Leptopoma pallida Hutton, 1883

Brook, Fred J., Kennedy, Martyn, King, Tania M., Ridden, Johnathon, Shaw, Matthew D. & Spencer, Hamish G., 2020, Catalogue of New Zealand land, freshwater and estuarine molluscan taxa named by Frederick Wollaston Hutton between 1879 and 1904, Zootaxa 4865 (1), pp. 1-73 : 13

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.4865.1.1

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scientific name

Leptopoma pallida Hutton, 1883


Leptopoma pallida Hutton, 1883

Pl. 1, fig. D

Hutton, 1883. New Zealand Journal of Science, 1: 477.

Type material. Formerly in the Canterbury Museum, Christchurch ( Hutton, 1898 – 1900: 5; Suter 1913: 183; CMNZ ‘M’ catalogue) but reported as missing by Freeman et al. (1997: 37), and not found subsequently. Neotype selected by Marshall & Barker (2007: 92 — NMNZ M.174819).

CMNZ molluscan catalogue details. M1265—‘Lagochilus pallidum Hutton, Auckland (old No. ZS 178)’.

Type locality. listed as ‘ Auckland (T. F. Cheeseman)’ by Hutton (1883g: 477, 1884b: 184); neotype from ‘North Island, Auckland, Cornwallis (NZMS 260 R11/530648)’ ( Marshall & Barker 2007: 92).

Previous illustrations of type material. Marshall & Barker (2007: fig. 9O).

Remarks. Hutton submitted a description of this species to the Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute issue for 1883, but publication was delayed until May 1884 ( Hutton 1884b: 184), and was preempted by a brief description in an account of a meeting of the Philosophical Institute of Canterbury ( Hutton 1883g: 477). There are no published illustrations of the original type material. Marshall & Barker (2007: 94) redescribed this species, noting that it is “highly distinctive in the combination of large size (height up to 6.85 mm), narrowly conical spire, and especially the presence of rather strong, widely spaced spiral threads on the first whorl of the protoconch”. However, their synonymies indicated that some earlier workers had confused pallida with other congeners, including Cytora kerrana Gardner, 1968 , C. maui Marshall & Barker, 2007 and C. tokerau Marshall & Barker, 2007 . Marshall & Barker (2007) designated a neotype of pallida, NMNZ M. 174819 (pl. 1, fig. D), on the basis that type material appears to no longer exist. This in itself is not a sufficient reason under ICZN Art. 75.3, but the fact that this species name had been misapplied by some earlier workers means that designation of a neotype to prevent confusion over the identity of this species, and stabilise the nomenclature, was appropriate.

Current taxonomy. Cytora pallida (Hutton, 1883) — Powell (1957: 91), Powell (1979: 84), Marshall (1995: 496), Marshall & Barker (2007: 92), Spencer et al. (2009: 203).

Distribution. New Zealand; northern North Island, from Doubtless Bay to the vicinity of Auckland ( Marshall & Barker, 2007: 94, fig. 17A; AIM and NMNZ collection records).


Canterbury Museum


Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa

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