Speonemobius sinensis, Li, Kai, He, Zhuqing & Liu, Xianwei, 2010

Li, Kai, He, Zhuqing & Liu, Xianwei, 2010, Four new species of Nemobiinae from China (Orthoptera, Gryllidae, Nemobiinae), Zootaxa 2540, pp. 59-64 : 60

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scientific name

Speonemobius sinensis

sp. nov.

2. Speonemobius sinensis sp. nov.

( Figs. 5–8 View FIGURES 5 – 8 )

Material. Holotype 3, CHINA: Zhejiang prov. Lin`an county, qingliangfeng, 2008. V.13–14, Alt. 900m, leg. Liu Xian-Wei & Bi Wen-Xuan ( IEAS).

Description. Male. Body small and pubescent. Head as wide as pronotum, frontal rostrum as wide as 1st antennal joint. 5th joint of maxillary palpi longest. Pronotum transverse, anterior margin as wide as posterior margin. Fore tibiae lacking tympanum. Hind tibia with three external dorsal spurs and three internal dorsal spurs. Two internal apical spurs long and three external apical spurs short ( Fig. 6 View FIGURES 5 – 8 ). Tegmen short and veins vague and irregular ( Fig. 5 View FIGURES 5 – 8 ). Mirror and wings absent. Genitalia of male as in Figs. 7–8 View FIGURES 5 – 8 .

Female. Unknown.

Coloration. Body brown. Six yellow bands on the head vertex. Antennae, cerci and ovipositor yellow. Lower half of the head black. Eyes yellow upper half and black lower half. 5th joint and base half of 3rd joint of maxillary palpi black, other joints write. Lateral lobes of pronotum black. Tegmen yellow (tegmen white with a big black spot in the middle when alive).

Measurements. (in mm) Body 36.0; pronotum 31.2; tegmen 31.4; posterior tibiae 33.7.

Distribution. China (Zhejiang).

Etymology. The new specific is named after the locality from China.

Discussion. This species can easily be distinguished by the genitalia of male with other species.


Institute of Entomology

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