Lissodendoryx (Lissodendoryx) albemarlensis Desqueyroux-Faúndez & van Soest, 1997

Cruz-Barraza, José Antonio, Carballo, José Luis & Aguilar-Camacho, José María, 2023, Taxonomy and molecular phylogenetic position of new species and new records of Coelosphaeridae (Demospongiae: Poecilosclerida) from the Mexican Pacific, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 199 (2), pp. 511-532 : 520-521

publication ID 10.1093/zoolinnean/zlad036

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scientific name

Lissodendoryx (Lissodendoryx) albemarlensis Desqueyroux-Faúndez & van Soest, 1997


Lissodendoryx (Lissodendoryx) albemarlensis Desqueyroux-Faúndez & van Soest, 1997 View in CoL

( Figs 6 View Figure 6 , 7 View Figure 7 )


Lissodendoryx albemarlensis Desqueyroux-Faúndez & van Soest, 1997: 446–448 .

Halichondria isodictyalis Carter, 1882: 285 specimens from ‘ Acapulco’ eastern Pacific, not Caribbean records.

Lissodendoryx isodictyalis Dickinson, 1945: 20–21 (not Halichondria isodictyalis Carter, 1882 ).

Material examined

AHF-1736-49, Bahía San Gabriel , Isla Espíritu Santo ( Golfo de California , BCS), 29° 26’3’’N, 110°21.07’’ intertidal, W. R/V VELERO IV. GoogleMaps LACM-1936-22, L35695 D26, Bahía Ballenas Isla Espíritu Santo, (Golfo de California, BCS), 24°27.8’’N, 110°22’ W, 21/III/1936, intertidal, R/V VELERO II, AHF-608-36, revised by Dickinson (1945) GoogleMaps . LEB-ICML-UNAM-27, Antiguo Muelle de Atraque (Mazatlán, Sinaloa), 23°11’57’’N, 106°25’15’’W, 14/X/1999, 2 m depth GoogleMaps . LEB-ICML- UNAM-183, Isla Talchichitle Estero del Lanchon (Angostura, Sinaloa), 24°54’51’’N, 108°02’33’’W, 10/V/2000, 1 m depth GoogleMaps . LEB-ICML-UNAM-190, Isla Altamura (Angostura, Sinaloa), 24°53’20’’N, 108°06’45’’W, 1 m depth, 11/V/2000 GoogleMaps . LEB-ICML-UNAM-191, Isla Talchichitle , Estero del Tlacuachon (Angostura, Sinaloa), 1 m depth, 11/V/2000, 24°54’50’’N, 108°06’41’’W GoogleMaps . LEB-ICML-UNAM-193, Isleta los Cuartillos (Angostura Sinaloa), 24°56’57’’N, 108°08’34’’W, 11/V/2000, 1 m depth GoogleMaps . LEB-ICML-UNAM-232, Estero Zacate, (Topolobampo, Sinaloa) 25°36’25’’N, 109°04’33’’W, 21/ VI/2000, 2 m depth GoogleMaps . LEB-ICML-UNAM-720, Puente Maviri (Ahome, Sinaloa), 25°34’55’’N, 109°6’52’’W, 14/XI/2002, 8 m depth GoogleMaps . LEB-ICML-UNAM-1018, El Requesón ( Bahía Concepción , BCS), 26°38’38’’N, 111°49’53’’W, 29/X/2006, 9 m depth GoogleMaps . LEB-ICML-UNAM-1104, Antiguo Corral del Risco (Bahía de Banderas, Nayarit), 20°46’20’’N, 105 °32’49’’W, 18/ II/2005, 3 m depth GoogleMaps . LEB-ICML-UNAM-1369, El Requesón ( Bahía Concepción , BCS), 26°38’38’’N, 111°49’53’’W, 29/X/2006, 9 m depth GoogleMaps . LEB-ICML-UNAM-1443, La Granja Bahía San Gabriel (La Paz, BCS), 24°25’32’’N, 110° 20’55’’W, 12/III/2007, 0.5 m depth GoogleMaps . LEB-ICML-UNAM-1553, Agua de Yepiz (La Paz, BCS), 24°35’35’’N, 110°35’53’’W 09/I/2007, 1 m depth GoogleMaps . LEB-ICML-UNAM-1579, Puente Maviri (Ahome, Sinaloa), 25°34’55’’N, 109°06’52’’W, 14/II/2002, 2 m depth GoogleMaps . LEB-ICML-UNAM-1581, Cerro de la Virgen (Topolobampo, Sinaloa), 25°36’57’’N, 108°58’11 W, 11/XII/2002, 4 m depth GoogleMaps . LEB-ICML-UNAM-2374, Isla Talchichitle, Estero del Tlacuachon (Angostura, Sinaloa), 24°54’50’’N, 108°06’41’’W, 28/VI/2013, 1 m depth GoogleMaps . LEB-ICML-UNAM-2377, Isla Altamura, Estero la Pocita , (Angostura, Sinaloa), 24°53’20’’N, 108°06’45’’, 28/VI/2013, 1 m depth GoogleMaps . LEB-ICMLUNAM-2379, Isla Altamura, Estero la Pocita (Angostura, Sinaloa), 24°53’20’’N, 108°06’45’’, 28/VI/2013, 1 m depth. GoogleMaps


