Parazhelestes mynbulakensis

Archibald, J. David & Averianov, Alexander, 2012, Phylogenetic analysis, taxonomic revision, and dental ontogeny of the Cretaceous Zhelestidae (Mammalia: Eutheria), Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 164 (2), pp. 361-426 : 422-423

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Parazhelestes mynbulakensis




Zhelestes cf. temirkazyk: Nesov, 1985a : pl. 3, fig. 5.

Zalambdalestes ? mynbulakensis [partim]: Nesov, 1985b: 212, pl. 2, fig. 2; Nesov et al., 1994: 66, pl. 5, fig. 2; Gheerbrant & Astibia, 1999: fig. 3h.

Zhelestidae [indet.]: Nesov, 1993: fig. 5(6); Nesov, 1997: pl. 54, fig. 4.

gen. indet. Nesov et al., 1994: pl. 7, fig. 8.

Parazhelestes sp. nov. Archibald, 1996: fig. 2G, H; Averianov, 2000: figs 30.6Q, 30.7G.

Parazhelestes minor [partim, nomen nudum]: Nesov, 1997: pl. 52, fig. 3, pl. 54, fig. 1.

Sorlestes budan [partim]: Nesov, 1997: pl. 49, fig. 12, pl. 56, fig. 4; Nesov et al., 1998: fig. 17.

Parazhelestes minor: Nesov et al., 1998: figs 12, 13, 20.

Possible Sorlestes budan: Averianov, 2000 : fig. 30.5E, F.

