Lineostethus clypeatus ( Stål, 1862 )

Garbelotto, Thereza de Almeida, Kochenborger, Ana Paula Leite & Campos, Luiz Alexandre, 2018, Revision of Lineostethus (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae: Discocephalini), Zoologia (e 21232) 35, pp. 1-24 : 5-8

publication ID 10.3897/zoologia.35.e21232

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scientific name

Lineostethus clypeatus ( Stål, 1862 )


Lineostethus clypeatus ( Stål, 1862)

Figs 1, 9–18, 78

Discocephala clypeata Stål, 1862: 96 ; Stål (1868: 18); Stål (1872:

6); Distant (1880: 45, plate 6, fig. 1); Uhler (1886: 5); Lethierry and Severin (1893: 83); Banks (1910: 92). Discocephala inobtrusa : Walker, 1867: 183 (synonymy by Kirkaldy,

1909). Platycarenus (Discocephalessa) clypeatus : Kirkaldy (1909: 215). Lineostethus clypeatus clypeatus : Ruckes (1966: 24–26, figs 2, 5,

17, 18). Lineostethus clypeatus : Hildebrand and Becker (1982: 778–780).

Diagnosis. Males of L. clypeatus differ from the other species by the shorter and more rounded foliaceous expansions of the dorsal rim of pygophore, and by the projections of the superior layer of ventral rim short and tapering to its apex ( Figs 9–11: fdr, psl). The female genital plates are very similar to L. marginellus but can be differentiated by the slightly shorter gonocoxites VIII. The helicoidal distal portion of ductus receptaculi, the fusiform thickening of gonapophysis IX, and the elliptical thickening of vaginal intima also help to differentiate L. clypeatus from the other species.

Redescription. Antennal segments I–III with longitudinal brown lines. Anterolateral margins of pronotum and proximal portion of lateral margin of corium punctured in some specimens. Scutellum sometimes with a spot of brown punctures on disc and on post-frenal lobe. Unpunctured area laterad to the apex of radial vein of coria subequal to the width of one eye. Hemelytral membrane slightly surpassing the apex of abdomen, with 6–7 veins. Ventrally, punctures sparse and concentrated laterally. Femora with sparse brown circular spots on apical half.

Male genitalia. Foliaceous expansions of dorsal rim subrectangular; apex of expansions not surpassing the posterior limit of ventral rim; posterolateral angles visible dorsally. Basal impression of the foliaceous expansions concave, cutting of dorsal rim U-shaped ( Fig. 9: bi, fdr, dr). Posterolateral angles with rounded apex ( Figs 9–11: pa). Margin of the superior layer of ventral rim flatly concave, median excavation drop-shaped ( Fig. 10: vr). Margin of the inferior layer of ventral rim with one arc of short bristles ( Figs 10, 11: b). Projections of the superior layer of ventral rim forming an obtuse angle with the posterolateral angles; projections tapering toward apex and covered by setae ( Fig. 11: psl, pa). Apex of parameres diverging, not reaching the foliaceous expansions of dorsal rim; head lozenge ( Figs 9, 11–13: par). Ventral surface of phallotheca subrectilinear ( Figs 14–16: ph, ap). Vesica with rounded apex; apical margin concave extending to mid of ductus seminis distalis ( Figs 14–16: v, av, ds). Distal portion of ductus seminis distalis subequal to vesica in length, tapering towards apex ( Fig. 16: ds).

Female genitalia. Posterior margin of urosternite VII concave ( Fig. 17: VII). Gonocoxites VIII subtriangular; posterior margin slightly convex, sutural margins juxtaposed at basal-two thirds; sutural angles in open “V” ( Fig.17: gcVIII).Posterior margin of laterotergites VIII slightly convex; limit between laterotergites VIII and tergite VIII sometimes not visible ( Fig. 17: la8). Posterior margin of gonocoxites IX subrectilinear ( Fig. 17: gcIX). Laterotergites IX digitiform, lateral margins convex and mesial margins rectilinear to slightly convex, subparallel or divergent ( Fig. 17: la9). Posterior margin of segment X subrectilinear ( Fig. 17: X). Thickening of gonapophyses IX fusiform, surpassing the lateral margin of the thickening of vaginal intima ( Fig. 18: gpIX, tgIX). Thickening of vaginal intima elliptical and flat ( Fig. 18: vi). Distal portion of ductus receptaculi helicoid apically ( Fig. 18: ddr); anterior annular crest turned to distal ductus receptaculi; pars intermedialis subequal in length to capsula seminalis; middle third of pars intermedialis not sclerotized; posterior annular crest perpendicular to pars intermedialis ( Fig. 18: pi). Capsula seminalis with a slight basal constriction ( Fig. 18: cs).

