Paracyphononyx pilisquamatus Liu & Ma, 2024

Liu, Yongxiu, Song, Zhiyan, Li, Qiang & Ma, Li, 2024, Two new species of the spider wasp genus Paracyphononyx Gribodo, 1884 (Hymenoptera, Pompilidae) in China, with a key to Chinese species, Zootaxa 5512 (1), pp. 80-92 : 82-86

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5512.1.6

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scientific name

Paracyphononyx pilisquamatus Liu & Ma

sp. nov.

Paracyphononyx pilisquamatus Liu & Ma , sp. nov. DF068DE2-B734-4048-B1B1-E6989808D18B

( Figs 1A–G View FIGURE 1 , 2A–I View FIGURE 2 )

Material examined. Holotype, ♀, CHINA, Yunnan, Lushui City, Shangjiang Town, Binggong Village , 25°56′N, 98°88′E, 847 m, sweep net, 19.VII.2006, coll. Zaifu Xu. Paratypes. CHINA, Yunnan: 4♀ 2♂, same locality as holotype, sweep net, 19.VII.2006, coll. Zaifu Xu (2♀ 1♂) , 19.VII.2006, coll. Hesheng Wang (1♀) , 19.VII.2006, coll. Li Ma (1♀ 1♂); 5♂, Tengchong City, Gaoligong Mountain , 24°56′N, 98°08′E, 1400 m, 1–18.VIII.2005, Coll. Juanjuan Ma GoogleMaps ; 2♀, Lianghe County, Zhedao Town, Longhe Village , 24°48’N, 98°18’E, 1058 m, sweep net, 5. GoogleMaps V.2013, coll. Xiaoling Ji, Ju You; 1♂, same locality, 5. GoogleMaps V.2013, coll. Xiaoling Ji, Jian Zhu, Li Jiang; 1♀, Yingjiang County, Pingyuan Town , 24°42’N, 97°55’E, 822 m, 1. GoogleMaps V.2013, coll. Ju You; 1♀, Simao city, Jingdong County, Wenjing Town , 24°17’N, 100°55’E, 1976 m, 29.IV.2005, coll. Hesheng Wang GoogleMaps ; 1♀ 2♂, Simao city, Jingdong County, Jinping Town , Shanjiao Village , 24°27’N, 1174 m, 100°49’E, 1. GoogleMaps V.2005, coll. Li Ma, Chunju Liu; 1♀ 1♂, Dehong, Mangshi City , 24°18’N, 98°41’E, 1009 m, 9.VIII.2005, coll. Li Ma, Tingjing Li GoogleMaps ; 1♂, Dehong, Mangshi City, Fapa Town , 24°23’N, 98°33’E, 822 m, 10.VIII.2005, coll. Li Ma GoogleMaps ; 1♂, Dehong, Mangshi City , Longchuan County, Bajiao Vliiage , 24°27’N, 98°07’E, 1007 m, 13.VIII.2005, coll. Kai Wu GoogleMaps ; 1♂, Dehong, Mangshi Town, Mangshi Riverside , 24°26’N, 98°35’E, 926 m, 9.VIII.2005, coll. Hesheng Wang GoogleMaps ; 1♂, Dehong, Mangshi Town, West Suburb of Mangshi Riverside , 24°26’N, 98°34’E, 895 m, 9.VIII.2005, coll. Xiaoli Li GoogleMaps ; 1♀, Dehong, Ruili City, Jiemei Vliiage , 23°54’N, 97°44’E, 750 m, 11.VIII.2005, coll. Hesheng Wang GoogleMaps ; 1♂, Dehong, Ruili City, Mengxiu Vliiage , 24°03’N, 97°47’E, 1501 m, 30.IV.2013, coll. Xiaoling Ji, Jian Zhu, Li Jiang GoogleMaps ; 19♂, same locality, 30. GoogleMaps V.2013, coll. Xiaoling Ji, Jian Zhu, Li Jiang; 8♂, Pu’er City, Zhenyuan Conuty, Wuliang Wetland Park , 24°00’N, 101°06’E, 1212 m, 15.VII.2014, coll. Lin Ma, Xin Jiang GoogleMaps ; 4♂, Pu’er City, Jinggu Conuty, Bianjiang Garden , 23°04’N, 100°42’E, 904 m, 13.VII.2014, coll. Lin Ma, Haizhen Luo GoogleMaps ; 3♂, Yuxi City, Wanshuigou , 444m, 450m, 467m, Malaise trap, 23°36′N, 101°59′E, V – GoogleMaps VI.2016, coll. Li Ma; 1♂, Yuxi City, Yuanjiang County, Yuanjiang riverside, 24°23’N, 101°59’E, 1382 m, 20.IV.2015, coll. Haixia Lu GoogleMaps ; 1♂, Lincang City, Yun County, Xiaojie Village , 24°22’N, 100°14’E, 1397 m, 21.VII.2014, coll. Jinlin Bai GoogleMaps ; 2♂, Jinghong, Menghai, Guanggang Village , 21°49′N, 100°29′E, 1526 m, Malaise trap, 22.IV–28. GoogleMaps V.2019, coll. Yong-sheng Pu; 1♂, Zhaotong City, Yongshan County, Huanghua Town , 27°59’N, 103°33’E, 486 m, Malaise trap, 5. GoogleMaps V.2013, coll. Li Ma. China, Hainan: 3♂, Diaoluoshan National Forest Park, 18°41′N, 109°68′E, 1508 m, sweep net, 12–13.VII.2010, Coll. Huayan Chen. China, Guangdong: 1♀ 3♂, Shenzhen, Shenzhen Overseas Chinese Town National Wetland Park, 22°31′N, 113°59′E, 0 m, 5. GoogleMaps VI –29. VI. 2020, coll. Jianwei Li.

