Eloeophila subaprilina ( Alexander, 1919 )

Podenas, Sigitas, Park, Sun-Jae, Byun, Hye-Woo, Kim, A-Young, Klein, Terry A. & Aukštikalnienė, Heung-Chul Kim and Rasa, 2020, New data on Limoniinae and Limnophilinae crane flies (Diptera: Limoniidae) of Korea, Journal of Species Research 9 (4), pp. 492-531 : 519-520

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.12651/JSR.2020.9.4.492

persistent identifier


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scientific name

Eloeophila subaprilina ( Alexander, 1919 )


Eloeophila subaprilina ( Alexander, 1919) View in CoL

Limnophila (Ephelia) subaprilina Alexander, 1919: 340 View in CoL . Eloeophila subaprilina Oosterbroek, 2020 View in CoL .

General: Body coloration brown. Male body length 4.2- 5.6 mm, wing length 5.7-7.3 mm. Female body length 6.0- 8.1 mm, wing length 6.2-8.7 mm.

Head: Brown, densely dusted with gray, narrowly light gray to yellowish gray along eye margin, covered with sparse short erect brown setae. Vertex with indistinct tubercle marked with darker line along middle. Eyes widely separated in both sexes, distance between them at base of antennae approximately same as length of both basal antennomeres taken together. Antenna ( Fig. 11A View Fig ) 1.4- 1.8 mm long in male, reaching to about middle of prescutum, if bent backward. Female antenna 1.1-1.6 mm long. Scape dark brown, densely dusted with gray, elongate, nearly cylindrical, twice as long as pedicel. Pedicel brown, widened distally. Three basal flagellomeres slightly dilated ventrally, pale brown. Remaining flagellomeres darkened, elongate, narrower towards apex of antenna, covered with dense whitish pubescence. Apical segment subequal in length to preceding. Verticils dark brown, longest 2.0-2.5 times as long as respective segments. Rostrum brown, dusted with gray, palpus dark brown to blackish, labella brown.

Thorax: Cervical sclerites and pronotum brown dusted with brownish gray. Mesonotal prescutum dark brown, dusted with gray, with four longitudinal stripes. Medi- an stripes broken at middle, lateral with transverse line frontally, making a T-shaped structure. Tubercular pits indistinct at frontal margin of sclerite, pseudosutural fovea distinct polished brown. Scutal lobe brown, densely dusted with brownish gray and with darker spot at middle. Area between lobes brownish gray, frontal margin narrowly polished brown. Scutellum brownish gray, yellowish along posterior margin. Mediotergite brown, grayish pruinosity denser frontally. Mesopleural membrane yellowish. Pleuron brown, dusted with brownish gray. Wing ( Fig. 11B View Fig ) iridescent with brownish tinge, yellowish at base. Stigma distinct, dark brown, elongate. Brown spots at base of wing, along frontal margin, surrounding branching points of veins and cross-veins and at tips of all longitudinal veins along wing margin. Veins brownish yellow, darker in darkened areas, yellowish at wing base. Venation: Sc long, reaching wing margin slightly before branching point of Rs, sc-r four- five times its own length before tip of Sc. Rs long, arched at base. Free end of R 1 short, nearly longitudinal, R 2 indistinct, at the middle between tip of R 1 and branching point of R 2 + 3 and R 4. R 3 and R 4 diverging, cell r 3 with long stem, which is as long as stem of m 1. Cross-vein r-m distinct, slightly beyond base of discal cell. Discal cell 2.5 times as long as wide. Cross-vein m-cu slightly before middle of discal cell. Additional cross-vein in cell bm at the middle between base of Rs and tip of anal vein. Anal vein sinuous. Anal angle wide, posterior margin widely rounded. Halter with pale stem, yellowish at base, knob light brown. Length of male halter 0.8-0.9 mm, that of female 0.8-1.1 mm. Coxae brown, dusted with gray. Trochanters brown to yellowish brown. Femur yellow, distal part widely dark brown. Tibia yellow with narrowly brown apex. Basal tarsomere yellow with brownish distal part, remainder of tarsus brown to dark brown. Tibia of foreleg with single apical spur, tibiae of middle and hind pairs of legs with two apical spurs each. Male femur I: 3.7-4.5 mm long, II: 4.3-4.7 mm, III: 4.6-5.5 mm, tibia I: 5.0- 5.2 mm, II: 4.5-4.8 mm, III: 5.0- 5.7 mm, tarsus I: 4.0- 4.7 mm, II: 3.9-4.0 mm, III: 3.7-4.2 mm. Female femur I: 4.0- 5.5 mm long, II: 4.5-4.8 mm, III: 4.4-5.2 mm, tibia I: 4.5-5.7 mm, II: 4.0- 4.5 mm, III: 4.4-4.5 mm, tarsus I: 4.0- 5.3 mm, II: 4.0- 4.2 mm, III: 3.2-3.7 mm. Claw simple, without spines.

