Hottentotta minax (L. Koch, 1875 )

Kovařík, František, 2007, A revision of the genus Hottentotta Birula, 1908, with descriptions of four new species (Scorpiones, Buthidae), Euscorpius 58 (58), pp. 1-107 : 43-48

publication ID 10.18590/euscorpius.2007.vol2007.iss58.1

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scientific name

Hottentotta minax (L. Koch, 1875 )


Hottentotta minax (L. Koch, 1875) View in CoL

( Figs. 68–74 View Figure 68 View Figure 69 View Figure 70 View Figure 71 View Figure 72 View Figure 73 View Figure 74 )

Buthus minax L. Koch, 1875: 4 ; Simon, 187 9: 99; Pavesi, 1885: 197; Hirst, 1911b: 217; Kraepelin, 1913: 171 (in part); Borelli, 1915: 46 0; Werner, 1916: 80; Lampe, 1918: 191; King, 1925: 80; Borelli, 1929: 297; Borelli, 1931: 218; Moritz & Fischer, 1980: 319.

Buthus (Buthus) minax (? in part): Pocock, 1890a: 126.

Buthus hottentotta minax : Kraepelin, 1899: 22; Tullgren, 1909: 2; Gough & Hirst, 1927: 4; Kraepelin, 1929: 87.

Buthus (Hottentotta) minax : Birula, 1908: 141; Werner, 1911: 185; Birula, 1915a: 123; Birula, 1928: 81; Werner, 1934: 269; Caporiacco, 1947: 231.

Buthus (Hottentota) minax : Simon, 1910: 72; Moriggi, 1941: 86.

Buthus (Hottentota) hottentotta minax : Roewer, 1943: 207.

Buthotus minax : Vachon, 1949: 147 (1952: 233); Vachon & Stockmann, 1968: 118; Probst, 1973: 329; Lamoral & Reynders, 1975: 502; Armas, 1986: 16; Cloudsley-Thompson, 1986: 185; El-Hennawy, 1992: 117.

Hottentotta minax View in CoL :? Loveridge, 1925: 305; Simard & Watt, 1990: 436; Warburg & Polis, 1990: 229; Kovařík, 2002: 7; Soleglad & Fet, 2003a: 5; Soleglad & Fet, 2003b: 7; Kovařík, 2003: 140; Lourenço, 2004: 216; Kovařík & Whitman, 2005: 106.

Hottentotta (Hottentota) minax View in CoL : Kovařík, 1998: 110; Fet & Lowe, 2000: 141.

Buthotus minax minax : Vachon & Stockmann, 1968: 119.

Buthotus minax typicus : Probst, 1973: 329.

Hottentotta (Hottentota) minax minax : Fet & Lowe, 2000: 141.

Buthus hottentotta minaci : Caporiacco, 1937: 357.

Buthus hottentotta View in CoL (in part): Pavesi, 18 95c: 495; Kraepelin, 1891: 185; Thorell, 1893: 362.

= Buthus isselii Pavesi, 1883: 3 (nomen nudum) (syn. by Pavesi, 1895c: 495).

= Buthus hottentotta tigrinus Caporiacco, 1937: 355 ; Bartolozzi, Vanni & Mascherini, 1987: 29 5; Kovařík & Whitman, 2005: 106 (syn. by Kovařík, 2003: 140).

Buthus (Hottentotta) tigrinus : Moriggi, 1941: 87; Caporiacco, 1947: 231.

Buthotus hottentotta tigrinus : Vachon & Stockmann, 1968: 124; El-Hennawy, 1992: 117.

Buthotus minax tigrinus : Probst, 1973: 329; Lamoral & Reynders, 1975: 503.

Hottentotta (Hottentotta) minax tigrinus : Kovařík, 1998: 110; Fet & Lowe, 2000: 142.

Buthotus minax occidentalis Vachon & Stockmann, 1968: 128 ; Vachon, 19 74: 885; Lamoral & Reynders, 1975: 503; Stockmann, 1979: 405; Francke & Sissom, 1984: 12; Dupre & Balliet, 199 7: 5.

Hottentotta minax occidentalis View in CoL : Polis & Sissom, 1990: 197.

Hottentotta (Hottentotta) minax occidentalis View in CoL : Kovařík, 1998: 110; Fet & Lowe, 2000: 142.

Hottentotta occidentalis : Lourenço, 2004: 213.

= Hottentotta acostai Lourenço, 2004: 213 . Syn. n.