Referred specimens: URBAC 04–162 , right maxillary fragment with M2 and alveoli for P1-5 and M1 (CBI-14); CCMGE 11 View Materials /12176, right maxillary fragment with P5, M1-2, roots of P4, and alveoli of P2-3, M3 (CBI-14, 1980); URBAC 02–59 , right maxillary fragment with P5 and alveoli for P2-4, M1 (CBI-4e); ZIN 88499 , left maxillary fragment with alveoli for P3-5, M1-2 (CBI-14, 1989); URBAC 02–38 , left maxillary fragment with alveoli for P4-5, M1-3 (CBI-4e); URBAC 02–1 , left maxillary fragment with P5 and alveoli for P4 and M1 (CBI-4e); URBAC 00–24, right maxillary fragment with alveoli for P5, M1 (CBI-4e); URBAC 98–20 , left maxillary fragment with not erupted and incomplete P5 (CBI-14); URBAC 06–80 , right maxillary fragment with M2 labial part and alveoli for M1 and M2 (CBI-4e); ZIN 88468 , left maxillary fragment with M1-3 heavily worn and palatine fragment (CBI-4b, 1980); CCMGE 21 View Materials /12953, right P5 (CBI-14); URBAC 00–42, left P5 (CBI-14); URBAC 02–83 , right P5 (CBI-4e); URBAC 04–109 , left P5 (CBI-14); URBAC 04–151 , right DP5 (CBI-14); URBAC 04–168 , right DP5 (CBI-14); URBAC 04–206 , left DP5 (CBI-14); URBAC 04–213 , right DP5 (CBI- 14); URBAC 04–397 , left DP5 (CBI-17); ZIN 97884 , left M1 (?CBI-14; published previously under incorrect number CCMGE 104 View Materials /12455) ; CCMGE 11 View Materials /12953, right M1 (holotype of Parazhelestes minor Nesov et al., 1998, CBI-4); CCMGE 22 View Materials /12953, left M1 (CBI- 14); URBAC 98–18 , right M1 (CBI-14); URBAC 98–19 , right M1 (CBI-14); URBAC 98–108 , left M1 parastylar lobe and paracone (CBI-14); URBAC 00–27, right M1 (CBI-14); URBAC 00–34, right M1 with eroded enamel (CBI-4e); URBAC 00–70, right M1 paracone and parastylar lobe (CBI-14); URBAC 02–8 , left M1 (CBI-4e); URBAC 02–34 , right M1 (CBI-4e); URBAC 03–177 , right M1 with eroded enamel (CBI-14); URBAC 04–99 , right M1 (CBI-14); URBAC 04–137 , right M1 (CBI-14); URBAC 04–212 , left M1 (CBI-14); URBAC 04–275 , left M1 lingual fragment (CBI-14); URBAC 06–50 , left M1 (CBI-17); CCMGE 12 View Materials /12953, right M2 lacking parastylar lobe (CBI-14, 1993); URBAC 98–21 , right M2 (CBI-14); URBAC 02–28 , left M2 (CBI-4e); URBAC 04–34 , right M2 lacking parastylar lobe (CBI-14); URBAC 04–73 , left M2 with eroded enamel (CBI-14); URBAC 04–121 , left M2 lacking parastylar lobe (CBI-14); URBAC 04–192 , right M2 (CBI-14); URBAC 04–308 , left M2 heavily worn (CBI-14); URBAC 06–13 , right M2 heavily worn (CBI-14); URBAC 06–39 , left M2 (CBI-17); URBAC 06–60 , left M2 with damaged metastylar region (CBI-4e); URBAC 06–93 , left M2 (CBI-4e); URBAC 97–2 , left M1 or M2 lingual part, heavily worn (CBI-14); URBAC 02–51 , left M1 or M2 lingual part, heavily worn (CBI-4e); URBAC 03–27 , right M1 or M2 lacking labial part (CBI-14); URBAC 03–45 , left M1 or M2 lingual part (CBI-14); URBAC 04–396 , left M1 or M2 lingual part, heavily worn (CBI-14); URBAC 03–179 , left M3 (CBI-14); ZIN 88481 , left dentary fragment with alveoli for i1-4, double-rooted c, p1-4 (CBI-14, 1991); URBAC 04–193 , right dentary fragment with alveoli for i1-4, double-rooted c, and p1-4 (CBI-14); ZIN 88482 , left dentary fragment with alveoli for i1-3, double-rooted c, p1-2, p4-5 [p3 probably lost during ontogeny] (CBI-14, 1991); URBAC 03–40 , left dentary fragment with alveoli for i1-4, double-rooted c, p1-5 (CBI-14); ZIN 88470 , left dentary fragment with erupting c, m3 trigonid in crypt, and alveoli for i1-4, p1-4, dp5, m1-2 (CBI-14, 1984); URBAC 06–113 , left dentary fragment with i2-3 with worn and broken crowns, mesial root of c, and alveoli for i1, i4, and c distal root (CBI-4e); URBAC 99–109 , left dentary fragment with p4-5, m1-3, alveoli for i2-3, root of i4, and alveoli for double-rooted c, p1-2 [p3 probably lost during ontogeny] (CBI-14); URBAC 98–13 , left dentary fragment with p4, m1-3 and alveoli for i2-3, double-rooted c, p1-4 (CBI-14); URBAC 03–5 , left dentary fragment with alveoli of i3, double-rooted c, p1-5 (CBI-14); URBAC 98–17 , left dentary fragment with alveoli for double-rooted c, p1-4 (CBI-14); URBAC 99–81 , left dentary fragment with alveoli for double-rooted c, p1-4 (CBI-14); URBAC 03–8 , left