Cylindroiulus broti (Humbert, 1893)

Kime, Richard Desmond & Enghoff, Henrik, 2017, Atlas of European millipedes 2: Order Julida (Class Diplopoda), European Journal of Taxonomy 346, pp. 1-299 : 54

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Carolina (2020-05-29 18:35:55, last updated 2020-05-29 19:00:12)

scientific name

Cylindroiulus broti (Humbert, 1893)


114. Cylindroiulus broti (Humbert, 1893)

Iulus broti Humbert, 1893 .

Julus allobrogicus Brölemann, 1896 .

Cylindroiulus castanearum Verhoeff, 1930 .


CH (Valais, Ticino), FR-FRA (Alps), IT-ITA (Alps and Apennines).


Montane, subalpine and alpine from 400 to 2200 m in Switzerland ( Pedroli-Christen 1993), up to 2400 m in the Oisans area of the French Alps ( Schubart 1954) and up to 2500 m in the Ecrins National Park ( Geoffroy 1981b) where it was observed principally in forests including Larix decidua , Fagus sylvatica , Populus tremula Alnus viridis , Betula , Pinus sylvestris , Pinus uncinata , Abies and Picea , but also in meadows with these trees, high level grasslands, rocky places and heaths or moors.

In the Vanoise National Park it was similarly distributed and particularly abundant in subalpine grassy Larix forests ( Geoffroy 1983). In the Alpes Maritimes C. broti is assocated with Rhododendron , Vaccinium moors and the more open Larix stands containing many alpine flowers. In the Ticino and in Italy, from 500 m up to 1450 m. Also in Italy in Castanea woodland, in Corylus litter from 1100 to 1200 m and in Fagus litter at 1250 m.


A common species within its range. There is some possible confusion between records of this species and those of C. decipiens from the Apennines in Central Italy (see Strasser 1970).

Geoffroy J. - J. 1981 b. Les Myriapodes du parc national des Ecrins I. Stations de recolte (1976 - 1979) et presentation generale des peuplements de chilopodes et de diplopodes. Travaux scientifiques du Parc National d'Ecrins 1: 97 - 123.

Geoffroy J. - J. 1983. Myriapodes du Parc National de la Vanoise II: Haute Marienne: 1 - 27. Contrat de Recherche No. 11. Paris, Ecole Normale Superieur.

Pedroli-Christen A. 1993. Faunistique des mille-pattes de Suisse (Diplopoda). Documenta Faunistica Helvetiae 14: 1 - 245.

Schubart O. 1954. Uber einige von Professor H. Janetschek in der hochalpin-nivalen Region der Dauphine gesammelte Diplopoden. Osterreichische zoologische Zeitschrift 5: 350 - 365.

Strasser C. 1970. Diplopodi della Sicilia e della Calabria. Memorie del Museo civico di Storia naturale, Verona 17: 151 - 200.

Verhoeff K. W. 1930. Uber Diplopoden aus Italien, namentlich Piemont. 114. Diplopoden-Aufsatz. Zoologische Jahrbucher, Abteilung fur Systematik 59: 387 - 446.











