Trigonopterus rubripennis Riedel

Riedel, Alexander, Sagata, Katayo, Surbakti, Suriani, Rene Taenzler, & Michael Balke,, 2013, One hundred and one new species of Trigonopterus weevils from New Guinea, ZooKeys 280, pp. 1-150 : 64-65

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scientific name

Trigonopterus rubripennis Riedel

sp. n.

72. Trigonopterus rubripennis Riedel   ZBK sp. n.

Diagnostic description.

Holotype, male (Fig. 72a). Length 2.43 mm. Color black; antennae, legs and elytra ferruginous. Body subrhomboid; with weak constriction between pronotum and elytron; in profile evenly convex. Rostrum in basal half with distinct median ridge and pair of submedian ridges; with lateral constriction; sparsely setose. Pronotum densely punctate-reticulate. Elytra with striae distinct; strial punctures small; intervals with row of minute punctures; laterally behind humeri with ridge bordered by 4 deeper punctures of stria 9. Femora edentate. Anteroventral ridge of pro femur in apical 1/3 shortened, forming weak angulation. Mesofemur and metafemur dorsally sparsely squamose. Metafemur subapically with stridulatory patch. Metatibia apically with uncus and minute premucro. Abdominal ventrite 5 with shallow depression and patch of dense erect setae. Aedeagus (Fig. 72b) apically weakly pointed, sparsely setose; body dorsally with two combs of setae; transfer-apparatus spiniform, curved; ductus ejaculatorius with bulbus. Intraspecific variation. Length 2.14-2.43 mm. Female rostrum in apical half subglabrous, sparsely punctate. Female abdominal ventrite 5 flat, with subrecumbent setae.

Material examined.

Holotype (SMNK): ARC1834 (EMBL # HE616111), PAPUA NEW GUINEA, Eastern Highlands Prov., Okapa, Konafi to Isimomo, S06°25.593', E145°34.862', S06°25.003', E145°34.527', 1911-2131 m, 18-III-2010. Paratypes (NAIC, SMNK, ZSM): PAPUA NEW GUINEA, Eastern Highlands Prov.: 4 exx, ARC1835 (EMBL # HE616112), same data as holotype; 1 ex, Okapa, Isimomo, S06°25.003', E145°34.527', 2131 m, 22-XII-2010; 7 exx, ARC1833 (EMBL # HE616110), Okapa, Kimiagomo village, Hamegoya, S06°25.727', E145°35.455', S06°25.117', E145°35.225', 1891-2131 m, 18-III-2010; 1 ex, Okapa, Afiyaleto village, S06°25.593', E145°34.862' to S06°25.212', E145°35.498', 1911 m, 18-III-2010, beaten.


Eastern Highlands Prov. (Okapa). Elevation: ca. 1911-2131 m.


Beaten from foliage of montane forests.


This epithet is based on a combination of the Latin adjective ruber (red) and the noun penna (wing, elytron).


Trigonopterus rubripennis Riedel, sp. n. was coded as " Trigonopterus sp. 206" by Tänzler et al. (2012).