TYPE MATERIAL EXAMINED. Chad, South of Tibesti, NE Sherda-Zouar (steppe formation), 1♂ 1♀1♀ (im.) (paratypes of Hottentotta acostai Lourenço, 2004 , Figs. 7 3–74 View Figures 5–8 View Figures 1–4 View Figures 9–12 View Figures 13–16 View Figures 17–20 View Figure 21 View Figure 22 View Figure 23 View Figure 24 View Figure 25 View Figure 26 View Figure 27 View Figure 28 View Figure 29 View Figure 30 View Figure 31 View Figure 32 View Figure 33 View Figure 34 View Figure 35 View Figure 36 View Figure 37 View Figure 38 View Figure 39 View Figure 40 View Figure 41 View Figure 42 View Figure 43 View Figure 44 View Figure 45 View Figure 46 View Figure 47 View Figure 48 View Figure 49 View Figure 50 View Figure 51 View Figure 52 View Figure 53 View Figure 54 View Figure 55 View Figures 56–59 View Figure 60 View Figure 61 View Figure 62 View Figure 63 View Figure 64 View Figure 65 View Figure 66 View Figure 67 View Figure 68 View Figure 69 View Figure 70 View Figure 71 View Figure 72 View Figure 73 View Figure 74 ), 7.IV.1968, leg. P. M. Brignoli, ZMUH No. A 37/04. Egypt, Cairo, 1♂ ( Fig. 68 View Figure 68 )1im. (lectotype and paralectotype No. 1), leg. Jickeli, ZMHB No. 2518; Habab, 2♂ 2♀ (paralectotypes Nos. 2–5), leg. Jickeli, ZMHB No. 2519. Eritrea, Press Adua, terr. Gherungara, V.1936, 1♂ (lectotype of Buthus hottentotta tigrinus Caporiacco, 1937 ), MZUF No. 780 .

OTHER MATERIAL EXAMINED. Egypt, 1♂, SMFD No. 5246. Ethiopia, presso Adua , torrente Gherungurà, V.1936, 1♀, leg. R. Cimmaruta, MZUF No. 634; 1990, 5♂ 3♀ ( Figs. 69–72 View Figure 69 View Figure 70 View Figure 71 View Figure 72 ) 1juv., FKCP. Eritrea, Adi Ugri, 1900, 1♀, leg. A. Andreini, MZUF No. 634; Ghinda, Val. R. Embatkalla, 29.XII.1900, 8♀ 3 juvs., leg. A. Andreini, MZUF No. 626; Ghinda, Val. R. Embatkalla, sotto sassi, 29.XII.1900, 3♀, leg. A. Andreini, MZUF No. 625; Saganeiti, IV.1901, 3 juvs., leg. A. Andreini, MZUF No. 628; Saganeiti, IV.1901, 1♂ 6♀, leg. A. Andreini, MZUF No. 620; Adi Ugri, V.1901, 1♂ 1♀ 6 juvs., leg. A. Andreini, MZUF No. 633; Adi Ugri, dintorni, sotto sassi, V.1901, 3♀, leg. A. Andreini, MZUF No. 632; Adi Ugri, VI.1901, 4♂ 5♀ 9juvs., leg. A. Andreini, MZUF No. 635; Enda Abba Mali, terr[itorio di] Adi Ugri, 8.VI.1901, 2 ♂ 2♀, leg. A. Andreini, MZUF No. 630; Enda Abba Mali, Adi Ugri, 8.VI.1901, 1♂ 2juvs., leg. A. Andreini, MZUF No. 631; Adi Ugri, VII.1901, 1♂, leg. A. Andreini, MZUF No. 636; Adi Caieh, IV.1902, 3♀, leg. A. Andreini, MZUF No. 624; Adi Caieh, dintorni, IV.1902, 2♀ 2juvs., leg. A. Andreini, MZUF No. 629; Adi Caieh, sotto sassi, V.1902, 1♀, leg. A. Andreini, MZUF No. 627; Adi Caieh, V.1902, 1♀, leg. A. Andreini, MZUF No. 621; Adi Caieh, VI.1902, 1♂, leg. A. Andreini, MZUF No. 623; Adi Caieh, sotto sassi, VII.1902, 1♀, leg. A. Andreini, MZUF No. 622.? Kenya, D. O. Afrika, Tabora, 1913, 5♂ 5♀ 1juv., leg. Schablitzki, SMFD No. 5220 .

DIAGNOSIS. Total length 45–70 mm. For habitus see Figs. 68–74 View Figure 68 View Figure 69 View Figure 70 View Figure 71 View Figure 72 View Figure 73 View Figure 74 . Trichobothrium db on the fixed finger of pedipalp situated between trichobothria et and est, may be on level with est. Sexual dimorphism not pronounced; manus of pedipalp usually of same width in both sexes, but males have fingers twisted whereas females have them straight. Pectinal teeth number 19–28. Chelicerae yellow, without reticulation, only tips of teeth on cheliceral fingers are black. Pedipalps sparsely hirsute. Metasoma bears only a few hairs. Color usually uniformly yellowish brown, only ventral carinae of metasoma black; mesosoma and carapace may be black in some specimens. Femur of pedipalps with 5 carinae that may be incomplete. Patella with 8 carinae, of which some are smooth, without granules and obsolete. Chela lacks carinae. Movable fingers of pedipalps with 12 or 13 rows of granules and 5 terminal granules. Seventh metasomal segment with 4 well marked ventral carinae. First to third metasomal segments with 10 carinae; fourth segment with 8 or 10 carinae; fifth segment with 5 carinae. Lateral carinae may not be discernible in some males. All carinae granulated, dorsal carinae bear larger terminal granules. Metasoma strongly granulated, accessoric rows of granules present on dorsal surfaces of segments as well as on ventral surface of fifth segment. First metasomal segment of adults always wider than long; second metasomal segment usually also wider than long, but in smaller, less developed specimens of both sexes may be longer than wide. Second to fourth metasomal segment width ratio less than 1.2.