dentary fragment with alveoli for double-rooted c, p1-4 (CBI-14); URBAC 06–92 , right dentary fragment with alveoli for double-rooted c, p1-4 (CBI-4e); ZIN 88484 , right dentary fragment with alveoli for double-rooted c, p1-5 (CBI-14, 1987); URBAC 00–11, right dentary fragment with alveoli for double-rooted c, p1-5 (CBI-14); URBAC 02–104 , right dentary fragment with alveoli for double-rooted c, p1-5 (CBI-4e); URBAC 06–111 , left dentary fragment with p 2 in crypt and alveoli for dc?, p1, p3 (CBI-4e); URBAC 97–3 , right dentary with p2, p4, roots of p5, and alveoli for p1, p3, and m1 (CBI-14); URBAC 06–61 , left dentary fragment with alveoli for p1-5 (CBI-4e); URBAC 02–13 , left dentary fragment with p2, incomplete p4, and alveoli for c, p1, p3, and p5 (CBI-4e); URBAC 98–24 , right dentary fragment with alveoli for double-rooted c, p1-5, m1-3 (CBI-14); ZIN 88497 , left dentary fragment with alveoli for p1-4 (CBI-14, 1989); URBAC 03–62 , right dentary fragment with alveoli for p1-4 (CBI-14); ZIN 88483 , left dentary fragment with alveoli for p1-5, m1 (CBI-14, 1987); ZIN 88479 , left dentary fragment with alveoli for p1-5, m1-3 (CBI-14, 1989); ZIN 88490 , right dentary fragment with alveoli for p2-5, m1 (CDZH-17a, 1978[1983]); URBAC 00–68, right dentary fragment with erupting p2, root of dp2, and alveoli for dc, p3, dp4-5, m1-2 (CBI-14); ZIN 88491 , right dentary fragment with not erupted p2 and alveoli for doublerooted dc1(?), p1, p3, dp4, p4, dp5, m1, not erupted m2 (CBI-14, 1987); URBAC 04–171 , right dentary fragment with alveoli for p2-5 and m1-3 (CBI-14); ZIN 88449 , right dentary fragment with alveoli for p3-5, m1-2 (CBI-14, 1989); ZIN 88485 , right dentary fragment with not erupted p4 and alveoli for p1-3, dp4 (CBI-14); ZIN 88477 , left dentary fragment with p4, anterior root of p5, and alveoli for p3 (CBI-5a, 1989); URBAC 02–9 , right dentary fragment with alveoli for p4-5, m1-3 (CBI-4e); CCMGE 7 View Materials /12953, right dentary fragment with dp5 (CBI-5a); CCMGE 1 View Materials /12953, left dentary fragment with p5 and alveoli or roots for m1-3 (CBI-14, 1987); URBAC 00–45, right dentary fragment with alveoli for p5, m1-3 (CBI-5); ZIN 88474 , right dentary fragment with alveoli for p5, m1-3 (CBI-14, 1984); URBAC 06–110 , right dentary fragment with m3 trigonid in crypt and alveoli for p5, m1-2 (CBI-14); ZIN 88478 , left dentary fragment with alveoli for m1-3 (CBI-14, 1985); URBAC 99–3 , left dentary fragment with incomplete m2 and m3 (CBI-14); IZANUz P2155-M-1, left dentary fragment with erupting m3 and alveoli for m2, part of coronoid process, and angular process (CBI-14, 1994); ZIN 89006 , left dentary fragment with alveoli for m2-3 (CBI-14, 1989); URBAC 00–21, right dentary fragment with alveoli for m2-3 (CBI- 14); URBAC 06–32 , right dentary fragment with alveoli for m1-3 (CBI-17); ZIN 82580 , right p5 (CBI-?); URBAC 98–16 , right p5 (CBI-14); URBAC 04–226 , right p5 (CBI-14); ZIN 88476 , left dp5 heavily worn (CBI-14, 1985); URBAC 04–326 , left dp5 (CBI-4e); URBAC 00–80, right m1 (CBI-14); URBAC 03–211 , right m1 (CBI-14); URBAC 04–227 , right m1 (CBI- 14); URBAC 04–398 , right m1 (CBI-14); URBAC 04–399 , right m1 (CBI-17); URBAC 04–402 , right m1 (CBI-14); URBAC 98–112 , right m2 (CBI-14); URBAC 98–139 , left m2 heavily worn (CBI-14); URBAC 03–58 , left m2 worn (CBI-14); URBAC 03–170 , right m2 (CBI-14); URBAC 03–192 , right m2 (CBI-4e); URBAC 03–216 , left m2 (CBI-14); URBAC 04–6 , left m2 (CBI-14); URBAC 04–96 , right m2 (CBI-14); URBAC 04–123 , left m2 (CBI-14); URBAC 04–141 , left m2 (CBI-14); URBAC 04–312 , right m2 (CBI-14); URBAC 04–400 , left m2 fragment (CBI-17); URBAC 06–55 , right m2 (CBI-17); URBAC 06–65 , right m2 (CBI-4e); URBAC 98–111 , left m1 or m2 talonid (CBI-14); URBAC 98–151 , left m1 or 2 talonid (CBI-14); URBAC 98–156 , right m1 or 2 talonid (CBI- 14); URBAC 04–332 , left m1 or m2 talonid (CBI-14); URBAC 04–401 , right m1 or m2 talonid (CBI-14); URBAC 98–107 , left m3 (CBI-14); URBAC 04–340 , left m3? worn (CBI-14); URBAC 06–83 , right m3 (CBI-4e); URBAC 04–304 , right m3 (CBI-14); URBAC 03–210 , right m2 or m3 trigonid (CBI-14); URBAC 04–323 , right m2 or m3 trigonid (CBI-14).