Diagnosis. The new species clearly differs from other congeners by the following characteristics: all legs are black; SMC3 strongly narrowed above and forming triangle, petiolate; vein M and vein cu-a of hindwing coincides at intersection of vein M + CuA; apical sternum strongly compressed laterally, with distinct, longitudinal ridge ventrally.

Description. Female (Measurements of the holotype are given in parentheses). Body length 9–10.5 (9.5) mm; forewing length 7–8.5 (8.3) mm. Body black ( Fig. 1A View FIGURE 1 ); mandible medially yellowish brown, dark brown at apex; labial palpus and maxillary palpus pale brown; wings fusco-hyaline or pale fuscous, forewing with dark brown band exterior to SMC3 ( Fig. 1E View FIGURE 1 ). Head (except for vertex, mandible medially and apically, and eye) and pronotum basally, propleuron, mesopleuron, scutellum, metanotum on both sides, and coxa covered with dense, grayish-white pubescence; basal half of metasomal terga 2–4 with broad band of bluish-gray pubescence; mandible basally, frons, vertex, metasomal sternum 6, tergum 5 apically, and tergum 6 with several brown to black long setae; gena, propleuron, and fore femur basally with sparse, long, white setae; metapleuron, metanotum medially, posterior slope of propodeum, and hind coxa dorsally in some specimens covered with dense, erect, white appressed setae ( Fig. 1D View FIGURE 1 ); terga 1–3 largely with squamiform pubescence ( Fig. 1F View FIGURE 1 ).

Head. In frontal view ( Fig. 1B View FIGURE 1 ), ratio of head width to head length = 50:43; mandible with a small internal tooth subapically; labrum fully exposed; clypeus 2 times as wide as long, apical margin nearly truncate but weakly concave medially; malar space fairly long, about as long as pedicel, malar space 0.33–0.42 × mandible width basally; frontal line complete from anterior ocellus to antennal sockets but faint; inner orbits nearly parallel above and below, slightly concave at middle, LID:MID:UID = 7.6:10:7.8; area between antennal socket slightly elevated; frons slightly elevated in lateral view, half of its width slightly more than eye width (in frontal view); gena narrow, its width 0.19–0.23 × eye width in lateral view; ocelli forming a right-angled triangle ( Fig. 1C View FIGURE 1 ); OOD:OD:POD: OCD = 7:6:11:10; vertex flat between eye tops; UID equal to length of A3 and 0.5 × A4 combined; occipital carina distinct; antenna slender; length of A1:A2:A3:A4:A5 = 10:4:13:14:14; ratio of length of A3 to AW of A3 = 13:4; ratio of length of A12 to BW of A12 = 10:3.

Mesosoma. In dorsal view, pronotum significantly shorter than mesonotum, its posterior margin triangularly emarginate medially, ratio width of pronotum posteriorly to length of pronotum medially = 1.7:1; mesoscutum with two short and weak admedian line anteriorly, without notaulus, parapsidal line distinct, extending from posterior margin to three quarters of mesoscutum; scutellum and metanotum conspicuously convex medially, both tops at same height, metanotum slightly lower than scutellum; metapostnotum smooth, wide and arch-shaped in middle, narrowing towards sides into linear ( Fig. 1D View FIGURE 1 ), posterior margin distinctly concave ( Fig. 1D View FIGURE 1 ); ratio of length of metanotum to metapostnotum at middle = 2:1 ( Fig. 1D View FIGURE 1 ); propodeum lustrous, with declivity at its posterior, about 0.38 × length of propodeum, dorsum widest at middle. ( Fig. 1D View FIGURE 1 ).