Measurements. Male (n = 5): head length, 1.55 ± 0.08 (1.45–1.63); width, 3.20 ± 0.18 (2.98–3.36); length of antennal segments: I, 0.44 ± 0.04 (0.38–0.48); II, 0.83 ± 0.06 (0.80–0.90); III, 0.78 ± 0.05 (0.72–0.82); IV, 0.91 ± 0.01 (0.90–0.92); V, 1.06 ± 0.03 (1.04–1.08); length of labial segments: I, 0.72 ± 0.06 (0.64–0.80); II, 1.55 ± 0.21 (1.22–1.80); III, 0.65 ± 0.13 (0.62–0.82); IV, 0.47 ± 0.05 (0.40–0.50); pronotum length, 1.78 ± 0.09 (1.70–1.92); width, 4.32 ± 0.18 (4.10–4.50); scutellum length, 3.56 ± 0.19 (3.40–3.84); width, 2.84 ± 0.19 (2.64–3.00); total length, 7.25 ± 1.02 (6.75–8.50); abdominal width, 4.76 ± 0.22 (4.50–5.00).

Female (n = 5): head length, 1.55 ± 0.04 (1.5–1.63); width, 3.05 ± 0.11 (2.98–3.24); length of antennal segments: I, 0.41 ± 0.01 (0.40–0.42); II, 0.72 ± 0.06 (0.64–0.78); III, 0.71

± 0.09 (0.60–0.80); IV, 0.87 ± 0.10 (0.78–1.00); V, 1.01 ± 0.01 (1.00–1.02); length of labial segments: I, 0.65 ± 0.05 (0.62–0.70); II, 1.38 ± 0.20 (1.10–1.58); III, 0.64 ± 0.06 (0.58–0.70); IV, 0.50 ± 0.03 (0.46–0.52); pronotum length, 1.86 ± 0.07 (1.76–1.92); width, 4.08 ± 0.23 (3.80–4.40); scutellum length, 3.45 ± 0.11 (3.32–3.56); width, 2.68 ± 0.11 (2.54–2.85); total length, 7.05 ± 0.54 (6.67–8.00); abdominal width, 4.49 ± 0.18 (4.35–4.80).

