Odontocera argenteolineata, Santos-Silva, Antonio & Bezark, Larry G., 2016

Santos-Silva, Antonio & Bezark, Larry G., 2016, Two new species of Mexican Rhinotragini and transference of Odontocera josemartii Zayas, 1956 to Stenopseustes (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae), Zootaxa 4161 (4), pp. 542-548 : 543-544

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.4161.4.4

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scientific name

Odontocera argenteolineata

sp. nov.

Odontocera argenteolineata View in CoL sp. nov.

( Figs. 1–4 View FIGURE 1 – 8. 1 – 4 )

Description. Female. Integument black; scape brownish at base; pedicel and antennomeres III–XI reddish-brown, darkened at apex; elytra black on basal fifth, apex and lateral margins (more reddish laterally and distally), surrounding elongate translucent area; pro- and mesofemora brownish at apex; metafemora light reddish- brown on basal third of peduncle, brown on remaining peduncle, dark reddish-brown on club; protibiae reddish-brown ventrally, along inner side closer to ventral side, longitudinal band on center of distal third of outer surface, and small apical area on dorsal surface; mesotibiae reddish-brown on distal quarter of dorsal and inner surface, most of distal 2/3 of outer surface, and most of ventral surface; metatibiae light reddish-brown on most of basal third, dark reddish-brown on most of ventral and outer surface; ventrite I yellowish, except for brown, triangular macula laterally.

Head. Not elongated behind eyes (distance between posterior edge of eyes slightly less than width of upper eye lobes); rostrum (between apex of inferior ocular lobe and genal apex), in frontal view, 0.7 times length of lower eye lobe. Frons finely, confluently punctate laterally and close to clypeus, almost smooth centrally; with short, sparse, reddish-brown setae (denser, longer close to eyes). Area between antennal tubercles and posterior edge of upper eye lobes finely, densely punctate (sparser on area between antennal tubercles closer to frons); with short, sub-erect, moderately abundant reddish-brown setae, except on subglabrous area closer to frons. Area closer to prothoracic margin finely, abundantly striate-punctate; with short, sparse, slightly conspicuous reddish-brown setae. Antennal tubercles very finely punctate on central area, smooth on base and apex (apex shinier, more elevated than remaining surface); with minute sparse setae on punctate area, glabrous on remaining surface. Clypeus finely, abundantly punctate on basal half, subsmooth toward apex (punctures similar to that on frons); with minute, sparse, reddish-brown setae on punctate area; with one erect, dark, seta on each side of punctate area. Labrum very finely punctate on basal half, smooth toward apex; with one thick, erect dark seta laterally. Outer side of mandibles finely, abundantly punctate on base, gradually sparser toward apex; with minute, sparse reddishbrown setae; with one thick, erect, dark seta at base of distal third. Area behind upper eye lobes and area behind lower eye lobes closer to prothorax finely, striate punctate; area closer to lower eye lobes tumid, finely, abundantly punctate, with abundant, yellowish-white setae interspersed with long, erect, dark setae. Ventral surface of head transversely striate (striae coarser on submentum), interspersed with fine punctures (less so on submentum); with short and long, moderately abundant, reddish-brown setae interspersed with thick, erect, dark setae. Genae finely punctate (punctures finer toward ventral side), more striate punctate on central area; with short, sparse, reddishbrown setae. Distance between upper eye lobes 0.8 times length of scape; distance between lower eye lobes in frontal view 0.7 times length of scape. Antennae 1.1 times elytral length, reaching about middle of first abdominal segment; inner side of scape, pedicel and antennomeres III–VI with thick, long, erect setae; antennomeres VII–X with thick, dark setae at apex of inner side; antennomeres III-IV filiform, antennomeres V–X distinctly enlarged toward apex; antennal formula (ratio) based on antennomere III: scape = 0.83; pedicel = 0.25; IV = 0.70; V = 0.72; VI = 0.61; VII = 0.55; VIII = 0.49; IX = 0.42; X = 0.38; XI = 0.49.

