Stenus rorellus

Puthz, V., 2013, Übersicht über die orientalischen Arten der Gattung Stenus LATREILLE 1797 (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) 330. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Steninen, Linzer biologische Beiträge 45 (2), pp. 1279-1470 : 1307-1311

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Stenus rorellus


Die S. rorellus View in CoL -Gruppe – Revision der Gruppe

Neue Definition: Kleine bis mittelgrosse (2,0- 4,8mm), makroptere Arten, Abdomen ungerandet, 4. Tarsenglied gelappt, Stirn meist sehr breit, 9. Sternum am Hinterrand gesägt, 10. Tergit am Hinterrand apikolateral spitz, median ausgerandet oder mit verschiedenen anker- und gabelförmigen Gestalten (Ausnahmen: S. pernix L. BENICK , S. scitulus L. BENICK ). Punktierung meist sehr dicht, mehrere Arten mit auffallend glänzender Beborstung. Fühler kurz, zurückgelegt nicht den Hinterrand des Pronotums erreichend. Stirn oft sehr breit. Pronotum wenig länger als breit.: Beine ohne besondere Sexualcharaktere, vordere Sternite ohne auffällige Merkmale, 8. Sternit meist nur flach ausgeradet. Aedoeagus meist mit spitzwinklig verengtem Medianlobus, Innensack breit sack-/taschenförmig, mit häkchenbesetzter Membran, stärker sklerotisierte Elemente meist fehlend, Parameren ohne besondere Merkmale.

Unter den Artengruppen mit ungerandetem Abdomen und gelapptem 4. Tarsenglied zeigt auch in der S. wasmanni -Gruppe das 10. Tergit Besonderheiten (so S. spurius L. BENICK , S. spenceri PUTHZ, Abb. 48, 49 ), es ist aber hier apikolateral nur rundlich vorgezogen (nicht spitz), apikomedian ausgerandet, und der Aedoeagus ist anders gebaut, auch besitzen alle Arten dieser Gruppe eine schmälere Stirn.

Diese Artengruppe ist über das tropische Afrika, Madagaskar und die gesamte Orientalis verbeitet.

Key to the Oriental species of the group of Stenus rorellus FAUVEL

(mDE = maximum distance between eyes)

1 Frons less broad (HW: mDE>1.80) (fig. 409)....................................................................2

- Frons broader (HW: mDE <1,80) (fig. 408)........................................................................9

2 Metallic species...................................................................................................................3

- Non-metallic species...........................................................................................................4

3 Larger, FB 2.5mm. Elytral punctation less dense, interstices in sutural third as wide or wider than diameter of punctures.: E (fig. 146). 4.2-5.0mm. Philippines (Mindanao)....... ......................................................................................................... S. viridis BERNHAUER

- Smaller, FB 2.0mm. Elytral punctation denser, interstices in sutural third smaller than half diameter of punctures.: E (fig. 207). 4.2-5.0mm. Philippines (Luzon) ....................... ............................................................................................... S. smaragdinus BERNHAUER

4 Punctation of frons sparse, interstices much wider than diameter of punctures. T 10 (fig. 148).: E (fig. 220). 3.8-4.5mm (FB 2.1mm). Philippines (Negros)............ sparsifrons n. sp

- Punctation of frons very dense, interstices smaller than half diameter of punctures. 3 very similar species.............................................................................................................5

5 Smaller, FB <1.7mm. T 10 (fig. 150).: E: fig. 222). 2.8-3.1mm (FB 1.6mm). Philippines (Luzon, Panay, Mindoro) ......................................... S. philippinus BERNHAUER

- Larger, FB>2.0mm.............................................................................................................6

6: Apical portion of median lobe very narrow, blade-shaped in ventral view, curved dorsad in lateral view. T 10 (as in fig. 147). 3.8-4.1mm (FB 2.1mm). Malaysia (Sabah, Sarawak), Brunei, Indonesia (Kalimantan ....................................... S. denticaudatus PUTHZ

-: Apical portion of median lobe narrowly lanceolate, straight in lateral view.................7

7: Apical excision of sternite 8 less deep (length of sternite: depth of emargination>2.8). T 10 (fig. 147). 3.8-4.6mm (FB 2.0-2.2mm. Philippines (Luzon, Samar, Mindoro, Antipolo, Siargo, Leyte, Dinagat, Mindanao), Indonesia (Sulawesi, Maluku (Halmahera)),?New Guinea (Papua). ............................................... S. simulans L. BENICK