Material examined. Holotype (female): MEXICO, Sallé, Type, Typus, 80 81, NHRS-GULI 000011382 ( NHRS – photographs examined). Other specimens:USA, Texas: Cameron (Co. Sabal Palm Grove Sanct.), 1 female, 3-VI-1984, Marlin Rice leg. ( DARC) ; Progreso (L. Fife 2260, On cotton, Lot No 44-14405), 1 female, 7-VI-1944 ( USNM) ; Brownsville , 1 female, 03-V — Brooklyn Museum Coll 1929 Catal No. 28 ( USNM) ; Brownsville , 1 female, VI-1901, H.G. Barber Coll leg. ( USNM) ; Browsville , 1 female, 5-VI-1932, J.O. Martin leg. ( CAS) . MEXICO, Nuevo León: (15 mi W. Linares ), 1 female, 2-3-VII-1973, Mastro & Schaffner leg. ( DARC) ; Tamaulipas: ( Nac. del Rio Frio 7 km SSE Gomes Farías), 3 females, 15-16-VI-1983, T. Riley leg. ( DARC) ; Bocatoma (7 km SSE Gomes Farías ), 1 female, 5-7-I-1981, E.G. Riley leg. ( DARC); (5 mi. SSE of Gomes Farías) , 1 female, 19-20- VII-1970, Murray Phelps Hart Schaffener leg. ( DARC) ; San Luis Potosi: Rio Verde (Media Luna, 1000), 1 female, 20-VI-1982, M.A. Ivie leg. ( DARC); ( Hwy 85, SW Tamazunchale, 600) , 1 female, 24-VII-1982, C.W. & L.O’Brien & G.Wibmer leg. ( DARC); (10 mi N Tamazunchale ) , 1 female, 24-XII-1940, G.E. Bohart Collector leg. ( CAS); (10 mi N Tamazunchale ) , 1 female, 24-XII-1940, G.E. Bohart Collector leg. ( AMNH); (7 mi N Tamazunchale ) , 1 female, 19-IX-1972, W.Hanson J.Poff leg. ( DARC) ; Veracruz: Acayucan, 1 female, VII-1966, J. & W. Ivie leg. ( AMNH); ( Hwy. 140, 4mi. NW Rinconada, 800) , 1 female, 21-VIII-1982, C.W. & L.O’Brien & G.Wibmer leg. ( DARC) ; Jalisco: (Hwy. 80, 17 mi SW Autlan, 1800), 1 male, 11-VIII-1982, C.W. & L.O’Brien & G.Wibmer leg. ( DARC); (6 mi. NE Barra de Navidad , 500) , 1 female, 11-VIII-1982, C.W. & L.O’Brien & G.Wibmer leg. ( DARC) ; Guerrero: Acapulco , 2 males, 6-7-X-1961, Pereirra S. Halffter leg. ( UFRG) ; Campeche: ( 22 mi NE Campeche ), 1 female, 5-VIII-1974, C.W. & L. O’Brien & Marshall leg. ( AMNH) ; Oaxaca: (Hwy. 147, 54 mi SW Tuxtepec, 800), 1 female, 27-V-1983, C.W. & L.O’Brien & G.B.Marshall leg.( DARC); (5 mi N Palomares ) 1 female, 31-VIII-1964, J. & W. Ivie Collectors leg. ( AMNH) ; La Ventosa (26 mi N) 2 males, 19-VII-1963, J. Doyen Collector leg. ( UFRG) ; La Ventosa (26 mi N), 3 females, 19-VII-1963, J. Doyen Collector leg. ( UFRG) ; La Ventosa (26 mi N), 1 female, 19-VII-1963, Coll.: W.A. Foster leg.; (23 mi E. Zanatepec, 1600) , 1 male, 3-VI-1974, C.W. & L. O’ Brien & Marshall leg. ( AMNH) . HONDURAS, Comayagua: ( 5 mi NW Comayagua , 1600), 2 females, 18-19-VII-1974, C.W. & L.O’Brien & Marshall leg. ( DARC) . COSTA RICA, Guanacaste: (13 mi SE Libería, 400), 1 female, 12-VII-1974, C.W. & L.O’Brien & Marshall leg. ( DARC) ; Santa Rosa National Park , 1 female, 16- 18-VII-1980, D.H.J. Janzen & W. Hallwachs leg. ( DARC) .

Distribution ( Fig. 78). USA: Texas (new record). Mexico: Nuevo León (new record), Tamaulipas (new record), San Luis

Potosi ( Ruckes 1966), Veracruz (new record), Jalisco (new record), Oaxaca ( Ruckes 1966, Hildebrand and Becker 1982), Campeche (new record), Yucatán ( Ruckes 1966). Guatemala: Alta Verapaz, Baja Verapaz ( Ruckes 1966). Honduras – Santa Barbara ( Ruckes 1966), Comayagua (new record). Costa Rica: Guanacaste ( Ruckes 1966). Panama ( Ruckes 1966).

Remarks. From the data retrieved of specimens’ labels, cotton ( Gossypium hirsutum L., Malvaceae ) is a possible host plant.


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Lineostethus clypeatus ( Stål, 1862 )

Garbelotto, Thereza de Almeida, Kochenborger, Ana Paula Leite & Campos, Luiz Alexandre 2018

Discocephala clypeata Stål, 1862: 96

Stal C 1868: 18
Stal C 1862: 96
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