PARAZHELESTES ROBUSTUS NESOV, 1993 Kennalestidae [indet.]: Nesov, 1985a: pl. 3, fig. 1. Parazhelestes robustus: Nesov, 1993: 124 , fig. 2(1); Nesov, 1997: pl. 53, figs 2, 3; Nesov et al., 1998: 55, figs 11, 20; Averianov, 2000: figs 30.6R, 30.7A; Kielan- Jaworowska et al., 2004: fig. 13.26D 1, 2. Condylarthra indet. Nesov, 1993: fig. 6(3). cf. gen. et sp. nov. Archibald, 1996: fig. 2C. cf. Eoungulatum kudukensis [nomen nudum, partim]: Nesov, 1997: pl. 53, fig. 5. cf. Eoungulatum kudukensis [partim]: Nesov et al., 1998: figs 14P, Q, 20. Referred specimens: URBAC 02–24, left maxilla with alveoli for P2 and roots for C, P1 (CBI-4e); ZIN 88450, right maxillary fragment with alveoli for P5, M1-2 (CBI-14, 1984); URBAC 04–200, left maxillary fragment with M1 lacking parastylar lobe (CBI-14); URBAC 98–22, right maxillary fragment with M3 and alveoli for M2 (CBI-14); URBAC 98–23, left P4 (CBI- 14); CCMGE 35/12176, right P5 (CBI-4v); URBAC 04–270, right DP5 labial fragment (CBI-14); CCMGE 10/12953, right M1 lacking parastylar lobe (CBI-14, 1993); CCMGE 20/12953, left M1 (CBI-14); URBAC 99–39, left M1 (CBI-14); URBAC 00–8, right M1 (CBI-14); URBAC 99–13, right M2 metastylar lobe somewhat damaged (CBI-14); URBAC 02–108, M1 or M2 heavily worn (CBI-4e); URBAC 04–11, right M1 or M2 lingual fragment (CBI-14); IZANUz P2155-M-5, right dentary with alveoli for i4, double-rooted c and p2, 4, 5, or dp2-4 (CBI-14, 1994); ZIN 88465, right dentary with alveoli for p2-5, m1-3 (CBI-14, 1985); ZIN 88489, left dentary with alveoli for p2-5 (CBI-14, 1984); URBAC 03–120, right dentary with alveoli for p3-5, m1-3 (CBI-14); ZIN 88495, left dentary with alveoli for p3-5, m1-3 (CBI-14, 1985); URBAC 02–47, right dentary with alveoli for p4-5, m1-3 (CBI-4e); URBAC 02–10, right dentary with alveoli for p4-5, m1-2 (CBI-4e); ZIN 88462, right dentary with alveoli for m1-3, m3 was not erupted (CBI-14, 1980); ZIN 88454, left dentary with alveoli for m1-3 (CBI-56, 1989); URBAC 03–124, left dentary with alveoli for m1-3 (CBI-14); ZIN 88936, left dentary with roots or alveoli for m1-3 (CBI-14, 1989); URBAC 06–8, left dentary with alveoli or roots for m1-3 (CBI-14); URBAC 03–125, right dentary with alveoli or roots for m1-3, m3 was not erupted (CBI-14); ZIN 88451, right dentary with roots or alveoli for m2-3 (CBI-51, 1987); ZIN 88457, right dentary with alveoli for m2-3 (CBI-14, 1980); ZIN 88466, right dentary with alveoli for m2-3 (CBI-14, 1989); ZIN 88494, right dentary with alveoli for m2-3 (CBI-14, 1984); URBAC 00–17, left dentary with alveoli for m2-3 (CBI-14); ZIN 88455, left dentary with alveoli for m3 (CBI-14, 1984– 1985); ZIN 88456, left dentary with alveoli for m3 (CBI-14, 1987); ZIN 88463, right dentary with alveoli for m3 (CBI-51, 1987); ZIN 88969, left dentary with posterior alveolus for m3 and angular process (CDZH- 17a, 1978); URBAC 97–5, right dentary with m2 and alveoli for m1 and m3 (CBI-14); URBAC 04–324, left p2 (CBI-14); URBAC 98–14, right m2 (CBI-14); URBAC 04–176, right m2 lacking entoconid and hypoconulid (CBI-14); URBAC 04–260, right m2 (CBI-14); URBAC 03–38, right m3 (CBI-14).


Russian Academy of Sciences, Zoological Institute, Zoological Museum













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