-: Apical excision of sternite 8 deeper (length of sternite: depth of emargination<2.5). T 10 (as in fig. 147).............................................................................................................8

8: Sternite 7 with a pubescent callus in proximal half of median impression. E: Apical portion of median lobe shorter (fig. 194). 4.0-4.7mm (FB 2.1-2.2mm. Philippines (Luzon)............................................................................................ S. tropicus BERNHAUER

-: Median impression of Sternite 8 without a proximal callus. E: Apical portion of median lobe longer (fig. 195). 4.0-4.7mm (FB 2.1-2.2mm. Philippines (Negros, Palawan, Mindanao)......................................................................... S. wendeleri L. BENICK

9 T 10 ancoriform (figs 149, 151-153).................................................................................10

- T 10 otherwise...................................................................................................................13

10 Larger, FB 1.8mm. T 10 (fig. 149).: E (fig. 5, ROUGEMONT 1986b). 3.2-3.6mm (FB 1.8-1.9mm). Nepal......................................................................... S. morvani ROUGEMONT

- Smaller, FB <1.8mm.........................................................................................................11

11 Head broader (HW: EW>0.88)........................................................................................12

- Head less broad (HW: EW <0.88). T 10 (fig. 152).: Unknown. 3.4-4.1mm (FB 1.5- 1.6mm). Thailand........................................................................ S. ancorellus ROUGEMONT

12 T 10 (fig. 151). 2.7-3.3mm (FB 1.5-1.6mm). Laos.............................. S. ancoratus nov.sp.

- T 10 (fig. 154).: E (figs 205, 206). 2.8-3.2mm (FB 1.6-1.7mm). Indonesia (Lombok, Flores, Bali, Java)............................................................................... S. lombokensis PUTHZ

13 Extremely densely punctate with remarkably shiny short golden pubescence. T 10 (fig. 153).: E (fig. 3, PUTHZ 1969a). 3.3-4.1mm (FB 1.9-2.0mm). N India...................... ............................................................................................................ S. furcillatus PUTHZ - Densely or very densely punctate, pubescence less remarkable (except in S. auratilicomus nov.sp.).......................................................................................................14

14 T 10 (figs 156-166)...........................................................................................................15

- T 10 otherwise...................................................................................................................19

15 Smaller, FB <1.4mm. T 10 (fig. 156). 2.1-2.5mm (FB 1.3mm). Singapore........................... .............................................................................................. S. leontopolitanus CAMERON

- Larger, FB 1.5mm...........................................................................................................16

16 T 10 (fig. 155),: E (fig. 8, PUTHZ 1971a). 3.2-4.1mm (FB 1.5-1.6mm). Sri Lanka, N India...................................................................................................... S. bihamatus PUTHZ

- T 10 otherwise...................................................................................................................17

17 Apicolateral teeth of T 10 longer (figs 157, 158)..............................................................18

- Apicolateral teeth of T 10 shorter (figs 191-166).: E (fig. x). 2.7-4.0mm (FB 1.6- 1.9mm). Myanmar, India, Nepal, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Malaysia (mainland, Sabah, Sarawak), Indonesia (Sumatra).............................................. S. monomerus FAUVEL

18 T 10 (fig. 158).: E (figs. 199, 200). 2.8-3.7mm (FB 1.5-1.8mm). Andaman Islands, Myanmar, Thailand, China (Hainan) .............................................. S. andamanensis PUTHZ

- T 10 (fig. 157).: E (fig. 5, PUTHZ 1969a). 2.6-3.0mm (FB 1.5mm). N India, Nepal, Thailand, Laos. China (Hainan) ....................................................... S. sparsepilosus PUTHZ

19 T 10 apicolaterally ± rounded, no distinct apicolateral teeth (figs 167-169). Large species...............................................................................................................................20

- T 10 with distinct apicolateral teeth. Mostly smaller species............................................22

20 Apical two fifths of femora infuscate, elytra punctation slightly less coarse. T 10 (fig. 168). 3.8-4.6mm (FB 2.0-2.2mm). Philippines (Luzon)........................ S. pernix L. BENICK

