sc and R; white spot along sutural margin at nodal line of cross-veins, followed by black-brown marking; costal margin slightly curved; apical margin obliquely rounded; sutural margin sinuate; maximal breadth near nodal line; ratio LTg/BTg = 2.5.

Hind wings: broader than tegmina; bright red with band along sutural margin brown and apical 1/3 black; 11 black spots on disc, organised in 3 vague rows; one short black line at basal angle; 4 small white spots on apico-costal half of disc.

Legs: black-brown; all femora and tibiae I and II with slightly pale yellow-brown rings; tibiae III brown and with 5 lateral and 7 apical spines.

Abdomen: red dorsally; black ventrally.

Male genitalia: anal tube elongate, laminate on sides, and with lateral margins emarginate after first third; lateral margin strongly concave in lateral view; dorsal margin strongly excavate subbasally ( Figs. 23A–C View FIGURES 23 A – D ); subtrapezoidal in posterior view (F ig. 23B); pygofer with hind margin strongly and abruptly emarginate at dorsal first third; dorsal third narrower ( Fig. 23A View FIGURES 23 A – D ), broader slightly above middle in postero-ventral view ( Fig. 23D View FIGURES 23 A – D ); gonostyli with posterior margin bisinuate in lateral view, with dorsal margin broadly rather straight and dorso-apical angle marked, ventral margin slightly bisinuate ( Fig. 23A View FIGURES 23 A – D ), contiguous in postero-ventral view, spreading slightly near apex, and with teeth projecting latero-ventrally in postero-ventral view ( Fig. 23D View FIGURES 23 A – D ).

Distribution ( Fig. 26 View FIGURE 26 ): N India.


California Academy of Sciences















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