Lissodendoryx Topsent, 1892

Cruz-Barraza, José Antonio, Carballo, José Luis & Aguilar-Camacho, José María, 2023, Taxonomy and molecular phylogenetic position of new species and new records of Coelosphaeridae (Demospongiae: Poecilosclerida) from the Mexican Pacific, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 199 (2), pp. 511-532 : 518

publication ID 10.1093/zoolinnean/zlad036

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Lissodendoryx Topsent, 1892


Genus Lissodendoryx Topsent, 1892 View in CoL

Massive, lobate, or flabelliform sponges, with irregular or clathrate (open latticework-like) surface. Ectosomal skeleton with smooth ectosomal tornotes, tylotes, or strongyles forming tangential tracts and surface brushes; choanosomal skeleton an isodictyal reticulation of single spicules, an anisotropic reticulation, or a plumo-reticulation, composed of smooth or acanthose choanosomal styles, sometimes oxeas or strongyles, alone or in combination; echinating spicules may be present; microscleres are arcuate isochelae, sigmas, and raphides arranged in trichodragmata. A genus of cosmopolitan distribution, with many species ( Fernandez et al. 2016).

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