- Femora very shortly infuscate apically, elytral punctation coarser. T 10 (figs 167, 169).............21

21 Punctation of pronotum very dense, slightly transversely coalescent. Head without metallic lustre. T 10 (fig. 169).: Unknown. 3.7-4.2mm (FB 2.2mm). Philippines (Luzon ................................................................................................. S. scitulus L. BENICK

- Punctation of pronotum less dense, punctures distinctly delimited. Head with slight metallic lustre. T 10 (fig. 167).: Unknown. 3.7-4.3mm (FB 2.1mm). Philippines (Luzon)............................................................................................... S. aericeps L. BENICK

22 Apicolateral teeth of T 10 very short, emagination between teeth less deep and nearly straight. T 10 (fig. 170).: E (fig. 198). 3.3-3.8mm (FB 1.7-1.8mm). Philippines (Luzon, Leyte, Negros, Mindanao) .................................................. S. ambiguus L. BENICK

- Apicolateral teeth of T 10 longer, emargination between teeth deeper and more concave (figs 25-45)..........................................................................................................23

23 Lateral outline of posterior portion of T 10 slightly concave (figs 173-175)....................24

- Lateral outline of posterior portion of T 10 straight or convex (figs 176-191).................26

24 Larger, FB 1.7mm...........................................................................................................25

- Smaller, FB 1.7mm. Frons matt, interstices of punctation extremely narrow, frons broader (GW: mDE = 1.32). T 10 (fig. 174).: Unknown. 2.3-2.8mm (FB 1.4mm). China (Guizhou).................................................................................... S. hebetifrons n. sp.

25 Head broader than elytra, elytra broader than long. T 10 (fig. 172).: E (fig. 202). 3.1-3.6mm (FB 1.7-1.8mm). Singapore, Indonesia (Sumatra) ............................................... ................................................................................................ S. fortepunctatus CAMERON

- Head narrower than elytra, elytra longer than broad. T 10 (fig. 173.: E (fig. 215). 3.5-4.0mm (FB 1.8-2.0mm). Philippines (Luzon)...................................... S. schoedli n. sp.

26 Apical teeth of T 10 shorter (figs 177-187........................................................................27

- Apical teeth of T 10 longer (figs 29, 188-191...................................................................37

27 Frons less broad: HW: mDE 1.60...................................................................................28

- Frons broader: HW: mDE <1.69.......................................................................................32

28 Smaller, FB 1.6-1.7mm. T 10 (figs 175, 184). Two very similar species..........................29 - Larger, FB 1.9mm...........................................................................................................30

29 In average smaller: 2.7-3.1mm (FB 1.5mm). Punctation of T 7 very dense, interstices much smaller than half diameter of punctures. T 10 (fig. 184).: E (fig. 203, 204). Japan, China (Shaanxi, Zhejiang), Korea................................................ S. confertus SHARP

- In average larger: 2.9-3.5mm (FB 1.6-1.7mm). Punctation of T 7 less dense, shiny interstices can become as large as half diameter of punctures. T 10 (fig. 175).: E (fig. 221). Laos............................................................................................. S. kubani n. sp.

30 Legs dark brown to black. T 10 (fig. 179). 3.5-4.5mm (FB 2.0mm). Laos, China (Yunnan) ................................................................................................... S. laoticus PUTHZ

- Legs predominantly reddish yellow – brownish yellow, often with darker apices of femora...............................................................................................................................31

31 Frons broader (HW:mDE = 1.60, fig. 408), deeply concave, elytra shorter (EW: EL = 100). T 10 (fig. 180).: E (fig. 193). 4.0-4.7mm (FB 2.2-2.3mm). Philippines (Luzon) .... ............................................................................................. S. pseudotropicus BERNHAUER

- Frons less broad (HW:mDE = 170, fig. 409), slightly concave, elytra longer (EW: EL = 0.96). T 10 (fig. 186).: E (fig. 13, PUTHZ 1998b). 3.3-4.1mm (FB 1.9mm). Malaysia ( Sarawak), Brunei...................................................................... S. pfeifferi PUTHZ

32 Pubescence conspicuously golden, shiny. T 10 (fig. 181).: E (fig. 201). 2.9-3.5mm (FB 1.7mm). Myanmar.................................................................... S. aurantilicomus n. sp.