Wing. Forewings with three submarginal cells, SMC2 receiving crossvein 1m-cu at basal 0.63, SMC3 receiving crossvein 2m-cu at basal 0.6 ( Fig. 1E View FIGURE 1 ); SMC2 on vein RS much shorter than its length on vein M ( Fig. 1E View FIGURE 1 ); SMC3 strongly narrowed above and forming triangle, petiolate, petiole length 0.25–0.5 × height of SMC3; pterostigma small, ratio of its length to 2r-rs = 1:3; ratio of SMC2 to SMC3 on vein M = 1:1 ( Fig. 1E View FIGURE 1 ); ratio of length of marginal cell to distance from tip of marginal cell to wing tip = 1:2; hindwing crossvein cu-a arcuate or curved, vein M and vein cu-a of hindwing coincides at intersection of vein M + CuA ( Fig. 1E View FIGURE 1 ).

Legs. Fore legs without tarsal comb; orbiculae ca. 0.33 × as long as tarsal claws; orbicular pecten dense and long, about 0.5 × length of tarsal claw; all tibiae, mid and hind basitarsi with long, blue-black metallic luster spines; all tarsomere 5 beneath with a median row of spines; long spur of hind tibia 0.75 × as long as basitarsus; ratio of hind tibia length to hind tibia longer spur at apex and tergum 1 = 9:5:6.

Metasoma. Not petiolate, subfusiform ( Fig. 1F View FIGURE 1 ); apical sternum strongly compressed laterally, with distinct longitudinal ridge ventrally ( Fig. 1G View FIGURE 1 ).

Male. Similar to female except as follows: body length 6.2–11 mm; forewing length 5.5–9.2 mm ( Fig. 2A View FIGURE 2 ). Scape with triangular yellowish white spot below, flagellum ventrally more or less reddish brown on at least first three segments ( Fig. 2D View FIGURE 2 ); metasomal tergum 7 white, some specimens with white maculate on hind tibia dorsally, and its spur white. Base half of sterna 1–3, terga 2–4 largely with broad band of bluish-gray pubescence; hind coxa dorsally with squamiform pubescence. OOD:OD:POD:OCD= 9:4.5:11:10 ( Fig. 2C View FIGURE 2 ); antenna stout and long, A5–13 obviously serrated, flagellum strongly crenulate basally, above with large shallow depression ( Fig. 2D View FIGURE 2 ); vertex slightly protruding between top of eyes; LID:MID:UID = 37:46:40 ( Fig. 2B View FIGURE 2 ); UID equal to length of A3 and A4 combined; length of A1 A2:A3:A4:A5:A8:A12:A13 = 10:3:8:10:10:9:7:8; ratio of length of A3 to AW of A3 =2:1; ratio of length of A13 to BW of A13 = 10:3. Ratio of width of pronotum posteriorly to length of pronotum medially = 2:1; ratio of length of metanotum to metapostnotum at middle = 4:1; propodeum with declivity at its posterior, about 0.2 × length of propodeum ( Fig. 2E View FIGURE 2 ). Metasomal sternum 6 prominent in angular shape laterally, forming V shape medially. All tarsomere 5 without median row of spines ventrally.

SGP and genitalia. In ventral view ( Fig. 2G View FIGURE 2 ), SGP nearly truncate or slightly arched at apical margin, with dense, black setae, translucent from base to middle area; digitus strongly enlarged apically, with irregular, dense and long black setae at apex and base; paramere short, feathery, as long as digitus, with short setae at inner side, apex of aedeagus with distinct, band-like and transparent membrane, length equal to aedeagus ( Fig. 2H, I View FIGURE 2 ).

Comparison. The new species is similar to P. alienus ( Smith, 1879) in having the following characteristics: hind femur and hind tibia black; ocelli forming a right-angled triangle ( Fig. 1C View FIGURE 1 ); SMC3 strongly narrowed above and forming triangle, petiolate; hindwing vein M+CuA diverging at cu-a ( Fig. 3F View FIGURE 3 ); SGP nearly truncate or slightly arched at apical margin; but markedly differs by the characters given in the Table 1.

Distribution. China (Yunnan, Hainan, Guangdong).

Etymology. The name pilisquamatus originates from the Latin word “pil”(= pubescence) and “squamatus” (= squamiform), referring to squamiform pubescence on the metasomal terga 1–3.


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