Hemineurina modesta ( Staeger, 1840 ), 2019

Vilkamaa, Pekka & Menzel, Frank, 2019, Re-classification of Lycoriella Frey sensu lato (Diptera, Sciaridae), with description of Trichocoelina gen. n. and twenty new species, Zootaxa 4665 (1), pp. 1-67 : 10

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Hemineurina modesta ( Staeger, 1840 )

comb. nov.

Hemineurina modesta ( Staeger, 1840) View in CoL comb. n.

Synonyms: = arctica ( Holmgren, 1869) [as Sciara ]; = conglomerata (Pettey, 1918) [as Neosciara ]; = ecalcarata ( Holmgren, 1869) [as Sciara ]; = frigida ( Holmgren, 1869) [as Sciara , preocc.]; = fumatella ( Lundbeck, 1898) [as Sciara ]; = globiceps ( Becher, 1886) syn. n. [as Sciara ]; = groenlandica ( Holmgren, 1872) [as Sciara ]; = holmgreni ( Rübsaamen, 1894) [as Sciara , new name for Sciara frigida Holmgren, 1869 ].

Material studied. Lectotype, male of Sciara modesta Staeger (designated by Menzel in Menzel & Mohrig (2000): 405, 755). DEnmark, without locality details [as ‘Danmark’], specimen no. 239, in May, Staeger (in ZMUC) . Lectotype, male of Sciara globiceps Becher (designated by Menzel in Menzel & Mohrig (2000): 402, 752). NORWAY, Jan Mayen, inventory no. 5/70A/12/NMW, [August or September] 1882, F. Fischer (in NHMW) .

Literature (selection). Sciara globiceps Becher—Becher (1886) : 62, pl. 5, figs 2, 2 a–d; Edwards (1923): 236. Lycoriella globiceps (Becher) — Thunes et al. (2004): 85. Lycoriella (Hemineurina) globiceps (Becher) — Menzel & Mohrig (2000): 402 [in part]. Sciara modesta Staeger—Staeger (1840) : 286. Bradysia (Hemineurina) modesta (Staeger) — Frey (1948): 66, 84; pl. 18, fig. 104; Frey (1953): 458; Nielsen et al. (1954): 21. Lycoriella modesta (Staeger) — Krivosheina & Mohrig (1986): 157, 162; Röschmann & Mohrig (1993): 383; Röschmann & Mohrig (1994): 203; Hellrigl (1996): 633; Hennicke et al. (1997): 99; Mukkala et al. (2005): 16, 32; Seeber et al. (2012): 369; Salmela et al. (2015): 87. Lycoriella (Hemineurina) modesta (Staeger) — Frey (1942): 36; Tuomikoski (1960): 75, 77;? Gerbachevskaja (1963): 498; Tuomikoski (1967): 48; Freeman (1983a): 168; Freeman (1983b): 30, fig. 99; Gerbachevskaja-Pavluchenko (1986): 31; Franz (1989): 15; Menzel et al. (1990): 337; Jakovlev (1994): 76; Menzel & Mohrig (2000): 405; Menzel et al. (2003): 88, 101; Coulson & Refseth (2004): 103; Menzel et al. (2006): 108; Coulson (2008): 161; Coulson (2013): 154; Mohrig et al. (2013): 213, fig. 37 a–e; Vilkamaa (2015): 551.

Discussion. The only existing male of Sciara globiceps Becher (lectotype) is in poor condition. Because of the strongly deformed male genitalia Menzel & Mohrig (2000) did not realize that the lectotype of Sciara globiceps Becher is not identical with Hemineurina algida (Frey) [misidentification] but in reality represents Hemineurina modesta (Staeger) , which has a longer and therefore a more slender-looking gonostylus. Consequently, some records of H. algida were erroneously published by Menzel & Mohrig (2000) under the name ‘ L. globiceps (Becher) ’ [see literature under H. algida (Frey) ]. These errors are corrected here, by treating Sciara globiceps Becher, 1886 syn n. as a junior synonym of Hemineurina modesta ( Staeger, 1840) comb. n. and H. algida ( Frey, 1948) restit. et comb. n. as a separate species. The distinct differences between H. algida and the similar H. thuringiensis are discussed under H. algida (Frey) .


Denmark, Kobenhavn [= Copenhagen], University of Copenhagen, Zoological Museum


Zoological Museum, University of Copenhagen


Naturhistorisches Museum, Wien













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