- Pubescence not conspicuous, less shiny............................................................................33

33 Frons broader: HW: mDE <1.58.......................................................................................34

- Frons less broad: HW: mDE>1.60...................................................................................35

34 Smaller: FB 1.4-1.5mm. T 10 (fig. 177).: E (fig. 196). 2.2-2.7mm. Solomon Islands, New Caledonia, Papua New Guinea. .................................................. S. greensladei PUTHZ

- Larger: FB 1.8mm...........................................................................................................36

35 Larger: FB 2.0mm. Frons deeply concave. T 10 (fig. 178).: Unknown. 3.7-4.3mm. N India, Myanmar.................................................................................... S. quisquilius PUTHZ

- Smaller: FB 1.6-1.8mm. Frons broadly and shallowly elevated. T 10 (fig. 182.: E (fig. 5, PUTHZ 1994b). 2.9-3.3mm (FB1.6-1.8mm). Indonesia (Ceram)................................ ........................................................................................................ S. schillhammeri PUTHZ

36 On average larger. T 10 (fig. 183).: E (figs 212, 213). 2.8-3.9mm (FB 1.5-2.0mm). Sri Lanka, India, Nepal, Myanmar, Thailand.......................... S. cribellatus MOTSCHULSKY

- On average smaller. T 10 (fig. 185).: E (fig. 192). 2.5-3.0mm (FB 1.5mm). Sri Lanka................................................................................................ S. lacertoides NIETNER

37 Extremely densely punctate with remarkably shiny short golden pubescence, interstices of punctures on tergite 7 smaller than half diameter of punctures, reticulate.......................................38

- Densely to very densely punctate, pubescence less remarkable, interstices on tergite 7 larger than half diameter of punctures, not reticulate........................................................39

38 Less large, FB 1.4-1.7mm. T 10 (fig 191), posterior margin between lateral teeth simple.: E (figs 43-45, 47, PUTHZ 1969b). 2.4-3.5mm. India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, China (Yunnan, Shanghai, Beijing), Malaysia (Sabah, Java, Lombok), Indonesia (Sulawesi, Timor, Lombok, Java), Philippines (Luzon, Mindoro), Australia, New Guinea, New Caledonia..................... .......................................................................................... S. rorellus cursorius L. BENICK

- Larger, FB 1.8-1.9mm. T 10 (fig. 189), posterior margin between lateral teeth serrate.: E (fig. 14, PUTHZ 1998b). 3.2-4.0mm. India (Goa) ............................... S. assingi PUTHZ

39 Smaller: FB 1.3-1.5mm.....................................................................................................40

- Larger: FB 1.7-1.9mm.......................................................................................................41

40 Elytra larger (HW: EW <0,95). T 10 (fig. 171).: Unknown. 2.4-2.8mm (FB 1.5mm). Vietnam.................................................................................................... S. bicuspis PUTHZ

- Elytra smaller (HW: EW>0,95). T 10 (fig. 176).: E (fig. 197). 2.3-2.8mm (FB 1.3- 1.5mm). Japan, China (Sichuan, Hainan, Taiwan, Hongkong, Zhejiang, Shanxi). ................ ............................................................................................................. S. dissimilis SHARP

41 Punctation of frons regularly dense...................................................................................42

- Punctation of frons distinctly sparser medially (with a narrow shining area). T 10 (fig.190).: E (fig. 214). 3.4-4.0mm (FB 1.7-1.9mm). Philippines (Luzon, Virac, Samar, Mindoro, Mindanao, Leyte, Palawan), Malaysia ( Sarawak), Indonesia (Kalimantan, Sulawesi .......................................................................... S. nothus L. BENICK

42 Apical teeth of T 10 longer (fig. 188), head broader (HW: EW>1.00).: E (fig. 4, PUTHZ 1981b). 3.0-3.5mm (FB 1.7mm). Sri Lanka, S India................. S. lewisiellus PUTHZ

- Apical teeth of T 10 shorter (fig. 187), head less broad (HW: EW 0,.95).: E (fig. 22). 3.0-3.4mm (FB 1.6-1.8mm). Philippines (Luzon, Mindoro, Masbate, Negros, Palawan, Mindanao)......................................................................... S. sejugatus L. BENICK













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