Simonoonops craneae (Chickering) Platnick & Dupérré, 2011

Platnick, Norman I. & Dupérré, Nadine, 2011, The Goblin Spider Genus Simonoonops (Araneae, Oonopidae), American Museum Novitates 2011 (3724), pp. 1-32 : 12-16

publication ID 10.1206/3712.2


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Simonoonops craneae (Chickering)

comb. nov.

Simonoonops craneae (Chickering) View in CoL , new combination

Figures 1–76 View FIGURES 1–15 View FIGURES 16–30 View FIGURES 31–45 View FIGURES 46–60 View FIGURES 61–76

Dysderina principalis View in CoL (misidentification): Simon, 1891: 557; 1893b: 441 (in part, some specimens from Venezuela only).

Dysderina craneae Chickering, 1968: 10 , figs. 20–23 (male holotype from Simla , Trinidad, in MCZ; examined).

Eusimonia orghidani Dumitrescu and Georgescu, 1987: 96 , pl. 4, figs. 1–5 (male holotype from Rancho Grande , Aragua, Venezuela, in Institut de Spéologie, Bucharest; not examined). NEW SYNONYMY

Simonoonops orghidani: Harvey, 2002: 456 View in CoL .

DIAGNOSIS: Males can easily be recognized by the subdistal, diamond-shaped expansion on the darkened conductor (fig. 69), females by the shape of the genital atrium (figs. 42, 74), which has a pair of lateral wings that are separated from the central part of the atrium by oblique slits (figs. 75, 76).

MALE (PBI_OON 2597, figs. 1–30, 61–70): Total length 1.98. Posterior half of pars cephalica with pair of elongate, oval, paramedian light areas, surface of anterior portion reticulate, posterior portion smooth. Chilum small, triangular. Endites with both processes long, narrow, ventral process longer than dorsal process. Anterior femora darkened. Leg spination: femora: I p0-0-2, r0-1-1, II p0-0-1; tibiae: I v4-4-2, II v4-4-1p; metatarsi I, II v2-2- 1p. Embolus twisted around darkened conductor, conductor with diamond-shaped expansion at about half its length.

FEMALE (PBI_OON 2597, figs. 31–60, 71–76): Total length 2.25. Leg spination: femora: I p0-0-2, r0-1-2, II p0-0-2, r1-1-0; tibiae I, II v4-4-2; metatarsi: I v2-2-2, II v2-2- 1p. Atrium wide, semicircular, posterior portion heavily sclerotized, anterior portion mostly filled with rectangular sclerotization; anterior genitalic process long, narrow; posterior margin of transverse bar connecting genitalic apodemes invaginated at midline.

MATERIAL EXAMINED: Venezuela: localities unspecified on label, presumably from one or more of those listed by Simon (1893b: 441): Caracas, Corosal, and San-Esteban (part of MNHN AR 5764 About MNHN , now PBI_OON 4737), 5♂, 5♀ . Aragua: 19 km N Maracay, road to Choroní , Apr. 2, 1992, stream litter, elev. 4300 ft (L. Herman, AMNH PBI_OON 39), 1♀ ; Rancho Grande, Portachuelo , 20 km NW Maracay, Apr. 15, 1994, litter, elev. 1150 m (L. Herman, AMNH PBI_ OON 138), 2♂, 1♀ ; Parque Nacional Henri Pittier, Estación Biológica Rancho Grande , 10°20′42″N, 67°41′09″W, May 12, 1998, montane forest litter, elev. 1150 m (R. Anderson, AMNH PBI_OON 796), 3♀ GoogleMaps , Pico Perequito , 10°20′32″N, 67°41′46″W, May 13, 1998, cloud forest litter, elev. 1300 m (R. Anderson, AMNH PBI_OON 798), 2♂ GoogleMaps , road to Pico Guacamaya , 10°21′37″N, 67°40′25″W, May 14, 1998, cloud forest litter, elev. 1550 m (R. Anderson, AMNH PBI_OON 797), 2♂, 1♀ GoogleMaps , road to Pico Guacamaya , 10°21′38″N, 67°40′38″W, May 14, 1998, cloud forest litter, elev. 1450 m (R. Anderson, AMNH PBI_OON 799), 2♂ GoogleMaps ; Tiara, near Cerro Niguel , Apr. 27, 1995, elev. 1400 m (J. Lattke, CAS 26306, PBI_OON 2597), 2♂, 2♀ . Miranda: Agua Blanca, Parque Nacional Guatopo , 35 km N Altagracia, May 31, 1987, ravine litter, elev. 400 m (S., J. Peck, AMNH PBI_OON 50), 1♀ , May 31–June 7, 1987, flight intercept trap, ravine, elev. 400 m (S., J. Peck, AMNH PBI_OON 55), 4♂, 1♀ , June 7–14, 1987, flight intercept trap, forest streamside, elev. 400 m (S., J. Peck, AMMH PBI_OON 53), 4♂ ; El Lucero, Parque Nacional Guatopo , 28 km N Altagracia, June 7–14, 1987, flight intercept traps, ravine, elev. 700 m (S., J. Peck, AMNH PBI_OON 35), 2♂ ; Puente Bucaral, Parque Nacional Guatopo , 35 km N Altagracia, June 14–Aug. 5, 1987, flight intercept trap, forest streamside, elev. 600 m (S., J. Peck, AMMH PBI_OON 36), 1♂ . Monagas: Caripe, Cueva Guacharo , July 20–30, 1987, malaise flight intercept trap, forest over coffee, elev. 700 m (S., J. Peck, AMNH PBI_OON 56), 3♂ , July 20–31, 1987, malaise flight intercept trap, forest over coffee, elev. 750 m (S., J. Peck, AMNH PBI_OON 54), 3♂, 2♀ . Sucre: Las Melenas, 9.7 km NW Irapa , 10°41′N, 62°37′W, May 10, 1993, sifting leaf litter, elev. 800 m (J. Lattke, CAS 26315, PBI_OON 2747), 2♂ GoogleMaps . Trinidad and Tobago: Trinidad: Andrews Terrace, off Blanchisseuse Road , Arima, July 16, 1979 (L. Sorkin, AMNH PBI_OON 98), 1♂ ; road to Blanchisseuse , 4–13 mi N Simla, Apr. 22, 1964 (A. Chickering, MCZ 66637, PBI_OON 664), 3♀ (paratypes) ; Simla, Arima Valley , Apr. 5–28, 1964 (A. Chickering, MCZ 66636, PBI_OON 665), 5♂, 4♀ (paratypes), Apr. 25, 1964 (A. Chickering, MCZ PBI_OON 663), 1♂, 1♀ (holotype, paratype) ; Spring Hill , Arima, July 22, 1979, leaf litter (L. Sorkin, AMNH PBI_OON 99), 1♀ .

DISTRIBUTION: Coastal Venezuela and Trinidad.

SYNONYMY: Dumitrescu and Georgescu (1987) did not even cite Chickering’s (1968) paper on Dysderina ; had they consulted it, they might have detected that their Venezuelan species had already been described, from Trinidad, by Chickering.


Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle


American Museum of Natural History


California Academy of Sciences


Museum of Comparative Zoology














Simonoonops craneae (Chickering)

Platnick, Norman I. & Dupérré, Nadine 2011

Simonoonops orghidani:

Harvey, M. S. 2002: 456

Eusimonia orghidani

Dumitrescu, M. & M. Georgescu 1987: 96

Dysderina craneae

Chickering, A. M. 1968: 10

Dysderina principalis

Simon, E. 1893: 441
Simon, E. 1891: 557
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