Acidiostigma, Hendel, 1927

Singh, Maneesh Pal, Sneha, Sharma, Sharma, Isha, Gupta, Divender, Hancock, David Lawrence & Prabhakar, Chandra Shekhar, 2024, A new species of genus Oedaspis Loew and new distribution records of Acidiostigma Hendel & Goniurellia Hendel from India (Diptera: Tephritidae), Zootaxa 5514 (5), pp. 469-480 : 479

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5514.5.4

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Keys to species of the genus Acidiostigma View in CoL from India

Acidiostigma discale (Brunetti) was included in this genus by Singh et al. (2014). All species are likely to be leaf miners ( Chen et al., 2016).

1. Wing with apical dark area separated from rest of dark wing pattern by a broad hyaline band from costa to crossvein dm-cu and united either side of it with posterior hyaline area, bisected by a narrow fuscous vitta anteriorly; crossvein dm-cu infuscated; cell r4+5 with a large subapical hyaline spot; scutum with a pair of short submedial dark brown spots anteriorly; mediotergite with 2 large black spots ( India: Darjeeling).................................................... A. apicale (Bezzi)

- Wing with apical dark area not separated from rest of dark wing pattern; cell r4+5 without a large subapical hyaline spot; scutum and mediotergite not as above..................................................................... 2

2. Wing with hyaline spot in cell r1 at apex of pterostigma continuing as a narrow costal band for most of cell; crossvein dm-cu and much of vein Cu 1 in cell dm narrowly fuscous; posterior part of cell r4+5 with a single broad or binodal band ending close to apex of wing; scutum with indistinct submedial brown vittae ( India: Shimla)..................... A. discale (Brunetti)

- Wing with 1 or 2 hyaline spots in cell r1 not forming a narrow costal band; crossvein dm-cu with infuscation not extending along vein Cu 1 in cell dm; outer of 2 hyaline posterior spots in cell r4+5 more than its own width from apex of wing; scutum entirely yellowish orange or with distinct dark markings...................................................... 3

3. Scutum yellowish orange and wing with a single hyaline spot in cell r1; crossvein dm-cu infuscated only on anterior half ( China: Xizang [Tibet] and India: Himachal Pradesh)........................................... A. bomiense Wang

- Scutum largely black or with distinct dark markings and wing with 1 or 2 hyaline spots in cell r1; crossvein dm-cu entirely infuscated........................................................................................... 4

4. Wing with 2 hyaline or subhyaline spots in cell r1 ( India: Darjeeling).............................. A. lucens (Munro)

- Wing with 1 hyaline or subhyaline spot in cell r1 ( India: Darjeeling)............................. A. harmandi (Séguy)

[Note: A. harmandi , described from a male, and A. lucens , described from a female, both from Darjeeling, are possibly synonymous]















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