Philoctetes pavesii Rosa, 2018

Rosa, P., 2018, New species of chrysididae (Hymenoptera) from Central Asia, Russia and Iran. Part 1, Far Eastern Entomologist 371, pp. 1-27 : 5-7

publication ID 10.25221/fee.371.1

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Philoctetes pavesii Rosa

sp. nov.

Philoctetes pavesii Rosa , sp. n.

Figs 5–10 View Figs 5–10

SPECIMENS EXAMINED. Holotype – ♂: Kazakhstan: env. of Kapchagay ,

13.IX 1987, leg. V . Kazenas [ZIN].

DIAGNOSIS. The coloration of Philoctetes pavesii sp. n. is somehow similar to that of Ph. horvathi (Mocsáry, 1889), yet is easily identifiable for the metascutellum rounded in lateral view, and the apical margin of the third tergum continuous,

medially without notch. It is separated from other Asian species with similar coloration (Ph. deauratus (Mocsáry, 1914), Ph. mongolicus (du Buysson, 1901) and

Ph. cynthiae Rosa, 2017) for the round metascutellum (conical in Ph. deauratus and distinctly projected backward in Ph. mongolicus and Ph. cynthiae) and the smooth apical margin of third metasomal tergum (with shallow, in Ph. deauratus, or deep median notch, in Ph. mongolicus and Ph. cynthiae).

DESCRIPTION. Male. Holotype. Body length 4.7 mm. OOL = 1.4 MOD; POL

= 2.3 MOD; MS = 1.0 MOD; relative length of P:F1:F2:F3 = 1.0:1.3:1.0:0.8. F11 as long as pedicel.

Head. Frons, vertex, face between eye and scapal basin with small (about 0.3

MOD), shallow ( Fig. 6 View Figs 5–10 ), sparse (up to 3–4 PD) punctures, with tiny dots on interstices.

head, frontal view; 7 – mesosoma, dorsal view; 8 – metasoma, dorso-lateral view; 9 – genital capsula, lateral view; 10 – genital capsula, ventral view. Scale bar = 1.0 mm.

Scapal basin asetose, slightly hollowed, medially with weak transverse wrinkles and smooth above ( Fig. 5 View Figs 5–10 ). Genae with tiny punctures, without wrinkles. Genal carina faint. Ocellar triangle isosceles, postocellar line deep and complete; broad POL and short OOL. Mandibles bidentate.

Mesosoma. Punctation on pronotum similar to the one on vertex, with small and sparse punctures, broad interspaces and tiny dots within; on sides with larger and deeper punctures. Mesoscutum with larger punctures, mostly clumped along notauli,

with increasing diameter towards mesoscutellum; interspaces broad and shining,

with sparse and tiny punctures all over; notauli visible as lines of small punctures;

parapsidal furrows incomplete, anteriorly and posteriorly obsolete; mesoscutal median area baso-medially polished. Mesoscutellum punctures slightly larger (up to

0.5 MOD), sparse, baso-medially polished. Metascutellum with large (1.0 MOD),

irregular punctures; round in lateral view ( Fig. 5 View Figs 5–10 ). Propodeal angles triangular and slightly pointing outwards. Mesopleuron with large punctures; omaulus and scrobal carina well distinct. Tarsal claw apically bidentate. Genitalia dark brown, with lighter volsella.

Metasoma. Metasoma finely punctate, with even, tiny punctures, equally spaced all over terga; apical margin of metasomal terga with broad, hyaline rim, well visible at the apex of the third tergum, the latter medially continuous, without notch. First two sterna and lateroterga polished, third sternum with dense, tiny punctures. Genital capsule as in Figs 9, 10 View Figs 5–10 .

Coloration. Body bronze, with pinkish reflections ( Fig. 5 View Figs 5–10 ); metasomal terga dorsally with large dark blue to brown-blackish spot; metasomal sterna nonmetallic, brown. Tegulae brown. Legs bronze with greenish reflections, tarsi yellowish to light brown. Antennae black. Mandibles brown, lighter medially and darker at apex.

Female. Unknown.


ETYMOLOGY. The species is named after Maurizio Pavesi (Natural History

Museum, Milan, Italy), who supported my studies on Chrysididae in the last years.


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium


University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Department of Biology













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