Abdomen: Tergites reddish yellow with widely dark brown or blackish posterior and lateral margins, covered with sparse yellowish erect setae. Sternites obscure yellow, with widely dark brown or blackish posterior and lateral margins, covered with sparse yellowish erect setae. Male terminalia ( Fig. 11C View Fig ) light brown. Ninth tergite wider than longer, posterior margin widely concave at middle. Gonocoxite elongate, slightly narrower at middle of mesal surface. Outer gonostylus sclerotised, blade-shaped, with two apical spines. Inner gonostylus elongate, fleshy and setose. Paramere simple, elongate, stick-shaped. Aedeagus short and straight. Ovipositor ( Fig. 11D View Fig ) brownish-grayish yellow. Cercus long and narrow, nearly straight, blunt-apexed. Hypovalva long and straight, point-apexed, reaching slightly beyond middle of cercus. Spermatheca oval.

Elevation in Korea: Less than 50 to nearly 2000 m.

Period of activity in Korea: Adults were active from late April to early October.

Habitats: Margins of small and medium-sized mountainous streams surrounded by mixed forest. Species is attracted to light.

General distribution: North Korea, Honshu and Shikoku Islands of Japan.

Examined material ( Fig. 16K View Fig ): paratype (as Limnophila (Ephelia) subaprilina ), male (wing and genitalia slide mounted), Japan, Meguro, Tokyo, 1919.04.20, R. Takahashi ( USNM) ; 1 female (pinned), [N.] Korea, Seren , alt. 3000 ft., 1938.06.29 -30, A. Y. Yankovsky ( USNM) ; 2 males, 3 females (pinned), North Korea, Seren Mts. , alt. 2000 ft., 1938.08.17, A. Y. Yankovsky ( USNM) ; 3 males (pinned), [N.] Korea, Seren , alt. 2000-2500 ft., 1938.08.17 -18, A. Y. Yankovsky ( USNM) ; 1 male, 1 female (pinned), [N.] Korea, Seren , alt. 2000-2500 ft., 1938.08.21 -22, A. Y. Yankovsky ( USNM) ; 1 male (genitalia in microvial with glycerol) (pinned), N. Korea, Chonsani , alt. 4000 ft., 1940.04.29, A. Y. Yankovsky ( USNM) ; 2 males (pinned), N. Korea, Chonsani , alt. 3500 ft., 1940.07.02, A. Y. Yankovsky ( USNM) ; 1 male (pinned), N. Korea, Chonsani , alt. 4000 ft., 1940.07.04, A. Y. Yankovsky ( USNM) ; 1 male (pinned), N. Korea, Pontani Paiktusan , alt. 6000 ft., 1940.07.26, A. Y. Yankovsky ( USNM) ; 2 males (pinned), N. Korea, Pontani Paiktusan , alt. 6200 ft., 1940.07.29, A. Y. Yankovsky ( USNM) ; 2 males (pinned), N. Korea, Pontani Paiktusan , alt. 5500 ft., 1940.07.31, A. Y. Yankovsky ( USNM) ; 3 males (pinned), N. Korea, Pontani Paiktusan , alt. 6200 ft., 1940.07.31, A. Y. Yankovsky ( USNM) ; 1 male, 1 specimen with broken abdomen (pinned), N. Korea, Pontani Paiktusan , alt. 6000 ft., 1940.07.31, A. Y. Yankovsky ( USNM) ; 2 males, 2 females (pinned), N. Korea, Pontani Paiktusan , alt. 5000- 6100 ft., 1940.07.31, A. Y. Yankovsky ( USNM) ; 1 male (pinned), N. Korea, Pontani Paiktusan , alt. 5500-6300 ft., 1940.08.01, A. Y. Yankovsky ( USNM) ; 1 male (pinned), N. Korea, Pontani Paiktusan , alt. 6300 ft., 1940.08.01, A. Y. Yankovsky ( USNM) ; 