Orbamia ocellata (Warren, 1897) Tujuba & Hausmann & Sciarretta, 2020

Tujuba, Tesfu Fekensa, Hausmann, Axel & Sciarretta, Andrea, 2020, Revision of the Orbamia Herbulot, 1966 group of genera with description of two new genera, ten new species, and two new subspecies (Lepidoptera, Geometridae, Ennominae, Cassymini), ZooKeys 929, pp. 53-77 : 53

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scientific name

Orbamia ocellata (Warren, 1897)

stat. nov.

Orbamia ocellata (Warren, 1897) View in CoL stat. nov. Figures 9 View Figures 1–18 , 27 View Figures 19–27 , 45 View Figures 37–45 , 63 View Figures 55–63 , 77 View Figures 73–84

Lepiodes ocellata : Warren (1897): 94 (Syntypes 5♂1♀ in NHMUK; locus typicus: South Africa: Bathurst; [north-eastern Zambia]: Mpeta, Loangwa River [Luangwa], off the Zambesi [close to the border with northern Malawi]).


Synonym of O. octomaculata according to Scoble (1999) but the type series of ocellata belongs to two different species. Herewith we designate the red-ring-labelled male specimen from Zambia, Mpeta, as lectotype to fix the identity of the name and to stabilise nomenclature. The taxon is herewith upgraded from synonymy to species rank (stat. nov.), based on the below mentioned differences in DNA barcodes and genitalia. Pattern of upper- and underside of wings of the lectotype exactly matches that of the examined material from Tanzania, partly collected in closely adjacent localities to the type locality (e.g., Ruvuma and Iringa provinces).

Examined material.

1♂, Tanzania, Pwani region, Manadera, 166m, 06°14.30'S, 038°23.19'E, 07.XII.2008, leg. Ph. Darge (ZSM G 20908); 1♀, Tanzanie, Tanga region, Savane prės, Usambara west. 475 m, 11.v.2005 leg. Ph. Darge; 2♀, Tanzanie, Tanga region, West Usambara mts, Magamba Forest, 1818 m, 04°42.76'S, 038°17.28'E, 01.XII.2008, leg. Ph. Darge; 1♀, Tanzanie, Morongoi region, Mikesse Hills, 375 m, 06°40.50'S, 037°58.12'E, 17.XI.2004, leg. Ph. Darge; 2♀, Tanzanie, Morogoro 1 km E Mikumi, 550 m, 5.III.2003, leg. M. Fibiger, H. Hacker, K.Larsen, H.P. Schreier; 1♀, Tanzania, Morogoro region, Uluguru mts, Bunduki Forest, 1275 m, 07°01.07'S, 037°37.94'E, 23.XI.2007, leg. Ph. Darge; 1♀, Tanzania, Morogoro region, face West des, Nguru mts, Makuyu, savane arborėe, 620 m, 25.IV.2005, leg. Ph. Darge (ZSM G 20942); 2♀, Tanzania, Morogoro region, West Nguru mts, Makuyu, alt. 620 m, 06°16.08'S, 037°20.54'E, 19.XI.2007, leg. Ph. Darge; 1♂, Tanzania, Rukwa prov, Kisengere/ Kasambo, 1193 m, 07°27.54'S, 030°52.81'E, 17.v.2004, leg. Ph. Darge; 1♂, Tanzania, Rukwa prov., Mbizi mts, entre Kisungu et Muze, 1415 m, 07°43.82'S, 031°32.4'E, 14.v.2004, leg. Ph. Darge; 1♀, Tanzanie, Iringa, Ulembwa, 2070 m, 09°18.70'S, 034°38.07'E, 22.XII.2008, leg. Ph. Darge (ZSM G 20911); 2♀, Tanzanie, Pwani region, Savane de Mandera, 170 m, 06°14.30'S, 038°23.19'E, 19.III.2006, leg. Ph. Darge; 1♂2♀, id., 15.I.2005; 1♀, Tanzanie, Ruvuma region, Kitai Savnna, 1020 m, 10°42.40'S, 035°12.33'E, 24.III.2006, leg. Ph. Darge (ZSM G 20946); 1♂, Tanzanie, Mbeya region, Igurusi savanna, 1150 m, 08°46.68'S, 033°46.17'E, 06.IV.2006, leg. Ph. Darge; 3♀, Tanzania, Ubenazomizi region, savannas and deciduous forest, 450 m, 06°40.57'S, 037°58.99'E, 13.XII.2002, leg. Ph. Darge and Th. Ebode; 1♀, Tanzanie, Ruvuma region, Kitai Savanna, 1020 m, 10°42.40'S, 035°12.33'E, 24.III.2006, leg. Ph. Darge.

Differential features

(COI sequences, photographs of adults and their genitalia see https://dx.doi.org/10.5883/DS-ORBAMIA): Adult: Forewing length: 8.5-12 mm. Upperside of wings: Ground colour pale grey with slight brown suffusion, pattern brown with slight orange tinge. Underside: Ground colour whitish, orange between veins, apical spots on forewing conspicuous, sharply bordered, on hindwing terminal fascia usually diffuse, rarely restricted to apex. Male genitalia: Uncus narrow, digitiform, valva straight, broad, dorsal process with conspicuous, stout hook at tip, cornutus narrow and very long (2.8-3.0 mm). Female genitalia: Apophyses stout, apophyses anteriores comparatively long (2/3 length of apophyses posteriores), lamella ante- and post-vaginalis fused, oval, comparatively broad (length 0.7 mm, width 0.5 mm), signum weakly sclerotised, small, transverse ridge straight (0.2 mm).















