Apogon quinquestriatus Regan, 1908

Thomas H. Fraser, 2005, A review of the species in the Apogon fasciatus group with a description of a new species of cardinalfish from the Indo-West Pacific (Perciformes: Apogonidae)., Zootaxa (924), pp. 1-30 : 17-19

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Apogon quinquestriatus Regan, 1908


Apogon quinquestriatus Regan, 1908   ZBK

Synonyms. None

Type Material Examined: Syntypes BMNH 1901.12.31.8-9 ; 33.2-36.5 mm SL [[ Maldives , in 55 - 66 meters from South Nilandu ]].

Diagnosis. A species of Apogon (Ostorhinchus) with four narrow dark stripes, the first from nape along base of first and second dorsal fin, the second from above eye to upper caudal peduncle, the third from eye along lateral-line scales fading prior to caudal peduncle; the fourth midlateral from front of snout to end of caudal fin.; 15 pectoral rays; well developed gill rakers 15, total gill rakers and rudiments 19; VII first-dorsal spines.

Description. See Figure 6 for general body shape and Table 1 for proportional percentages.

Dorsal fin VII-I,9 with third spine much thicker than second or fourth, last soft ray shorter than preceding ray; anal fin II,8 with last soft ray shorter than preceding ray; pectoral fin 15-15 in one syntype, the other damaged (Table 2); pelvic fin I,5; principal caudal rays 9 + 8, caudal fin forked; scale counts missing for one syntype, pored lateral-line scales, 24-25, extending from posttemporal onto base of caudal fin; transverse scale rows above lateral line 2; transverse scale rows below lateral line 6; median predorsal scales 5; circumpeduncular scale rows 12 (5+2+5).

Villiform teeth in several rows on the premaxilla; several villiform rows becoming a single row on side dentary; 1-2 rows on the palatine; one row on vomer; none on ectopterygoid, entopterygoid or basihyal. Rudiments and gill rakers on first arch (Table 3), 2 rudiments and 3 gill rakers on upper arch, 2 rudiment and 12 gill rakers on lower arch for both syntypes, total gill rakers and rudiments 19, well developed gill rakers 15.

No internal osteology known. Supramaxilla absent. Posttemporal smooth on posterior margin. Preopercle ridge smooth, edges serrate on posterior and ventral margins. Infraorbital edge smooth.

Scales ctenoid where present, most missing on head and on parts of the body for both syntypes.

Color in alcohol. Four dark narrow stripes above the dark midline stripe, two stripes reach the caudal peduncle, the second and fourth down from the dorsum. No other color patterns on body.

Life colors. Unknown.

Distribution. Known only from the syntypes collected in 55-66 meters from South Nilandu, Maldives (Fig. 8).

Habitat: Known only from deeper water.

Remarks: This species has been collected once and may be restricted to the Maldives. Trawl collections examined the Indian coast line have not produced specimens. Not reported from Laccadives or Chagos Archipelago, but could be expected there.

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