2 males (pinned), N. Korea, Pontani Paiktusan , alt. 6000 ft., 1940.08.02, A. Y. Yankovsky ( USNM) ; 1 male (pinned), N. Korea, Pontani Paiktusan , alt. 6000 ft., 1940.08.04, A. Y. Yankovsky ( USNM) ; 1 male (pinned), N. Korea, Pontani Paiktusan , alt. 6200 ft., 1940.08.06, A. Y. Yankovsky ( USNM) ; 2 males (pinned), N. Korea, Pontani Paiktusan , alt. 6370 ft., 1940.08.06, A. Y. Yankovsky ( USNM) ; 2 males, 2 females (pinned), S. Korea, #6, Hwy. #13, 6 mi. E of Seoul, 1 mi. W. Han River , 150 ft., 1954.06.20, G. W. Byers ( USNM, SMEK) ; 1 male, 1 female (pinned), S. Korea, Jeollanam-do, Gurye-gun, Toji-myeon, Naeseo-ri , Piagol valley , N 35.27177, E 127.57146, alt. 490 m, 2015.06.28 (1,2), S. Podenas ( NIBR) GoogleMaps ; 1 male (pinned), S. Korea, Jeollanam-do, Gurye-gun, Toji-myeon, Naeseo-ri , Piagol valley , N 35.27448, E 127.56378, alt. 593 m, 2015.07.01 (1), S. Podenas ( NIBR) GoogleMaps ; 1 female (pinned), S. Korea, Jeollanam-do, Gurye-gun, Toji-myeon, Naeseo-ri , Piagol valley , N 35.26590, E 127.58096, alt. 446 m, 2016.06.02, S. Podenas, at light ( NIBR) GoogleMaps ; 1 male (in EtOH), S. Korea, Jeollanam-do, Gurye-gun, Toji-myeon, Naeseo-ri , Piagol valley , N 35.27333, E 127.56924, alt. 546 m, 2016.06.03 (3), S. Podenas ( NIBR) GoogleMaps ; 1 specimen with broken abdomen (in EtOH), S. Korea, Gyeonggi-do, Pocheon-si, Yeongjung-myeon, Yeongpyeong-ri , MPRC, N 38.03644, E 127.23226, alt. 150 m, 2017.07.03 GoogleMaps , T. A. Klein , H.-C. Kim, NJ trap, ( NIBR) ; 1 male (in EtOH), S. Korea, Gangwon-do, Chuncheon, Dongsan-myeon , KNU Experimental Forest , N 37.77909, E 127.81580, alt. 225 m, 2018.10.09, S. Podenas, at light ( NIBR) GoogleMaps ; 1 specimen with broken abdomen (in EtOH), S. Korea, Gyeonggi-do, Pocheon-si, Yeongjung-myeon, Yeongpyeong-ri , MPRC, N 38.03644, E 127.23226, alt. 150 m, 2019.05.21 GoogleMaps , T. A. Klein , H.-C. Kim, NJ trap ( NIBR) ; 1 female (in EtOH), S. Korea, Gyeonggi-do, Pocheon-si, Yeongjung-myeon, Yeongpyeong-ri , MPRC, N 38.03644, E 127.23226, alt. 150 m, 2019.06.10 GoogleMaps , T. A. Klein , H.-C. Kim, NJ trap ( NIBR) ; 1 female (in EtOH), S. Korea, Gyeonggi-do, Pocheon-si, Yeongjung-myeon, Yeongpyeong-ri , MPRC, N 38.03644, E 127.23226, alt. 150 m, 2019.06.18 GoogleMaps , T. A. Klein , H.-C. Kim, NJ trap ( NIBR) ; 2 males (in EtOH), S. Korea, Gyeonggi-do, Pocheon-si, Yeongjung-myeon, Yeongpyeong-ri , MPRC, N 38.03644, E 127.23226, alt. 150 m, 2019.06.24 GoogleMaps , T. A. Klein , H.-C. Kim, NJ trap ( NIBR) .


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History


National Institute of Biological Resources


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics














Eloeophila subaprilina ( Alexander, 1919 )

Podenas, Sigitas, Park, Sun-Jae, Byun, Hye-Woo, Kim, A-Young, Klein, Terry A. & Aukštikalnienė, Heung-Chul Kim and Rasa 2020

Limnophila (Ephelia) subaprilina

Alexander, C. P. 1919: 340
Darwin Core Archive (for parent article) View in SIBiLS Plain XML RDF