TYPE LOCALITY AND TYPE REPOSITORY. Chad, South of Tibesti, NE Sherda-Zouar ; ZMUH.

COMMENTS. H. acostai Lourenço, 2004 is based on six specimens of which I have seen three paratypes. Lourenço (2004: 216) distinguishes H. acostai from H. minax , actually H. minax occidentalis , by 1) smaller size (45 and 51 mm); 2) much more pale coloration; 3) more marked granulation on carapace and tergites; and 4) pectinal tooth counts, which in H. acostai show a less number of teeth (22 or 23 in males and 19 or 20 in females). As for character 1), I found one female paratype to be 59 mm long ( Fig. 74 View Figure 74 ). Characters 2) and 3) are valueless and, as is apparent from Figs. 68–74 View Figure 68 View Figure 69 View Figure 70 View Figure 71 View Figure 72 View Figure 73 View Figure 74 , do not show any difference. And neither character 4) shows anything that would separate the paratypes from H. minax (see diagnosis). The only difference, which Lourenço does not mention, may be a somewhat narrower metasoma (see Figs. 71 View Figure 71 and 74 View Figure 74 ), however that is common even in the same population (see discussion below) and e.g. in the MZUF collection have specimens with narrower metasoma often been labeled as Hottentotta minax tigrinus . Also the females paralectotypes of H. minax have the metasoma narrower than the specimen in Fig. 71 View Figure 71 .

The taxonomic position of the subspecies H. minax occidentalis is questionable. Vachon & Stockmann (1968: 128) described this taxon (type locality and type repository: Chad, Djermaya; MNHN) as a subspecies and distinguished it from other populations only on the positions of trichobothria on the femur of pedipalp, whose difference (figs. 36 and 37 in Vachon & Stockmann, 1968: 117) are due to variability and therefore not taxonomically useful. Another difference is ventral granules on the fifth metasomal segment that, however, are also quite variable. Lourenço (2004: 213) elevated this subspecies to species without giving any reasons for the status change. Due to unavailability of MNHN types (see Kovařík, 2004: 27), I have no choice but to regard this taxon recorded from Chad and Cameroon as a subspecies of H. minax , with the stipulation that only a thorough study of the types can decide whether it is a synonym or a valid species.

DISTRIBUTION. Chad, Cameroon (Vachon & Stockmann 1968: 129), Egypt (L. Koch, 1875: 7), Eritrea, Ethiopia (Borelli, 1915: 460), Kenya, Libya (Fet & Lowe, 2000: 142), Sudan (Birula, 1908: 141). This species has been reported also from Tanzania ( Lampe, 1918: 191; Werner, 1916: 80; Loveridge, 1925: 305; Werner, 1936: 175), however I suspect all such reports to concern misidentified H. trilineatus . Also Uganda records (Birula, 1908: 141) are most likely dubious.


Zoological Museum, University of Hanoi


Museo Zoologico La Specola, Universita di Firenze














Hottentotta minax (L. Koch, 1875 )

Kovařík, František 2007

Hottentotta occidentalis

LOURENCO 2004: 213

Hottentotta acostai Lourenço, 2004: 213

LOURENCO 2004: 213

Buthus hottentotta tigrinus

KOVARIK 2003: 140

Hottentotta (Hottentota) minax

KOVARIK 1998: 110

Hottentotta (Hottentotta) minax tigrinus

KOVARIK 1998: 110

Hottentotta (Hottentotta) minax occidentalis

KOVARIK 1998: 110

Buthus (Hottentota) minax

MORIGGI 1941: 86

Buthus (Hottentotta) tigrinus

MORIGGI 1941: 87

Hottentotta minax

LOURENCO 2004: 216
KOVARIK 2003: 140
KOVARIK 2002: 7
LOVERIDGE 1925: 305

Buthus hottentotta minax

KRAEPELIN 1929: 87
KRAEPELIN 1899: 22

Buthus hottentotta

KRAEPELIN 1891: 185

Buthus (Buthus) minax

POCOCK 1890: 126

Buthus isselii

PAVESI 1895: 495
PAVESI 1883: 3

Buthus minax L. Koch, 1875: 4

KING 1925: 80
LAMPE 1918: 191
KRAEPELIN 1913: 171
PAVESI 1885: 197
KOCH 1875: 4
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