Typhloseiopsis adventitius Ferragut & Moraes

Ferragut, Francisco, Moraes, Gilberto Jose & Navia, Denise, 2011, Phytoseiid mites (Acari: Phytoseiidae) of the Dominican Republic, with a re-definition of the genus Typhloseiopsis De Leon, Zootaxa 2997, pp. 37-53 : 48-50

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.201690



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scientific name

Typhloseiopsis adventitius Ferragut & Moraes

sp. nov.

Typhloseiopsis adventitius Ferragut & Moraes sp. nov.

( Figures 7–12 View FIGURES 7 – 12 )

Diagnosis. Dorsal shield mostly smooth, with scanty anterolateral striae. Female dorsal setal pattern 12A:7B. Six pairs of dorsal solenostomes and 17 pairs of smooth setae, except Z4 and Z5 which are slightly serrated. Seta r3 twice as long as R1, both on unsclerotized cuticle. With separate ventral and anal shields on both sexes. Fixed and movable cheliceral digits with eight and one teeth, respectively. Calyx of the spermatheca tubular, long and narrow; atrium indistinct. Macrosetae present on genua I–V, tibia and tarsus IV. Spermatodactyl L-shaped.

FEMALE ( Figs 7–10 View FIGURES 7 – 12 ) (holotype).

Dorsum ( Fig. 7 View FIGURES 7 – 12 ). Dorsal shield, 292 µm long and 168 wide, mostly smooth, with scanty anterolateral striae. With six pairs of solenostomes (gd2, gd4, gd5, gd6, gd8 and gd9) and seventeen pairs of setae, all smooth, except Z4 and Z5 which are slightly serrated. Measurements of setae: j1: 27, j3: 37, j4: 8, j5: 7, j6: 10, J2: 11, J5: 8, z2: 7, z3: 6, z4: 10, z5: 7, Z4: 48, Z5: 71, s4: 40, s6: 13, S2: 10, S5: 9, r3: 22, R1: 10. Peritreme: reaching level of j1.

Ve n te r ( Fig. 8 View FIGURES 7 – 12 ): Ventral shields weakly sclerotized. Smooth, quadrangular sternal shield, with three pairs of setae (st1, st2 and st3) and two pairs of lyrifissures; posterior margin straight. Genital shield smooth; posterior end 69 µm wide. Primary metapodal plate fusiform, 18 µm long. Ventral and anal shields separated, smooth. Ventral shield 54 µm wide at level of ZV2, with three pairs of setae, JV1, JV2 and ZV2; seta JV2 on the posterior margin of the shield. Crescentic preanal pores and seta JV3 on the integument between ventral and anal shields. Anal shield sub-triangular, 67 µm wide at the level of anus. Three pairs of setae, ZV1, ZV3, JV5 around these shields. Seta JV5 30 µm long, smooth and pointed.

Spermatheca ( Fig. 10 View FIGURES 7 – 12 ). Calyx of the spermatheca tubular, long and narrow, flaring slightly near vesicle and bulging slightly on the bottom, 24 µm long; atrium indistinct.

Chelicerae ( Fig. 9 View FIGURES 7 – 12 ). Fixed digit 28 µm long, with eight teeth, five proximal and three distal to pilus dentilis ; movable digit 26 µm long, with one tooth.

Legs. Measurements of legs as follows: leg I: 386, leg II: 306, leg III: 318, leg IV: 410. Macrosetae present on genua of all legs and tibia and basitarsus of leg IV. Macrosetae on legs IV thick and sharp-tipped; length of macrosetae: Sge I: 38, Sge II: 34, Sge III: 38, Sge IV: 58, Sti IV: 34, St IV: 61. Chaetotactic formula of genu II: 1-2/1, 2/ 0-1; genu III: 1-2/1, 2/1-0.

MALE ( Figs 11–12 View FIGURES 7 – 12 ) (3 paratypes).

Dorsum. Dorsal shield, 254 µm long (242–264), 148 µm wide (138–154); mostly smooth, with few anterolateral striae. With six pairs of solenostomes (gd2, gd4, gd5, gd6, gd8 and gd9) and nineteen pairs of smooth and sharp-tipped dorsal setae, except for Z4 and Z5 which are serrated. Measurements of setae j1: 22, j3: 32 (31–33), j4 and j5: 7 (6–7), j6 and J2: 10 (9–11), J5: 6 (6–7), z2: 8 (7–8), z3: 7, z4: 9 (8–10), z5: 7 (7–8), Z4: 39 (38–42); Z5: 54 (53–56), s4: 33 (32–35), s6: 11(11–12), S2: 10 (9–11), S5: 8 (7–9), r3 20 (19–21) and R1: 9 (8–10). Peritreme: Reaching level of j1.

Ve n te r ( Fig. 12 View FIGURES 7 – 12 ): Massive ventral shield with scanty anterior, transversal striae, 48 µm long and 143 (141–146) µm wide near anterior corners and bearing five pairs of preanal setae. Crescentic preanal pores and seta JV3 on the integument between ventral and anal shields. Anal shield 38 µm wide. Seta JV5 22 (21–23) µm long, smooth and sharp-tipped.

Chelicerae ( Fig. 11 View FIGURES 7 – 12 ). Fixed digit 22 µm long, with 6 teeth, 3 proximal and 3 distal to pilus dentilis ; movable digit 20 µm long, with 1 tooth. Spermatodactyl L-shaped with a strong and pointed lateral process.

Legs. Macrosetae sharp-tipped on genua I–IV and tibia and basitarsus IV, with the following lengths: Sge I: 31 (30–33), Sge II: 28 (27–28), Sge III: 31 (30–34), Sge IV: 45 (44–46), Sti IV: 29, St IV: 47 (46–48).

Specimens examined. Holotype female and three paratype males collected on Cecropia peltata L. ( Cecropiaceae ) in Jarabacoa (Cordillera Central). Geographic coordinates 19°04'56" N, 70°41'7" W; 640 m asl, collected on 30-IX-2008. Holotype and paratypes were deposited at Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid, Spain (MNCN). Reference number of holotype and one paratype male: MNCN 20.02/17149; two paratype males: MNCN 20.02/17150.

Etymology. The name adventitius (Latin) refers to the fact that this new species has one additional seta (S2) in relation to the usual complement presented by other species of Typhloseiopsis .

Remarks. This species resembles Typhloseiopsis pritchardi ( Chant & Baker, 1965) and Typhloseiopsis neopritchardi Moraes & Mesa, 1988 in having separate ventral and anal shields. It can be distinguished from these and other species in the genus by having seta S2. It further differs from T. pritchardi and T. neopritchardi by the longer s4 and Z4, and by the shape of the calyx of the spermatheca (short-saccular in the former and funnel shaped in the latter). The following key is provided to help in the separation of species of this genus.















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