Thorax. Prothorax slightly longer than wide (1.1 times), narrower at base than apex; sides rounded from anterolateral angles to apex of basal sixth, distinctly constricted at basal seventh. Pronotum finely, moderately abundantly punctate on anterior fourth, slightly sparser between the latter area and middle, coarser reticulate on basal half; anterior fifth with dense, silvery transverse band of pubescence; basal fourth with transverse band with silvery (denser centrally; laterally more reddish); with long, erect, moderately abundant dark setae throughout. Sides of prothorax coarsely, abundantly punctate (punctures confluent on some areas); anteriorly with oblique band of dense, silvery setae, continuing that of pronotum, but gradually more distant from anterior margin toward prosternum; with oblique reddish-brown pubescenct band, moderately dense, continuing silvery band on base of pronotum; basal margin smooth; area between oblique pubescenct band and anterior margin with long, erect, abundant dark setae; remaining surface with long, moderately sparse setae. Prosternum coarsely, abundantly punctate (somewhat striate); with long, abundant, brown setae. Prosternal process centrally sulcate on narrow basal region; this sulcus surrounding the central area of triangular distal region; with long, dense, erect setae. Mesosternum very finely, densely punctate centrally, smooth laterally; with reddish-brown, short, abundant setae on punctate area, glabrous laterally. Mesepisternum finely, sparsely punctate on narrow area close to prothorax and mesepimera, almost smooth on remaining surface; with yellowish-white pubescent band close to mesepimera, almost glabrous on remaining surface. Mesepimera with yellowish-white pubescence. Metepisterna, coarsely, sparsely punctate; with yellowish-white pubescent band surrounding outer margin on distal third and apex; remaining surface with erect, moderately abundant setae. Metasternum with semicircular pubescent area in front of mesocoxal cavities and oblique band continuing on metepisterna (not reaching center); remaining surface with erect, moderately abundant, reddish-brown setae. Scutellum white pubescent. Elytra. Outer margin distinctly convergent from base to near middle, then divergent toward rounded apex; inner margin divergent from base to apex, slightly sinuous on distal half; asperate-punctate on basal fifth, finely, densely punctate laterally and distally; each asperite puncture on basal fifth with dark, erect setae; translucent area with dark, erect, short setae (shorter toward apex). Legs. Profemora sub-fusiform, with long, erect, dark setae (mainly ventrally). Mesofemora clavate, with club notably enlarged; with long, erect, dark and reddish-brown setae, slightly more abundant ventrally. Metafemora clavate, notably longer than pro- and mesofemora, with club gradually enlarged; with long, moderately abundant reddish-brown setae. Long, dark setal brush encircling the distal two-thirds of the metatibiae.

Abdomen. Ventrite I almost smooth; with long, erect, sparse, reddish-brown setae, with white pubescent band starting transversely near apex (not reaching center), continuing laterally to anterior margin (enlarged at almost right-angle formed by this band); ventrite II finely, sparsely punctate, with white pubescent band as on ventrite I and reddish-brown, erect setae slightly more abundant than on ventrite I; ventrite III with punctures coarser, denser than on ventrite II, without pubescent band, with erect, dark setae, thicker, denser than on ventrite II; ventrite IV with punctures as on III, but denser, without band with pubescence, with erect, dark setae slightly denser than on ventrite III; ventrite V finely, sparsely punctate on center of basal half, distinctly denser on remaining surface; punctate area of ventrite V with abundant white setae, interspersed with dark, erect setae; apex of ventrite V slightly curved (centrally almost truncate).

Dimensions in mm (holotype female). Total length, 14.3; prothorax: length, 2.6; anterior width, 2.0; posterior width, 1.8; largest prothoracic width, 2.4; humeral width, 2.6; elytral length, 6.6.

Type material. Holotype female from MEXICO, Chiapas: 5 km N Palenque , 2.VII.1990, R. Mendoza col. ( LGBC, to be deposited as CASC).

Etymology. The species name, argenteolineata , refers to the silvery transverse bands at the anterior and posterior margins of the pronotum.

Remarks. Odontocera argenteolineata sp. nov. is similar to O. dispar Bates, 1870 , but differs as follows: prothorax wider, more rounded laterally; base of elytra dark; elytral apex rounded; femoral peduncle mostly darker. In O. dispar the prothorax is more elongated and less rounded laterally, the base of elytra is mostly light, the elytral apex is truncate, and the femoral peduncle is yellowish. It differs from O. nigriclavis Bates, 1873 primarily by the prothorax being wider and more rounded laterally (more elongated in O. nigriclavis ), by the femoral peduncle darker (light in O. nigriclavis ), and by the brush of setae on the metatibiae gradually more distinct from base to apex (starting more abruptly in O. nigriclavis ). It can be separated from O. poecilopoda White, 1855 by the elytral apex rounded (truncate in O. poecilopoda ) and by the base of elytra dark (mostly yellowish in O. poecilopoda ).













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