Acoma nonglabrata Evans & Smith, 2020

Evans, Arthur V. & Smith, Andrew B. T., 2020, On the tribal classification of the Nearctic Melolonthinae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae), with descriptions of new species of Acoma Casey, 1889, Zootaxa 4748 (1), pp. 51-77 : 60-61

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4748.1.3

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scientific name

Acoma nonglabrata Evans & Smith

sp. nov.

Acoma nonglabrata Evans & Smith , new species

Figs. 17–22 View FIGURES 17–22

Type material. Holotype male (CASCTYPE 19748), labeled “ MEXICO: BajaCal. Norte / Guadalupe Canyon, E. / side of SierraJuarez / 18-VI-1973 S.C. / Williams & K.B. Blair / SCW # 311 (2) // ACOMA / OCHLERA / HOWDEN / OR N.SP. NEAR / det. W.B.Warner 2015 // CASENT / 8424501 // HOLOTYPE / Acoma / nonglabrata / Evans & Smith, 2019”.

Paratypes (7 males): 5, same data as holotype, except no determination label, CASC database numbers CASENT 8424502–8424506; 2, “ MEX. BajaCalif.Norte / 5.3km S Bajia de Los / Angeles VII.9–10.78 / 59029.6 / E. L. Sleeper ” ( CMNC) and “BCN- 5.3 km S / BAJIA DE LOS / ANGELES / VII-9/10-1978 // 59029.6 / E. L. Sleeper ” ( CMNC) .

Paratypes are deposited in AVEC (1 paratype; CASENT 8424502), CASC (2 paratypes; CASENT 8424505– 8424506), CMNC (1 paratype; CASENT 8424503), UNAM (1 paratype; CASENT 8424504) .

Diagnosis. Light reddish tan dorsally with head and pronotum darker; anterior clypeal margin emarginate medially; antennae composed of 10 antennomeres, antennomeres 8–10 lamellate; protibia distinctly tridentate; elytral disc with scattered setae.

Description. Holotype male ( Figs. 17–22 View FIGURES 17–22 ), length: 6.5 mm, width: 3.5 mm. BODY testaceous, elongate, moderately convex. HEAD ( Fig. 20 View FIGURES 17–22 ) with impunctate vertex shiny and slightly depressed, frons and clypeus rugose, clypeus with large shallow punctures evident and separated by their own diameters; supraorbital carina obsolete at base of head and clypeus. Clypeus subtrapezoidal, lateral margins moderately reflexed, anterior margin broadly and shallowly concave with angles not prominent. Ocular canthus about one-quarter length of eye when viewed laterally, setose with setae longer than canthus. PRONOTUM slightly wider than long, broadest medially, convex, about one-third length of elytron; disc convex, glabrous, moderately punctate, most punctures separated by 1–2 diameters, with longitudinal impunctate area medially; lateral and posterior margins with narrow bead; anterior margin moderately bisinuate between obtuse anterior angles, with broad bead; anterolateral margin slightly sinuate and converging anteriorly, posterolateral margin straight and converging slightly posteriorly, with posterior angles broadly angulate. SCUTELLUM parabolic, about one-quarter width of elytron, disc mostly finely shagreened. ELYTRON convex, shiny, finely shagreened, disc punctostriate with punctures becoming confused on apical and lateral declivities, setigerous punctures with long suberect setae. LEGS with tridentate protibia moderately emarginate between teeth. PYGIDIUM parabolic, shiny, finely shagreened, with scattered setigerous punctures, setae long. GENITALIA with parameres symmetrical, slender and slightly sinuate when viewed laterally, with membranous flange extending to apical fourth, and not as long as phallobasis ( Figs. 21–22 View FIGURES 17–22 ).

Variation. The type series is consistent in length, color, and surface sculpturing, but does exhibit minor variation in the degree of concavity of the anterior clypeal margin and prominence of clypeal angles.

Etymology. This specific epithet is in reference to the superficial resemblance to A. glabrata , which also occurs in Baja California.

Remarks. With 10 antennomeres and the club consisting of three antennomeres, A. nonglabrata new species superficially resembles A. glabrata , but is readily distinguished by the setose elytral disc and more angulate lateral pronotal margins.


Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico















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