Encrusting, cushion-shaped, or massive amorphous sponge (from 2 to 10 cm thick), covering areas from 12 × 6 mm and up to 5 × 12 cm ( Fig. 6A, B View Figure 6 ). The surface is smooth, uneven, or completely irregular and typically sculptured with very characteristic drainage subectosomal channels (up to 1 mm in diameter), which commonly converge on the oscules. The ectosome is a thin and translucent easy detachable membrane. Oscula are circular and chimney shaped (5–12 mm in diameter and 6–10 mm high) evenly distributed on the surface. Choanosomal aquiferous canals are common, from 0.25 to 2 mm in diameter. Consistency is slightly compressible and easily torn. Colour varies from yellow to orange, green, or brown in life and becomes pale asser preservation.

Skeletal characteristics

Skeleton: Ectosomal skeleton is a tangential layer (from 20–40 µm thick) made of free tylotes, sometimes arranged in tracts ( Fig. 6C View Figure 6 ). Choanosomal structure consists of an isotropic reticulation ( Fig. 6D View Figure 6 ) made of interconnected multispicular fibres (10–40 µm thick) forming rectangular meshes from 60–90 µm in diameter. Microscleres are isochelae and sigmas dispersed without a particular organization.

Spicules: Ectosomal tylotes are bent or curved, with smooth heads, sometimes with an incipient head (anisotylote) ( Fig. 7A, E View Figure 7 ). Tylotes length: 120–(180.3)–215 µm; shass diameter: 2.5–(3.7)–6.3 µm; head diameter: 3.8–(5.5)–8.8 µm ( Table 4 View Table 4 ). Choanosomal styles are curved or straight (with the shass slightly bent in the upper third). Styles length: 125– (165.8)–195 µm; shass diameter 1.3–(4.1)–7.5 µm ( Fig. 7B, F View Figure 7 ; Table 4 View Table 4 ). Microscleres consist of contorted ‘C’- or ‘S’-shaped sigmas ( Fig. 7C, G View Figure 7 ): 15–(25.8)–47.5 µm, and arcuate tridentate isochelae ( Fig. 7D, H View Figure 7 ): 12.5–(22.8)–32.5 µm. Both types of microscleres are very variable in size, but only one size category is recognizable ( Table 4 View Table 4 ).

Distribution and habitat

The species is known from the Galapagos Islands and Guaymas in the Mexican Pacific ( Desqueyroux-Faúndez and Van Soest 1997). This species is widely distributed in several localities from the Gulf of California, including the shores of Baja California Sur, Sinaloa, and Jalisco ( Fig. 1 View Figure 1 ). Specimens were collected from hard substrates, including rocks, mangrove roots, dead corals, and artificial harbor structures; from intertidal to 9 m depth.


Lissodendoryx albemarlensis was described from the Galapagos Islands (Eastern Pacific). In the original description, these authors analysed and synonymized a previous record of Lissodendoryx isodictyalis ( Carter, 1882) reported in the Gulf of California by Dickinson (1945), increasing the species’ geographical distribution range (from Mexico to the Galapagos Islands). Here, we also reviewed a few Dickinson’s specimens and corroborated its similarity with our samples and with the original description of L. albemarlensis .

Another previous record of L. (L.) isodictyalis in the Mexican Pacific was made by Carter (1882) from Acapulco. However, in his description, he did not include information about spicule measurements. In a current taxonomic revision of Lissodendoryx , Carter’s specimens from Acapulco’s locality were not found ( Rützler et al. 2007). Therefore, to date is impossible to obtain precise morphological information to establish the taxonomic status of this record. Nevertheless, considering the high morphological similarity between L. (L.) isodictyalis and L. (L.) albemarlensis vs. their specific distribution (Atlantic vs. Pacific, respectively), we propose to aưribute the Acapulco’s records of L. (L.) isodictyalis by Carter to L. (L.) albemarlensis , keeping this species name for the eastern Pacific specimens and consider it different from the Caribbean L. (L.) isodictyalis .

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